End of Century

Chapter 386: Little Monkey の Extra Story (21)


In the eyes of everyone, the trials of the Pearl River Base finally arrived.

The game number Ji Que got was at the back, and the game time was tomorrow. He didn't dare to be idle this day, but took Li Hou to watch the game.

Each person in the selection competition has three chances to compete, and as long as they win one, they will advance to the next selection opportunity. Because the opponents are drawn at random, there is also an element of luck in the game.

In order to shorten the time, the preliminary competition was divided into 50 arenas at the same time. Naturally, it was not possible to have a panoramic view. Ji Que was not very interested in the competitions of the few seeded players who were being promoted. Tickets, only booked a common venue.

When he first arrived, the first match hadn't started yet, Ji Que and Li Hou had a good seat to watch the match, and the people next to him were talking about the just-concluded trials at the Kawahara Base. The special training ground of the Liberty League is fixed to open only in the rainy season, so the trials of the three major bases are also scheduled before the end of the snow season, with a slight deviation in time.

This year, the Kawahara base was the first to hold the selection competition, and some people from the Pearl River base also went to watch the competition.

However, he hadn't heard about the Kawahara Base for a long time. After all, it was the place where Ji Que grew up, and Ji Que naturally paid more attention to it, not to mention the selection of special training places that he had longed for since he was a child. I heard that this year's trials at the Kawahara base were very lively. Not only did many potential masters get eliminated, but some people died as well.

"... It was also that kid who was eager for success, soared to the eighth level by sucking the crystal core, but his realm was unstable, and he blew himself up during the fight. His opponent was stunned by his face, and he heard that he was frightened and cried It’s so pitiful to say something like “Don’t care about me”, “I didn’t kill him” and “I didn’t kill him.”

"Then it should be possible to find out that he is a crystal nucleus impurity explosion body. However, this person is too brave. Why cry? If he is selected into the special training ground, he might be trained as a Vajra Barbie."

The speaker is cold.

The person who had gossiped with him before continued: "That's not his turn. I heard that the person who exploded and died was the squadron leader of the Kawahara base defense team. He only had this ability at the seventh level. You don't even think about why. I heard that he has a good sister behind him, who is married to a fifteenth-level supernatural person, and her background is not small. You said it was not the fault of that person, but it was too unlucky, and I never heard about him again... There are rumors Said he was sent to be buried with him."

"Fuck, the wife of a level 15 superhuman dares to be so domineering?"

"Who knows if it's true, but the Kawahara base is really not as good as it is every year. Among other things, the guest meals for our Pearl River people never change. It's still a three-level supernatural plant meal. Sigh, send it away." Is it Hanako?"

"It can't be said that, the strength of the Kawahara base these years is not too weak, but the two levels of differentiation are serious."

"Hey, don't talk about this, it's time."

Ji Que listened to his devotion, and wanted them to pick up the gossip about the Chuanyuan trials, but he didn't expect that these two people didn't even care about complaining, and they ended up halfway, whetting his appetite.

It can be seen that the time is indeed almost up, Ji Que shrugged his shoulders to remind Li Hou who was sleeping with his head on his shoulder: "It's about to start."

"Don't make noise." Li Hou stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his waist, anyone who likes to watch this kind of trials.

Ji Que rolled his eyes and ignored it. Soon, all the contestants of the first game came to the stage.

Because the roster announced in the competition only has numbers, and there is no personal information of the players. Except for the numbers of a few seeded players who have attracted much attention, most of them didn't know whether their opponents were round or flat when they played. Only after fighting each other did they know what supernatural attributes they were.

This not only increases the difficulty of the trials, but also increases the visibility of the audience.

Like this one, it was an eighth-level low-level water-type supernatural being against a seventh-level high-level wind-type supernatural power. When the two first fought each other, they both wanted to test each other's supernatural attributes and strengths, and they didn't kill each other. Unexpectedly, after the fight, the wind supernatural power suddenly found out that the opponent's water supernatural power was overjoyed.

With a seventh-level high-level match against an eighth-level low-level, even if he was only one barrier away, he was originally in a position to be defeated, but he was so lucky!

The wind-type power user immediately kept doing two things, using the strongest wind-type power to attack the water-type power user. Water-type abilities still have a certain degree of defense and self-protection ability. It is a good strategy to use up the opponent's ability energy to hold on to the resistance, but it is a pity that the situation is already one-sided.

The audience inevitably felt disappointed in the clear-cut game. Some people kept shouting that the water-type power user should recognize the reality and leave the arena quickly. If a water-type power user came to participate in some trials, he should pack up his things early and go home to milk the milk. Some people also thought that this water-type power user was brave, and said that if he was lucky to consume electricity in the next two rounds, he might be able to survive the preliminary round with his eighth-level low-level cultivation base.

It can be heard that no one is optimistic about him.

In the arena, the wind-type supernatural beings are seeking a quick solution, and the offensive against the water-type supernatural beings is getting more and more fierce.

