End of Century

Chapter 377: Little Monkey の Extra Story (12)


"It picked up speed."

Li Hou took out the microcomputer and simply made a few parameters. Others didn't understand anything about the complex calculation model, but soon he heard him say: "According to this speed, it will take about five to seven minutes , it will enter the sea. Too late."

Ji Que was dumbfounded, he didn't know how he calculated this data, but when he heard that it was too late, his heart sank.

Li Hou took out a tube of medicine from the space storage belt, and stabbed it on his arm without hesitation.

Sun Kang and the others were startled, "Boss, what are you doing? What is this?!"

"Good thing." Li Hou smiled, put aside the potion and stood up, Ji Que felt that he was in a very excited state now, wondering if it was affected by the potion. "It's a pity that there is only one tube of supernatural potency."

Ji Que knew that he was lying, but he had no reason to believe that he could properly handle the predicament in front of him, and he also settled down in his heart, and did not ask the end like Sun Kang and the others.

Li Hou started to grope around the wall of the floating stone refuge camp, and quickly pulled out a console. Everyone was shocked. Their education and training had never told them that there was a second console hidden in the refuge camp. tower. But seeing the young man press it, he was startled. The older supernatural user wanted to stop it, but soon the shelter shook again, as if something had collided with their shelter.

Li Hou didn't have time to talk nonsense with them. He watched his father design this refuge camp at the beginning, and no one present was more familiar with its structure than him.

Connecting the four separate refuge camps together, Li Hou tied the microcomputer to his arm and imported the program for remotely controlling the floating refuge into the microcomputer.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and there were only two minutes left in the five-minute countdown set on the computer.

Li Hou put on his helmet and combat uniform, easily opened an emergency door on the wall of the floating refuge camp, and got out.


"elder brother!"

His movements were too fast, Ji Que and the others didn't come to stop him at all, and they couldn't ask what he was doing.

Li Hou came out of the floating stone refuge camp, surrounded by darkness, he used the night vision function on his helmet to scan and found that he and these floating stone refuge camps were in a special space, this space has a storage function, besides them, there are There are a lot of metals that have not been digested by the zombie frogs, and this storage space has to shield the ability of supernatural attacks.

Li Hou glanced at the countdown timetable and searched around. His abilities cannot be used here, but he has many good things on him. It would be easier to escape before being taken into the sea.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Li Hou to guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed from the sea of ferocious high-level zombies.

Li Hou looked around, but did not find a weak point in this space, but instead saw something familiar.

— Naked meteor? !

Li Hou was taken aback. He was naked when he saw it in the past. Although it was only the size of a fist, it was enough to cause a qualitative change in the power of a zombie frog. The reason why the power of this lost frog is different from other zombie frogs should be It is caused by nakedness.

He unceremoniously took out a special storage bag and put Naked Meteor in it. He felt the disappearance of the energy group, the zombie frogs rioted, and the space in the mansion vibrated. Li Hou, who was suspended in the space, was also affected, and he was slapped unexpectedly on the space wall. Li Hou was pleasantly surprised. He just touched for a long time and didn't touch the boundary of this space. He didn't expect that it would take no effort at all!

He immediately used the space attack supernatural weapon, and used the twenty-five-level zombie crystal nucleus as kinetic energy without hesitation, and hit the space wall with one blow.


The zombie frog screamed, and its forward movement stopped immediately.

It was lying on the ground, desperately trying to repair its own space wall, but without the energy of Naked Meteor, his ability had been greatly reduced, and the speed of repairing the injury could not match Li Hou's attack at all. The zombie frog ruthlessly attacked Li Hou with the metal in the space, but he couldn't get close to Li Hou's body at all. His protective clothing looked unpretentious, but it was equipped with the most advanced mini-shield. In a human-shaped protective cover, the zombie frog's counterattack was not taken seriously at all.

When Li Hou's microcomputer counted down and issued a warning, the stomach of the zombie frog was finally broken by Li Hou. He immediately controlled the floating shelter and rushed out, followed closely by himself.


The zombie frog yelled loudly. The zombie frog itself is a creature with sound abilities. Only a few species have awakened space abilities, and metal abilities are derived entirely from naked meteors. shocked.

The people in the floating refuge were happy because the shielding of the signal source was released. Some people couldn't wait to go out and find out, so they opened the door. He frowned, cursed a fool, let go of the zombie frog that was seriously injured and jumped to escape, and closed the door of the half-open refuge camp before turning around to chase the zombie frog.

