End of Century

Chapter 63: Base team


The registration office at the Yellow River base is much more complete than the crude registration office in Yecheng. After checking whether there are wounds on the body and taking blood samples, there is no need to do the test questions.

This is because a computer is used here to input personal information independently, and it also has a camera function.

Zombies can't play with computers.

To Hou Ying's surprise, there was already a device at the registration office that could detect supernatural powers, so the supernatural power column was not filled in by oneself, but the test results were automatically updated. This really made Hou Ying sweat. Fortunately, these instruments are not so precise, and can only detect the attribute of the ability, but not the level of the ability. When Hou Ying and others received the personal information registration form, they went to the isolation and observation office.

What they don't know is that when their personal information is generated, it immediately attracts attention. After all, there are so many supernatural beings in the team, and there are even two water supernatural beings and a baby lightning supernatural being. These two points are already very important. more than usual.

After arriving at the isolation place, Hou Ying took everyone's forms and looked through them. If there is no special note, the power level is the default level.

It's just that a striking blue stamp suddenly appeared on a stack of information forms covered with a large red stamp. Hou Ying pulled it out, and it turned out to be her own information registration form. The blue stamp watermark had three large characters:

No powers.

Qiao Daye saw it with sharp eyes, and was surprised immediately. Hou Ying hurriedly gave him a wink to indicate that there was a camera in the isolation room. Put the form here in Xuanyuan first, so it is convenient to take it when you need it."

He put his personal information form on the top, let them see the blue stamped watermark with no supernatural power, and gave them instructions to keep quiet.

After the three-day observation period, the Yellow River Base issued them ID badges. They have seen the nameplate of the supernatural being in Wunan and the others. It is a gold badge, but Hou Ying's is a silver badge. The difference is obvious at a glance.

Wu Nan waited at the gate of the registration office in advance as promised, and greeted them when they came out. Just as he was about to say something, he was startled by Hou Ying's silver badge. He used to be the president of the school's student union. Although his social skills were still immature, he quickly suppressed his surprised expression and asked them whether they should go to get the supplies first or go to the living management area to apply for an independent tent and land.

Seeing that Hou Ying chose the latter, she led them to the survivor life management area in the outer city of the base without saying a word. Others didn't have such good energy-raising skills. Although they were stopped by Wu Nan and didn't ask anything, they couldn't help but look at Hou Ying more.

—They didn't expect that there would be eleven supernatural beings in this twelve-person team, and what's more, they didn't expect that the only ordinary person would be Hou Ying, whom they thought was the leader of the team!

Hou Ying and the others didn't keep any crystal nuclei on them, but when they cleaned up and inspected the supplies they brought, they gave Li Hou the two crystal nuclei as toys. I had to let him take it with me, and it just came in handy now. Wu Nan originally brought some crystal nuclei for emergency use, but it was useless.

The living management area of the Yellow River base is very complete, and there is also a large supermarket opened by the base nearby. After a little shopping, they found that the crystal core is the currency unit, and the transactions are all based on integer crystal cores. .

Wu Nan also said: "The base is discussing the establishment of a crystal core bank, which provides services for depositing and withdrawing crystal cores like banks before the end of the world, and bank cards instead of currency. Crystal cores are easy to attract zombies, and it is not very convenient to carry them. There are also various problems in implementing this policy, but I think that in the face of this decisive hazard, the Crystal Nuclear Bank will definitely be introduced in a short time."

Wu Nan and the others were all in a good mood. Hou Ying accepted Wu Nan's suggestion when they applied for the residential land in the outer city just now. Although there is no way to form a team, it is also good to take care of each other.

Then they went to collect their own supplies, and encountered a little situation there. The staff in charge of the supplies asked them if they could sell the air conditioners and solar panels. The price was negotiable, but Hou Ying refused. Fortunately, he didn't bother.

The few people didn't take this little episode to heart, and drove the truck to the tent site smoothly under the guidance of Li Dong.

Li Xuanyuan and Jiang Tao were good at setting up the tent. Seeing that they didn't need help, Wu Nan took people back, and it was in the ordinary tent next door to them. Courtesy is plainly annoying and defensive. Hou Ying was busy making milk powder for Li Hou. In the isolation room, the baby only ate the rice soup provided by the base, but Hou Ying, who raised her son carefully, was very distressed.

I applied for a big tent, so I had to pay one more crystal nucleus per day than a normal tent, but even a team of twelve people needed such a large space.

Gongsun Jing and the others quickly moved the supplies into the tent. Fortunately, it is eight o'clock in the morning, and the people who live in this area are all supernatural beings who are going out to earn crystal cores or contribute points at this time, otherwise such a big commotion will definitely happen. Attracted a lot of onlookers.