Seeing, the water curtain of the water-type superpower was finally split by the wind-type superpower! The water-type power user hastily escaped, and the wind-type power user was already sure of victory, and a bully would kick him out of the ring—

A metal knife suddenly came out horizontally and struck the neck of the wind-type power user. The wind-type power user trembled all over, his eyelids drooped, his head struggled twice, and he knelt down on the ground with his face facing the ground. on the ground.

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Double-type abilities!"

"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger! This is it! It's teasing people! Haha!"

"No, no, his metal ability user is only level three! He deliberately hides his clumsiness and waits for the air ability user to send him to the door. He is too careless!"

"It's not my fault. This kid's disguise is too good. I saw it for real just now. He was just a little bit short of being struck by the wind blade."

"Haha, soldiers never tire of cheating. He's not strong enough to be tricky. If his metal ability is as high as his water ability, how can he have the wind ability to jump in front of him for so long?"

There was a lot of discussion, and the on-site broadcast also announced the results of the first match. The water-type supernatural person will advance directly, and the wind-type supernatural person will also randomly select two opponents. Whether he can advance depends on his luck. At this time, he It was being carried down by the venue staff, and it looked like it would faint for a while.

"Defeat the strong with the weak, this water-type supernatural user is very smart, but I don't know if he can win the promotion competition."

Ji Que became worried. After all, the game numbers are universal, and his clumsy tricks will not work well in the next battle. Seeing that Li Hou ignored him, he turned his head and saw that the good guy had never opened his eyes.

Ji Que poked his face, pushed his head away and asked in a low voice, "Why are the abilities of the five-element power users here uneven? Since this water-type power user has successfully evolved the metal power, how can there be only Level three?"

When he was at the Kawahara base, he had never heard of such a situation.

Li Hou buried himself in his shoulder and said, "Didn't you see that what he evolved was a metal ability? Shui Shengmu, he leapfrogged and evolved a more lethal metal ability, so he can only go slanted."

"What slant?"

Ji Que waited for a while without waiting for his next words, so he asked.

Li Hou: "Thanks to you spying on so many people in the Kawahara base, you don't understand this kind of thing. If it is not in accordance with the normal evolution sequence, it will have to go through certain external surgery and drugs, and finally the glands of the five elements superhuman Divided into two, the two do not interfere with each other, and the derived abilities have to be practiced from scratch. Most of this happens to water-type abilities."

Ji Que nodded to express his understanding. Water-type abilities are still generally underestimated in terms of combat effectiveness. Water-type abilities can only give priority to deriving wood-type abilities, which are only slightly stronger than water-type abilities.

Ordinary supernatural beings like Ji Que don't even know about Mu Xin's existence, so they inevitably think that wood supernatural beings can only grow flowers, grass and food in the base. Naturally, many water supernatural beings are unwilling to do so. This method was originally developed by a water-type supernatural healer, and there are certain risks in the operation and use of medicine.

Li Hou looked down on these people in his heart. They have never really seen the horror of water-type abilities. You must know that Uncle Liu Zhan, who leads the entire Yellow River base team, has always used water-type abilities when walking in the rivers and lakes. The other four-type abilities Being able to be sidelined all year round, except when teasing people, has never been lucky.

While speaking, the contestants of the second match came on the field, and Ji Que immediately put aside the communication with Li Hou and focused on watching.

Ji Que gained a lot this day, but Li Hou slept all day, which was very boring.

When Ji Que saw it, he said, "Anyway, you're not going to end, so you can play with yourself at home tomorrow."

Li Hou glanced at him, and went out with Ji Que the next day.

Ji Que knew that he was there to watch his match, so he patted his chest with him: "Don't worry brother, I will definitely not embarrass you."

He entered the stage with arrogance and arrogance, and faced a majestic opponent, he took out a small leaf and blew it up.

"Where did the little chicken come from, what kind of crap are you blowing? Are you here to juggle?"

The game hasn't started yet, so it's blowing up. Did you think you're sure to win, so you played the celebration song in advance? The power user was so angry that he was dying, but on the surface he still pretended to be domineering. The audience also found it very strange. This was the first time in history that someone used such a flashy trick on the stage to make Advocate Pure The supernatural powers are very contemptuous.

This shows disrespect for the opponent.

As soon as the competition bell rang, the eighth-level high-level power user slammed his fist at the handsome boy. If this fist didn't knock out all his teeth, it would also smash his handsome boy!

The power user was elated, but the audience watched Ji Que, who didn't hide, but sweated for him. Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn for the worse. It was like playing in slow motion, his fist limply "touched" Xiang Ji Que, and he easily took a step back and avoided it.

The graceful and soft melody continues.

The power user seemed to be drunk, and drew a drunken fist, staggered a few steps, and suddenly shook his head, staring at Ji Que with tiger eyes, but his expression was very docile like a cat.

After a while, it hit the ring with a bang—a sweet grunt sounded.