After all, it was a step too late. The zombie frog jumped into the sea that was separated by only a line. The bloody smell and energy fluctuations from the wound aroused a riot of zombie creatures. Many zombie fish jumped out of the sea, and some of them crawled to the shore.

Don't chase after the poor.

Li Hou recognized the reality, so he had no choice but to drive the floating refuge camp back while turning on the speed weapon on the protective suit to leave.

After walking for a while, we met the rescuers from the Pearl River base head-on.

There were therapists in the rescue team, and everyone simply stayed where they were, and entered the refuge to treat those D-level abilities who were injured by the sound ability, and Li Hou also returned to the refuge camp.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, Ji Que, Sun Kang and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Kang: "Are you not injured?"

Seeing his denial, Shi Liucai couldn't wait to ask: "What happened just now? Boss, you suddenly became such a dick, I don't know you at all."

Li Hou shrugged, "It's just a special supernatural power potion, which can double the power of the supernatural power, but now the effect of the medicine has passed."

He babbled nonsense, it was naturally not a powerful potion, but an antidote to a supernatural anesthetic.

A few years ago, Dongfang Bai came back from his travels and made Gongsun Jing improve the ability anesthesia, allowing them to successfully suppress the level of abilities. Not only can all detectors fail to detect their true strength, even abilities can only be detected. Can display the corresponding power, only retain their physique. He euphemistically said that only in this way can he truly integrate into the poor people and experience a different life.

Li Hou thinks so, so he also carries supernatural anesthetics and antidotes with him when he travels abroad.

Li Hou used an eighth-level anesthetic this time, and injected another tube after joining forces with the supernatural beings at the Pearl River base. Otherwise, the body scan he received when he entered the refuge camp just now would have revealed his secrets. What an uproar.

Ji Que frowned, "The potency is very harmful to the body, are you okay?"

Li Hou put his shoulders on his shoulders, and said indifferently: "It's just a matter of going back to sleep for two days, let's not talk about it, this time there is no need to do the task, I will apply for special task points for you when I go back, this time we will be spared In the face of difficulties, it is also your credit."

The three of Han Wenwu were very pleasantly surprised. Since Li Hou said so, he can definitely help them get the best benefits. At least they don't have to worry about this year's mission points.

Shi Liuze also enthusiastically asked Li Hou about the process of defeating the enemy just now. Li Hou was too lazy to talk, disassociated the connection between the microcomputer and the floating refuge camp, and sealed up the spare console.

Sun Kang's mother-in-law said: "Boss, don't worry about these things for now. Naturally, someone will deal with the aftermath. You'd better take a break. Let's ask a therapist to come over and take a look, otherwise it's really not reassuring."

Li Hou was about to refuse when someone entered the refuge camp.

The visitor easily attracted everyone's attention, including Li Hou.

"little monkey!"

Duan Qingxuan was overwhelmed with surprise, she ran up a few steps and gave Li Hou a big hug, and said with a happy smile: "Stinky boy, I knew it was you, and you didn't come to find me when you came here to play, you should hit me."

Li Hou let him go, and flicked her forehead unceremoniously, "It's not big or small."

Duan Qingxuan didn't take his words to heart at all, touched his face and said, "You didn't get hurt?"

"Very well, let you down."

"It's a little bit, if a zombie frog can hurt you, I'll have enough jokes for a whole year."

"Little heartless." Li Hou ruffled her hair unceremoniously, and she slapped her hands away fiercely, smiling a little more comfortably, and asked her, "You were the one who chased this zombie frog before?" ?”

Duan Qingxuan nodded, "I happened to accept uncle's mission, but don't worry. Tell me about that zombie frog right now? Let it run away?"

Li Hou nodded, "It's okay, I have a way to lure it out."

"Then say it first, this sixteenth-level crystal nucleus is mine, you are not allowed to snatch it from me."

Li Hou said indifferently: "I can give you the whole frog."

Duan Qingxuan laughed, then looked at the people who were staring blankly at her, "Little monkey, are you friends?"

Li Hou just nodded, but instead of introducing them, he stared blankly at Ji Que. Feeling a little relieved that he was staring at Duan Qingxuan in a nympho, Li Houchang stretched out his hand and pulled him over, and said to Sun Kang and the others: "This little burden follows me first, you go back with the rescue team. "

Duan Qingxuan took another look at Ji Que, who finally came back to his senses and smiled at her. Duan Qingxuan raised her eyebrows, and suddenly gave him and Li Hou a meaningful look.

A new game object for Little Monkey

No, the attitude of the little monkey is a bit strange...