End of Century

Chapter 108: Zombie Swordfish


Stepping into the level 5 area again, in the first two days, Hou Ying picked only level 5 zombie creatures to attack, and hunted seven level 5 crystal nuclei successively.

From the third day onwards, Hou Ying let go of her hands and feet, and gradually went to the polycrystalline nucleus. Of course, what she was looking for was also a fifth-level crystal nucleus, mixed with many fourth-level and third-level crystal nuclei.

At this time, they encountered a school of swordfish.

Very similar to the tropical fish brought in before, the swordfish schools floated in the air and swam spontaneously to spit out the water belt to become their new living environment. The zombie swordfish is very big. The leader of the fifth-level zombie swordfish is twelve meters long, and the long sword protruding from the upper jaw is more than five meters long. It is very sharp and can easily penetrate a grown man.

It was basically determined to be a fifth-level water-type zombie creature. He had several experiences in dealing with water-type zombie creatures. Dongfang Bai's expression was also very relaxed. Seeing the two-color swordfish with distinct black and white, Dongfang Bai whistled, "The momentum feels like a fencer, so handsome."

"Hurry up and get to work."

Hou Ying kicked him lightly, and Li Xuanyuan opened the twin banyan leaf rings. This time, Hou Ying and Dongfang Bai were the main attackers. The sixth-level metal successfully pierced into the zombie swordfish's defensive water belt. The next moment, the tail handle of the swordfish slammed, and the swordfish flew forward at an extremely fast speed, and the water flow in the air suddenly appeared Enveloping the swordfish, the water curtain behind the school of swordfish is constantly disappearing and changing, just like a gorgeous circus performance.

"Speed power!"

The Dongfangbai monster screamed, and at that moment, the fifth-level swordfish and the fourth-level, third-level and second-level swordfish separated a large distance. Dongfang Bai's metal thorns attacked the third-level zombie swordfish that fell at the end. Sure enough, after opening the distance, the third-level zombie swordfish was no longer protected by the fifth-level swordfish, allowing Dongfang Bai to attack easily. But the speed of the swordfish is too fast, his level 4 metal thorns can barely keep up with the speed of the level 3 swordfish, and the swordfish dodges it several times.

The fifth-level zombie swordfish is about to escape from Hou Ying's attack range. Li Xuanyuan is about to use vines to weave a net to block the zombie swordfish's path. He seems to have guessed what the zombie swordfish is thinking. Whichever direction to flee, he can stop it in front of it first.

Blocked by him, Hou Ying's metal thorns successfully pierced the zombie swordfish's head, but still failed to penetrate the crystal nucleus.

The eyes of the zombie swordfish turned to Hou Ying and the three of them. The blood flow from the wound on the brain continued to stain the water belt that it automatically generated. come.

Swordfish's fifth-level ability is too fast, even Hou Ying and the others can only back away from his impact. Zombie Swordfish tries to pierce the enemy. When it kept dodging and rolling on the ground, it suddenly gave up its attack and flew in the direction it fled from at first.

It turned out that all it had done before was to paralyze the nerves of Hou Ying and the three of them and look for a chance to escape again!

The sound of water waves was violently recalled, and the zombie swordfish flicked its tail and moved forward quickly, and it was about to leave these terrifying humans behind - the hope of escape was at hand!

At that moment, the sixth-level vine net that appeared out of nowhere instantly wrapped the swordfish in it!

The zombie swordfish was furious, it frantically swung its body, and the long sword successfully pierced through the fine vine net, but soon he found that he couldn't speed up. Attached to the vine net are sixth-level twin banyan leaves, which successfully absorbed the speed ability of the zombie swordfish, limiting the range of activities of the zombie swordfish in the mesh space.

The zombie swordfish flicked its long sword in panic, its slender jaw pierced through the building and caused secondary damage to the half-collapsed building affected by the tsunami, and collapsed again after repeated piercings.

"That's enough."

Hou Ying laughed. Seeing that Li Xuanyuan had netted the fourth-level zombie swordfish in the same way, the two exchanged glances. The keel stabbed in the vine net and shot towards the zombie swordfish's brain, pulling the crystal nucleus out of the swordfish's head. pick out. The fifth-level crystal nucleus fell into Hou Ying's hands along with the keel. This was the first time he had come into contact with the dual-line supernatural zombie crystal nucleus. The orange with the speed ability and the transparent toe of the five-element transparent crystal, the orange energy was intertwined in silk like Inside the translucent crystal nucleus, it looks gorgeous like a rosy cloud.

The energy touch of the crystal nucleus is also very magical. Two completely different energies are absorbed at the same time. It feels completely different from the energy he absorbs a mixed crystal nucleus at the same time. distinct.

They only carried an iron box temporarily containing the crystal nucleus, to prevent the zombie crystal nucleus from attracting a group of level 5 or level 4 zombie creatures, and the three of them could not deal with it. Hou Ying was absorbing supernatural crystal nuclei during the flying battle. Compared with storing them in an iron box, it is of course safer to store them in his body. In addition to the ability crystal nuclei other than the attributes of the team members, he will convert them into non-attribute ability energy, such as the energy of the five elements transparent crystal and the speed orange crystal, he will keep them as they are so that they can be seated.

