End of Century

Chapter 4: Your Majesty appears


The moment Hou Ying heard herself screaming, she knew it was over!

But this is the human stress response! instinct! He can't control it at all!

He froze and wanted to run away immediately. But when he turned around, Hou Ying found that there were at least five zombies standing behind him after the scream just now!

Hou Ying's hands and feet felt cold, as if only for a microsecond, he suddenly thought of suicide - he would rather die than become a monster like these zombies.

He kept his eyes wide open, his pupils constricted due to fright, and he kept backing away.

Until, there is no turning back.

He stuck it on a wall of the convenience store, wishing that he would disappear into this world immediately—he held his breath tightly, his whole body stiffened, hoping that he would be thinner than paper and become transparent, so that these zombies could not see anything in the world .

But what surprised him was that when he was waiting to die, as if God had heard his prayer, none of the zombies pounced on him and bit him.

The back of Hou Ying's neck was drenched in cold sweat, and the sweat slipped into his eyes. He closed them so hotly, but quickly opened them again, for fear that he would be bitten to death by these zombies when he couldn't see. But he still blinked uncontrollably, the sweat made his eyes hurt, and the eyeballs were stressed and wept.

He wondered why he had to suffer in this place, the fear of self-defeating dangers he couldn't handle made him cowardly.

But soon he thought of his dependent nephew—he must still be alive, and he was also looking for himself to join him.

Thinking of this, he felt guilty again, and despised his own cowardice.

Moreover, there is a child in the car outside who has no ability to save himself. If he dies, he will either be bitten to death by zombies or starved to death—this kind of death is too tragic, and no adult with a conscience can Do nothing about this kind of thing.

Hou Ying moved his footsteps tentatively, and those zombies who seemed to be stationary followed his movements and stared at his feet. Hou Ying's hairs stood on end, before he could react, those zombies seemed to have touched some switch, and began to repeat the slow and slow movement before, completely ignoring him.

Hou Ying moved a few steps with the same hands and feet, and found that these zombies really ignored him completely, and he felt strange and scared in his heart.

He tentatively made a little noise, those zombies would look back at him before, but turned back faster and faster each time, and finally ignored Hou Ying completely.

How is this going

In Hou Ying's heart, there was not much rejoicing for the rest of his life after a false alarm, but a terrible feeling of disgust made him feel chills in his bones.

But he didn't have time to think too much. After finding out that the zombies didn't intend to bite him, although Hou Ying couldn't stop being nervous, she calmed down a lot and continued to put things he could get into bags—he had thought about it before. What is the most important thing to take, but now he can't remember the priority at all, so he can only stuff in random, as much as he can get.

He didn't give up until he couldn't hold the things in the bag with two hands and one mouth alone, and the veins bitten on his mouth bulged and moved out quickly, covering his entire arm.

Meng Hanghai was already frightened when he heard the scream. He really wanted to rush out to see what was going on, but he didn't. He just lay on the window of the car and tried to look into the convenience store.

The ignorant child has already vaguely understood how he can not make trouble for adults. If Hou Ying was bitten by zombies and turned into a monster like his father, he would not be able to save him. If Hou Ying still had the possibility to escape, he would only harm him if he went out.

When Meng Hanghai was about to collapse from shock and panic, suddenly Hou Ying appeared in his line of sight with a full load of things.

Meng Hanghai was overjoyed, and immediately opened the car door and waved to Hou Ying. Hou Ying's car was parked in front of the convenience store. He catches it.

Hou Ying just let go of her mouth, and was about to say something, when the zombies in the convenience store who were originally very "docile" suddenly went berserk and rushed towards their car! Hou Ying was taken aback, and regardless of the bag that fell on the ground, she ruthlessly pushed Meng Hanghai's head back to the back of the car, and shouted: "Hurry up and hide!"

He got back into the car, closed the door firmly, and started the engine.

I have never felt that the ignition time of a commercial Audi is so long!

Those zombies making hoo hoo noises seemed to have all "woke up". Whether they were inside or outside the convenience store, they all rushed towards the car, slapping and biting his car, but after a while, the backs on both sides The mirror was bitten off—in Hou Ying's eyes, it was as if the two bites had bitten his neck, and he could almost feel the pain of breaking it!

Meng Hanghai was crying in the back, he couldn't control the sob, just like the cry he made when Hou Ying first met him, terrified and patient.

The car was almost stuck and couldn't move. Hou Ying gritted her teeth, stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, rushed no less than ten times, knocked away an unknown number of zombies, finally broke through a small opening, and drove out at the fastest speed.

After the zombie's attack just now, the co-pilot's window was completely broken, and the two mirrors in the rear compartment were also severely damaged. Only the windshield and the mirror next to the driver's side were left with a few spider webs.

Hou Ying rushed towards the highway desperately, a few bags of food on the co-pilot flew out of the window, Hou Ying was so distressed that she couldn't care less - even without the rearview mirrors on both sides, he knew that the zombies were still behind Chasing after, because he could clearly hear their more and more excited huh huh.

On the other hand, Meng Hanghai is a very strong kid. At this time, he suddenly rushed to pick up the food piled up on the passenger seat and put it in the back seat, so that he would not have the bad luck of flying out of the window when he worked so hard to bring it out.

Seeing Meng Hanghai looking back at the group of zombies chasing after him, hugging the driver's seat tightly and staring at him in fear, Hou Ying was both gratified and sad at the same time when he couldn't speak and even forgot to cry.

At this moment, his belief in survival was stronger than ever.

