End of Century

Chapter 3: Goodbye zombies


When the car was about to reach the service area where they narrowly escaped, Hou Ying hadn't recovered yet.

According to the child named Meng Hanghai, he and his father came from Hucheng. His father was a doctor, and when the first death from an infectious disease appeared in the hospital, he wanted to take him outside for refuge, and he left in a hurry. At that time, the road had not been blocked, and when they broadcasted on the road, they also heard that many people died in the Hucheng earthquake.

Later, they arrived at the Jianghai service area where they met before, and the road was blocked immediately.

People they stranded in the service area were ordered not to leave and were required to be checked for infectious diseases. But at night, the medical team in charge of the inspection was late to arrive, and among them were indeed hidden infected patients who had escaped from Lake City.

The infected person got sick and bit several people, and those who were bitten all fainted. His dad wants to take him away, but the police uncles who surround them won't allow it.

Not long after, the bitten infected patients all woke up and started biting everywhere. Meng Hanghai didn't know exactly what happened. He and his father were stuck in the car all the time, and he heard the news from the radio that the virus had infected the whole country and killed a lot of people.

The public sector says the end of the world has arrived, and they refer to infected patients as zombies—brain-dead species that are not considered human.

There was no food in the car until the next day, and his father didn't allow him to go out, let alone open the door, so he got out of the car. He saw his father fighting with those zombies with his own eyes, and even killed several zombies.

But in the end, his father was still infected.

At first he was not found by the zombies in the car, but when he saw his father passing by, he wanted to find him impulsively, but as soon as the car door was opened, the zombies rushed at him frantically and forced him back into the car. Before Hou Ying rescued him, he had already stayed in the car for two days and two nights. If Hou Ying hadn't appeared, he would have starved to death even if he was lucky enough not to be bitten to death by those people.

Hou Ying realized the seriousness of the matter.

First, according to the child and the date on the car, today is February 25th. But he remembered very clearly that he arrived at the Jianghai service area on the night of February 22—just like Meng Hanghai and his father, he was in the service area that night.

What's even more frightening is that he couldn't remember what happened during those two blank days, what happened to him, and he didn't even notice the passage of time.

Secondly, it is the last words of the child's father.

—The end of the world is coming.

Those zombies are like the infected people in the Resident Evil movie, once bitten by them... maybe just scratched and scratched, they may be infected and become one of them!

Hou Ying thought of the distorted faces and bloodthirsty eyes of those zombies that she had seen in a hurry, and suddenly a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back, almost terrified by her own imagination.

The car stopped. The Jianghai service area was shown on the map to be just two kilometers away.

Meng Hanghai said with a mournful face, "Uncle, are we really going there?"

"Yeah." Hou Ying broke his fantasy, and then said: "If you are afraid, you can wait for me at the intersection of the highway. If I can't come back... you can leave quickly."

Meng Hanghai cried, "No, I don't want to be alone!"

Hou Ying hadn't realized before that her nerves were thicker than the sewers, and she could still be amused by his wrinkled face from crying at such a life-and-death moment, "Then what do you want?"

"Anyway, I don't want to be alone."

Meng Hanghai was very persistent. He was more afraid of being alone than the danger he would encounter. The memory of the two days when he was trapped in the car was really tormenting. If it weren't for the end of the world, the child would at least suffer from claustrophobia or severe mental trauma after being rescued. But at this moment when it is uncertain whether they can live until tomorrow, no one has the qualifications to pretend to escape.

Hou Ying felt that this child was very pitiful, so she did not reject him in the end.

With no mobile phone signal and no way to confirm whether his nephew is safe, he wanted to accumulate some virtue and show the greatest kindness to the child he accidentally saved. He hoped that if Wang Hehe also encountered the same situation as this child, he would A kind person reached out to him.

After making psychological adjustments, Hou Ying took Meng Hanghai closer to the Jianghai service area again—a place he would never want to pass by again if possible.

But on the way back and forth at high speed, the fuel in his car was almost exhausted.

"You will go to the back later, remember not to move or make any noise."

Hou Ying confessed.

Meng Hanghai, an eleven-year-old child, is too weak to fight. On the one hand, he didn't want to let the child who was finally rescued die in vain, and on the other hand, he didn't want him to hold him back.

He told his plan to Meng Hanghai, who disagreed with this approach: "I will park the car at the gas station, and it is best to get some more gasoline. Then go to the convenience store to get water and food as much as possible. If I can get out of here alive, I will drive back to Yecheng. My relatives are there, if you don’t want to go, you can go out and go wherever you want.”

"I follow you!"

The child said firmly, as if he was afraid that he would abandon him, he held onto Hou Ying's clothes tightly.

Hou Ying smiled, feeling that she was burdened with something extraordinary, and her heart became heavier all of a sudden.

Slowing down and sliding down the ramp, the zombies chasing them hadn't been seen along the way. Hou Ying suspected that they must have retreated. Sure enough, before getting off the ramp and entering the service area, there were slow-moving zombies moving towards the sound of the car.

