End of Century

Chapter 12: Give up your weapons


Metal abilities.

This is a kind of ability that they have not touched so far.

Judging from its medium alone, it is known that this ability has a more direct and powerful lethality than the fire-type and wood-type abilities.

And judging from the zombie's ability to manipulate abilities, his ability evolution was higher than anyone else present.

This fact makes several people feel heavy, but this is not the point that Qiao Daye wants to say.

After talking about the power of the zombie with metal abilities, he said in a deep voice: "I found that when Xuanyuan and I were fighting this zombie, our abilities had both broken through. This shows that we lack opponents and abilities. Opportunities to use and improve... Jiang Tao, Liu Zhan, if you have faced that metal zombie, you will understand like me that neither bullets nor knives can deal with him, and only by using supernatural powers can we save our lives. During this period of time, we have been too Relying on the weapons in our hands, if this continues, we will not be able to adapt to the end of the world.”

He came to this conclusion.

Li Xuanyuan nodded in agreement. He opened his fingers, and in an instant, tiny vines grew and wrapped around his fingers, like wearing a green glove on him, which could not be cut even with a dagger.

The few plant seeds he obtained from Hucheng have been kept close to his body, hidden in his clothes, and used repeatedly until now. At this time, he felt more clearly the vitality of the seeds and his improved ability to control the wood-type abilities.

Jiang Tao was pleasantly surprised: "Xuanyuan, is your ability already this powerful? Great—"

His expression of joy froze, because he suddenly remembered that Li Xuanyuan's supernatural power had been raised to this level, but he couldn't withstand the blow of the metal supernatural zombie.

This can only show that he, who has stopped moving forward with his ability, and Liu Zhan, who has just activated his ability, are no match for that zombie. This metallic supernatural zombie was the first zombie they encountered that they could not fight against. In the future, there will only be more and more zombies with higher abilities than them that cannot be killed by bullets. If they have the idea of taking their guns into the world, in this last days, they will eventually be eliminated.

Survival of the fittest, exactly.

Gongsun Jing also said: "Actually, I also discovered it today. When treating Xuanyuan, every time I feel that the power will be exhausted, but I can still stimulate it with more effort. Although my power has not recovered yet, I have already I feel the process of continuous improvement and improvement. I believe that when I cultivate, my healing ability will definitely be higher than before. At least, I can also activate the damaged nerves now to allow them to regenerate."

This was something she had never dared to think about before. If she hadn't been forced to break through by Li Xuanyuan's leg injury, she wouldn't have made it this far.

As she said that, Gongsun Jing added regarding her current weak physical condition: "While I feel the improvement of my abilities, I also have a very strange feeling... It's like my brain conveys to me the feeling that I'm very hungry. , but what needs to be supplemented is not food calories, but a new thing. Drinking glucose and normal saline is effective for the recovery of the body, but I can feel that the recovery of the body is not very helpful for the recovery of abilities. It's slow and needs to be supplemented by something new that I just said."

As a doctor, she can clearly grasp the reason for this feeling, but she also has no way of knowing what needs to be replenished for excessive power consumption.

Li Xuanyuan and Qiao Daye said at the same time:

"Me too."

"That's how I feel!"

The three see hope because of their mutually agreed conclusions.

Qiao Daye said: "Although I don't know what I need, I can figure out some tricks when fighting that zombie. Maybe what we need is an opponent with equal or even stronger abilities than us, so as to stimulate our potential and make a difference." Can be improved, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Gongsun Jing and the others didn't answer. They could tell that Qiao Daye didn't give up on that metal zombie, he wanted to fight it.

In the end Jiang Tao said: "This is also a way. When you recover from your injuries, we will figure out what to do. It is absolutely impossible to stand still. If we don't advance now, we will retreat. Even if we return to the 24th Division safely to find our comrades, It's just holding them back."

The serious injuries of Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan once again sounded the alarm for them.

The five of them lived with the expectations of the captain and the martyred comrades-in-arms. Their lives were all fought by their comrades-in-arms, so they spared their lives.

But in this world, it is impossible to survive without fighting or fighting, and being content with the status quo. Even if they can huddle somewhere and live until their natural death time, what is the difference between dying now and now? It's better to kill a few more zombies while you can fight, and you can count as contributing your last value to the country and the people, and you are worthy of the military uniform you are wearing!

The tacit understanding in each other's eyes made them extremely firm.

Hou Ying looked at it but felt a little headache.

According to the current situation, among them, except for Jiang Tao's fire ability, which is more aggressive, and Qiao Dayo's speed ability, which has a slight advantage, the others' abilities are not too aggressive.

Liu Zhan, who just woke up, has awakened the ability of the water system. He has shown them just now that only the thickness of the little finger can hit the water ten meters away. Compared with Gongsun Jing's ability to heal the water system, it is less lethal , but it doesn't hurt to hit people, let alone use this to deal with zombies.

Li Xuanyuan's wood-type supernatural ability is relatively strong, but it should be more defensive than offensive.

And I only have auditory abilities that are slightly inferior to Qiao Daye's five-sense abilities, and there is also an eleven-year-old child who has no abilities... No matter how you look at it, the future is uncertain.

