End of Century

Chapter 30: Sudden change in temperature


The second batch of zombies, they patiently "fed" for a month before they began to harvest the results. This time, all of them dispatched, each locked on the target and began to kill zombies and dig crystal nuclei.

And in the team, Wang Hehe and Hou Ying's combat effectiveness is undoubtedly the worst.

Hou Ying was only slightly better than Wang Hehe, but it was precisely because he had golden fingers that lost the sense of smell of zombies that he did not use long-distance attack to kill zombie heads like Wang Hehe, and Li Xuanyuan had to cooperate to extract the zombie crystal core. Holding a dagger, he attacked the zombies at close quarters. He stabbed the zombie's head unexpectedly and accurately dug out the zombie's crystal nucleus. He also wore a special iron glove on his right hand to prevent the crystal nucleus from being absorbed by him. Judging the purity and content of crystal nucleus energy.

It can be said that his attack method is the most savage, primitive and labor-intensive among all of them.

Well, because Meng Hanghai's ability control is not yet stable, he just watched the battle from the sidelines, not counting his meat-cutting fighting style.

It took a whole eight hours of the day before they harvested the sixty-one crystal nuclei—they hadn't fought the zombies head-on for a long time, and if they didn't take the opportunity to practice their hands, they might die by hand. So they were not in a hurry to kill the zombies with one blow, but each fought with their own targets, brushing up their skill proficiency, and didn't stop until it was getting dark, giving the zombies a good time.

Among the sixty-one crystal nuclei, there are surprisingly three third-level five-element transparent crystals, one third-level speed orange crystal, and one third-level five-sense red crystal. The rest, there are fifty-five second-level zombie crystal nuclei, and the remaining one is a pure white crystal nucleus with only a first-level unknown attribute.

Everyone was startled when they saw this pure white crystal nucleus.

There is no other reason. In order to improve the efficiency of zombie crystal nuclei cultivation, they used crystal nuclei corresponding to their attributes to attract supernatural zombies, and then expelled supernatural zombies and ordinary zombies with other attributes from the test area . Therefore, the zombie crystal nuclei produced in this batch should all be crystal nuclei that they can absorb and whose attributes have been determined. I didn't expect that such a supernatural zombie who didn't know what kind of vest was mixed in at some point.

Gongsun Jing quickly thought of the pure white crystal nucleus they picked up at the beginning, and took it out of the special crystal nucleus iron box with unknown properties. She recalled the scene when she obtained this zombie. It seemed that all the supernatural zombies in this crystal core made the zombie group very violent. Jiang Tao and others saw something wrong in the binoculars, so they killed him with a pistol.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Hou Ying who dug out the crystal nucleus from the zombie's head. The latter thought for a while and said, "I didn't feel that the zombie had supernatural powers, but I saw him screaming violently all the time. I don't know what I'm excited about, so I gave him a happy one."

It was completely unexpected that a crystal nucleus was actually dug out for him.

"You can't even feel his abilities?" Liu Zhan became interested. He pinched the zombie crystal nucleus and looked left and right, then touched his chin and said, "Could it be because the level of this zombie is too low? So you can't feel his attack power?"

Gongsun Jing said: "If he launches an attack, it doesn't make sense no matter how weak it is. Otherwise, anyway, we have two now, brother monkey, try sucking one?"

Hou Ying thought the same, so she took the crystal nucleus in her hand.

But something surprising happened!

This small first-level crystal nucleus was not absorbed by Hou Ying in the blink of an eye as they originally thought. It stayed in Hou Ying's palm for three seconds, and the pure white color was still very pure.

Everyone was surprised, Liu Zhan said: "How could this happen, Brother Monkey, you can't absorb this crystal nucleus?"

Originally, they had already determined that there was no supernatural crystal nucleus in this world that Hou Ying could not absorb. Could it be that they had made a generalization before

Seeing Hou Ying frowning and looking at the crystal nucleus in the palm of his hand, Li Xuanyuan couldn't help but probed: "Could it be that the energy absorption is very slow?"

Hou Ying was stunned for a moment, looked at Li Xuanyuan, and nodded with a smile: "Well, I'm absorbing, but it feels very slow and delicate, and... how should I put it, it seems that this kind of power is very gentle and makes me very energetic. I doubt , it may be the crystal nucleus of a psychic supernatural zombie."


While everyone else was still surprised, Wang Hehe shouted in surprise.

Hou Ying reassured her nephew, "I'll give you a try after uncle finishes smoking."

Wang Hehe nodded wildly. He had long been envious of his teammates who were able to absorb the crystal nucleus energy through his old uncle, but it was a pity that he had never encountered a crystal nucleus that matched his supernatural attributes, so he could only stare blankly. Now, it's finally his turn!

It took Hou Ying more than an hour to absorb this small first-level crystal nucleus before it was completely absorbed - this time was enough for him to absorb two third-level crystal nuclei now!

But this crystal nucleus undoubtedly brought them a surprise, it really is a spiritual zombie crystal nucleus and can be absorbed by Wang Hehe!

Wang Hehe fell asleep when he was absorbing it, and everyone could tell that the energy of this pure white crystal nucleus was just as Hou Ying said, very gentle. Wang Hehe's absorption rate was slower than Hou Ying's. He still hadn't woken up overnight, and Hou Ying felt that the absorption had not been interrupted, so she simply lay down with him.

Pitiful for the others, they could only silently turn their heads away under the combined torment of Meng Hanghai and Gongsun Jing, who had no progress in their skills, and each went to forage for food on the second heavy truck full of food.

