End of Century

Chapter 54: Ripe zombies


Hou Ying and the others who came back from the hills of the army base took a short rest. The next day Hou Ying organized a meeting to discuss the next step of the itinerary.

"Last time, I told everyone that we can't stay here for a long time. I think everyone understands the reason, so I won't say more. Now that there is no helicopter, I have to find another way to go north. Do you have any suggestions? ?”

Jiang Tao said first: "Brother Monkey, we can go to the airport to see, anyway, we still have fuel. Xuanyuan and I can fly planes, and the driving is no problem."

Dongfang Bai: "Brother Tao, what you mean is that we give up these big cities and stop hunting zombie crystal nuclei?"

What Hou Ying was worried about was another problem: "Now the plane has no way to centralize the command. In case of any weather changes in the sky, we can only abandon the supplies and jump off the plane... It's too dangerous."

Although the plane is the fastest way, it only takes three hours to fly to the Yellow River base, but the risk is too great. Su Fenghe also said: "I also think that the plane is not good. It exposes the target too much. What if the Yellow River Base has some evil idea and directly shoots us down from the world? I think the train is more reliable."

When he mentioned the train, everyone had an epiphany.

Qiao Daye said: "The train is a good way. We have Dongfang now. Even if there is any traffic jam or broken track, we can deal with it. The speed is not slow, and we can adapt to the situation when we are close to the Yellow River base."

Ji Yao suddenly trembled, twisted his expression and said: "I said everyone, if the train is stuck on the road, will the zombies who can't get out of the train be like last time..."

Recalling the mutated zombies they saw in the factory warehouse, the faces of several people changed. Dongfang Bai was still a little curious, Ji Yao tried to simplify his explanation, but even so, Dongfang Bai was disgusted with goosebumps all over his body.

"What are you afraid of, just like this, so as to save us artificial training."

Liu Zhan shrugged.

Hou Ying smiled, "If everyone has no objections, we will go along the high-speed rail. It happens that the stops of the high-speed rail are all big cities, and we spend half a day at each stop to hunt down the third-level and second-level zombies. Don't waste too much time. In this case, it is estimated that we will be able to arrive at the imperial capital in five or six days." He paused, then looked at Gongsun Jing and Qiao Dayo, "What do you think, if you can't wait—"

"Brother Monkey, you have been waiting for such a long time, so you don't have to worry about this day or two. Besides, my second child and I have also talked about it. To be honest, we are really a little afraid of going back. Let everything take its course."

Realizing the high death rate of human beings in the last days and the proportion of zombies, Gongsun Jing and Qiao Daye began to do psychological construction. In fact, they did not dare to hold the extravagant hope that their relatives were still alive, fearing that they would not be able to bear it. This kind of thinking may be very selfish and ruthless, but with a population of nearly 1.5 billion in China, the total number of survivors announced by the four major bases is only 6 million. What kind of concept is this? !

—At most six out of fifteen hundred people survived.

In the face of this cruel fact, it is more important for some people to see the reality than naively hold expectations.

Everyone didn't know how to comfort her, so Hou Ying could only continue to talk about the business: "Since the high-speed train is chosen to go, Dongfang, it's up to you to spend some time to find an available train. Uh...Xiaohe will go with you."

Several people couldn't help laughing. The movie star male god is not only face-blind but also a road idiot. If this news is released on social platforms before the end of the world, it can sell for a lot of money.

"Then let's discuss what to do with the zombies we raised."

How to deal with it? Everyone looked at Hou Ying suspiciously, didn't they hunted and left

Liu Zhan's mind turned quickly, he opened his eyes wide and said, "Brother Hou wants to quickly ripen the fourth-level zombies?"

"That's right!" Seeing that the other sects didn't understand the key point, Hou Ying said, "Look here."

What is projected is the captive data of zombies in a temporary resident at this time.

Five-element zombies: 133 for the second level and 26 for the third level.

Five-sense zombies: 89 for the second level and 13 for the third level.

Speed zombies: 78 for the second level and 9 for the third level.

Power Zombies: 63 for the second level and 3 for the third level.

Wind zombies: 19 for level two, 2 for level three.

"I just calculated it yesterday, and with the addition of our remaining second-level crystal nuclei, if we feed them all at once, the five-element zombies and five-sense zombies may be able to raise fourth-level zombies, and there are other zombies that can't get out of fourth-level, too. Level 3 advanced. I didn’t want to tell everyone this idea before, but after fighting against level 4 fire zombies, I was afraid that we would not be able to concentrate on fighting in a short time. But it’s different now!”

He looked at Xuanyuan, Li Xuanyuan's ability to devour and rebound is simply a killer weapon, and the weapon form is a banyan leaf. Unless the visual ability is higher than Li Xuanyuan's level, he can't see the secret of the banyan leaf—absorbed After the heart of the twin banyan trees, Li Xuanyuan's ability level has reached the fourth intermediate level! And this weapon is not only a lore weapon against human supernatural beings, it is also effective against zombies.