Although they haven't found any difference between the non-attribute supernatural energy and the original supernatural supernatural energy on the supernatural beings, but they can absorb the crystal nucleus energy with the corresponding supernatural attributes in the original way, and it will never be impossible. Wrong.

He didn't participate in the battle between the fourth-level zombie creatures and the third-level zombie creatures, but was vigilant and defensive while absorbing the crystal nucleus of the five-element zombie swordfish beside Li Xuanyuan.

Li Xuanyuan has vine nets, twin banyan leaves and keel to complement each other, and he is much more capable of dealing with fourth-level zombie swordfish than Dongfang Bai, who snares third-level swordfish.

Dongfang Bai saw that the four-level crystal nuclei were sent into the iron box one by one, and he felt a little anxious. After a turn of his mind, he followed the same pattern and turned the metal into a net to imprison the zombie swordfish. Sure enough, swordfish's impact speed was buffered, and it became much easier for him to deal with it.

The first third-level crystal nucleus fell into the water, and a scene that Dongfang Bai didn't expect happened.

The swordfish who originally escaped together no longer struggled to escape, but rushed towards the third-level crystal nucleus. Their long jaw swords fought together, scrambling to be the first, and a big battle was triggered. Before Dongfang Bai took advantage of the chaos to attack, the swordfish His long sword had already pierced his companion's head, which was an annual drama of cannibalism.

When Hou Ying heard the noise, she couldn't help but said lightly to the gloating Dongfang Bai: "The energy of the crystal nucleus is about to leak."

Only then did Dongfang Bai think of this, and he quickly attacked with a group of metal thorns, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, and successfully harvested a piece of third-level crystal nucleus one after another. When he stopped, Li Xuanyuan's vine net also dispersed, and the corpse of the fourth-level zombie swordfish fell from the air, making a violent noise.

After harvesting this batch of crystal nuclei, it happened to be 4:30 in the afternoon, the sky was getting dark, and the three of Hou Ying called it a day.

After eating simple dry food, Dongfang Bai kept watch in the middle of the night.

Seeing that Hou Ying was still absorbing crystal nuclei, Li Xuanyuan sat beside him and asked, "How far is it?"

Hou Ying tilted her head and kissed him, "Soon."

In fact, there is still a certain gap. Using the energy of the fifth-level crystal nucleus to flush the seventh-level ability is the same as using the first-level crystal nucleus to flush the fourth-level ability. The energy required is far less than tens of thousands of crystal nuclei. Fortunately, they also harvested a lot of third-level and fourth-level crystal nuclei, otherwise the fifth-level zombie nuclei alone would be a drop in the bucket.

Li Xuanyuan: "Ah Zhan and the others should have gained a lot. Let's go back tomorrow, shall we?"

Hou Ying thought for a while, nodded and said, "Alright, let's take a look at Wu Nan and the others to see if their energy impurities have been removed."

"Don't rush to upgrade them, wait until you reach level seven, don't waste it."

Li Xuanyuan exhorted.

Hou Ying laughed sullenly, "Daughter-in-law, you are so virtuous and will take care of my finances for me."

Li Xuanyuan glared at him angrily, "Think before you speak, and be careful if you talk nonsense, I'll beat you until you can't get up."

Hou Ying: "I can't ask for it."

His lips were attached to Li Xuanyuan's lips, his skin was as if he was suffering from hunger and thirst, even if he was talking, he wished he could get closer to each other, even closer. Li Xuanyuan chuckled lightly, and scolded him: "Shaking m, I don't have a habit of domestic violence."

"Then I'll take advantage."

Hou Ying pressed one hand on the crystal nucleus, and the other hand went around Li Xuanyuan's neck and pressed against his profile, kissing him lingeringly.

During the days of fighting, even if the two had intimacy, it was only superficial. Hou Ying could not get satisfaction from the kiss. The wet and hot kiss snaked down Li Xuanyuan's chin, sucking Li Xuanyuan's Adam's apple and teasing him skillfully. Li Xuanyuan gasped for breath, he rubbed heavily on Hou Ying's short hair sticking to his scalp, and swallowed quickly: "Don't do it, you don't think it's dirty."

"How could I despise you."

Hou Ying simply withdrew her hand, closed the lid of the iron box, turned around and held his face and kissed him. After going out for five days, they didn't even take a bath. Even though they didn't even sweat in this winter, Li Xuanyuan still disliked him very much and forbade him to kiss with the mouth that kissed his neck. Hou Ying leaned on him, pursed her lips and asked for a kiss, her eager look was pitiful, Li Xuanyuan was amused.

"I will take over the vigil later, so stop making trouble."

He took the initiative to kiss Hou Ying's mouth, coaxing him gently in a rare tone.

Hou Ying touched his chest, followed by his organs, and said impatiently: "You don't want to? We haven't done it for almost half a month. Let's do it once. I'll watch the night."

Li Xuanyuan refused in his heart, even though his body had honestly revealed that he had the same longing for men.

"Outside, enough is enough."

Hou Ying kissed him sullenly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Anyway, Dongfang can't hear it, so leave him alone."

Li Xuanyuan's eyes were dark, he didn't listen carefully to what Hou Ying kissed whispered in his ear, he didn't hold back and threw him on the bed, Hou Ying rolled him under him excitedly.

The car shook violently.

Dongfang Bai, who was watching the night in the driver's seat: "Fuck... trough..."