End of Century

Chapter 6: Let's go together


Gongsun Jing reciprocated and informed Hou Ying of her teammate's situation.

Jiang Tao, who is the oldest and looks the most stable, is unexpectedly a fire-type supernatural being. Qiao Daye on the roof of the car is a five-sense supernatural power with both hearing and vision, and a speed supernatural power. In Hou Ying's view, Li Xuanyuan, who is very bad-tempered, is also Reversing Hou Ying's conjecture, it turned out to be a wood-type ability. As for Gongsun Jing herself, she used to be a military doctor in the army, and her ability is also a water-type ability with healing ability.

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Jing paused and said, "Liu Zhan, he should be awakening his abilities, I hope he will not make trouble."

Liu Zhan was a special soldier in a coma. After Hou Ying got into the car, he observed that this man had a high fever, and his whole face was burned red.

Looking at Gongsun Jing's expression, Hou Ying vaguely sensed that this team must have suffered a terrible thing before, at least...their original team must have more than five people.

Before they could say anything, there was a sudden gunshot outside.

Then Gongsun Jing said to them: "We are almost there, Xiao Hai, you take help to watch this uncle in the car. Don't worry, we have tied his hands and feet and he can't attack you even if he wakes up. Remember not to go out Sound, don't come out to make trouble, you know?"

Hou Ying also heard the news that they were approaching the service area through Bluetooth. At this time, the car was tilting downward and should be passing the down ramp.

Similarly, Hou Ying also realized that during their conversation, the other party revealed very limited information about herself, but now is not the time to talk. After a while, the car slowed down after stabilizing, and there were several gunshots from time to time.

Hou Ying asked in surprise, "Are there still so many zombies here?"

Hearing this, Meng Hanghai hugged Hou Ying's arm in fear. Gongsun Jing laughed: "You didn't know anything about zombies before, so it's normal if you can't figure out their situation."

When the car stopped, they didn't get out of the car, and Jiang Tao and Li Xuanyuan entered the service area to clean up the zombies.

Hou Ying noticed that Qiao Daye on the roof of the car didn't move, so she should really stand guard for them and respond. After about 15 gunshots, Jiang Tao and Li Xuanyuan returned. Surprised they move so fast.

When getting out of the car, Jiang Tao smiled and said, "As Hou Ying said, these zombies don't have much attack power, they are ordinary zombies without supernatural powers."

Gongsun Jing felt relieved.

When Hou Ying heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief silently, she didn't expect that she could get away with it by mistake.

Qiao Daye was in charge of guarding and put down the materials belonging to Hou Ying in the car, and moved the weapons and equipment to the cab of the front of the car, while Meng Hanghai stayed in the car, and Hou Ying, Gongsun Jing, Jiang Tao, and Li Xuanyuan went to carry the materials together.

The four of them did not move separately. Based on the vague impression of that night, Hou Ying took them to a convenience store to find two carts for unloading and transportation.

They first raided the warehouse of the convenience store. Fortunately, the inventory here is also considered abundant. Hou Ying, who has some knowledge about the survival of the remaining gasoline at the gas station, did a little calculation. The space on the off-road vehicle is actually not too much. So he and the other three informed them, and moved out the whole box first, and waited until the gasoline was removed to see if there was any space left.

Several people picked food with high calorie content and long-term storage, and drinking water was delivered to the car first.

Then there are daily necessities such as paper towels that will definitely be used. Of course, there are women's products that Gongsun Jing is thankful for.

Meng Hanghai was probably afraid that these adults would not want him, so he also tried his best to help with the transportation and delivery work within his ability.

After the car was filled with one-third of food and water, they began to carry gasoline. The gasoline in the gas station's inventory should have just been replenished. In addition to the five boxes that Hou Ying moved away, there are still fifteen full boxes, enough to cover tens of thousands of kilometers. However, the armored vehicles consume heavy oil, so just in case, they also wanted to pump out the oil in the oil supply machine and take it away.

Hou Ying hesitated for a while before stopping, "Let's save some for the survivors behind."

At this time, gasoline is also a life-saving thing. If someone rushes here after a lot of hardships, but finds that all the food here is expired-you can still eat it if you are hungry, but if you can't even find a little gasoline, you may really collapse. What's more, he knows that this section of road is considered an old national highway, and the service areas are far away from each other, almost three hours' drive away. In this apocalyptic crisis situation, this distance is full of countless people who will kill people. accident.

