End of Century

Chapter 107: pearl energy


Neither Hou Ying nor Dongfang Bai could absorb the energy of the pearl, and Liu Zhan and others could not absorb it either. Like Dongfang Bai, they couldn't even feel the energy contained in the pearl.

Liu Zhan thought: "Could it be because the energy here is equivalent to the energy of the fifth-level zombie crystal nucleus, except for Brother Hou, only Xuanyuan has broken through the fifth level, so he can absorb it?"

Jiang Tao: "But Brother Hou is already a sixth-level power user. He can feel the energy in the pearl, but he can't absorb it. Instead, Xuanyuan absorbs it as soon as he touches it. Is this normal?"

Without waiting for others to express their opinions, Qiao Daye couldn't help but said: "It doesn't matter if he is normal or not, let's find some fourth-level and third-level pearls and come back to have a look!"

He hit the nail on the head.

Hou Ying originally planned to ask Dongfang Bai to take Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan to check the nearby fourth-level and third-level areas to see if there were any pearl-producing mussels, but then she thought, what if she encountered only a special mutant scallop? However, if they fainted from the zombie mussels, they might be misled and infected with the zombie virus, so they simply got on the plane and temporarily put down their work to find the mussels.

The color of the scallops is very eye-catching. Along the way, they encountered some blackened or dark river mussels and pearl oysters.

And when the first third-grade pearl was obtained, this time, except for Hou Ying, everyone else easily absorbed the energy contained in the pearl through touch.

"Really, really no feeling of impurities."

Liu Zhan was full of excitement, and he handed the pearl to Jiang Tao who was beside him. They also found out that as long as they touched the pearl, it would not refuse anyone, and would allow those who touched it to absorb its treasured energy. Jiang Tao, Ji Yao and the others also confirmed this point, and when the pearl reached Wu Nan, he was so shocked that he couldn't let go, and said incoherently: "Brother Monkey! Brother Monkey! It, it is amazing!"

Li Dong couldn't resist reaching out to "catch" the pearl in Wu Nan's hand. When he absorbed the energy in the pearl, he showed the same shocked and excited expression as Wu Nan.

"You should speak clearly."

Zhou Tianyi and Gao Xiaoming said angrily, urging them to pass on the pearl for them to touch. Even Ye Huizhong stared at the pearl curiously. Wu Nan and Li Dong seemed to be offering pearls into their hands. Both of them were stunned, and then excitedly asked Ye Huizhong to reach out, and the five of them were holding pearls the size of leather balls with each other. Shock.

Hou Ying and the others originally thought that these five young people had never seen the world, but seeing that even Ye Huizhong, who was the most stable, was too shocked to speak, they wondered, "What's wrong?"

Wu Nan swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother Hou, I don't know if it's my illusion, but I feel so hot right now..."

"It's not an illusion, I'm hot too."

Li Dong had a dreamy expression on his face.

Jiang Tao patted his head impatiently, "Speak well, speak clearly, don't dream!"

It was Ye Huizhong who recovered his voice and said, "Brother Monkey, I think the energy in the pearl has a special ability. It is purifying my energy. No, no, it should be said that it is the energy impurities absorbed before purifying me!"

"That's right! That's how it feels!"

"What Ah Hui summed up is exactly what I want to say!"

Wu Nan and Li Dong agreed. Zhou Tianyi held back his voice and said, "It seems... that we have absorbed it."

Gao Xiaoming: "..."

The five young people, like those who did not let go after panning for gold, finally realized that they were holding on to the pearls belatedly. In the freshness and excitement, they absorbed all the remaining energy in the pearls, leaving nothing to the seniors.

Of course Hou Ying didn't care about these things, what he cared about was Ye Huizhong's words, and asked, "Are you all sure that the energy in the pearl is purifying your energy impurities? How does it feel? Besides feeling hot, is there any discomfort? "

Wu Nan: "Brother Monkey, I feel very comfortable."

Liu Dong and the others scratched their heads, checked their physical condition and found nothing wrong. To be on the safe side, Hou Ying asked Gongsun Jing to check them, and the result was as they said.

Qiao Daye said: "I also feel that this power is very comfortable to absorb, uh...much more comfortable than zombie crystal nucleus energy."

He is the one who has the most say. He is the only person in the team who is a dual-line power user. He has absorbed the energy of the speed crystal nucleus and the five-sense crystal nucleus, as well as the special non-attribute supernatural energy transmitted by Hou Ying. This feeling of energy is more comfortable than the energy brought to him by this pearl, and even makes him feel warm.

The others shared their feelings one after another. Although they were all wondering why Hou Ying couldn't absorb the energy in the pearl, they couldn't help but have the urge to dig out the next pearl.

The pearls below are either concentrated or scattered, and should have been formed by flooding and low tide, and they were not singled out like the fifth-grade scallop before. Fortunately, none of these mutated clamshells contained pearls, and they didn't even come across a zombified clamshell during their afternoon's search.

For five hours, until the daylight became faint, they returned to their temporary destiny with unsatisfied intentions.

Along the way, they harvested seventy-nine pearls!

Seeing that they held the pearls and did not let go, the only Hou Ying who couldn't absorb it went to cook with Li Hou in her arms.

