End of Century

Chapter 102: City engulfed


At dawn, the sea finally returned to calm, and the raging flood was also weakened by the ebb tide, and slowly fell back down.

The crowd cheered and cheered, and the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe made them scream wildly, cry and laugh.

After the water level had dropped by half and it was confirmed that there was no danger of the tide returning, everyone quickly packed up their things and headed to the commanding heights where the large army was located under the order conveyed by the voice diffuser.

Naturally, there was joy after the meeting. As the current managers, Duan Yin and Xuanyuan Zhen didn't bother them, and properly arranged the check-in and protection matters, as well as the distribution of supplies, and they came to the big truck where Li Hou's team was.

The atmosphere inside the truck is completely different from the relaxed and cheerful outside, but instead reveals a heaviness that makes people unable to laugh.

"What happened?"

Xuanyuan Zhen and Duan Yin looked at each other, and the smiles on their faces disappeared without a trace.

With a bitter face, Qiao Daye said in a stiff voice, "Brother Hou said that there is only one possibility for the sixth-level zombie creatures to cease."

—A level-six mutated creature of the same kind appeared that could fight against it.

Xuanyuan Zhen: "..."

Duan Yin: "..."

The two gasped, and the joy of fighting the tsunami and saving the base instantly froze into ice. The two of them sat down solemnly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Hou Ying took the lead and said: "Even if the tsunami recedes, the original base cannot go back. This time the situation will happen once, and there will be another time. Right now we are temporarily living here, but it is not a place to stay for a long time. We need to rebuild the Pearl River As for the base, it must be on a sufficiently high terrain and have a sufficient buffer distance from the coast. We have limited supplies now, so you should have contacted the Yellow River base. The people from the Yellow River base should have been here for a while. "

Duan Yin: "I confirm that it has been sent successfully."

Xuanyuanzhen: "Oops! They will definitely go to the original site of the Pearl River base. If they find that it is swallowed by sea water, I don't know how anxious they will be. We have to find a way to tell them our location."

Hou Ying reassured: "This is not difficult, don't worry."

Li Xuanyuan stood up and went out with Jiang Tao to emit smoke and reflect light signals. When he came back, he brought back the miniature satellite receiving station that Xuanyuan Zhen had brought out from the villa.

The electric sound of "Zizizizi" kept ringing, and a few minutes later, an urgent voice came in.

"This is the Yellow River Base Search and Rescue Team! This is Li Han! Please answer!"

Li Xuanyuan responded a few times, wondering if there was too much signal interference, Li Han kept repeating this question and did not hear his voice.

"Mr. Li, smoke was found in the direction of nine o'clock! Suspected survivors lit the distress signal!"

"Then what are you waiting for?! Drive over immediately!"

The voice from Li Han's side came unobtrusively, and when he arranged for the march, he once again paged the channel that he had finally connected to without giving up.

"This is the Yellow River Base Search and Rescue Team! This is Li Han! Please answer!"

I don't know how many times it was repeated, Li Xuanyuan's voice finally came through smoothly: "...Can I see you?"

"I can hear you! I heard it! Xiao Li, is that you, Xiao Li?! Answer me!"

Li Han asked in disbelief, he was afraid that he was expecting too much and causing hallucinations in his ears.

Li Xuanyuan gave him an affirmative answer: "Dad, it's me. My sister and I are fine, Hou Ying and the others are by our side, the Pearl River base has been transferred, and there are not many casualties... Hey, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, I'm listening."

Li Han's throat was choked up, and his heavy nasal voice all showed that this man who was always calm and self-possessed in front of his children was crying.

Li Xuanyuan was stunned, and Xuanyuan Zhen couldn't help but interjected: "Dad! I'm Xiaozhen! My brother and I are fine. Don't cry, you received our smoke signal, that's where we are! We Here you can only access the signal but not send it, you should report to your mother that it is safe, otherwise she will be in a hurry."

Only then did Li Han remember: "Don't cut it off, I'll go right away!"

A complex sound came, and it could be seen that the people over there were in a hurry.

A quarter of an hour later, the plane circled the temporary residence of the survivors of the Zhujiang Base. Li Han couldn't wait for them to find the landing point, so he parachuted down first. Up to this moment, he still hadn't calmed down his excitement, and took the initiative to take his children into his arms very rarely, and held them for a long time before he was willing to let go.

"Stinky girl, brat! You almost scared me to death!"

He cursed lightly, then looked at Hou Ying and Duan Yin who were beside them, nodded his respects and stopped being polite.

A group of people walked to the truck where Li Hou's team lived. Along the way, Li Han asked about the situation of the tsunami. Although they knew that the tsunami had receded, they did not elaborate on the hardships and dangers at that time. Li Han could also imagine life and death. horrific sight.

The high slope where the earth wall was built was already twenty kilometers away from the coastline, which was simply impossible before the end of the world.

But this tsunami was not caused by an earthquake, but a battle caused by the unbalanced abilities of sea zombie creatures and mutant creatures after the appearance of level 6 zombie creatures. Level 4 abilities are enough to cause large-scale damage, and more Not to mention fifth-level and sixth-level abilities. If it is an attack-type ability, the lethality it causes is no less than a magnitude 10 earthquake!

