End of Century

Chapter 10: Metal Zombie


After expelling the zombies, there was less difficulty in picking up the car. Fortunately, they found a large heavy truck in the factory, and there was more than one!

It's a pity that they only have seven people at all times. It is risky to keep a container of supplies, and they don't have the appetite to swallow this pie if they want to make it bigger.

Use a crane to put the large container on the heavy truck. This container, which is larger than the average single apartment, makes Hou Ying feel at ease—they will at least go to Yecheng together, and the part of the materials he can share is enough for him and Wang He He Ji Yaosan It took me a long time personally.

As long as the forklift is put in the container, the task of picking up the car will be a perfect success, but Li Xuanyuan and Qiao Daye seem to be in no hurry to leave.

After seeing Li Xuanyuan instructed Qiao Daye to drive the armored vehicle again, and loaded the two heavy-duty motors that they saw when they were walking around the factory with a forklift, and he himself used the automated assembly line to cut a lot of steel and send it to the armored vehicle. After getting into the container, and then dismantled the main board display of the computer controlled by the assembly line, and even unceremoniously disassembled and loaded the tire and motor of the heavy truck that could not be taken away, Hou Ying turned her face away and said silently: He I misunderstood Jiang Tao before, this guy is clearly the one who crossed the border with locusts!

This trip can be regarded as a rewarding experience!

Seeing the sky was still early and the space available in the containers and armored vehicles, Hou Ying said itchy: "Go down the main road, about two streets away, and there is a fuel plant. I heard that the benefits have been good in the past few years, and there should be some Lots of finished fuel."

Hou Ying dropped out of high school and came out to work very early. Before jumping to a game company, he worked in a machinery factory for several years, and followed his master to almost all the heavy factories within the radiation range of the economic center of Cannes. Over the years, I still pay close attention to the business status of these regular customers, and I will send some gift boxes and call to greet them during the holidays. Over the past few years, they have developed some friendship with each other, and they will brag and show off to each other when they win any big business. Although the words are not true, they are not all fools anyway.

Originally, he wanted to mention this matter last night, after all, fuel is too important to them. But after Qiao Daye brought up the status quo of the evolution of zombie abilities, he resolutely gave up this idea.

After all, even the best things have to be enjoyed with life. He has already seen that these soldiers have courage and appetite. If he said it last night, they would still take the risk under unknown circumstances. If the bamboo basket fetches water in vain, it will not only affect people's emotions, but if unnecessary casualties are added, he, Hou Ying, will be incompetent in this team.

I just didn't expect that the task of picking up the car went so smoothly.

Now that he came this trip, Hou Ying didn't want to let this great opportunity slip away. Anyway, he was not greedy, and if he didn't evacuate the fuel plant, the risk would not be that great.

He and Li Xuanyuan discussed how to get there on the map, and circled the approximate location of the factory building with the newly added automatic conveying line that the boss mentioned on the phone. It’s too simple, this oil plant is different from the steel plant, the driveway is narrow and only the entrance and exit are connected. And open flames are prohibited here, in case of an accident, none of us can escape.”

Qiao Daye interrupted his chatter, and said: "Don't worry monkey, our soldiers are the most disciplined, and we will definitely listen to your words and stop in moderation."

Finally, it was agreed that the heavy truck would be driven to the exit road first, Hou Ying would stay behind, and Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan would drive the armored vehicle into the factory building and leave after loading.

The three of them kept in touch via Bluetooth, reporting each other's situation every ten minutes. Hou Ying could always hear two voices when they spoke. The effect of simultaneous sound transmission, but only almost.

With Hou Ying's current hearing ability, the conversation between the two people hundreds of meters away could be heard clearly, but he didn't dare to take off the earphones, as they did not confront the zombies in the fuel factory head-on to drive them away. For the Lord, relax a little.

"Arrive at the destination."

Having said that, Qiao Daye blew a whistle, and turned the dagger in his hand—they in the fuel factory didn't dare to shoot, so they changed their weapons.

"We're getting rich!" Knowing that Hou Ying outside couldn't see the situation, Qiao Daye was happy to share it and said pleasantly: "They are planning to deliver the goods, and they are all packaged ready-made goods! According to visual estimates, there are at least ten tons of them. Hey, what a pity. We can only take a little away." His tone was very regretful, wishing he could empty everything he saw in front of him.

Hou Ying knew that he was well-mannered and didn't talk clichés, and when he heard that when he moved the boxes, he found that the labor wasted too much, so she asked Li Xuanyuan to start the automatic transportation line, and happily raised the armored car compartment to a certain height, and transported the boxes together. Butt with travel. He also said rather proudly: "Let's call it a homecoming—fuck!"

Hou Ying was startled by the sudden swearing before she finished laughing! I only heard a few rustling sounds inside, like the sound of metal hitting the concrete floor, accompanied by the harsh sound of heavy metal being dragged out on the ground and the sound of sparks rising.

Hou Ying's scalp tightened, and Qiao Daye yelled: "Stop him and stop getting angry! Xuanyuan, kill him first!"


