End of Century

Chapter 113: Invisible Red Carp


Turtles have the habit of hibernating, and it is not impossible to hibernate peacefully at such a low temperature after zombification. The catfish is nocturnal and is lying motionless in the aquatic plants. Compared with other zombie creatures that inflate like balloons, they are relatively small in size. Even if it is a level 5 zombie catfish, it can barely be seen in the lake in the dark, only the length of the legs of an adult man.

What is rather strange is that in this natural lake with an area of more than 200 mu, except for catfish, soft-shelled turtle, and another unidentified zombie creature with five-element abilities, there are no other freshwater fish.

The aquatic plants were too dense and the visibility was too low. Qiao Daye gave up checking and asked, "Brother Monkey, is this lake full of zombie creatures above level 4?"

If this is the case, although it is a bit difficult, they will still make a lot of money!

Hou Ying nodded, and said thoughtfully: "The aquatic plants are so dense, the oxygen in the water should exceed the standard. Maybe those freshwater fish were killed by the rich oxygen...Everyone, be careful, Gongsun, you and A Zhan are in charge of defense, we First go to a place with a relatively small number here to catch a batch of crystal nuclei as bait, and there is that zombie creature who doesn't know where it is hiding, so be vigilant."

Li Xuanyuan and Dongfang Bai were the main attackers. They and Hou Ying had the most experience in dealing with level 5 zombie creatures. The most direct and violent way to deal with this kind of aquatic organisms is to use vines and metals to weave into nets to catch and trap zombie aquatic organisms, and then use keel spines and metal spines to hunt zombie crystal nuclei. This method was tried and tested, and the two also had a tacit understanding of action. After Hou Ying pointed out the location, they quickly lowered the "net" accurately and ruthlessly, pulled it up instantly, and caught a whole bag of zombie creatures in the net.

However, in the semi-closed space of the net bag, the captured zombie catfish and soft-shelled turtle fought back vigorously, but they were quickly pierced by countless keel spines and metal spines at the position of the crystal nucleus, and the crystal nucleus was picked out.

The aquatic plants in the net bag were sticky and wet, clinging to the inside and outside of the vine net, and wrapped in the metal mesh ball. The water inside leaked out, and soon took on a deep red color.

Everything seemed to be going well, but Li Xuanyuan's eyes suddenly changed and he shouted: "Be alert! Hou Ying! Open the twin banyan tree!"

A few people didn't know why, but it didn't affect their mobility at all, and the rest of them instantly moved closer. Dongfang Bai, who was still attacking, was bound by vines to the shoulders of Gongsun Jing and Liu Zhan the moment Li Xuanyuan uttered his voice, and Hou Ying, who was caught by Li Xuanyuan the next moment, opened her seventh-level twin Banyan defense net.

At this moment, the aquatic plants in the lake seemed to wake up, and the seaweed-like aquatic plants flew up like the hair of the lake, and countless aquatic plants gathered into a large green sky and rushed towards everyone!

"Fuck, the aquatic plants are alive!"

"Mutated aquatic plants?!"

"No, it's a wood-type ability."

Hou Ying and Li Xuanyuan clarified everyone's doubts with one voice.

Facing marine creatures for so long, this was the first time they encountered wood-type supernatural zombie creatures.

Hou Ying looked at Li Xuanyuan to confirm her guess from his eyes, and said sternly to others: "It's a dual-line zombie creature, one has the wood-type five-element ability, and the other is probably invisible! Damn it!" , no wonder I stared at it for a long time and didn't see what it is, I'm playing tricks on me!"

Thinking of the invisible ability user who infected him with the zombie virus back then, Hou Ying's tone was very bad.

He scattered the twin banyan leaves, leaving enough gaps for his side to see the outside world and attack. The leaves of the twin banyan trees are constantly absorbing the wood-type supernatural powers—the wood-type supernatural powers are also nourishment for the twin banyan trees. After being absorbed, they will become one and cannot rebound. The water plants covered it, and soon wrapped the protective circle of the twin banyan trees into a dense ball of water plants, which kept shrinking and shrinking, so that even a trace of air was impermeable.

Just in time for Jiang Tao to see a flame of light emerge from the palm of his hand, Zhou Tianyi thought of this when he saw it, and hurriedly lit the flame.

Li Xuanyuan turned his head to look at Jiang Tao, and said, "Brother Tao, take over my protection, Hou Ying, you and Xiao Zhou will attack."

Hou Ying nodded, "Okay. Come to me, Xiao Zhou, and the others will assist in the attack!"

Zhou Tianyi moved when he heard the sound, and in the next moment, the twin banyan tree nets were replaced by raging fire, and the aquatic plants that had not been evacuated instantly turned into fly ash. The lake water slapped one after another, and the water plants hid back in the lake as if they were scalded. It was obvious that the invisible dual-line supernatural creatures who hid their heads and tails and manipulated the water plants saw that the situation was not good and tried to escape.

Of course Hou Ying and others will not give it a chance!

Dragon bones, metals, wind blades, flames, earth thorns and other visible powers attacked in groups. The invisible space attack powers and the five senses plundering powers were also unambiguous, but after a while, the peaceful lake suddenly rioted !

"Fuck, they're cheap! Everyone stop!"

Hou Ying yelled to stop.

It turned out that a large piece of crystal nucleus sank into the lake and they didn't have time to collect it, and the zombie creatures who had been fighting against the outside suddenly rushed to grab it! If it was a third-level crystal nucleus, they might dismiss it, but what fell into the lake were hundreds of fourth-level crystal nuclei mixed with a five-element transparent crystal.

