End of Century

Chapter 73: Stealing sweetness from busy schedules!


After completing the upgrade of the team's ability across the board, Hou Ying consumed two-thirds of the crystal core energy "outwitted" from the Nine-Tails team.

The remaining one-third is still very impressive, but because it is all supernatural energy that does not match their attributes, it is still temporarily stored by Hou Ying. He repeated the old saying, saying that his next major focus will be to study how to convert these supernatural energies and successfully transmit them to them.

"Okay, we've had enough rest this time, and we'll start working this evening. I plan to stay for two days. You all work hard and come back from hunting more crystal nuclei. We owe a huge sum of money at the base. But, I'm applying for a leave of absence to relax with Xuanyuan. Xiaohe, you and Xiaohai help take care of my younger brother. I won't say more about the others. By the way, you veterans should take care of Wunan and the others, and don't be supernatural. Losing control and hurting one's own people."

Hou Ying has been imparting supernatural powers to them day and night for the past few days. Although he also keeps resting normally, he is still really tired.

Several people have no objection to their leaving the team to spend the two-person world together. Now there are five fourth-level supernatural beings among them except Li Xuanyuan, and everyone else has the ability to protect themselves. It cannot be said that there is no danger that can threaten them. Already very few.

That evening, while Li Hou was still asleep, Hou Ying and Li Xuanyuan drove an abandoned high-end convertible by the side of the road and left the team.

They didn't go far, but went to a five-a-level scenic spot on the outskirts of Jicheng City. It was originally a good place to escape the summer heat and the scenery is pleasant. For now, it is already an excellent place.

Li Xuanyuan cleaned up the zombies in the hotel, and Hou Ying happily cleaned up the selected presidential suite and laid out the bed sheets they brought. Li Xuanyuan filled the room with ivy, and the cool herbal fragrance dispelled the stuffy heat in the room. The only fly in the ointment is that they only brought drinking water, and they smelled of sweat. Fortunately, Hou Ying was invited here before when she was on a business trip. Knowing that there was a spring on the mountain, the two of them went to get a few buckets of water and had a good bath. Fragrant.

While wiping his hair, he said, "I saw a hair dryer just now, and I took it back with me when I left, just to use it for that brat Li Hou. Every time I wash his hair, I'm worried that he'll catch a cold—"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Li Xuanyuan took off the bathrobe on his body and threw it on the bed casually, only a tight-fitting bullet was left, showing his good and fit body at a glance. Seeing Hou Ying squinting at him and making a sound of swallowing saliva, Li Xuanyuan said indifferently: "It's so cool."

Having said that, he stretched out his long hand and opened the bedside table. Sure enough, there were safety tampons and lubricants inside. He took a look, threw them back, and said, "It seems to be bigger than the brand you brought."

Hou Ying, who originally wanted to pretend to be reserved: "..."

He yelled loudly, ripped off his bathrobe, and lay on Li Xuanyuan's back, sucking and gnawing at his neck and side face like a wolf.

Li Xuanyuan finally burst out laughing, he turned around and kissed Hou Ying, raised his knee to push against him, and said in a low voice, "It's not bad that you've cheered up so quickly."

"Leader, I'm suffocating to death!"

He forcefully pushed Li Xuanyuan back on the bed, the two moved their hands and feet wildly, and after a while they kicked out the last covering on their bodies, and they rolled together intimately.

"... Fuck, you're a fucking dog."

Li Xuanyuan, who was clutching the bed sheet with bruised veins on the back of his hand, cursed, panted heavily, and gave Hou Ying a middle finger, which made the latter move more violently.

"Xuanyuan, how can I be a dog. Do you know the biggest difference between humans and animals?"

Li Xuanyuan ignored him, gritted his teeth and held back his voice.

Hou Ying smiled happily and proudly, "That is, animals only go into heat at a fixed time, and people go into heat all year round, and I am in heat with you...every minute, every second, you know what? ?”

"Damn, so much nonsense, ah...don't make it so hard, you fucking want to kill me!"

Li Xuanyuan cursed, his perverted desire let him go, when Hou Ying chased him for a kiss, she hugged him tightly with her backhand.

They kept messing around until early in the morning, and when the two of them woke up and the sun had already risen, Hou Ying said regretfully, "The sunrise here is quite beautiful. I planned to take you to see it."

Li Xuanyuan: "We can't leave for too long."

"There is always time to watch the sunrise together."

Hou Ying clung to him, and the way she rubbed against his face was very similar to when Li Hou was acting like a baby.

Li Xuanyuan didn't raise his eyelids, "There is so little time, do you have to waste it on this kind of thing?"

Hou Ying: "..."

Without saying a word, he suppressed Li Xuanyuan again.

When they were carnival, Xuanyuan's home in the Yellow River Base.

Hou Ying and the others went on mission for six days without any news, and the debtor might escape, because it was a huge sum of money, so the people below reported the situation to Xuanyuanzhen, the eldest lady of the Xuanyuan family who was in charge of this matter.