The experience of these two days made him understand that even if the Haiye service area is only three hours away from Yecheng, it is impossible for him to reach it by himself. Well, maybe relying on his "ability" to be ignored by zombies for some reason, he can successfully reach Yecheng, and then what? He can barely protect himself, so what can he do to protect Wang Hehe

Thinking of her nephew, Hou Ying's head hurt even more. He prayed in his heart again, hoping that he would be well and return to his side safe and sound.

It was also at this moment that Hou Ying had the idea of forming an alliance with these people to spend the last days together for the first time.

In order to take care of the two patients, instead of sleeping together in one room, they used the next room. Hou Ying, Liu Zhan, and Meng Hanghai moved next door, while Gongsun Jing took care of the two at any time and Jiang Tao stayed there to prepare for unexpected situations.

In all fairness, Liu Zhan is a very easy person to get along with.

With Hou Ying's communication skills, he also quickly got to know each other well. At the same time, Hou Ying could also feel that Liu Zhan belonged to the type of person who was cheerful on the surface but very defensive. Just because Meng Hanghai, who was the first to notice him waking up, was always unwilling to get close to him, it can be seen that a child's black and white world view can reveal many things.

But in any case, they are just strangers who have just met each other. It is not easy to have the goodwill of peaceful coexistence, and we can't force more.

I don't know if he was frightened by the injuries of Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan, but Meng Hanghai had nightmares at night. Hou Ying was very tired but couldn't fall asleep thinking about her own worries, so she hugged the whimpering child for a long time, and after Meng Hanghai fell asleep, he couldn't sleep anymore, not knowing that Liu Zhan looked at them for a long time in the dark and never relaxed alert.

I don't know if it's because of Gongsun Jing's ability improvement, or because of the supernatural power user's strong resilience, Li Xuanyuan and Qiao Daye are already alive and kicking after only two days of recuperation for such a serious injury.

On the contrary, Gongsun Jing, who hadn't recovered her vitality, looked more like a patient. Seeing that they were able to fight and make troubles, Gongsun Jing, who was completely relaxed, immediately fell asleep and fell into a dark sleep. Jiang Tao was also sent out to watch, and only Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan were left in the room. Hou Ying was in the kitchen listening to the two survivors teasing each other, when suddenly she heard Li Xuanyuan's muffled groans in pain.

Qiao Daye finally seized the opportunity and punched the unsuspecting Li Xuanyuan arched and fell to his knees.

He grabbed Li Xuanyuan's collar fiercely, cursed in a low voice, "You're fucking out of your mind! Who told you to point the gun at yourself! Who told you to kill yourself! You haven't reached the point of desperation yet. You fucking want to give up! Trash! Coward!"

Li Xuanyuan beat and fell without saying a word, until Qiao Daye wanted to tear off the "last bullet" that he re-attached, then pushed him away and stood up. Pointing to the bullet stuck to his chest, he resolutely said to Qiao Daye: "This is not a death bullet, but the last dignity of a soldier." He stared at him and asked him, "You understand, don't you?"

"I know shit! Fuck! Fuck it all!"

Qiao Dayo's voice was a little out of control, but he quickly lowered it.

He didn't want to disturb others, but he really couldn't stand the pain, sobbing: "The captain is like this, and you are like this again! How happy it is to die, it's so cool to leave all the pain to the living! Don't say you didn't blame Captain Guo, don’t say that you never hated yourself for being unable to save him, now, are you going to pass on the double pain to me and let me bear it alone?! You put it lightly, what is not to be hurt, what is to live for you, It's all farts! I'm dead or alive, and you will still know the farts!"

Bastards, all bastards!

Listening to him venting, Li Xuanyuan's heart was also touched.

He remembered that the captain concealed the fact that he was bitten by the zombies, and tried his best to rush out of the zombie encirclement with them—but just when they were happy to escape, the captain chose to end his own death with the bullet hanging from his neck. life.

It has been less than ten days since the end of the world, but they have already endured unbearable pain.

Qiao Daye wiped away his tears and went to the bathroom to wash his face, then went downstairs to the kitchen to ask Hou Ying for food, he stopped walking when he was satisfied. He belatedly thought of Hou Ying's hearing ability—he, who also has five senses, knew very well that there was no sound in this hotel that the hearing ability could not hear.

He whispered to Hou Ying, who talked and laughed freely: "Don't tell Jiang Tao and them about that."

Hou Ying knew what he was referring to and solemnly nodded in promise. Qiao Daye returned to his smiling face, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Monkey, I am so blessed to have you here."

As he spoke, he blinked at Hou Ying.

Kindness without saying thanks.

Although it was surprising that Hou Ying would come in to save them single-handedly, fortunately, the ordinary survivor they rescued was so kind and reliable. With Hou Ying's abilities, she must have known very well what kind of situation they were facing when they had come to the end of the road. If Hou Ying didn't come to the rescue, or hesitated, she might have survived, but Xuanyuan...

He was grateful to Hou Ying. At this moment, he truly regarded Hou Ying as his brother, a brother who could entrust his life and give his life for it like a comrade-in-arms.