End of Century

Chapter 14: Arrive in Yecheng


Li Xuanyuan snorted coldly and said, "You haven't thought about this question, have you?"

The implication is that Hou Ying planned to leave and never return, because he was afraid that they would stop him from letting him go, so he pretended to make plans in front of them, pretending to be considerate of them.

Hou Ying smiled wryly, and Gongsun Jing said empathetically, "This is already a problem, let's find a solution together."

Li Xuanyuan: "Then wait until we have this strength."

"I can't wait."

Regarding this question, Hou Ying will not budge.

Gongsun Jing stopped Li Xuanyuan who was still talking.

She didn't know about the situation in Li Xuanyuan's family and had never heard him mention it. She also had relatives and lovers herself, so she understood Hou Ying's urgency and suffering. It's just that they are all far away in the imperial capital, and it is impossible for Gongsun Jing to go back to the imperial capital to reunite with them, so she refrained from revealing it. She believed that they were all patient because of this, tacitly did not bring up sensitive family issues.

And Hou Ying's relatives are in Yecheng, and it is precisely because they are so close that people don't want to wait for a second.

"Let's not talk about this for now, second child, you and Xuanyuan are going to prepare, and come back with a smelly zombie. Let's discuss other things slowly." The faceless Li Xuanyuan pulled away.

Jiang Tao said to Hou Ying again: "Brother Monkey, I think you can see that we sincerely regard you as our companion, but we can't keep you selfishly if you want to leave. It's just that we don't know what's going on outside, you It's too risky to do this! Even if you can return to Yecheng, even if there is a shelter there, safety cannot be guaranteed. Now is the end of the world. Among the survivors, the supernatural beings and ordinary people are completely polarized. There are many survivors The social status was reversed in an instant. Even if we didn't see it with our own eyes, we can imagine that the shelter must be messy."

"I just know there will be chaos, so I have to go back!" Hou Ying said dejectedly: "If my nephew is a supernatural being, even if he has auditory supernatural powers like me, he can still get along. But if he is just an ordinary person... he wants It’s not just about zombies.”

They are all zombies after the end of the world, but they are not naive and ignorant of the world. How can it be smooth outside

The end of the world is not an ivory tower. Those people who suddenly get supernatural powers and powers are those who only want to exterminate the zombies and have a heroic complex and an inflated sense of justice

Most people will definitely become vain, ambitious, and out of control because their social status suddenly becomes important, and they become masters who struggled for a lifetime before the end of the world. Ordinary people are their first "little trial" objects to enjoy the pies smashed down by the world, and they will not be ferocious and cannibal zombies.

It is conceivable that ordinary people must rely on supernatural beings to survive. Among the supernatural beings, the weak are also attached to the strong, and there must be conflicts of power among those strong. In this food chain relationship where the big fish eat the small fish and the small fish eat shrimp, it will only be ordinary people who will suffer in the end. He is afraid every day that Wang Hehe is standing at the bottom of the food chain, being bullied, and may even lose his life...

Right now, their team has encountered a bottleneck and needs time to adjust and re-plan. They cannot leave here in a short time, but Hou Ying doesn't want to wait any longer.

Seeing this, Jiang Tao couldn't persuade him anymore.

Liu Zhan, who spoke enthusiastically when discussing the siege of zombies with metal abilities, but did not express any opinion on Hou Ying's plan, said at this time: "Brother Monkey has waited for two days, so he must have sent us something? We They're not smart people, but they know how to be grateful, and if you need us to do something, don't beat around the bush."

Jiang Tao and Gongsun Jing obviously disapproved of Liu Zhan's tone, but they didn't stop him either.

Seeing that he had spoken thoroughly, Hou Ying didn't feel embarrassed. He didn't choose to leave before Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan recovered from their injuries when he was looking forward to returning home. Of course, it was not without purpose.

"Yes, I would like to ask one of you to accompany me to Yecheng. If there is a violent incident there, you can protect me, and there will be a helper to bring my nephew and friends over."

When Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan were still recovering from their injuries, it was not only impractical to ask for a loan, but also suspected of asking for a favor. Hou Ying wanted a long-term cooperative relationship and did not want them to have any misunderstanding about her character.

Jiang Tao thought for a while and asked, "You want to find the second child?"

With Qiao Daye's speed and strength, he was the best candidate among them. When Hou Ying made the request, they almost all agreed with this candidate, but Hou Ying shook his head unexpectedly.

"I want to borrow Li Xuanyuan."

He explained: "If I can block the zombie's sense of smell, the speed of travel will be very slow, and I can't walk with Qiao Daye. And Li Xuanyuan's current supernatural ability can wrap himself and others to isolate the attack of zombies, so back and forth There is a layer of security on the road. I plan to ride the motorcycle in the parking lot, and when I get there, I will find a way to bring my nephew and friends over there."

Li Xuanyuan's wood ability is a defensive ability, but his personal strength is strong. Taking a step back, if they really had an accident in Yecheng, Li Xuanyuan would have the ability to escape alone, so Hou Ying would I chose him without any psychological burden.

Jiang Tao was still a little embarrassed, but Liu Zhan said cheerfully: "Xuanyuan is indeed suitable. After we discuss it and he agrees, then it's fine."

Seeing that Gongsun Jing disapproved of her self-assessment, Liu Zhan smiled brightly, but her words were less sunny: "If you don't pay back this favor, you can feel at ease if I don't feel at ease? The debt owed by Erhe Xuanyuan, if you can repay it now, you will push back and forth, how will you get along with each other in the future? Are you right, brother monkey?"

He called asking for help as repayment, and Hou Ying couldn't refute it with a smile, after all, he was the real power of Li Xuanyuan.

Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan used to be good at trapping people, but now Qiao Daye's speed is faster and more flexible, so after locking the target, he quickly brought back a zombie with a sense of smell.

The olfactory zombie was locked in a room on the second floor of the hotel. Before they untied the rope, they repeatedly checked whether Hou Ying was really ready. Holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, Hou Ying nodded heavily. Qiao Daye and Li Xuanyuan's sniper positions outside the room were ready, and Jiang Tao and Liu Zhan were also waiting outside the balcony. If the situation changed, they would immediately rescue them.

Hou Ying's fear of zombies has eased a lot after these few days of heart-pounding, but she still feels terrified when facing zombies at such close range alone. Just stepped forward to test.

This was the first time he had observed the zombies so carefully. Unlike the zombies he had seen in the Jianghai service area at first, this zombie seemed to have grown sharp fangs, much like the vampires people imagined, although not as long as the zombie fangs in zombie movies, But it is so sharp that there is no doubt that he can easily pierce the skin of human beings, eat or make them into the same kind.

The zombie's nails were dark and pointed, its face was blue, and its nose and mouth were distorted. A pair of eyes are completely different from human beings, the pupils are crimson, and the white part of the eyes is covered with net-like black silk. If you are not careful enough, you can't see the little whites inside.

He was a little curious about whether the zombie's eyesight still existed, but he couldn't concentrate on thinking about it calmly.

After a stalemate for a while, Hou Ying made sure that the olfactory zombie wandering slowly in the room did not find herself on the wall.

Hou Ying just took a deep breath, tapped the wall with a knife, and sure enough, the zombie "looked" at him. At this moment, Hou Ying was no longer afraid. He knocked twice in a row, and saw the zombie move a step in his direction, but stopped soon.

Hou Ying's eyes lit up.

With confidence in his heart, he began to tap continuously. Seeing the zombie getting closer and closer, he instinctively held his breath, his heels stuck to the wall, and he stood stiffly. After a while, the zombie avoided him and walked away as he expected.

He relaxed all over, and the eyelids that were tense just now blinked a few times in a hurry after relaxing.

Now, Hou Ying wasn't afraid anymore, he took the initiative to go to the smelling zombie, walked around the zombie and the other party ignored him, which made Hou Ying ecstatic!

Li Xuanyuan and the others who were always paying attention to the situation were a little dumbfounded by the situation. Liu Zhan on the balcony even suspected that there was something wrong with the zombie's sense of smell, so he opened the door. The next second, the zombie with a sense of smell that had treated Hou Ying as warm as a spring breeze was immediately wound up, and rushed toward him!

Liu Zhan didn't hide either, he activated the water ability to actively attack the zombies. The thumb-thick water stream hit the zombie. This was his first shot, but he quickly found out in frustration that his attack did not cause any damage to the zombie, as he expected. Instead, the zombie rushed over violently as if annoyed. Jiang Tao behind him hurriedly pulled him away. Flames gushed out from his palm and set the zombie on fire, but the attack effect was not much stronger than that of Liu Zhan.

Although the zombie slowed down, it still stubbornly moved towards the two pieces of delicious raw meat. It was Li Xuanyuan who shot into the zombie's head and ended up killing him.

Jiang Tao felt a sense of crisis because of his lethality, which was lower than expected. After the attack, he realized how naive and stupid they were to use their strength to deal with the metal zombie. Fortunately Hou Ying stopped them.

That night, Jiang Tao and the others wrote a combat training plan according to their own situation, exchanged discussions with each other, and supplemented it. Using their strict training schedule in the army as a template, they tailored a combat training plan for everyone. plan.

Early the next morning, Hou Ying and Li Xuanyuan packed up and set off.

The two of them traveled lightly, with 30-jin small oil drums hanging on both sides of the motorcycle for emergencies. Except for the two packs of cigarettes that Hou Ying specially took, they only brought water and food for five days for six people. , and some emergency medicines. In terms of weapons, Li Xuanyuan hid several knives on his body, two guns and countless bullets. Hou Ying, who can't use guns, only kept a knife.

The small motorcycle nimbly passed through the congested expressway.

The sound of the car inevitably attracted zombies, and the motorcycle had no cover, so Li Xuanyuan wrapped the two of them tightly with vines. Hou Ying, whose driving skills were not yet able to shuttle freely, sat in the back. He held on to Li Xuanyuan while he was speeding fast, and from time to time he used an iron rod to ruthlessly pull him away or the zombies blocking the way with one free hand.

Fortunately, none of the zombies startled by the sound of the car went berserk and attacked them with abilities.

It can be seen that in addition to resisting the attack of zombies, vines also have the function of isolating human odors! And Liu Zhan's conclusion from Hou Ying's successful trial of smelling zombies that zombies rely on their sense of smell to prey on their sense of smell is correct!

There is no need to abide by the speed limit traffic rules. They usually drive for three hours, and they get off the expressway after two hours.

The closer to the town of Yecheng, the fewer and fewer vehicles and zombies. This situation makes Hou Ying ecstatic, because it means that what he said before that there is an alliance of survivors in Yecheng is true!

Hou Ying showed Li Xuanyuan the way, they didn't rush into the city, but took a circle on the field ridge, and turned to an abandoned warehouse ten kilometers away from Yecheng City.

Surprisingly, there were only a few wandering zombies on this road, but there was not even a single zombie in the warehouse. They left their motorcycles and other things here, and made their appearance a little more emaciated. Hou Ying only brought a pack of cigarettes and a wallet, and walked towards Yecheng on foot with Li Xuanyuan, who had a blade in the sole of his shoe.

In the distance, in bright red, the big characters [Yecheng Survivor Shelter] came into view.