Xuanyuan had heard about this team a long time ago, and they were all aware of the lawsuit between the Shen family and the Nine-Tails team. They were recruited by both the Nine-Tails team and the Rising Sun team at the same time, and then served as cannon fodder in the two teams because of the third-level corrosion crystal nucleus. Xuanyuan Zhen's impression of Li Hou's team. She didn't have a deep understanding of the other party's intentions. The Xuanyuan family's supernatural powers were far ahead of the four major families. Of course, Hou Ying's team was not taken seriously by her.

The subordinates sorted out the debt sheet and the basic information of Hou Ying's team to Xuanyuan Zhen. Originally, she would not read it carefully, but thinking of what her parents said about the possibility of level 4 zombies appearing in the Yellow River base, she took this debt seriously. There is an extra emphasis.

Now is the critical moment to use crystal cores, and there are still people who dare to owe them 300,000 crystal cores, and they are simply tired of life.

But when she turned to the member information of Li Hou's team, she froze instantly.

She stared at the one-inch photo column on Li Xuanyuan's personal basic form for a long time, and suddenly screamed!

"What happened to Missy?!"

The supernatural bodyguard guarding the door was taken aback.

Xuanyuan Zhen's screaming stopped abruptly, she stared gloomyly at the bodyguard who saw her gaffe for a moment, and then said: "Ah!!!!"

Scream, scream with ecstasy.

At three o'clock in the morning that day, Li Xuanyuan and Hou Ying drove back.

The team has hunted down a large number of crystal nuclei in the past two days, and successfully locked a second-level lightning zombie. They plan to wait for Hou Ying to come back and decide whether to ripen it and take it back to exchange for the third-level blue zombie. crystal.

Hou Ying thought about it, the third-level wind crystal nucleus is also quite rare, and he has already stored a lot of lightning crystal nucleus energy—because Li Hou is still just a baby, he can't consciously control his ability, let him upgrade to Hou Ying didn't upgrade him after the first level of high level just in case. He decided to raise the second-level zombie and feed it with the lightning crystal nucleus they hunted to ripen it.

They didn't hide this from Wu Nan and the others.

A few people thought that nothing would surprise them after they became advanced supernatural beings, but they didn't expect that they were still too young.

Hou Ying was busy coaxing Li Hou by borrowing Li Xuanyuan's wood ability. The child felt abandoned by his two fathers. After crying a lot the day before, he stopped crying, but he spit milk. No matter how much he was fed, he would spit out half of it. If he was forced to feed, no one could escape his lightning, even Meng Hanghai and Wang Hehe were shocked.

"The stinky boy has a really big temper."

After finally coaxing him, Hou Ying hugged him, smiled and kissed his forehead, complaining sweetly.

Li Xuanyuan: "That's good, I won't let people run away in the future."

Hou Ying was amused that he had such worries. After putting the child back in the cradle, Hou Ying, who had been at ease for two days, volunteered to let him and Li Xuanyuan watch the night, so that everyone who had worked so hard to hunt the zombies could have a good rest.

On the roof of a truck, the two were lying on a recliner woven with soft vines, looking up at the starry sky.

"The earth is still rotating, the satellites are still operating, and the stars are still so far away. Why is there such a big change in the weather? Could it be that the meteor showers pushed the earth off its orbit after entering the atmosphere?"

Hou Ying asked suddenly.


Li Xuanyuan was distracted and didn't hear what he said for a moment.

Hou Ying got up, straddled him and leaned over to look at Li Xuanyuan who was lying with his hands folded behind his head, slightly frowned and said, "Xuanyuan, what are you thinking?"

Li Xuanyuan didn't answer.

Hou Ying: "Before I felt that you were hiding something. Although I couldn't guess what it was, I knew it was very important. Now, aren't you going to tell me?"

Li Xuanyuan straightened his body, and slowly approached Hou Ying with his mouth. Just when Hou Ying thought he would whisper something in her ear, Li Xuanyuan suddenly turned his head and quickly kissed the corner of his mouth.

Hou Ying was stunned.

Afterwards, he smiled and rolled his eyes, "I give this answer full marks."

Li Xuanyuan also had a smile in his eyes, he hugged Hou Ying, stroked his back and said, "I just haven't figured out what to say, and I need some time to confirm."

"Well, I'm still very easy to fool. As long as you sacrifice a little bit of hue, I will believe you when you say that the sun is square."

Li Xuanyuan was amused, and when Hou Ying kissed him, he responded affectionately.

The temperature in the first half of the night was still scorching hot, making people emotionally aroused, and the pleasure accumulated in the body for two days quickly set off familiar tenderness along the parts that touched each other, making people feel uncontrollable impulses for no reason. Hou Ying pressed him back on the reclining chair, and just reached his waistband when she suddenly stopped.

"Someone is approaching."

He kissed Li Xuanyuan's wet lips with unrestrained desire, stood up unhappily, and rang the warning bell.

Before everyone in the one-card lounge came out, a speed user approached at an extremely fast speed. Hou Ying narrowed her eyes, and this person's speed was even faster than that of Qiao Dayo, who had a speed four ability!

Hou Ying just yelled at the other party to stop, when suddenly, a wooden vine appeared from nowhere and lashed towards her like a whip, followed by a loud cry:

"Son of a bitch!"

Just as Hou Ying was about to make a move, Li Xuanyuan suddenly pulled him back behind him, and took the whip forcefully.