It wasn't until noon that Wang Hehe woke up refreshed. He was more infatuated with the power of the crystal nucleus than others, because the process of absorbing it was so comfortable, just like returning to the mother's amniotic fluid. God knows, he hasn't had a good night's sleep since he possessed the ability to foresee!

He couldn't wait to let his uncle absorb the remaining crystal nucleus, Hou Ying calmed his head silently and said: "The number of spiritual zombies is too small, we have to keep it as bait to attract others The mental zombies are hooked and can't be used anymore."

Wang Hehe thought about it, this is the difference between one pure white crystal core and countless pure white crystal cores, and happily agreed. For the next day, he was like a happy goblin, completely forgetting his aloof personality, humming as he walked.

This made Meng Hanghai heartbroken after losing his last brother.

Now he is the only one left in the whole team who doesn't even know what his abilities are, let alone find zombies with the same attributes. However, fortunately, the child was as broad-minded as the sea, puffed out his mouth for a while and was unhappy, then cheered up and obediently followed Qiao Daye to continue his daily training.

That night, after a full meal, everyone gathered around the fire for a long-lost discussion.

The team has stayed at the fifth stop for too long. The third-level zombies and second-level zombies they obtained in the zombie test field this month are enough for the entire team to use for a period of time. Clean up the zombies, collect supplies, and set off again.

Jiang Tao, who was anxious to return to the army base, naturally agreed with both hands.

After confirming the next step, Hou Ying repeated the old saying: "It's still a matter of self-absorption of crystal nuclei. Except for Ah Zhan who remembers to study when he is free, I have never seen any of you bothering about this matter these days. Yes. This is not going to work. You have all seen the speed at which I absorb the spiritual crystal core. If there are fourth-level or higher zombie crystal cores in the future, my absorption speed will only be slower. If you all experience the battle If the ability energy is exhausted, it will take too long for me to resupply you, and it will increase a lot of uncertain risks."

Judging from their expressions, Hou Ying knew that these muddle-headed guys really forgot about the self-absorption of crystal nuclei during this period of time.

He thought for a while, and said: "This matter should be done sooner rather than later, but according to our current action habits, the time you can spare is really not enough. Otherwise, we will implement the method of two people staying behind during the day and using the method of taking turns to rest. One person is in charge of vigilance, and the other person will concentrate on thinking about the method of crystal nucleus absorption without any distraction until he finds a way to absorb it. What do you think?"

The restless Qiao Daye couldn't help but said: "Brother Monkey, don't bother, anyway, A Zhan is very interested in researching this, why don't let him take full charge of this matter—"

"No!" Before Hou Ying could speak, Liu Zhan was the first to object: "Let's not talk about whether I can find a way to absorb it, if the method of absorbing the supernatural beings with different attributes or the way everyone absorbs the crystal nucleus is originally What if it’s different? When the time comes, the method I’ve developed won’t even be of reference to you, so what should I do?”

Hou Ying nodded and said: "That's right, and this matter requires brainstorming, and Azhan also needs training. We can't put all the pressure on him to find a solution and occupy his time."

Qiao Daye knew that what he had just taken for granted and was selfish when he heard the words, so he hurriedly expressed his opinion before everyone agreed: "I listen to Brother Monkey! A Zhan is right! I will definitely go all out and promise to complete the task!"

Everyone was amused by him.

Everything seemed to be going well, but what they didn't expect was that an unexpected change happened that night and disrupted their plan!

Li Xuanyuan, who was guarding the middle of the night, straightened his body at the first moment when the zombies roared. Before he pressed the alarm bell leading to the lounge on the second floor, Qiao Daye and Hou Ying, who were sensitive to hearing, woke up suddenly. In the next second, the piercing alarm bell woke the others up from their sleep.

"what happened?!"

Jiang Tao was shocked. He opened the rain cloth door, and a gust of hot air came from outside in an instant!

He was shocked and said: "Could it be that there is a volcanic eruption nearby?! Second child, take a look!"

First, they activated their speed abilities and ran out of the second floor to join Li Xuanyuan, who was watching the night. Qiao Daye, in such a short time, sweat immediately soaked his back. When Jiang Tao reminded him, he immediately used his abilities to look into the distance, but it was strange that he Didn't even see a little Mars in the dark.

Immediately afterwards, Hou Ying supported Wang Hehe and Meng Hanghai, who were dizzy and dizzy, and shouted: "Gongsun! Show the two children what's wrong! Brother Tao and Lao Su, turn on the air conditioner and turn it on. !Yaoji... Damn it, why are you so useless! Azhan, go and get some heat-relief medicine and cool ointment. Xuanyuan, you come back first, and take off the rain cloth to let the air in."

Jiang Tao, who had been in the army for more than ten years and had hardly entered the air-conditioned room, suddenly remembered that they still had the magic weapon of air-conditioning. I took the air conditioner in before, carried it back, and plugged it in. Everyone responded, and Li Xuanyuan rolled up the rain cloth on the side with a vine, and then drove a vine to bring up the temperature sensor that he had placed on the driver's seat.

Originally, it was because it had been extremely cold these past few days that he was careful, but he didn't expect that the temperature would suddenly heat up without going through the process of warming up!

When he saw the temperature on the temperature gauge, his complexion instantly became worse—38°C.

Only then did they know that in the last days, the predicament they faced was not only zombies and human hearts, but also a harsh living environment!