End of Century

Chapter 398: Little Monkey の Extra Story (Thirty-Three)


Satisfied to see Sun Kang and others turning green, the instructor returned to the topic.

"Starting from tomorrow, single-player actions, crystal hunting rankings, and the top ten are eligible to exchange resources." He announced the new game rules and walked away. When Sun Kang and others saw their position in the ranking of A+ students, their sense of crisis suddenly soared.

As soon as the instructor left, No. 14, the most impulsive, snatched Ji Que's storage bag. Ji Que had prevented them from grabbing his hand and throwing it on the ground, and stepped on the back of his hand fiercely, saying grimly : "Snatched my crystal nucleus once, do you think that I am still the physicist who was bullied by you back then?"

He crushed his foot, crushed all the bones of No. 14's hand, and said in the background of No. 14's wailing: "If any of you are not convinced by the instructor's decision, just come to me, there are no such people in the special training ground. The no-kill rule."

When No. 1 and the others saw that he seriously injured No. 14 as soon as he shot, they all looked at him very complicatedly, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they all lay back on their beds and just rested.

Ji Que kicked No. 14 to the ground, and the latter looked at him viciously, not knowing what he was thinking, and reluctantly climbed onto the bed.

"Tsk tsk, a bunch of grandchildren."

Nine made a speech.

Ji Que smiled at him, and thought: It turns out that the feeling of being bullied by the strong is really fucking cool.

From this day on, the atmosphere among the students became more and more tense. The success rate of hunting crystals in the first area has a great relationship with physical skills. With the experience of hunting 20th-level zombies, Ji Que can deal with the C-level zombies below, and the pressure has dropped sharply. Very good, but I didn't expect No. 9's results to be better than myself.

For several consecutive days, No. 9 ranked first in the crystal hunting qualifying competition, and No. 16 ranked second. The number of crystal nuclei hunted by the two consecutively topped the list doubled and surpassed the others, which was shocking.

That's all for number nine, they have a high starting point, but how can an E-level physique waste on number sixteen turn over

With such doubts in mind, a few people went to see how the two hunted crystals and tried to learn from them, but soon they were all desperate.

No. 9 family has both strength and wisdom. In such a difficult environment, he has a way to use the crystal nucleus to make a simple offensive supernatural weapon. It is really not easy to face zombies who cannot use supernatural abilities. . Not to mention No. 16, he is really fast on the ground, and his attacks are also very skillful. It seems that he knows the actions of the zombies already, and he can always deal with the target zombies in the shortest time.

The advantages of these two people cannot be learned by just looking at them. In order not to be left too far, they can only fight hard.

Ji Que learned that No. 9 had specialized in supernatural weapons for ten years at the base, and that's why he was promoted to the eighth level at the age of thirty. He was really impressed.

And a bit of a competitive spirit was also aroused in my heart, thinking that I can't win the first place in the number of crystal nuclei, but can also win by quality, so I went deep into the middle of the first area to hunt for mid-to-high-level C-level zombie crystal nuclei.

There are no real low-level zombies in the death forbidden area. Except for a small number of B-level zombies in the first area, most of them are C-level zombies, and the stratification of the zombies is also clear at a glance. So far, most of the students are still acting outside, and even the extraordinary No. 9 did not go deep into the first area alone, so when Ji Que came, he looked at the past except for zombies.

In this way, for the next 30 days or so, he and No. 9 took turns sitting on the throne of the first crystal hunter, and the first and second were not around two people. Naturally, the resources they got were also the best. Suddenly distance yourself from the others.

No. 9: Water and gold dual-line abilities, tenth-level high-level, physical skills A-level.

No. 16: Psychic abilities, low-level eleventh level, A-level physical skills.

Everyone was staring at the real-time physical status of the two, and they knew in their hearts that in time, the first person to advance to the second district would be born between them.

Ji Que is not complacent about his progress, he is very clear that he still has fatal flaws compared to others, his experience in fighting the enemy is still too little, and the twenty years in the Chuanyuan base have made him miss the forging In his best period, all he needs to catch up now is to accumulate experience, and there is nothing better than training people in a special training ground.

On this day, as usual, he came to the middle of District 1 to concentrate on hunting for crystals, but he didn't want someone to follow him all the way.

In order to avoid being unable to get away from the group attack, Ji Que neatly caught the two zombies with a noose and quickly dragged them into a relatively open place, starting to launch an attack in order to make a quick victory before attracting other zombies.

This is also the reason why the level of crystal nuclei he hunts is so high that he still often loses to No. 9. The number of crystal nuclei he can hunt every day fluctuates greatly.

Now that he is very proficient in this kind of combat method, he will not be in a hurry when he is attacked by those two zombies. But today it was beyond his expectation, when he was fighting fiercely, suddenly zombies rushed over from all directions!

