End of Century

Chapter 5: auditory abnormalities


After the chasing zombies were cleared away, Hou Ying drove her car towards the off-road military vehicle.

This kind of military off-road vehicle Hou Ying has seen in some military news. It is domestically produced. Its shape is very simple and somewhat similar to a truck. It is an armored vehicle with a width and height of more than two meters and a length of five meters. Better than his van that was nearly scrapped.

The man in charge of sweeping the tail also jumped off the roof of the car and hit a special sniper nicknamed the second son Daiming who was introduced as Qiao Dayo with his gun. Then he hung the gun around his neck and got out of the Hou Ying car. He grabbed a bottle of water and drank it.

Jiang Tao, the oldest of the four, told Hou Ying that his name was Li Xuanyuan.

A very domineering name, and they are also good gunmen in their special forces, and they are even better at close quarters. Hou Ying's gaze turned on his face, and she retracted it in an instant, but was still noticed by Li Xuanyuan, who threw the finished mineral water bottle aside, stared at him sharply and asked, "Fayer? "

Hou Ying's scalp tightened and she felt embarrassed, but she quickly calmed down and didn't respond to him, but said to Jiang Tao: "My destination is Yecheng, if I don't go the same way as you, I can go to Jianghai with you Service area, after all, I need to change a car, and by the way, I can tell you about the situation there, Brother Tao, do you think it’s okay?"

Jiang Tao said: "Since there is a car for you to change, don't want this broken car, and move the supplies on the car to our car. Don't worry, when you are leaving, we will not be greedy for your things. "

As for his own plan, he did not disclose it as generously as Hou Ying.

Judging from the performance of this child named Meng Hanghai, these supplies should be mainly obtained by this young man named Hou Ying with his life. They can get some emergency supplies, but they can't monopolize other people's things.

This is an insult to the dignity of soldiers, not to mention that Hou Ying also said that there are still a lot of supplies in the Jianghai service area, so there is no need to do such immoral things.

Jiang Tao arranged for the children to get in the car first, and Hou Ying moved the supplies with them. When Jiang Tao told Qiao Daye to suck up the gasoline in the car as a spare, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable—he was already stingy with supplies to this point, and it could only be explained outside. The situation was worse than he imagined.

In any case, these soldiers have strong fighting power and have guns in their hands, which are much more reliable than him as an ordinary citizen, which somewhat makes Hou Ying feel more at ease.

When they saw the five tanks of gasoline in the trunk, they looked at Hou Ying with more seriousness.

Hou Ying didn't feel embarrassed either, even though he later found out that it might not be difficult for him to obtain these things from the crowd of zombies, but he had worked hard to get them.

Later, when he saw several people dismantle all the things that could be used in his commercial vehicle, such as the navigator and the small refrigerator, he felt a little bit that he was not used to this apocalypse.

After moving things and jumping into the carriage, Hou Ying found that there was still a comatose person lying in the rear carriage. It was no wonder that the child had stuck to a corner since getting on the carriage and dared not move.

Gongsun Jing also got into the car, Qiao Daye still jumped on the roof and lay on his stomach to investigate, Jiang Tao drove, and Li Xuanyuan was in the front passenger seat with a gun for defense. Therefore, in the very spacious carriage at this time, apart from the supplies just brought up and some weapons and equipment that Jiang Tao and the others originally had, there were only Hou Ying, Meng Hanghai, Gongsun Jing, and that unconscious man whose name he didn't know.

Gongsun Jing closed the rear door tightly, and the light in the compartment inside suddenly dimmed, but they opened the two small ventilation windows on the roof, and it didn't take long for them to get used to the light here.

"Don't be afraid, he was not bitten."

Gongsun Jing saw that the two dared not approach the comatose comrade-in-arms, so she said a word, and then followed the hint Jiang Tao gave her, and said straight to the two of them: "Tell me about your situation, and be more careful. You know, It’s not easy for us to meet survivors, and it’s not easy for you to meet us, we may have to get together for a while, it’s better to know the basics.”

Hou Ying also thought it was good.

Although the military uniforms they wore gave him a lot of security and natural trust, after all, Hou Ying was just a girl who woke up and suddenly found that she had lost the memory of the critical moment, faced the end of the world by surprise, and brought her with her without any preparation. A normal guy on the run from a child.

The current situation is not the kind of travel companions put together by a tour group, who get together and leave after the expiration date and cannot interfere with each other's privacy, but an alliance relationship that may be in danger of life or be abandoned at any time. Even if it's only temporary, you must have a certain grasp of the other party's character.

Hou Ying said kindly: "I used to work as a manager in an online game company."

He introduced the two most widely promoted games on the market in the past two years. Seeing that the other party didn't have any impression, he knew that their military life might be relatively closed, so he didn't introduce any more, and continued:

"On the 22nd, I went from Yecheng to Jiangcheng to discuss business. As a result, the employees of the cooperative company rioted—maybe they were the initial victims of the zombie virus. My driver and assistant were injured, and I had a little self-defense ability. People were injured. There was still something to do in the company, so I set off to return to Yecheng at noon that day, but ended up going around the road around here, unable to get out at all... "

"This is normal."

Gongsun Jing could see that he was still puzzled by this, so she interjected and explained: "The virus case in Hucheng showed too severe attack power and contagiousness, and many people died after the earthquake, so the two afternoons on the 22nd At three o'clock, all highways connecting Lake City were blocked, and satellite guidance was also set up, and those vehicles that entered by mistake will be guided back to their original places by satellite."

"I see."

