End of Century

Chapter 1: The end is coming


The author has something to say: Good morning babies! The new pit is officially opened today! The main theme of the end of the world that the author Jun likes very much, I hope everyone will like it when reading the article.

[Countdown to the end of the world—02:36:09]

The sound of the motor pierced the dull darkness, and the two dazzling headlights under the flickering street lights illuminated the road ahead. Hou Ying made a circle, smashed the navigation interface angrily, and cursed: "Fuck, shit How dare you say that German imports are not as good as domestic products, and I will smash them all when I go back!"

He has been going round and round on this road for nearly an hour. The sweet girl's voice in the navigation tells him to turn left for a while, then turn right for a while, and turn him back to the original place after turning around.

Hou Ying, who considers herself to be patient, became impatient.

There is usually a lot of traffic on this national highway. I don’t know what happened today. He hasn’t seen a car after walking for so long. Even the street lights are up and down. In the dead of night, I had to be scared out of my wits. The sweet soft voice in the navigation was still persistent, so he turned off the navigation angrily, planning to drive directly by looking at the street signs, regardless of which section would have a speed limit camera.

After another session, a call came in.

Hou Ying pressed the answer button, and the chaotic sound of electricity pierced the eardrum. Hou Ying's scalp went numb, and she cursed, "What the hell are you doing, Yaoji!"

He missed a street sign in a flash, and he couldn't turn back to look at it. He frowned at the fork in the road, and intuitively chose a small right turn. Only a few tens of meters ahead, a block of street lights suddenly went out, and at the same time, a voice of howling ghosts and wolves suddenly sounded—



Hou Ying shivered in fright, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly passed through a camera. He cursed angrily, how many points would he have to buy along the way to keep his driver's license! The cries in the car lingered endlessly, and it was a horror movie to hear it on this kind of highway where no one could find a way out.

Hou Ying's temples were throbbing, and the superimposed negative emotions were about to explode, but he still took a few deep breaths, suppressed his temper and asked, "Ji Yao, what's the matter with you, I'm driving, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

Ji Yao's voice was intermittent, and even though he was struggling to hear it, he could still hear the reason why the other party was heartbroken: Ya was sent flying by his wife!

As soon as Hou Ying heard this, she simply stopped at the emergency parking belt ahead and said, "Where are you following?"

I don't know if it was because he stopped at the right place, but Ji Yao's voice became clear this time, "Monkey, he, he wants to break up with me..." Ji Yao came back and forth with only this sentence, Hou Ying roared a few times before After asking for his address, he said, "Wait, I'll ask Xiao He to take you back. Be honest and don't commit any civil or criminal crimes. I'm far from being able to save you now that the Emperor Tiangao is far away!"

Hou Ying didn't give him the comfort he wanted, and he didn't know what to do with the people who couldn't go to the village or shop at night.

So he hung up the phone and called his nephew Wang Hehe, telling him to hurry and bring Ji Yao back who was in a mess. Wang Hehe just got off work and went from house to house and was exhausted, so Hou Ying had no choice but to tell Ji Yao's family ugliness to gain sympathy.

Wang Hehe heard that he was dumped by the person he had been with for six years, and he didn't dare to have another word if he was looking for a life.

Hou Ying cut back the phone and told Ji Yao a few words, nothing more than telling him not to cause trouble and wait for his nephew to take him away in peace.

After solving this matter, Hou Ying will drive again. After driving for three kilometers, he saw a road sign that said [100KM to the left of Hucheng, 137KM to the right of Haicheng], which were completely opposite to the Yecheng he was going back to.

Hou Ying cursed hell, and hurriedly stepped on the brakes. He couldn't believe it when he got off the car and turned his head to look at the road. The few street lights were dim and unclear, but he could vaguely see that he seemed to have turned a 360-degree bend and turned back to the original place!

Hou Ying was a little discouraged by repeated desperation. He had walked this section of the national highway no less than 20 times earlier, but it turned out to be a bad way today. He had no choice but to call the company's employees for help. But after changing a few numbers, all the calls were busy, and he felt like he was abandoned by the whole world.

Sitting back in the car tiredly, he lay down on the steering wheel for a while, then regrouped and drove forward again.