Hou Ying is a calculating person, but because she was forced to mature and take care of her younger nephew from a very young age, she is not as selfish as ordinary adults, and subconsciously considers others.

He was a little apprehensive about this proposal. After all, they even remembered to take away the gasoline in the scrapped commercial vehicle, but they didn't expect them to give up simply after being reminded, and because of this, they all thought highly of Hou Ying. .

After the gasoline was loaded, they returned to the convenience store and put the whole box of food and water in the remaining one-fifth of the compartment space, which was convenient to take, and filled it. Disassemble the water and replenish it in the compartment in bulk.

The entire carriage was packed to the brim, leaving only a passageway wide enough for one person on the left and right sides, which was convenient for Liu Zhan to recuperate while lying down, and also allowed several people to have room to move around.

At the end of February, the tail of winter was still hanging on, and the night came quickly. Whether it was Hou Ying who was eager to return to Yecheng or a few people who didn't know their destination, they all chose to stay here for the night tacitly.

After a hot dinner, Hou Ying found the strongest vehicle among the complete vehicles in the parking lot of the service area, and filled the vehicle with her own gasoline and food to the maximum, appearing very greedy.

He already planned to return to Yecheng at dawn tomorrow, because from the news they revealed sporadically during the meal, Hou Ying found that her thinking was still too naive.

According to Jiang Tao’s personal experience, Hucheng has a population of nearly 6 million. Except for the earthquake refugees who were first picked up by the army by plane, the remaining ones include the soldiers who came to rescue. Hucheng escaped.

They didn't specify whether the remaining millions of people died in the earthquake or turned into zombies, but he already understood that human resistance was completely ineffective against the zombie virus, and cities with large populations and modernization were even more dangerous.

And Yecheng is on the edge of Kangcheng, the third most populous city in China, so one can imagine how urgent the situation there must be. He wished he could fly back now, and didn't want to stay here for a moment, but this was unrealistic, he could only find something to do to distract himself.

When he was sweating profusely, Jiang Tao and Li Xuanyuan drove a van to the construction site not far away.

Hearing the gunshots, Hou Ying knew that there were zombies over there. Thinking of their "conservation awareness" of dismantling her commercial vehicle to pieces, she didn't know whether to admire them or what to say. But after they brought back the high-power industrial generator to the construction site, Hou Ying was left with nothing but admiration.

After all, he is not as good as these special forces. The concept of materials is still in the food and clothing needed for survival. He is not so comprehensive and does not have the foresight.

The Jianghai service area is a small service station. Fortunately, the flow of people here is gradually diverting from the new national highway, so there are not many people here. The roads of the public sector were also blocked, so the number of zombies did not exceed a hundred.

There is no hotel here, only a seventy to eighty square meter convenience store, toilets, and a gas station. Convenience stores have a fairly complete package of food to quench their hunger and thirst, but things such as clothes and oil, salt and condiments that passing car owners will not patronize will not be prepared.

Gongsun Jing cleaned up the kitchens used by the employees of convenience stores and gas stations, especially the salt—they have to ensure that the salt is replenished after a lot of exercise.

It's a pity that the storage of condiments on a family and individual basis is not too large, and all the salt collected is only enough for a few people to use for about two months. Only five bags of 25KG rice were found, two of which had been used up to the point where there was not much left, and three barrels of 5-liter cooking oil were packed together.

Hou Ying was only thinking about the safety of Wang Hehe and Ji Yao, and after seeing the things Gongsun Jing collected, she also had worries in this regard, and was very at a loss about how to live in the future.

But right now he doesn't have the ability or the energy to collect such things as daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, etc., knowing that he has them, he can also distinguish the priorities.

It’s just that under the anxiety of difficult survival, I went to the convenience store to get some more bulk vacuum food and mineral water. The car was so stuffed that there was no extra space before I stopped the hamster activity—the passenger’s seat was still empty at first. Put a bag of food on it that will be eaten tomorrow, so as not to be trapped in a cocoon and be blocked by supplies in the event of an emergency, the loss outweighs the gain.

He parked the car next to the armored off-road vehicle. Because of Liu Zhan's relationship, they would stay in the car to rest, and there would definitely be someone in charge of the night watch. It would be much safer to be next to them.

Jiang Tao and Qiao Daye were still eating in the lighted convenience store, saying that they picked out the unbroken rice dumplings and ate them. They were very satisfied with Gongsun Jing's skill in cooking the food—Hou Ying in Pan Shan Kechen couldn't say anything good after dinner, and felt that the rice dumplings that he didn't know when he would be able to eat were especially precious.

