End of Century

Chapter 376: Little Monkey's episode (11)


"This is a poisonous zombie octopus. I have eaten mutated octopus a few years ago. It was grilled on an iron plate, sprinkled with onion and pepper, and brushed with sauce. It tastes really..." Han Wenwu was full of aftertaste, and finally Sighing: "Later, all the mutated creatures in the sea became extinct, and the base kept a small number of species and a single species. The dead are expensive."

He was relatively old, and he was already twenty-five or six years old when the end of the world began. Although his appearance has not changed much over the years, his age and experience are actually there. He is one of the luckier people in the last days, because his home is on the original site of the Pearl River base, and he was the first group of people to receive rescue. His parents and younger sister survived, but they are all ordinary people. Most of the crystal nuclei earned by Han Wenwu was spent on this, so he is still an eighth-level ability user.

Shi Liu and Sun Kang are about the same age as Ji Que, but they were well taken care of in the nursery at the base and had eaten a lot of good food, so they felt the same when they heard Han Wenwu's emotion.

The little boy is very envious. He has just come to understand the end of the world. He can't remember if he had a good life before the age of five. He grew up eating dry food since he was a child. It can't be said that he enjoyed the food Otherwise, the piece of cake that was used as a gift at the beginning would not have made him so obsessed with it that he turned on a completely different life path.

Shi Liudao: "I heard that there is a research team at the base trying to restore and preserve the gene fragments of creatures before the end of the world. Maybe it will allow them to breed more mutated creatures, and we will be blessed by then."

Sun Kang cut out, "I don't expect to live to that day."

Shi Liu curled his lips, but did not refute, and continued to explain the zombie octopus to the little boy.

Li Hou slept with his head tilted on Ji Que's shoulder, and suddenly sat up straight and opened his eyes. Sun Kang's gaze was on Li Hou all the time, seeing this, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"The direction of the wind has changed." Li Hou said.

Sun Kang and the others were well-trained, and they started to move when they heard the words. Sun Kang and Han Wenwu went out of the tent to be on guard. Shi Liu immediately took out the detector from the luggage. Li Hou adjusted it for a while, and then locked the location of the abnormal movement.

"Damn it, that blind thing drove C-level zombie creatures to our side!"

Shi Liu cursed bitterly.

The little boy's eyes widened. The first knowledge he learned when he came to the Pearl River base was the reclassification of the levels of abilities for advanced abilities: Levels 1-5 are E-levels, levels 6-12 are D-levels, and C-levels are D-levels. Grades 13 to 19. Zombies and supernatural beings are classified in the same way. The existence of B-level creatures is clearly recorded in the base history of the Pearl River base, but that is too far away for Ji Que, even if it is a sixth-level D-level zombie He has never really seen living things, let alone more advanced zombies.

But now that Shi Liu said it was a C-level zombie creature, even if he didn't understand it, he knew that the number of this group of zombie creatures was no longer small when he saw a large area of warning modules approaching the direction where they were temporarily stationed!

Li Hou refined the display on the detector, frowned and said, "Someone is hunting and killing level 16 zombie creatures, and they missed it."

He didn't explain much, but except for Ji Que, the other three understood. The hunting team let the sixteenth-level zombie creature escape by mistake, but they still kept on chasing it. The sixteenth-level zombie creature fled in this direction, and the zombie creatures lower than him could only escape, so this implicated a lot Massive zombie creatures.

"Damn, are these fucking brains?! This area is a D-level area, and they didn't issue warnings in advance. They are really going to kill us!"

Han Wenwu couldn't help scolding his mother too.

Li Hou said: "Shi Liu Wenwu, pack up your things and leave, Sun Kang, warn the police."

After all, Li Hou said to Ji Que who was nervously pursing his lips: "Don't be afraid, we'll just go to the refuge camp, and nothing will happen."

Ji Que took a few deep breaths, followed the crowd to put away the tent, and returned to the car.

Han Wenwu and the others didn't worry too much, and they also comforted Ji Que: "Is this the first time you have encountered this situation? You are still too young. You were all small when you moved to the base. You don't even remember it. Now this The situation is nothing compared to what it was back then, besides, our place is not far from the refuge camp, so we just need to go in and hide for a while."

Ji Que smiled gratefully at him.

Emergency refuge camps are set up in several areas outside the Pearl River base where missions are frequently dispatched, in order to prevent tsunamis and sudden accidents. These refuge camps are made of precious suspended stones purchased at a high price from the Alliance of Free Ability Users, which is enough to save the lives of the people in the refuge camps under any circumstances.

