End of Century

Chapter 384: Little Monkey の Extra Story (19)


Outside the Pearl River base, the C-level zombie biological area.

Li Hou yawned, and casually looked at the little white face fighting with the seventh-level mid-level zombie creature in front of him, but there was a completely different look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Ji Que's starting point is too low. Even though the current changes can be said to be progressing rapidly, they are still full of loopholes in the eyes of a master like Li Hou. However, Li Hou's requirements for him are very low. Firstly, the little boy has no stage fright, secondly, he has not been chased by zombies, and thirdly, he has improved combat awareness and knows that he is suitable for offense and defense. Li Hou's purpose of bringing him out for training this time is basically completed. .

That night, while watching the combat video, Ji Que suddenly yelled, "So that's how it is!"

He held the tablet and approached Li Hou, "Brother, look at this, it turns out that the corpses of zombie creatures can be arranged in advance to lure the scavenger away, once it leaves, it won't come back until it has finished the rest of the way!"


Li Hou fell asleep on his shoulder, not interested in answering this question.

Ji Que was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "You knew it all along, why didn't you tell me earlier? Do you know how much I suffered?!"

"I want to tell you everything, have you paid your tuition?" Li Hou glanced at him, seeing his aggrieved look, he happily leaned over and kissed him. The little white face was speechless when he kissed me and my stickiness. He heard him say that he is an adolescent who is excited to catch every hole at his age. He can only complain that he pretends to be tender and has no bottom line.

After Ji Que opened the obstacles and the scavenger was very proficient, Li Hou threw him a space storage bag. The volume was so large that Ji Que could not fill one-third of it on the day when Ji Que harvested the most.

With this storage bag, Ji Que dug out the crystal nucleus and put away the whole prey, so he doesn't have to worry about the scavenger coming to rob it. He got it well, and he didn't complain that Li Hou didn't give him this treasure earlier to save him from losses. He already understood the principle of gradual progress. If Li Hou gave it to him from the beginning, then he would definitely not grow as he is now.

Li Hou compressed his training time into half a day, and let him ponder over the prey and collect biological materials for the rest of the time, and spend all the time at night resting.

In the past two months, Ji Que has jumped from a sixth-level high-level ability user to an eighth-level middle-level ability user. He has penetrated into the C-level zombie creature area and started to leapfrog against the ninth-level high-level zombie creature. He has experienced a qualitative change in his growth, and his mentality is very different from the concept of life in the Chuanyuan base.

"I didn't expect that I was really living in an ivory tower when I was in the Kawahara base. It turned out to be like this in the last days."

Being squeezed in the corner of the bed by Li Hou and hugged with hands and feet, Ji Que has become used to it naturally, and he is still in the mood to feel his life.

"If you want to continue to be an ordinary person, life in the Pearl River Base will only be more comfortable than before." Li Hou asked truthfully.

Ji Que also thought about it. Ordinary people in the Pearl River base are not useless people. With the infrastructure and machines made of supernatural weapons and biological materials, there are many things that ordinary people can do. He looked forward to it: "It's true, if I were an ordinary person in the Pearl River Base, I would have become a first-class chef by now."

"If you want, I will fulfill you."

"Hmph, you think I'm stupid."

Ji Que would be happy if he was still the non-attacking psychic user before, but now he is fully capable of supporting himself, and the zombie creatures he hunted are enough to support him for at least a month in a high-end restaurant. Don't ask others to serve you, but instead serve others? He's not out of his mind.

Li Hou gave a low laugh and said affirmatively, "I'm not smart at all."

"Yes, yes, no one is as smart as you, Young Master Li, okay?" Ji Que rolled his eyes silently.

Li Hou touched his waist, "I'll give you three more days, and we'll go back."

The topic span is too wide, Ji Que even forgot to block his dishonest hand, and said unwillingly: "Isn't there still a month before the trial? Why go back so early?"

Since Ji Que wanted to participate in the trials at the Pearl River Base, he didn't do it to make up the numbers. He also had his own ambitions.

This selection contest is aimed at the seventh-level high-level to eighth-level high-level ability users, and those who are selected will be sent to the free ability user alliance for special training for a rainy season. According to incomplete statistics from previous years, at least one out of every hundred people sent to the special training will directly enter the thirteenth level of ability, and directly advance to become one of the strong ones in the C level ability stage.

This is simply a green channel for one-jump promotion, so every year, the seven or eighth-level supernatural powers grab the top of these two hundred places.

According to the trials, 300 finalists will be selected, and 200 people will be selected from these 300 people.

The quota assessment for the second stage involves many aspects. The Pearl River Base itself has a comprehensive evaluation system, which is based on four indicators: supernatural ability, task points, college evaluation and military training scores, and base contribution value. In this regard, Li Hou gave him a very high starting point, and Ji Que was not worried.