No wonder he couldn't get out that day.

Hou Ying sighed, "I'm familiar with this section of the road, so I didn't return when I found something was wrong, but kept trying to find the way to Yecheng. I was stuck on the road for two days. I didn't know the situation at the time. There are no people, I thought I really met a ghost hitting the wall... "

He chose to hide his unexplainable amnesia for the past two days, and continued with a wry smile: "Later, my car ran out of gas, and there was no gas or food in the car, so I went to the Jianghai service area according to my memory. Then Just met this kid."

Hou Ying is a veteran at the negotiating table, she pays the most attention to a falsehood and truth, and the falsehood must be heard as true by others. Therefore, in his natural statement, even Gongsun Jing, who has minored in psychological counseling, did not find anything wrong.

Hou Ying continued: "At that time, I parked the car at the gas station and wanted to refuel, but I saw many people surrounding the child's car - I couldn't receive the Internet broadcast, and I didn't know what had happened in the last days and the zombies... "

Hou Ying paused in distress, and then briefly talked about his and Meng Hanghai's shocking experience in the past five hours with a kind of sadness that was almost dumbfounding.

Gongsun Jing nodded to express her understanding.

Anyone would have been seriously frightened by this unpleasant experience, but seeing that his psychological safety line hadn't collapsed, she didn't waste time comforting and counseling, and turned to look at the young man if he didn't have special abilities or special protection. He will definitely not survive the current Meng Hanghai.

Meng Hanghai is worthy of being a good boy who was able to survive for two days without being dead or crazy under the siege of zombies. Although he panicked for a while when asked by a stranger like this, he felt relieved when he grabbed Hou Ying, and he made up his mind. Speak out what you know.

Because he had stated it to Hou Ying before, although he was still terrified of the facts and didn't want to think about it, he finally said it smoothly.

Through Bluetooth, the three people outside the car also heard their statements.

Meng Hanghai's language was not logical at a young age, but several people still realized from his narration that the father of this child was definitely not as simple as an ordinary chief physician of a hospital.

Being able to go to school and take away Meng Hanghai who was still in class as soon as an infectious disease case occurred, it can almost be said that he escaped from Hucheng. He also knows some things that ordinary people don't.

It's a pity that this person has already died under the minions of the zombies, so there is no way to ask, and his son knows only a little.

In addition, the child's family background is definitely not ordinary. A car that can last two days under the siege and attack of zombies is almost as strong as the military armored car they are riding on now, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to own it.

After Jiang Tao finished listening, he tapped a few times on the Bluetooth, and asked Gongsun Jing to ask Hou Ying with the password of their army.

Hou Ying found that after waking up, her hearing became very flexible. He could even hear the knocking sound from the military Bluetooth with such high privacy, but he didn't understand what these secret words meant. But Gongsun Jing quickly explained to him, and she asked straightforwardly: "Hou Ying, you said that your skills are only average, how did you manage to escape with so much food while surrounded by so many zombies?" Woolen cloth?"

She already had a certain sense of trust in Hou Ying who still chose to rescue a child she had never met in such a critical situation, and she also felt that Hou Ying was still a little defensive towards them, so she didn't beat around the bush.

When Hou Ying heard this, she was very grateful for her directness, but she didn't reply immediately. Instead, she hesitated for a while, and then said: "Actually, I'm not sure. At that time, I took gasoline from the storage room of the gas station and used iron stunned a zombie with a stick."

After a pause, he said: "I found that zombies seem to be particularly sensitive to sound, so I used a lighter to lure them away. Later, when I went to the convenience store, there were three or four zombies hidden inside. I thought I would No life, but those zombies seem to be... very slow? At least their speed is not at the same level as the zombie who grabbed my car. It may be other reasons, they didn't do anything to me, I took something He got in the car and ran away."

Not only himself, but even the listeners felt lucky for him.

Gongsun Jing let out a long breath, and said: "You are very lucky and very smart. According to the speculation of some departments and our experience, apart from being sensitive to sound, the sense of smell is the most flexible among the five senses of zombies. He will Smell the living and prey on them."

After hearing this, Hou Ying and Meng Hanghai immediately showed panic expressions.

Meng Hanghai was glad that he had been hiding in the car all the time, and thought that Hou Ying would also protect him in the car when he went back to get the supplies. After a while, he was afraid that he would become more dependent on Hou Ying, so he leaned against him. After being touched by him, Hou Ying came back to her senses, showing an ugly comforting smile, and said, "It's okay, you are not alone now."

Hou Ying's heart was turned upside down!

If zombies prey on the smell of living people, then what is he? Why did the zombies seem to be unable to smell his body? The fact that they rushed towards him as soon as the car door opened proved that those zombies had absolutely no problem with their sense of smell. They all smelled Meng Hanghai's smell!

Why is he special

Could it be that the smell on him... isn't the smell of a living person

Hou Ying shuddered for a moment.

Now he doesn't intend to tell others about his special point. After all, human beings are always a xenophobic species, and he doesn't want to be unconventional and cause unreasonable suspicion. Fearing that she would show her feet in the silence, Gongsun Jing asked, "By the way, do you have any supernatural abilities?"


Both of them showed puzzled expressions.

Seeing this, Gongsun Jing thought for a while and said, "It's like suddenly breathing fire from the palm of your hand and driving plants. In short, it's superpowers that we humans couldn't have before."

Meng Hanghai shook his head, while Hou Ying said, "I have noticed that my hearing seems... to be stronger."

It turned out to be a person with auditory abilities, several people thought.