He must have been unlucky today.

When I went to Jiangcheng to discuss cooperation, I ran into an employee jumping off a building of the other company without even saying a few words about the business, and then encountered an employee riot. Those employees who have never been deducted from wage arrears don’t know what group has the mood of the newspaper, shouting and killing, even he and the assistant driver suffered disaster, but fortunately he was clever and hid in the toilet so he didn’t behave like the assistants and the others. Was beaten to the hospital.

He had an important meeting tomorrow morning, and that's why he left his assistant and driver at Jiangcheng Hospital to return alone. Unexpectedly, luck never comes singly.

After a while, Wang Hehe called to tell him that he had successfully brought Ji Yao home. Before Hou Ying could breathe a sigh of relief, she listened to her nephew and questioned: "Old uncle, why did I hear Yaoji say that you gave him 200,000 yuan to buy a house to coax him into a partner? You didn't mean you moved your own wedding house down payment." Bar?"

Hou Ying secretly thought something was wrong, Ji Yao couldn't control his mouth after drinking, and couldn't hide a word with his mouth full of blind BB!

He had no choice but to say: "I haven't even touched my partner's hair, and everything in the wedding room has nothing to do with it."

He originally planned to keep this money for Wang Hehe, and use it as his children's education reserve fund in the future. He really couldn't see Ji Yao being played by his partner and still not breaking up, so he lent him money to fulfill the stable home that who kept asking for it. Now it seems that this kind of retention is of no avail.

Wang Hehe sneered, "Then why did I still hear Yaoji say that you wanted to be nice to him before? You want to sleep with him and he refuses to be down there. It's an idiot? He regrets it now? What do you mean, I'm young and old Uncle, explain it to me!"

Hou Ying gave a fuck, and when he goes back, if he doesn't kill this chicken, he won't be surnamed Monkey!

"Why, have you nothing to say?" Wang Hehe said angrily, "You really are here. If I hadn't listened to Yaoji drinking and telling the truth today, I would still be foolishly looking forward to the third generation of monkeys in our family!"

"Hehe." Hou Ying laughed dryly, and begged for forgiveness: "I'm not afraid of passing on to you a non-mainstream world view."

Wang Hehe snorted, "You are so generous to him, are you still playing tricks on others?"

"That can't be done!" Hou Ying flatly denied, "Two ones won't have a good result. Besides, how can a defective product like Yaoji be worthy of me, haha."

"It's best to be like this. I don't want Yao Ji to become my aunt one day." Wang Hehe felt relieved. His old uncle is only five years older than him. He has dragged him down a lot these years, so he is looking forward to it. There is someone who can take care of his uncle, not someone like Ji Yao who is worthless and needs to be accommodated by his uncle. Thinking about it, he coughed and said, "Since that's the case, I won't hide it from you anymore."

Hou Ying's complexion changed, and she waited with bated breath for a long time before she heard Wang Hehe's sarcasm: "Now that the policy is open, we can have two children. I will be the boss first and take our old Hou's family name. You really can't rely on such an important mission as inheriting the family. Later, I will burn paper money for grandma and grandpa to ask, if they disagree with this method, I will let them talk to you alone."

Hou Ying breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that if his nephew said that he was the same as him, then he was really afraid that he would be hit by his mother and sister in doubles if he died.

Wang Hehe's exaggeratedly relieved voice couldn't hold back his laughter, but he was still a little worried and said, "Old man, you have to find someone reliable in the future. Hey, I don't know how you guys found someone. Hanging the house under his predecessor's name, the real estate certificate has not been warmed up yet, and he was kicked on the back foot, and the real estate certificate has to be counted as his own. Why do you think there are such shameless people? Yaoji is really stupid, That's how you can be deceived."

Hou Ying didn't know these details when she heard Ji Yao's nonsense before, and she frowned at this time, and said after a while: "Yaoji is stubborn, if you don't teach him a bloody lesson, he still doesn't know how to turn back. I'll talk to him about how to deal with this when I come back."

Wang Hehe glanced at Ji Yao who was crying on the sofa, but couldn't utter a second sentence.

So when he asked his old uncle where he was and when he would be home, Hou Ying had no choice but to tell him about his current situation.

