Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 346: It's definitely not a dream


Chu Shaoyang slowly put down the ointment in his hand, stood in front of the bed and stared at her sleeping face, with no expression on her handsome features.

After a long time, he opened the door and walked out.

In the yard, Mrs. Chen's hair was disheveled, her face was full of tears, and her butt was beaten to pieces. When she saw Chu Shaoyang, she immediately shook into chaff.

"Go in and serve your concubine well. If anything happens to her or the child in her belly, I won't be so polite next time."

After Chu Shaoyang finished speaking coldly, the corners of his robe flew up and he left without looking back.

Mrs. Chen inexplicably ate twenty plates. She originally thought that her plan had failed and she would die, but she didn't know that things were not at all what she thought.

Judging from the prince's tone, it is clear that he still loves and cares about the second young lady!

Could it be that... the prince knows nothing at all

She reluctantly entered Shen Biyun's room and found that Shen Biyun was sleeping soundly on the bed, with a layer of ointment evenly applied on his red, swollen and bruised face, and the unused ointment was placed beside the pillow in front of the bed.

She was even more confused.

Could it be that the prince applied the medicine on the second lady’s face? If the prince knew what he and the second lady had done, he would have ordered both of them to be executed. How could he give the medicine to the second lady

And looking at the corners of the second lady's mouth turned up, she was obviously having a sweet dream.

Yes, the prince really didn’t know!

Mrs. Chen patted her chest and breathed a long sigh of relief.


After Chu Shaoyang left Zuihua Pavilion, he called the captain of the secret guard and gave a few instructions in a low voice. The captain of the secret guard followed the order and left.

For the next whole day, he stayed alone in the study room in Taohuawu without leaving.

Until nightfall, the candles in the room were lit, and he sat alone under the lamp, meditating silently.

Waiting until the third watch of the drum, he suddenly fluttered his robe and jumped out of the window.

The moonlight was melting and the flower shadows were silent. He stood under a peach blossom tree, and a beautiful and charming face appeared in front of his eyes. Today, at the bottom of the cold and deep lake, when he was struggling in despair and death, he saw it again. Got to her.

His consciousness had fallen into a semi-conscious state at the time, but before he passed out, he clearly remembered holding her hand!

But when he woke up, she was gone again.

"It's not a dream! That's definitely not a dream!"

Chu Shaoyang gritted his teeth and muttered to himself. He suddenly used Qinggong and ran towards Liuyunxuan under the moonlight.

"Who is it! Stop!"

Before he reached the door of Liuyunxuan, he suddenly heard a deep shout behind him, followed by a sharp palm wind hitting his back.

Chu Shaoyang waved his robe sleeves and released his palm power.

He turned around, and the faint moonlight shone on his cold, proud and handsome face.

"This subordinate deserves to die. I didn't know that the prince was here and offended him. Please forgive me." The black-clothed secret guard immediately fell to his knees, trembling with fear.

"You did a great job, get down there."

Chu Shaoyang surprisingly did not get angry and waved his hand calmly.

The black-clothed secret guard's back was wet with cold sweat, and he quickly retreated and merged into the darkness again.

Chu Shaoyang's eyes flashed, his figure erratic, and he entered Liuyunxuan like a shadow.

He came to the window of Shen Ning's room with ease and saw that there was no candle light in the room, thinking that the person inside had fallen asleep.

He quietly opened a window and quietly jumped into the room.