What they didn't know was that on the expressway in the distance, on a military armored off-road vehicle that was speeding towards the Jianghai service area, a man in military uniform who was lying on the roof and watching suddenly said: "There is a situation. ! About a kilometer ahead, there is the sound of driving, suspected survivors."

The person on the co-pilot who was resting with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the other driver, who gritted his teeth and said, "Go and have a look." He said to the military Bluetooth: "Sit down firmly." He accelerated and drove forward.

The man on the roof kept broadcasting the situation until he was 200 meters away. As soon as he finished speaking, the person on the co-pilot said impatiently, "I heard it!"

At such a short distance, the car in front of them was racing like hell, and they, who had no auditory abilities, could already hear the sound.

But before he could express his dissatisfaction, the person on the roof said again: "Attention! The speed of the zombies in front has changed!" When the car was approaching, he suddenly said: "The fastest one is as fast as me ! There is also a zombie caught on the door of the survivor's vehicle, please be alert!"

Hou Ying saw the army-green vehicle rushing into the field of vision, before he could be ecstatic, or before he had time to react, he heard a bang, and then a terrible mucus flew into the car and smeared on his face .

Hou Ying froze all over, watching helplessly as the army green car passed by him, and then made a shrill brake sound!

Then, intensive gunfire sounded!

Hou Ying gave a jolt and slammed on the brakes. The high-performance commercial Audi rushed forward for more than ten meters before stopping, which shows how fast he was just now.

He opened the car door in a panic and looked back. The off-road vehicle that passed his car just now was parked on the road in front of him. The gunshots continued. The car became a line of fire that could not be crossed, beating all the approaching zombies to death The brains splashed and hit the ground without any resistance.

He touched his face belatedly, and then reacted slowly, what was splashed on his face was the brains of the fastest zombie who chased them all the way and grabbed his car door—


Hou Ying bent over and retched.

The dazed Meng Hanghai came back to his senses at this moment, and hurriedly asked, "Uncle Hou?!"

Hou Ying waved her hand feebly. Fortunately, Meng Hanghai was young but caring. He found a tissue from the car and handed it to him, as well as mineral water.

In fact, Hou Ying really wanted to take a quick bath to wash off the zombie brains on his face and neck, but now he is very aware of the preciousness of drinking water, so he can only wipe his face and neck vigorously with a paper towel , I wish I could rub off a layer of skin.

The firepower in front came to an end, and the zombies following behind were not fast enough to rush up. A man in military uniform jumped out of the driver's seat on Hou Yingjun's green armored off-road vehicle, and then another female soldier opened the rear door and jumped out of the vehicle.

"Hey, what's your name, where are you from?"

The military uniforms on these two people, Hou Ying probably recognized the military uniforms of the Marine Corps and not the kind worn by ordinary police officers. The identity of the green military uniforms made Hou Ying greatly relieved. These are the cutest in times of crisis. Talented people are reliable. But looking at the distance between them and himself that could attack them and retreat at any time, Hou Ying naturally found that the savior was on guard against him. Hou Ying breathed out in one breath, and waved her hand to signal that Meng Hanghai was safe, and asked him to come down quickly.

Sure enough, the other party saw that there was such a young child in the car, so he stepped forward.

Hou Ying said: "My surname is Hou, and my name is Hou Ying. This child's name is Meng Hanghai. I'm from Yecheng. This child should have escaped from Hucheng."

Hou Ying noticed that when they heard the word Hucheng, the expressions of the two people changed immediately. Meng Hanghai was very sensitive and hid behind Hou Ying in fright.

Hou Ying didn't know what they meant, but seeing that they were soldiers, he rescued them, and people in the car in front shot and killed zombies from time to time. It was obvious that their kindness towards them was greater than their malice, so she took the initiative to say: "He and I are We met at the Jianghai service station in front, we were not bitten by zombies, and we brought some food from there."

The eyes of the two of them lit up, knowing that they hadn't been bitten by zombies, they took off their defenses.

The male officer said: "I'm sorry, brother, we have no other intentions, but we are afraid that you will be bitten and carry the virus and it will be difficult to deal with it."

He gave the female officer a wink, and introduced: "My name is Jiang Tao, and her name is Gongsun Jing. We and the comrades in the car are all special forces of the 24th Division of East China. We have accepted the mission of disaster relief in Hucheng, you must be sure." I also know that there is no difference from hell now, and the few of us escaped after narrow escapes."

When Meng Hanghai heard this, he stared at the two of them.

The word Hucheng also touched the child who had just been frightened and hadn't recovered from the shock. But before Hou Ying could make any further comments, Gongsun Jing, who had confirmed that there was indeed a lot of food in the car, had already whistled, "Amazing!" She glanced at Hou Ying and the child shivering behind him, and said to the front : "Second, come here!"

Hou Ying noticed that Gongsun Jing's voice was as loud as when they were talking, but the person lying on the roof of the car moved in response, and after jumping off, he came to them not long after. He opened his eyes wide in shock, startled by his superhuman, no, superscientific action speed, subconsciously took a step back, almost knocking down Menghang Kelp behind him.

Seeing this, Gongsun Jing smiled, and took unopened mineral water from Hou Ying's car and handed it to the person who just came over and was called the second child.

The latter unceremoniously unscrewed it, and directly drank a bottle of water. Hou Ying heard a rude curse from their Bluetooth, and then a man with a long gun on his chest got on from the passenger side of the off-road vehicle in front of him. Jumping onto the roof of the car, he raised his middle finger in their direction.