"Not only in the sea, but those supernatural creatures washed up by the sea and the creatures on the seaside will also cause battles. This is the reason why the waves continue to spread on the land." Hou Ying pieced together based on some trivial voices she heard. In the past 21 hours, the real situation of this battle for marine life will only be more cruel and intense than what he described.

Li Han said: "I have already seen the original site of the Pearl River base. It was still a vast ocean an hour ago, and only a few building spiers could be seen. Even in such a high water depth, there is still a strong blood color that has not been diluted... The casualties of marine life are very high."

Qiao Daye exclaimed in shock: "If I remember correctly, the tallest building near the base is four to five hundred meters high!"

Li Han nodded, "It has been completely swallowed up. I am afraid that even if the tide ebbs, there will be nothing left there. Maybe the coastline will recede just like that."

It's only ten kilometers away from the base, which isn't too far away. They had been chasing the high ground to search all the way before. If they hadn't looked in the wrong direction at the beginning, it wouldn't have taken so long to find them. In other words, the distance from the coastline here is far from safe enough.

Everyone had a more tangible experience of the marine life war that Hou Ying said.

No amount of imagination is enough to describe the tragic situation of being able to submerge several kilometers of land along the coast in a water depth of 400 meters.

"Before you said that Duan Yin and Xiao Zhen would stay here permanently in the future. Now that the Pearl River Base has been destroyed, what is your next plan?"

Li Han asked, telling everyone with his earnest and gentle eyes that the father, who had just escaped from the panic, hoped that they could return to his wing and merge the Pearl River base into the Yellow River base.

Duan Yin looked at Xuanyuanzhen who was bowing his head in thought, and said, "Uncle, I still want to stay here."

Xuanyuanzhen nodded: "Dad, the Pearl River Base is necessary for its existence, and we cannot abandon this place."

Seeing Li Han frowning, Duan Yin explained to Li Han the strategic significance of the Pearl River Base, which was inconvenient to elaborate on in the communication.

The first is the climate here.

Compared with the low temperature of minus 30 degrees in the other three major bases, this place has gradually stabilized at minus 15 degrees, which can be called a warm zone. And a hot weather that has already been experienced proves that the temperature here is only one or two degrees higher than the other three major bases during the hot season. If there is no trouble with marine life, this is definitely the most livable place among the four major bases .

The second is the crystal nucleus value of marine organisms.

"According to our contact during this period of time, although zombie marine creatures have more five-element abilities related to water, they also have endless special abilities. Moreover, the base of zombie creatures is very large, even if they are rare creatures with abilities. It will be less than tens of thousands. Uncle, you should know what this means for special abilities who cannot be upgraded through zombie crystal nuclei."

Having explained these two points, Li Han already understood Duan Yin's determination to establish a base here.

He said seriously: "Tell me about your plan."

Duan Yin: "I have some preliminary ideas in my mind, and I still need to deliberate and discuss them. The base needs to be rebuilt, and the location must be high enough but not too far away from the coastline. The five elements, crystal cores, and materials are the current situation. The urgently needed part. When the base is rebuilt, management will be traceable. In addition to dealing with zombies, the Pearl River Base will focus on marine life. Whether it is mutant creatures or zombie creatures."

"Previously, Hou Ying and I had several discussions and decided on a multi-layer protective wall strategy. Although it was killed by this tsunami, the concept is correct and the approach is feasible. The protective wall must be rebuilt at the base."

While talking, he observed the expressions of Li Han and Hou Ying, and seeing that they were calm, he felt a little uncertain.

After all, the tone of what he said now is more like a plan than a plan, and it is not enough to move people's hearts.

When he stopped, Hou Yingcai said: "The Pearl River area is a plain, and those with a terrain of more than 300 meters are very far away from the coast. I think the area where we are stationed now has a terrain of between 200 and 300 meters. The mountain is a rare high-lying area nearby. Instead of looking for distance, I suggest that you consider this place.”

Duan Yin: "But now the tsunami caused by level 6 creatures has flooded here. If it is level 7, level 8 or even higher in the future, this place will fall sooner or later."

"So," Hou Ying raised the corners of her mouth, "Now you need earth-type supernatural powers, the more the better."

Duan Yin was stunned for a moment, Li Han had already said: "What Xiaohou means is to let the earth-type supernatural powers increase the terrain to artificially increase the altitude of the base?"

Seeing Hou Ying nodding with a smile, Li Han breathed a sigh of relief, patted his shoulder and said, "Your idea is very good."

With Hou Ying around, he could feel more at ease with these children. After discussing for a few more words, he didn't participate any more, and got up directly and said, "The Yellow River base is not peaceful now, I'll go back first, and when you discuss the specific regulations, report the required manpower and material resources to me for arrangement."

Xuanyuan Zhen: "Dad, it's already this time, after lunch—"


Li Han's eyes slid from his daughter's face to the sky, and he said with a gloomy tone: "Some people, it's time to quiet them down."