In the end, most of the five-element transparent crystals and the five-element crystal nucleus fell into the hands of a double-line invisible zombie creature of unknown species who captured the crystal nucleus with groups of aquatic plants.

"Let's retreat first, let them digest and digest before doing anything."

Hou Ying said and led everyone back. Several people sat around Zhou Tianyi's fire, boiled hot water, mixed some salt, and drank it like this, discussing how to deal with the zombie creatures in this lake.

"Brother Monkey, in my opinion, we might as well wait for a while before we go to catch two dual-line zombie creatures and dig out its crystal nucleus. I want to see what is playing tricks."

Although there was no danger, but almost suffered a bad loss, it was always a bad start, and Qiao Daye, who believed in Buddhism, was very upset.

"It's feasible." Hou Ying agreed, and then said: "The ability of the zombie catfish is indeed very special. Its ability is to secrete mucus, which is a bit like glue. It may only need a drop of sweat to stick to the ability of the same level. Creatures. Xuanyuan, what do you think?"

Li Xuanyuan said: "That's right, it's a sticky ability, and once you get stuck, you can't get rid of it."

He thought of the stuck vines and metal, and his tone was affirmative.

Liu Zhan: "Brother Hou, it should be almost the same in the lake in a few minutes. But should we give them a little more time to integrate the newly acquired energy?"

Hou Ying shook her head, "Anyway, I can't fuse the sixth-level zombie crystal nucleus, the difference is not big. And catfish are nocturnal, and it is even more difficult to deal with at night. I plan to clean up this area from today to tomorrow morning, but we have to think about it." There is a way to collect the crystal nucleus, otherwise we will waste time collecting it if it falls into the water."

Li Xuanyuan was thinking about this issue just now, he said: "Let's draw an area to deal with it. Take Gao Xiaoming's gravity attack range as the area, let him try to make the soft-shelled turtles and catfish from the bottom of the lake float up, I will collect the crystal cores, and the others will attack. "

This is indeed a good way.

After a short rest, Hou Ying and his entourage returned to the shore of the lake. They were not in a hurry to launch an attack. Hou Ying pointed to the location and let Li Xuanyuan catch a dozen or so fourth-level catfish and turtles with dual-line zombie creatures in their nets.

The vine net spread out, grabbing dozens of crystal nuclei and throwing them into the iron box, and the corpse of the zombie creature that fell from midair to the ground finally let everyone see the true appearance of the invisible zombie creature.

It was a red carp!

The red scales of the carp reflect the light like gems, and its ornamental value alone before the end of the world is enough to make it fetch sky-high prices.

And its crystal nucleus is entwined with a little silver thread in the transparent color of the five elements transparent crystal. It is conceivable that silver is the color of the invisible supernatural crystal nucleus.

Li Xuanyuan: "Its invisibility ability is attached to the scales... If we encounter mutant red carp in the future, pay attention, maybe their scales will be a good weapon material."

Compared with Hou Ying who tends to focus on the humanistic management and construction of the Pearl River base, he only cares about the development process of supernatural weapons. The scarcity of materials makes developers change their minds and turn to mutated creatures to obtain materials, such as whale skin, turtle shell, shark teeth, etc. They collect all biological materials that can or may be used, even if they cannot be put into use, they can be developed Ideas, maybe one day we will be able to solve the problems encountered in research and development.

Hou Ying nodded to show that he remembered, and several people started hunting zombie creatures in different areas from the shore.

Among them, Jiang Tao and Zhou Tianyi can also ignite the ice-blue flame that melts the target in the water, and Meng Hanghai's space attack ability is the most handy. The speed of hunting the zombies was too fast, and Li Xuanyuan was too busy to collect the crystal cores by himself, so Gongsun Jing and Liu Zhan, who were in charge of protection, pulled out one person to help collect the crystal cores so that the crystal cores would not be leaked and fell into the water.

The iron box was opened wide and open, and twenty minutes later, the crystal nuclei had already overflowed out of the iron box.

The crowd didn't take care of it. By this time, there was no need for them to look for targets along the coast. Even if a large number of martyrs were killed in the sea of flames, the zombies that came to the crystal core bait would still ram into their guns like moths to a flame. . There are so many crystal nuclei that can cover the huge iron box, just like the water source is as important to the thirsty adventurers in the desert, even if they perceive danger, they will not hesitate.

Zombie creatures surged more and more, Liu Zhan also used the water ability to gather the crystal core together with Li Xuanyuan and Gongsun Jing, and Qiao Daye and Su Fenghe took over the defensive positions. Seeing this, Qiao Dayo was intoxicated and said: "What a bunch of little sweethearts, so sweet, we will definitely take good care of your crystal nuclei, let's rest in peace~"

Su Fenghe glanced sideways at him.

He is holding a huge and heavy iron sheet in his hand, ready to cover a large number of crystal nuclei at any time to prevent energy leakage, and beware of supernatural creatures from other directions that smell the energy of the five elements transparent crystal.

Qiao Daye patted him on the shoulder, "Old Su, Brother Feng, don't be so nervous, I welcome them, I'm almost bored."

As the level of the team's powers increased, the level of the zombies that cleaned up the target rose. He was originally a small attacking expert in the team, and he gradually switched to a defensive function. This somewhat disappointed Qiao Daye.

But compared to Su Fenghe who has been in charge of logistics and defense, he is considered lucky.