Wang Hehe was taken aback when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Old man, turn around quickly, I heard from my colleagues that there was a new type of infectious disease in Hucheng, and there might have been hundreds of deaths by the time I got off work, and just Within a few hours of being infected! However, there was an earthquake in Lake City at noon, and the radio signal was cut off, so the news did not spread.”

Wang Hehe is a gifted college student. He graduated from university at the age of sixteen and still studied mathematics. Now at the age of twenty-one, he has been working in the National Academy of Sciences for almost five years. The source of the news is very reliable.

Hou Ying was also afraid after hearing this.

The uncle and nephew discussed the appalling news for a while before hanging up the phone.

Hou Ying looked at the time, it was already 11:30 in the evening, and she couldn't help feeling a little tired.

He touched the cigarette case and found that there was not much left in it, so he thought about smoking a cigarette to refresh himself, but he didn't expect that the lighter would also come to hinder him, and he couldn't afford sparks. He had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and turn back, but he didn't expect that the road became more and more confused, and many sections of the road were very strange. Hou Ying almost thought that he had encountered a ghost hitting the wall, but fortunately he drove for a while, and finally saw a sign of a service area.

The car needs gas, and he also needs to satisfy his hunger and fatigue. At least he can ask about the situation when he arrives at the service area, even if he sees a figure, it can make him feel at ease.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to be disappointed.

The time points to 23:57:07, the service area is brightly lit, and there are still a few cars parked in the parking lot, but strangely, there is no sound at all. Hou Ying was surprised, the convenience store in the service area is open 24 hours, and there are still these car owners, so it shouldn't be so quiet.

After grabbing her mobile phone and wallet, Hou Ying got out of the car and walked towards the convenience store with the door open.


"anyone there?"


Hou Ying yelled a few times, but seeing no one answered, no matter how slow she was, she felt something was wrong.

He felt that this brightly lit place was more creepy than the highway he just passed without street lights and traffic! Thinking of leaving quickly, Hou Ying took two packs of cigarettes indiscriminately, and a bag containing some bread, biscuits, drinks and a lighter. Seeing her trembling hands and disorderly behavior, he didn't come and panicked even more. Powerful, so he sped up his actions, threw a red ticket on the counter, and ran out of the convenience store.

Opening the car door, she threw a bag of things into the passenger seat in one go. Hou Ying inserted the car key and got back into the car.


The earth seemed to awaken from a deep sleep.

Hou Ying's car barely stopped at the gas station. He yelled twice and no one answered, so he swiped his card to refuel. As soon as he opened the fuel filler, he heard the sound of someone walking.

Hou Ying breathed a sigh of relief, seeing someone in the service room of the gas station knocking on the glass door, Hou Ying plugged in the fuel injection pipe, stepped forward and said, "Brother, what are you doing? I woke you up!" What’s going on here? The store is still open and there’s no one there. You guys are shooting some kind of movie, right? Like a ghost movie or something.”

As he spoke, he pulled away the people in the service room, and the person knocking on the door in the room rushed towards him, and Hou Ying yelled in fright: "Damn! If you have something to say, buddy, you are crazy! You are a dog! Fuck, you really bite, damn it!"

Hou Ying was furious, clutching her bitten neck and angrily kicked the figure away. Didi’s oil-full reminder sounded, and Hou Ying didn’t want to stay for a second. Seeing the man getting up from the ground, he still wanted to do something. Open the door and leave quickly.

The engine sounded, and before Hou Ying stepped on the accelerator, he saw more and more people walking towards him in twos and threes. Hou Ying rolled down the car window and told them to go away, but these people seemed to be dumb, and they all looked at him without speaking. . Hou Ying felt her hairs stand on end, and was about to step on the accelerator when a person threw herself on the hood of his car, and someone tried to poke her head in through the window.

It was the one who bit him just now!

Hou Ying was furious, "I'm sick! Do you want to rob?! Or do you want to fight?!"

Hou Ying was so angry that she pushed the car door open, and the next moment, those slow-moving people rushed towards him like they were being wound up—

The scream seemed to be a signal that the new species came to the world and began to enjoy their delicious food, until he lost his life and became his own kind—

The end of the world, the beginning!

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