The eyes of everyone looking at Li Xuanyuan became hot again, yes, with Xuanyuan around, they don't have to be afraid!

"In the past two days, we have concentrated on feeding and harvesting on the third day. When Dongfang finds the train, we will set off immediately."


Everyone's emotions warmed up.

Fortunately, on the second day, Dongfang Bai and Wang Hehe found an available high-speed rail, so they could go north directly after harvesting the zombie crystal nucleus the next day.

What Hou Ying and the others didn't know was that just as they were sharpening their knives and preparing to fatten up the zombies for another night, they finally discovered their existence at the Yellow River base far away in the imperial capital.

"Report! High-level zombies found!"

"Report! Found multiple high-level zombies!"

Advanced zombies, this word immediately caught the attention of the management of the Yellow River Base. In the main control room, an old man with white hair in a research suit rushed over with a team of people. The observer hurriedly zoomed in on the discovered area for everyone to see, it was the boundary of Sencheng! On the map, there are many eye-catching red dots densely packed, which are abnormally concentrated. When the map was enlarged, everyone could see clearly that it was on the outskirts of Sencheng.

The white-haired old man was surprised: "Why are there so many high-level zombies concentrated here? Notify the higher-ups immediately!"

The old man is the research and development personnel of the zombie satellite search. The satellite that can monitor the weather changes in the atmosphere and search and locate the ground map can play a role far beyond people's imagination. For example, in zombie search, if you find a certain biological band that is sufficient to locate zombies, you can successfully explore their distribution and existence. And this zombie search is specifically aimed at high-level zombies, that is, the second-level zombies and third-level zombies that have been discovered in the Yellow River Base. The energy carried by their crystal nuclei cannot be felt by humans through the crystal nucleus membrane, but machines can. This is to explore the existence of advanced zombies.

This project is a high-level secret of the Yellow River base and has not been shared with other bases.

The reason why it takes a lot of time to search and locate advanced zombies is very simple. Naturally, it is to use the crystal nuclei of advanced zombies to cultivate advanced abilities. The Yellow River Base has the pride of the Yellow River Base, and to maintain such pride, we must rely on strength to speak, not the history of the earliest establishment of the base or the favor of helping other bases.

But today, the newly revamped advanced zombie search technology with expanded search range has just been put into use, and I didn't expect such a big discovery!

Sure enough, the higher authorities attached great importance to the concentration of zombies in Sencheng.

The reason why the high-level zombies were concentrated there could not be discussed, so the management of the Yellow River base could only give up for the time being and discuss how to hunt and kill these high-level zombies.

Management A: "It has been confirmed that there are nearly twenty high-level zombies. The attributes of their abilities are not clear, and their lethality is not clear. In this way, this battle must be safe. My suggestion is to send an elite company Troops of supernatural beings go hunting."

"One company?" Manager B sneered: "Are you kidding? There are five hundred supernatural beings in ten companies! They are all elite companies. If they sacrifice, our previous efforts will be ruined. Hope will disappear with this stupid decision!"

"Then what can we do? Don't you know how powerful twenty high-level zombies are? If they launch an attack on the Yellow River base, we will also have to sacrifice!" Manager A scolded.

Management b: "How can it be the same, they are so far away from our Yellow River base, even if the zombie tide breaks out, they will find the Yangtze River base. Huh, just a lesson for those who don't know what to do!"

Manager C and Si Ni said: "Calm down. We must go. No matter how high-level zombies are left, they are also a time bomb. They must be hunted down. As for how to go, we will have a long-term plan."

In their long-term plan, early the next morning, Li Xuanyuan attacked the fourth-level supernatural zombies!

Three fourth-level zombies were bred by ripening, including one five-element zombie, one five-sense zombie, and the remaining wind-type zombies were a surprise. This wind-type zombie is also the only remaining wind-type zombie in ten miles and eight villages. Except for the remaining spare second-level wind-type crystal cores, Ji Yao fed all of them to this zombie. Unexpectedly, he actually raised a zombie. Level 4 zombies are coming.

Three fourth-level zombies rushed towards Li Xuanyuan at the same time, and finally all died under his own ability.

The crowd watching the whole process didn't even have a chance to make a move. After putting away the three fourth-level crystal nuclei, Ji Yao burst into a loud cry: "Long live Xuanyuan! We are going to be invincible! Hahaha!"

For the remaining third-level zombies, everyone did not let Li Xuanyuan do anything, and all rushed towards the group of zombies with all their fists gearing up—

at the same time.

— "Report! The number of high-level zombies in Sencheng has decreased!"

— "Report! The senior zombies in Sencheng have completely disappeared!"