Li Hou stared at the pearl in the adult's hand, wondering what kind of toy it is and why adults like it so much. He also wanted it very much, but he quickly lost the attraction of the pearl during the kisses with Hou Ying. in the back of the head. Hou Ying was firstly afraid that he would upgrade again, and secondly, if Xuanyuan and the others could find out any side effects of the pearl's energy in time, it would be easy to deal with it. If it fell on this child, it would be terrible.

Li Xuanyuan and the others only took one fourth-grade pearl—in order to pursue fairness, they ensured that the number of fourth-grade pearls was enough for them to distribute according to their heads. , and the rest of the pearls were all left to the five people in Wunan.

If pearls really have the ability to purify energy impurities, then there is hope for them to sprint to the fourth intermediate level.

The aroma of grilled scallops was not noticed by anyone except Dongfang Bai. He happily ran to Hou Ying's side with the fourth-grade pearls that he hadn't absorbed yet, smelling it with an intoxicated look on his face. Ji Yao also moved over and asked him, "Is your waist okay?"

Waist, but the most important thing for a man, if there is something wrong, it will not affect the quality of life.

Dongfang Bai keenly grasped the deep meaning in his scrutinizing eyes, and without a word, he got up with a lower back. When he was a trainee, he specially trained dance, and he hasn't fallen behind all these years. Then he jumped up and said: "Open your dog eyes and see clearly, my waist is much stronger than yours!"

Dare to doubt his ability, which is tolerable or unbearable!

Ji Yao awkwardly pulled his eyes away from Dongfang Bai's waist, and said with a dry smile, "God, your waist is so soft..."

"Sorry you ghost!" Dongfang Bai kicked him, he had too much contact with Ji Yao's dodging eyes before the end of the world, so he said in a bad mood: "I can tell you Yaoji, don't hit me. Even if I bend, I'm the one on top!"

"Hehe, what are you talking about, I'm just fascinated by your charm, there's no other meaning."

"You have vision."

Dongfang Bai loved to hear others admit his charm, even if it was a compliment, so he immediately gave him a big smile regardless of the past.

Hou Ying kicked each of them, "Go, don't make trouble for me if you don't help."

After finally coaxing Li Hou, they came here with pearls to seduce the children, which is too rude.


Hou Ying blocked his view, Li Hou yelled twice in displeasure, and Hou Ying made him some milk powder, and then he calmed down.

They absorb the energy in the pearls very slowly. They still hold the pearls while eating, and they absorb the fourth-grade pearls after nightfall. Wu Nan and the others continued to absorb the energy of the third-grade pearls—there were still three fourth-grade pearls left, and because they could not be evenly distributed, the five young people who were modest didn't think about them.

All members of Li Hou's team held a meeting in the air-conditioned truck compartment.

The energy temptation of pearls was very strong for them, and even Liu Zhan couldn't resist suggesting to adjust the plan to hunt fourth-grade pearls.

Li Xuanyuan objected: "The most urgent task now is to replenish the energy needed for Hou Ying's upgrade. In our team, except for Wu Nan and the others who have special needs for pearls, the needs of others are not great."

Only then did they recall the fact that Hou Ying could not absorb the energy in the pearl.

Gongsun Jing: "Brother Monkey can clearly feel the energy in the pearl, why can't he absorb it? Could it be that the way to absorb it is wrong?"

"But we absorb it just by touching it—"

Gongsun Jing interrupted Dongfang Bai's words, "We can't absorb the crystal nucleus, brother monkey can just touch it directly, so God is fair. Maybe brother monkey's physique just can't directly absorb it, so special methods are needed? "

Liu Zhan: "Then what method should Brother Hou use to be able to..."

Hou Ying waved her hand and said, "Don't think about this problem yet. I'm in charge of the remaining three fourth-level pearls. Xiaoye, you, Wu Nan, and Gao Xiaoming will absorb them first. The team needs your supernatural abilities now, and we will meet them next time." I will give it to Li Dong and Xiao Zhou at the fourth level of pearls. When you feel that the process of purifying impurities has stopped, and when you feel that the energy is mild like Xuanyuan and the others, I will upgrade you."

Several people in Wunan responded quickly, and of course they obeyed Hou Ying's arrangement.

Hou Ying said with a smile: "For now, what I mean is to continue to implement our previous plan and let the team break through the fifth-level ability as soon as possible. And judging from the current situation, the fourth-level energy stored in your body is not enough , otherwise it will not be able to absorb the fifth-level pearl, so the fourth-level crystal nucleus needs a large amount."

His words made the team reunite and focus on the same target.

Seeing this, Hou Ying said some precautions. Tomorrow, he and Li Xuanyuan Dongfangbai will continue to go deep into the fifth-level area, and they will not spend time traveling back and forth every day if it is not necessary. Hou Ying didn't look at them in front of him, and he felt somewhat uneasy, so he repeatedly mentioned some words to make them pay attention.

Before falling asleep, Hou Ying couldn't help but looked in the direction of the pearls again. The energy was close at hand, and he could clearly sense how much energy was contained in these pearls.

But why, when they can all absorb it, does his ability to absorb supernatural energy with all attributes fail