When the zombie creatures in the shallow sea experienced the thirteenth level of evolution, they had a fierce devouring battle with the mutated creatures. Now the remaining zombie creatures below the thirteenth level in the shallow sea area and on land are less than the previous three levels, but they are still a very Huge number. The level of the supernatural beings active in low-level biological areas is generally not high, and these people are also the group with the most limited self-protection ability in case of sudden disasters. Therefore, these precious suspended refuge camps will stay in these places.

Li Hou and the five were the first team to stay here. Afterwards, people who received warnings rushed over one after another, and the refuge camp suddenly became noisy.

Li Hou yawned, and leaned loosely on Ji Que's tense body. Seeing his worried look, he slightly bent the corners of his mouth, as if he thought his frowning was also very interesting.

Shi Liu looked at him speechlessly, and Sun Kang stared at the detector. Seeing those zombie creatures getting closer, Han Wenwu couldn't bear to say: "I don't know how many people will come here too late. If they suffer from such an indiscriminate disaster, then what a shame."

Shi Liu snorted and said: "This group of people are really wicked, they are so stupid."

Ji Que said: "Fighting against a level 16 zombie creature must be at least a C level ability user, so as not to make such a common sense mistake, could it be that you have encountered a more difficult situation?"

If so many innocent people were really affected, those C-level power users could now feed the zombie creatures by themselves, so why would they feel the C-level zombie creatures coming here? Otherwise, even if they killed the sixteenth-level zombie animal, they would not be able to escape the sanctions of the Pearl River base.

How could Han Wenwu and the others not know this truth

It's just that they can't know what happened just by guessing now. They are so upset that they just cursed a few words to vent their anger.

Everyone waited anxiously in the refuge camp for nearly 20 minutes, and the group of C-level zombies finally arrived.

Not long after that, everyone's expressions changed.

"What's going on, why do these zombie creatures stay around the refuge camp?"

The group of C-level zombies did not run forward as fast as before. Three minutes later, they still stayed outside the refuge camp. Not long after, the level-16 zombie creature also arrived, and the refuge camp violently bumped and turned over. Just stopped.

The detector issues a warning, and the interface prompts: The signal source is shielded, please reconnect.

Sun Kang: "What's going on here?" He hurriedly handed the detector to Li Hou, but before Li Hou could take a closer look, a person with hearing abilities shouted: "There are other people's voices, they said we Swallowed into the belly of a level 16 zombie creature, there is more than one suspended refuge camp here, we are the fourth one to be taken in!"

Everyone's face changed drastically, and it was only now that they finally understood that the base's high-level ability users were chasing and beating this level 16 zombie creature for the sake of the refuge camp and low-level ability users who were eaten by him.

Some older people immediately operated the supernatural weapons installed in the refuge camp, but the supernatural weapons equipped by the refuge camp were completely ineffective against this sixteenth-level zombie creature.

The highest-ranking auditory ability user here said: "It's useless, don't waste crystal nucleus energy, everyone calm down, let me listen to what the person who was swallowed before said."

Everyone suppressed all kinds of emotions and quieted down, not disturbing the listening of the auditory abilities. After that, his expression became more and more serious and pale, and then he said to the crowd in a dejected manner: "We have encountered a hard stubble. This level 16 zombie creature is a zombie frog with special spatial abilities. There are also metal abilities, and I like to eat metal. Our floating stone refuge camp was targeted by it. It came here to eat floating stones, so the people who chased him did not put a warning to prevent us from entering the refuge camp. , Those zombie creatures driven by him are in a hurry to escape, as long as they don't confront them, they can still escape this crisis by hiding."

Everyone didn't expect such a magical turn, Shi Liu and the others' expressions were distorted.

Although they issued the warning out of good intentions and the principles of the base, they did not expect to do bad things instead.

The older supernatural person said: "The refuge camp has an oxygen supply system and emergency dry food reserves, but they are all limited to five days. Everyone counts how much supplies they have on them. We take extraordinary measures in extraordinary times. Count up all the supplies, and it will be good if you can last a little longer."

The person with hearing ability said: "The first person who was trapped in the refuge camp was just three hours ago. At that time, someone escaped and asked for help. The base will definitely send someone to rescue us. And I heard from a refuge camp person, The area where they are located happened to have a group of high-level military teams on missions nearby. These people should be the ones who chased and killed the zombie frogs just now. I seem to have heard an emergency recall order from the base before I came in. Please rest assured, if this is the case, the base Support should be on the way soon."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Hou frowned slightly.

Ji Que nervously said, "What, what's the matter?"

Li Hou said: "The direction has changed." Li Hou felt it carefully, and said firmly: "This frog escaped, and now it is going to take us to jump into the sea."

Fuck! ! Jump into the sea? ! !

Thinking of the high-level zombie creatures that filled the sea, Ji Que Shiliu and the others broke out in a cold sweat.