Hou Ying's hands were sweating, and she wanted to fight, so she stepped on the gas and rushed to the gas station!

"Hide well! Don't make any noise!"

Shouting at Meng Hanghai who was sitting in front of the back seat, Hou Ying got out of the car in a panic.

Even though he kept telling himself to calm down and hurry up, the hand that pulled out the oil pipe and the oil card trembled uncontrollably as he stared at the zombies that were getting closer. What made him curse was that at such a critical moment, the fuel card could not be swiped out at all, and the machine kept displaying a system failure.


Hou Ying cursed wildly, looking at the zombie less than 50 meters away from him, his eyes turned red and he said cruelly: "Meng Hanghai, wait for me in the car! No matter what happens, don't come out!"

Meng Hanghai was lying on the window of the car and weeping badly. Seeing him running into the staff room of the gas station, zombies started crashing the car before he came out.

Meng Hanghai was so frightened that he covered his mouth and nose and shrunk into a ball. What he didn't expect was that the zombies didn't attach to him, and after taking pictures of the car for a while, they scattered away. Meng Hanghai still didn't dare to move. After waiting for an unknown time, he couldn't bear the fear, so he carefully raised his head and looked out the window, wanting to see how Hou Ying was doing.

—Suddenly, a zombie face hit the car window!


Meng Hanghai opened his eyes wide and tightly covered his mouth and nose, his whole face flushed instantly, tears were forced out.

It wasn't until the zombie face slid down from the car window, revealing Hou Ying holding the iron bar behind him, that he recovered his heartbeat and breathed desperately.

Hou Ying glanced at him, and hastily made a downward movement to make him hide. Clamping the iron rod under his armpit, he ruthlessly tore off the oil injection pipe from the machine. Regardless of the oil pouring all over his body, he impatiently inserted one end of the oil injection pipe into the machine he found in the staff storage room Oil barrel, insert one end into the oil filling hole of the car, lift the oil barrel to inject oil into the car.

Hou Ying was sweating all over her head, holding her breath and not daring to breathe, she held up an iron rod to guard against zombies that might pounce on her at any time—but what was strange was that those zombies were obviously not far away from him, but they seemed to have not noticed him, and they all responded to him. He turned a blind eye!

Hou Ying was puzzled, and tried to calm down to think about the reason for this situation, and then wondered whether these zombies could only judge their existence based on their voices.

After thinking about it for a while, he stopped the infusion of oil he didn't know how much he had added, put down the oil barrel gently, and decided to take a risk and test it.

Hou Ying knocked on the car window, and found that the zombies were looking at her suddenly—more precisely, from the source of the sound. And the zombies leaned over, waited close to the car for a while, and then spread out slowly.

Hou Ying raised her head to look at herself when she heard the voice, and made a mute gesture to Meng Hanghai, who was frightened by the zombies and turned pale. Then she took the iron rod and walked away lightly. When he was twenty meters away, he took out the lighter that he put in his trouser pocket after smoking in the car, and smashed it forward with all his might!


The sound of the lighter exploding really attracted the zombies!

Seeing them rushing towards the place where the explosion sounded, Hou Ying was overjoyed, and hurriedly took advantage of this time to rush back to the storage room he had explored just now, and carried four large oil barrels on his shoulders—as expected, human potential is unlimited, and he sat alone. Although the gentle man in the office regularly runs and keeps fit, carrying two barrels of oil is already the limit. He never expected that he could burst out with such great strength.

He opened the trunk, stuffed the oil barrel into it, and put the less than one-third used oil barrel in the same way. Close the trunk—no matter how light the action is, the sound of the trunk closing is enough to make the zombies who searched for the sound of the explosion look over and change their target.

Horrified, Hou Ying patted on the car door and asked Meng Hanghai to unlock it from the inside and let him in!

He crawled and rushed back to his seat, closed the car door hastily, and started the car again in the direction of the convenience store.

"Listen, brat!" After a distance of two to three hundred meters, Hou Ying stopped the car and hurriedly said to Meng Hanghai, who was holding the driver's seat tightly behind him: "I tried it just now, as long as you don't make a sound, the zombie You won't be found. You stay in the car and don't make a sound, don't be found by them, do you hear me?"

Meng Hanghai just nodded.

Hou Ying didn't bother to say anything more, she closed the car door tightly, glanced at the zombie who was a few meters away from the car, turned around and rushed into the convenience store.

Biscuits, bread, buckets of instant noodles.

Hou Ying saw these three types of food on the shelf, looked around hurriedly, tore off all the bags from the cash register, and hurriedly opened them to stuff them.

He believed that his speed was faster than the foreign refugees looting supermarkets exposed in the news. While taking it, he kept looking back at the zombies wandering into the convenience store, and turned around to remove the last bucket of instant noodles from the shelf—unsuspecting, shelf Then a zombie face of a female shop assistant appeared!


Hou Ying called out shortly!