Gongsun Jing was also good-naturedly cooking rice dumplings for them on the induction cooker, and warmed up around the hot water pot by the way.

On the other hand, Li Xuanyuan closed his eyes and meditated in the passenger seat of the driver's seat. After Hou Ying greeted him and got a cold stare, he simply stopped looking at him.

He probably knew that it was because he was temporarily confused by his "beauty" when he met each other, so he took two extra glances to offend him, which made the other party upset. He had no intention of apologizing, nor did he get close to them, because they probably wouldn't get along with each other for too long, so Hou Ying, who always valued interpersonal relationships, didn't force it.

Meng Hanghai has been following him like a little tail, and after he refuses to help, he still follows suit. Seeing that he is done with work and plans to sleep in the car overnight, he stopped him and begged in a low voice: "Uncle Hou, I want to Come with you."

Hou Ying was startled, a little surprised by his thoughts.

Turning around, he patiently explained to him: "Xiao Hai, you have also seen that they have guns in their hands, are powerful in force and have special abilities, and can protect you. I am no match for four with two fists alone, and Ye Cheng doesn't know what's going on , I may not be able to save my own life, I really can't take you on an adventure with me. I saved you, so I have to be responsible for your life, and I will hand you over to someone who can protect you better. The only thing I can do for you. Besides, they are all soldiers, and they will never leave you alone."

Meng Hanghai tugged at his sleeve, understood what he meant, but was unwilling to obey.

Hou Ying tried a few more words of persuasion, and seeing that the child was in a hurry to cry and still dared not speak out, she felt very sorry.

He and his nephew have been living together for so many years. When something happened at home, he was only about the same age as Meng Hanghai, and he hadn't even graduated from elementary school. Wang Hehe was really a runny-nosed kid in kindergarten.

Once, he was sent by the school to participate in a competition, and he spent the night away. When he came back, he found that Wang Hehe's whole face was pale and pale, and he was so hungry that he huddled together with stomach pain. It turned out that he didn't dare to borrow food from the neighbor's house, and the neighbor he had confessed didn't care about Xiaohe's life or death.

Since then, he has not only practiced good cooking skills, but also understands the great responsibility of taking care of a young life.

Seeing how Meng Hanghai was holding back his tears just like Xiao He was at that time, Hou Ying couldn't help herself. After thinking for a while, he took the child and chatted with Jiang Tao and the others: "Where are you guys going next?"

Jiang Tao looked at Meng Hanghai and said knowingly: "We plan to stay here for two days and make a plan. To tell you the truth, we only have a general route at present. The first step is to go to the base of our 24th Division. If the situation there is bad, go to the imperial capital, there are helicopters in the base that can go by air. In any case, it is also the capital, and there must be a relatively complete emergency mechanism and management."

They are soldiers, even if the mission fails and they lose contact with the outside world, they still want to go back and report. Moreover, Jiang Tao and the others hope that the comrades in the army can resist this disaster and survive. If they don't go back and take a look at the situation, they won't give up, let alone become deserters.

Hou Ying tentatively asked the address of the 24th Division. The secret news before the end of the world had nothing to hide at this moment.

Jiang Tao told him happily that Hou Ying was overjoyed when he heard it, and he said, "If it's there, it's a shortcut to go from Yecheng, and you can bypass several densely populated towns."

The route in the direction of Yecheng was also one of the choices of Jiang Tao and the others. Hearing this, they did not respond immediately, and only said that they needed to compare other routes to confirm.

Meng Hanghai understood Hou Ying's plan, if they go to Yecheng together, they don't need to be separated from Uncle Hou Ying, so he said impatiently: "Why wait for tomorrow, can't we be sure now? Then we can wake up tomorrow together gone."

Hou Ying heard his anxious tone, and the way he asked was not polite enough, but she didn't stop him.

He is really anxious, if these people still spend time to confirm tomorrow, then he must be one step ahead.

Jiang Tao weighed it, and also tapped on the bluetooth, Li Xuanyuan gave an unpleasant "tsk" sound, and then Qiao Daye got up and took over Li Xuanyuan's guard duty. Only then did Hou Ying know that he had disrupted their original vigil plan.

Li Xuanyuan sat down, but he didn't eat the steaming rice dumplings. He just took out a piece of paper from the pocket of his military coat, on which he drew an unfinished route.