There was the sound of being heavily bumped, accompanied by the ejection of sparks.

The situation at the scene was even more tense than Hou Ying imagined! The tall zombies were at least two meters tall, and they came towards Li Xuanyuankan with a "giant axe" in their hands - the handle of the ax was taller than the zombies, and the ax head was as thick as the upper body of an adult.

The tall zombie stared at Li Xuanyuan closely, as if annoyed by the first blow he dodged just now and chased after him, but just glanced lightly at Qiao Daye who was running around—as if he had already seen the two pieces of raw meat in front of him. With the definition, one is the vent product that is about to be chopped up by him, and the other is his food.

He looked down again with the axe, and smashed the console into pieces, the wires inside suddenly sprang out, bouncing with sparks!

The two were frightened, fearing that the burning wires would fall to the ground and detonate the entire warehouse. It's too late to say it! A vine suddenly sprang out from Li Xuanyuan's sleeve, tightly entangled the sparking wire, and there was a smell of burnt plants in an instant, the vine kept struggling, but Li Xuanyuan forcefully ordered to entangle the spark.


Just as Li Xuanyuan summoned vines to put out the fire, within a breathless time, the "giant ax" aimed at Li Xuanyuan fell from the sky again!

Qiao Daye exploded his potential at the critical moment, he moved faster than his voice, and immediately threw Li Xuanyuan a few meters away. The voice fell to the ground, followed by a loud crack! It turned out that the zombies completely cut off the conveyor belt next to Li Xuanyuan's position just now!

They looked sideways, and all of them shrank their eyes, because they could see very clearly. Under the violent impact, the ax suddenly spread out, and then returned to its original shape in an instant!

Metal abilities!

The two were shocked.

Qiao Daye grabbed Li Xuanyuan to dodge, and they finally found out that the tall zombie didn't have the flexibility of Kan's axe, but what he relied on to drive the axe was his supernatural power. The ax kept attacking from where he was staring at the two pieces of raw meat. The zombie seemed to be integrated with the metal on the giant axe. Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan were very embarrassed to dodge it so fast.

Qiao Daye said quickly: "Xuanyuan, you go first, I will deal with him."


Li Xuanyuan roared, and hundreds of vines suddenly sprouted to wrap around the giant axe.

Qiao Daye knew that this was the limit of what Li Xuanyuan's wood-type abilities could do, and the giant ax did pause for a moment—Qiao Daye, who cooperated with Li Xuanyuan tacitly, also rushed towards the zombie at the fastest speed ! But before his dagger pierced the zombie's eyebrows, a sharp iron rod suddenly separated from the handle of the giant axe and stabbed at his eyes!

Almost at the same time, all the vines on the giant ax were cut off!

Li Xuanyuan opened his eyes wide and let out an angry roar, suddenly a dozen or so vines sprung up to entangle Qiao Dayo who was about to smash into the wall after bouncing off quickly.

Although the vines of the voice of the heart were cut off again by the raging zombies with metal, the momentary buffer allowed Qiao Daye to avoid the injury of his spleen and bone rupture when he fell heavily on the wall. But even so, Qiao Daye's shoulder was pierced by the sharp iron rod that he couldn't avoid, and the blood soaked Qiao Daye's shoulder, his face was pale.

Li Xuanyuan made a quick decision, immediately gave up his plan to fight the zombies, sacrificed countless vines, pulled Qiao Daye back to his side, and ran out of the factory as fast as he could!

But no matter how fast he was, it couldn't be faster than the ability manipulation of zombies!

Qiao Dayo was in unbearable pain, but his five senses did not degenerate. He heard sharp metal objects piercing through the air. In his eyes, the sharp metal objects stabbed at them in slow motion. In fact, only when he could not breathe Time has reached before his eyes—

Puff puff puff!

The fine and dense net of vines suddenly blocked Qiao Daye's face, Li Xuanyuan carried him for two more steps, and suddenly fell to the ground!

Qiao Daye opened his eyes wide. It turned out that at the very moment, Li Xuanyuan's speed of spawning vines exceeded the limit, causing the vines to split and grow new vines to form a net-like shield. And the toughness of the vines has sharpened, although they are still cut by the metal, they have already blocked the sharp weapon from the acceleration. However, his ability was limited after all, so he instinctively protected the seriously injured Qiao Daye, but he couldn't completely cover himself in time, and several blood holes were pierced in several places on his body.

Even so, his eyes did not show weakness at all, and he stubbornly summoned vines to form a shield in front of them.

Qiao Daye gritted his teeth fiercely, pushed his speed to the limit, grabbed Li Xuanyuan and suddenly flashed a few meters away.

The smell of fresh blood stimulated the berserk zombies in the warehouse, and also attracted countless zombies in the fuel plant. They stepped out of the warehouse thinking they could finally escape, and immediately fell into the siege of zombies!

At that moment, Qiao Daye thought that he was doomed, but suddenly vines surrounded his body, blocking the zombie's sharp claws.

Li Xuanyuan, who was already powerless to follow up, shouted in his ear: "Hurry up, leave me alone!"