Ji Que was taken aback, and when he saw many multi-attribute crystal nuclei lying there not far away, he suddenly understood: someone wants his life!

Ji Que immediately gave up the crystal nucleus that was at his fingertips, and turned to run away, but he underestimated his opponents. They were obviously not alone, and even in the short two minutes when he was fighting with two zombies, they were surrounded by the crystal nucleus. The zombie rushed over.

Ji Que gritted his teeth. Seeing the 16th and 7th-level zombies pouring in from all directions, he was in chaos. He was about to send out a distress signal for the second time, but he gritted his teeth and held on when he thought of the punishment regulations that the instructor had said.

He took out the energy food that he hadn't eaten in the past few days from the storage bag. In order to cherish the opportunity to train in the first area and accumulate experience, he was very cautious in taking resources after he was promoted to the eleventh level. Ji Que plans to fight for the resources exchanged by Sun Kang and his punishment crystal nucleus.

Seeing the approaching zombies, he wished he could have a mouth full of them, so that he could swallow them raw without chewing.

The person who watched this scene in the dark was secretly anxious, No. 10: "He wants to enter the second district, we can't let him succeed! Otherwise we won't have a second chance! Why are you still hesitating? Can't he see who wants to To deal with him? Even if there is no evidence, he will count us all!"

No. 14: "There are still a lot of good things in his bag. What will we have left when he eats them all? First, third, and seventeenth, what are you waiting for?"

The five people looked at each other, put away the bait of the crystal nucleus, and all appeared to attack Ji Que.

"It's you!"

Although Ji Que was not surprised, he was still angry. What kind of hatred does he have with them? After all, he is the one who wants revenge, right? !

Ji Que was embarrassed to deal with it, and it was not unreasonable to beat the master to death with random punches, not to mention that Sun Kang and No. 1 were not weak in the first place!

"Sun Kang! We are all students of the Pearl River Base. There are cameras in every corner of the special training ground. Aren't you afraid that you will be cast aside by the Pearl River Base after you go out?!"

Ji Que kicked a zombie fiercely to block No. 1's killing move, and yelled at Sun Kang.

Sun Kang looked at him, the killing intent in his eyes was more intense than the others, he sneered: "As long as I am strong enough, even the Pearl River Base will not be willing to remove me. Besides, I am now in the special training ground, the Pearl River Base The code is invalid here, so what if I just kill you?"

He has nothing to fear, without this obtrusive competitor, he will get better resources in the special training ground, and his strength can also be improved to a higher level.

Based on his aptitude, when he leaves the special training ground, he will definitely be able to become a C-level superhuman. Even if the high-level executives of the Pearl River base see these video materials, what will happen? Who will snub him because of a dead person? Can't a high-level supernatural person succeed? Even Hou Li will forget about this trash who can't even survive the special training. At that time, he will always have a chance to get the other party!

Thinking of this level, Sun Kang's attack on Ji Que became more severe.

Ji Que was in a bad mood, so he tried his best to fight.

Sun Kang and others didn't expect him to be so difficult to deal with, and there were zombies who were passively attracted, so they were even more restrained.

No, if it drags on, maybe they will be attacked by zombies instead of killing someone. No. 1 became ruthless, snatched the noose that was still around the zombie's neck, and circled Ji Que upright. He was overjoyed, and pulled Ji Que fiercely. He raised the dog-leg knife high and was about to insert it into Ji Que's heart .

At the time of the crisis, Ji Que suddenly opened his eyes wide in astonishment—

And the next moment, he suddenly disappeared in place without warning, and Sun Kang quickly grabbed No. 1's hand, otherwise this one would be pierced into his own flesh, and it would be covered with zombie viruses!

"Where are people?!"

Number One was furious.

Sun Kang's face was also very ugly, "He... advanced."

Ji Que suddenly triggered the conditions for promotion to the second district. The instructor never said that after meeting the promotion conditions, he would be directly transferred to the second district. Like District 1, it was besieged by zombies.

Immediately, he found that he was in a well-decorated room, which was very safe.

Seeing him relax and fall to the ground, the instructor finally appeared.

He said: "This is the student dormitory in the second district, coward."

Ji Que looked at him, "So the place where we teleported last time should also be in the student dormitory. Was that just your intention to scare us?"

The instructor did not deny it.

Ji Que was speechless to his bad taste, raised his hand and said: "Instructor, give me a hand, I almost scared me to death just now. Fortunately, I suddenly recovered my abilities at the end, but unfortunately I was teleported away immediately , otherwise I have to show them some color!"

Seeing that he was not moving, the instructor did not let go of his hand, stepped forward and pulled him up, and was about to speak when Ji Que caught him.

"Li Hou, you bastard! You really watched from the beginning to the end! Is it fun to watch me being bullied?!"

The instructor looked at his hand that was pinched by him, and raised his eyebrows: It's revealed.