The only thing he lacks is the experience and actual combat ability against the enemy. Everyone in the arena is a veteran who has experienced many battles. Ji Que is not sure of winning. With the opportunity to train himself, he naturally wants to gain more experience.

Li Hou sniffed at his neck, heard him happily biting a piece of his neck skin, and saw him hissing in pain, cursing and pushing himself, so he seemed satisfied, and turned to accuse him: " What did you promise me, don't you remember?"

"What... you fucking bite, are you a zombie?!" Xiaobai's eyes were red and painful, and while covering his mouth to prevent him from committing crimes again, he rubbed his neck, wishing to bite him to death.

"Chef Ji, it's not good to have such a bad memory."

Seeing how he dared to be angry but not to hate, Li Hou finally satisfied his bad taste.

Only then did Ji Que remember that he had promised him to enroll in a class to learn cooking skills, and he weighed the biological materials and delicious ingredients that he purchased in exchange for the crystal nucleus, and the balance kept tilting towards the latter... The little white face swallowed and asked: I heard from Young Master Duan that you also have a place for special training?"

"Why, want to go through the back door?"

Li Hou's eyes lit up, as if he was already thinking of making some conditions.

Ji Que's smiling face froze, he moved back subconsciously, stuck it on the wall of the car, and said with a dry smile, "I'd better fight for it myself, don't bother you."

Li Hou smirked, and whispered to him: "It's actually very simple, if you let me enter your back door, I will give you whatever you want."

Ji Que rolled his eyes greatly, and blocked his head, "Fuck you, don't even think about it!"

Li Hou snorted coldly, "You said it yourself, cooperate with me unconditionally."

"Dream, I'm talking about boyfriend games, not marriage behavior."

"You want to marry me?"

Li Hou seemed to think that this request was also very good, so he nodded his head, as if he would go to get the certificate tomorrow.

Since the in vitro breeding cabin technology has matured, the marriage laws of major bases have officially established the legality of the relationship between men and women, and between men and women. In an era of disparity in the ratio of men to women, it has become normal for two men to get married, like Ji Que and Li Hou. The new generation of people who have been immersed in the environment of the end of the world since childhood are not bound by the concept of the end of the world.

However, marrying a man and marrying Li Hou are two completely different things!

Ji Que twitched the corner of his mouth, pretending he didn't hear it so that Li Hou wouldn't get entangled endlessly. After thinking about it, what I have accumulated now are killing moves against zombie creatures, and fighting with supernatural beings is still very different. It is better to go back to the base for training, so I accepted Li Hou's proposal.

For the remaining three days, Ji Que planned to make a fortune, but Li Hou had already made arrangements to take him directly to the B-level zombie area to watch the battle.

Originally, Ji Que was a little unhappy, but he didn't know what Li Hou's intentions were until he arrived at the place.

None of the four major bases of B-level supernatural beings who have entered the twentieth level has yet—of course, Ji Que has only heard some legends. The B-level zombie biological area of the Zhujiang base is all C-level senior teams, and there are very few individual organizations, most of which are the base's established military special forces.

A small team of ten people with advanced supernatural powers at the 16th and 17th levels hunted a zombie creature of the 20th level, and fought with their lives. No one relaxed, and their battles brought their individual and team abilities to the extreme.

They only rely on supernatural powers, not supernatural weapons, leaving no retreat for themselves.

Only fight, keep fighting.

That fighting spirit made the onlookers tremble and their blood boiled with excitement.

Ji Que couldn't see the gap between himself and these high-level supernatural beings. It can be said that these days he is just a frog who has jumped up from the bottom of the well, thinking that the magnified sky above his head has a panoramic view, but in fact he is just a frog. It was the tip of the iceberg, and there was still a long, long way to go before he climbed out of the well.

With vision eyes, he watched blindly from a long distance, and often couldn't see the trajectory of the attack with the ability. Attracted by the battle, he took a step forward involuntarily, but was pulled back by Li Hou and firmly held in his arms.

"One step forward, you will be fried into meat paste, low-level ability user."

Li Hou said lightly.

Ji Que's throat was dry. Just now he really felt the aftermath of the energy hitting him. If Li Hou hadn't caught him in time, he wouldn't even have the chance to quit the battle circle.

"Remember how you feel now, as long as you want, you can get it." Li Hou stretched out his hand, poking into the aftermath of the energy of the ten-person battle circle - obviously it is only a high-level eighth-level power user, but even a zombie creature The residual power of the twentieth-level supernatural energy could not hurt his body that has been tempered in the slightest, and the palm fiddled with the trajectory of the residual energy at will.

Ji Que's heart was beating like thunder. At this moment, he really realized that the person beside him was the Young Master of the Yellow River Base.

One, the same high-level ability user that exists in the legend.