End of Century

Chapter 31: Facing difficulties


Yesterday was a zero-degree climate with short days and long nights. The sun rose at five o'clock this morning, and it was followed by even hotter temperatures.

Wang Hehe and Meng Hanghai's physiques were relatively poor, and they passed out when the temperature changed suddenly at zero o'clock last night. Already a supernatural person, but someone who is used to sitting in the office game house girl has lived up to everyone's expectations, and Gongsun Jing is too busy taking care of them. Hou Ying wasn't much better either, she just went outside to help for a few minutes and her mouth was dry and she was sweating like a waterfall. Worried about his dehydration, Jiang Tao and others persuaded him to go back to the air-conditioned room.

What made them even more indignant was that the sudden change in temperature caused their food to rot!

Only foods such as rice, instant noodles and flour remained, like bread biscuits and some deli fruits and vegetables, even if they were vacuum-packed, they rotted overnight. And the chocolate that they treasured so much that they kept it to replenish their strength when they were on the move turned into liquid and dirty the container.

Facing the pile of food that was moved out of the container, even Su Fenghe, who had not yet fully integrated into the new group and was very conservative and reticent, scolded his mother.

They sighed, but there was nothing they could do. They could only drive to a place near the stop to look for a large mobile freezer to store food in the 40-degree weather. When they came back, they brought back another bad news.

Not only did the outside temperature have no effect on the activities of the zombies, but they could clearly feel that the zombies were more excited under the high temperature than at the low temperature, and their abilities were even improved to a certain extent! The roar of the zombies last night was not a riot at all, but a carnival!

Three air conditioners, the air conditioners in the vertical cabinets are placed in the lounge on the second floor, and two hanging ones are installed in the cabs of the two heavy trucks.

Li Xuanyuan went out this trip and dismantled two freezers and the main control of the central air conditioner, and was busy modifying them into a body that can control and adjust the temperature in time, and prepared one for the lounge and one for the food container. In order to avoid the recurrence of similar food spoilage. In this type of technical work, except for Jiang Tao, who can help by the side, no one else can help.

Hou Ying was thinking hard about how to adjust the itinerary, and Qiao Daye talked about what they saw outside during their trip.

Not to mention the zombie corpses and the mixed rotten smell outside, the only supplies they can collect outside this time are grain and oil. They either have enough or don't need it and can't take it back to occupy the space.

Gongsun Jing added: "This is a city-level city, so there must be a hospital. We need to go somewhere. Even if the medicines are all sick, there are always thermometers and blood pressure monitors. In addition, we need a lot of edible salt. I think You are also prepared, I believe that such a hot weather will not end in a day or two, without enough salt supplementation, we will easily become dehydrated and dehydrated."

Everyone knew that her suggestion was correct, and no one objected.

They brainstormed and racked their brains to figure out how to deal with such a harsh living environment. Su Fenghe, who has always been buried in work and rarely expresses his ideas, said this time: "Brother Monkey, I have an idea, I don't know if it will work."

Everyone urged him to speak quickly, Su Fenghe sorted out his words, and then said: "We have a problem with what we eat now. We only eat staple food or instant noodles, and we can only suffer from hunger without supplementing vitamins and other nutrients. If this continues, no one will be able to survive." Live. I saw some potatoes sprouting outside today, so I wondered if we could find some vegetables and grow some vegetables ourselves."

A few people didn't expect such a simple and practical method, Gongsun Jing said: "But we don't know how to grow vegetables. I don't know if Xuanyuan's ability can be useful."

Hou Ying said: "Old Su, since you can bring it up, you must have thought about what to do. We have no experience in this area, so you can just say it."

Su Fenghe's hometown is in a rural area in the north. He studied and helped his family with farm work since he was a child. Although he has lived in Cannes for many years, he has not lost his common sense and hands-on ability. Seeing that they were very interested in their opinions, they said, "We also added a layer on the second card. It was originally intended to put food and supplies. I was wondering if we could use half of the space to grow vegetables? As long as we find Vegetable seeds, I can handle general varieties. Like growing bean sprouts and growing mushrooms, I have done it with the villagers before. These don’t need too much space, and the breeding cycle is not long, but it’s not easy to find mushroom-packed beans now. easy to find."

"Okay!" Qiao Daye said: "Old Su's skills are better than anything else! Let's look for seeds carefully. In a city like this, there are always flower and bird markets and vegetable supply places, so we won't be able to find even a single seed." No. Oops, this is great. I was still thinking about the pickled eggs and vegetables that we managed to get back. They were all rotten last night. What will I eat in the future? Now it’s all right, I don’t need to eat for nothing Rice, instant noodles every day!"

Jiang Tao laughed and said, "I've wronged you if you have rice and noodles. There are so many people out there who can't eat as much as they want!"