The truck was parked aside, and not long after, a person in base management uniform took a photo with a pre-apocalyptic smartphone, handed them a form and said, "There is also a parking fee for the truck to occupy the land, one crystal every three days." Nuclear. Check to see if there is any problem. If you can’t afford it, the base can ask you to buy it at a reasonable price. When you want to rent it, you can give priority to using this one, and you can rent one crystal core for five days.”

Naturally, Hou Ying didn't consider the latter. He filled out the form and paid the truck parking fee. After they left, he spread his hands and said to everyone: "The people at the Yellow River base are very good at economics. We've lost a lot in this business."

Hou Ying's businessman's haggling professional habits broke out, and he felt uncomfortable all over. He was the only one who cheated others before. Li Hou in Li Xuanyuan's arms also waved his small fists to cheer for his father. Gongsun Jing comforted him: "Brother Monkey, we have to bow our heads under the eaves, so let's bear with it for a while."

If they had planned to live here for a long time, they would definitely have to think about it in the long run, but now their goal is to find people, and their future plans will depend on the situation, so of course they have to offer some offerings to the Dragon King Temple that they temporarily borrowed.

Hou Ying said: "Well, let's have dinner first. Later, Ji Yao, you and Xiao He Xiaohai stay here to watch Li Hou, and bring us the identity cards to ascend the throne."

I didn't intend to mobilize the crowd like this, but Wu Nan said that at least three team members must be present to go to the enthroned team. According to the regulations, one second-level ability user or three first-level ability users must be present, and the more people who go in person The more the better, it's good for team ratings. However, the benefits of the d-level team and the highest-level s-level team are very different, and the subsidy given by each level base is different, so Ji Yao and the others are left behind, and the rest are fully active.

The Yellow River base occupies the largest area among the four major bases. In addition to the base camp of the imperial capital, there is also Jin City in Linshi that is included in the security scope of the base.

The guild was built in Midtown, with two office buildings. However, there is no special window for tracing services. Instead, the team management office handles them together. If Wu Nan and the others hadn't informed them, they would have had to spend a lot of time inquiring about them. this matter. The team management office holds the information of all the registered population of the Yellow River base, and it is divided into four functional areas: bid, query, upgrade and task.

The procedures for establishing and disbanding a team and adding team members are all handled in the bidding area; the inquiry office can inquire about the contribution points of all team members, task rewards and team subsidy information; upgrade is the team level upgrade procedure area, and the team level upgrade The review of the team is very strict, and there are strict restrictions on contribution points, number of team members, overall combat strength, etc., and it is also the most deserted place in the bustling team office area. The task functional area exists for posting and accepting tasks.

Using the method of taking numbers and queuing up, there are five teams ahead of Hou Ying's team. According to Wu Nan, the queuing time at the bid window is very long. If the teams that apply for disbanding start a dispute, it will be even more delayed and the efficiency will be very low.

Seeing that there were still five teams, Wu Nan asked Li Dong to get the pre-filled form, and invited them to the query area, using his own team to show them the query function, and explained the source of various data in the background of the team system and usefulness.

In the end, they refreshed the homepage of the team system of the Yellow River Base to show them. There were ten teams on it, and there were only three details of the team name, level, and contribution points.

The first three teams are S-level teams, and the other seven teams are all A teams. The contribution points of the top three teams are very tight, and there is a gap of tens of thousands of points for every other team in the back.

Wu Nan introduced: "Team Xiongshi, Team Rising Sun, and Team Changhong are the only three S-level teams in our base. Ordinary people and supernatural beings who have not been absorbed into the army of supernatural beings by the base can come to the team of expression. The resources that can be obtained are still very different, as I know, Shen Xu, the captain of the Rising Sun team, is the heir of the Shen family of our Yellow River base."

He pointed to the top, meaning that several people understood that this is a big family of the management class.

"The fighting power of the S-level team is stronger than that of our official army. They are so high because they often accept entrusted missions and act together with the official." Wu Nan said, pointing to the fourth place, "Nine-tailed team, no Being recruited by any force is the uncrowned king of the civilian team in our team. Their team points have always been far ahead. By the way, you should have heard of their captain before at the Yangtze River Base. He is the first person with special abilities discovered. Ability is the one known to corrupt."

"He is a legend in our team. At the beginning, he almost wiped out the zombie group and our army because of the special task of corruption, so he had to retire. After that, he was the first to establish a team. Until now, the Nine-Tails team Under the leadership of the captain, everyone is a big local tyrant, and the team resources are very good. Those of us dream that one day we will be favored by them, and we will be able to enjoy the glory and wealth—”

Before Wu Nan finished speaking, a burst of hearty laughter approached, "Oh, the young man has such a sweet mouth. If our captain hears you praise him like that, he will definitely make you popular and spicy."