Qiao Daye laughed, and they all looked at Hou Ying. In the end, he made the decision, and the team stayed at the fifth stop for another five days. Firstly, it was to slowly search for the needed supplies, and secondly, it was to adapt to the high temperature weather and adjust its physical condition.

The weather was so hot that even well-trained people like Jiang Tao couldn't fall asleep. Hou Ying looked at Wang Hehe and Meng Hanghai who were drowsy under the influence of the drugs, and said worriedly: "Staying in an air-conditioned room is not an option. The longer you stay here , the more it is impossible to go out. In the past few days, we have tried to adjust the temperature of the air conditioner, and the difference from the outside cannot exceed five degrees, otherwise it is easier to get sick when going in and out.”

Hou Ying, who has experience in taking care of her nephew, thought of this question faster than Gongsun Jing, who is a doctor.

Ji Yao said weakly: "The key is that he has changed so fast, he doesn't even say hello, who can stand it?"

He is still hanging the water, the discomfort has not passed, and he seems to have no energy. Li Xuanyuan took out a temperature controller that he put outside the heavy truck before he went out today. At that time, he took some of each type of instrument in the instrument factory in the industrial zone to prevent future use. He did not expect to send it so soon. It came in handy.

He showed the record of the temperature controller to everyone, and said in a deep voice: "This is the temperature record from 6 o'clock today, the average temperature is 39 degrees, and the hottest day reached 42 degrees at 2 o'clock in the afternoon The weather is too unreasonable."

Not to mention the sudden rise from zero to more than 30 degrees of high temperature, the high temperature of 42 degrees is almost impossible for the subtropical northern part of the eastern part of Huaguo. People on Earth have the geographical common sense of the changing seasons, sun rise, moon set, and climate temperature. How can this kind of high temperature, which is only found in the equatorial tropics, appear here? And it appeared in April in spring! Is there a problem with the rotation of the earth? This is so unscientific!

More importantly, does this phenomenon only appear here or is there a climate anomaly all over the world

For them who have no information, this has become an unsolvable problem.

On the second day, they saw the temperature change at night from the temperature controller. Compared with the daytime, the temperature at night without direct sunlight was not as high as in the daytime. And it didn't repeat the high temperature of 38 degrees last night when it was hot, and the average value remained at around 35 degrees, as they feared.

Jiang Tao then suggested that since the temperature at night is still acceptable, it is better for them to turn the day and night upside down and sleep during the day and work at night.

Hou Ying hesitated. He was afraid that the irregular day and night would disturb their endocrine system. If they endangered their health for the sake of temperature, it would not be worth the candle.

Li Xuanyuan directly vetoed: "No. After the high temperature, the zombie virus seems to have evolved. I can feel that their threat is much higher than a day ago, and the number of supernatural zombies seems to have increased. That is to say, ordinary Zombies may have undergone a second natural evolution in the high-temperature mutation and derived supernatural powers. Another problem is that the power supply here has been cut off, and there is no lighting at night. The visible range of our own lighting is limited. In case Encountering high-level metal zombies attacking from a distance, wind zombies, or the lightning zombies we accidentally circled last time is very dangerous. If our whole team moves together, the safety issue may be guaranteed, but there is not enough time for low temperature at night For eight hours, our actions will only get twice the result with half the effort."

What Li Xuanyuan said was indeed reasonable.

But thinking of the high temperature outside, several people showed hesitation.

Hou Ying squeezed her fist and said: "I also think that what we have to do now is to adapt to it as soon as possible, instead of avoiding it opportunistically. We don't know how long this hot weather will last, and whether it will repeat next year. Such high temperature weather. If we forcibly reverse the biological clock now, we will have to reverse it again in winter. I am afraid that our bodies will not be able to bear it if we repeat this repeatedly.”

Qiao Daye said: "God is really good at joking. I'm really worried that the current weather is just his old man's pre-dinner dessert. If there is a high temperature of 60 degrees like the equatorial desert, we can directly roast him."

His family believes in Buddhism, so he doesn't easily complain about God, but now he is forced to die.

Liu Zhan also said: "It's better to wait for Xuanyuan to collect data for two more days, and then we will formulate adaptation training according to the temperature. Brother Tao, we have also received similar high and low temperature adaptation training in the army, and now our bodies can hold it. According to the old method, we should also train Brother Hou and his physique. Although there is no need to rush for a while, we still have to adapt slowly. Otherwise, in case the weather is hot and cold alternately, should we take action?"

Everyone understood this truth, and Ji Yao, who was the most reluctant to face reality before, was the first to say: "Fight! Anyway, the end of the world is not for people to enjoy!"

In this regard, everyone agreed to the training plan for the frontal high temperature.

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, when the temperature dropped to thirty-three degrees, everyone went to bed one after another, and Liu Zhan kept watch. At four o'clock in the morning the next day, several people got up and ate rice before the sun rose, and two heavy trucks headed for their destination - the municipal hospital.