End of Century

Chapter 85: Pearl River Base


The plane landed at Zhujiang Base, taxied on the runway, slowed down, and came to a slow stop.

Xuanyuan Zhen, Liu Zhan, and Gongsun Jing had been waiting at the airport for a long time, and rushed to meet the plane when it stopped.

"Brother Monkey!"

Liu Zhan and Gongsun Jing shouted, their voices were so excited that Xuanyuan Zhen's voice of greeting his younger brother was forced back. She glanced at the two guys who looked like chicken blood, and she knew that both Liu Zhan and Gongsun Jing were very stable people, and she didn't know what could make them so excited when they saw Hou Ying. .

"How is the situation at the Pearl River Base?"

"The tide of zombies suddenly subsided the day before yesterday, and they haven't come back yet. I'm not sure if there will be a repeat. However, the zombie birds are still besieging the city, and it's more intense than before." Liu Zhan said, standing next to Hou Ying and continuing Said: "But now it's not just zombie birds, there were several tsunamis before, the base was also affected by the earthquake, the loss is not too big. The bad thing is that many mutant sea creatures have come ashore, they are no different to humans and zombies The attack is very powerful, and once it is turned into a zombie, it can survive out of the sea, so it is very difficult to deal with."

Hou Ying nodded to express her understanding, and then asked: "Did you retreat when the sun came out at noon the day before yesterday?"

Although Liu Zhan didn't know why he asked such a question, he gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

"Xuanyuan's satellite station received information from the other two bases. They also had zombies retreating one after another at noon that day, and the Yellow River base was the same. It shouldn't be a coincidence."

Hou Ying said.

Liu Zhan: "Brother Hou, what you mean is that the weather changes stopped that day, and then it will enter a stable period, and the zombie tide will not happen again?"

Hou Ying likes to communicate with Liu Zhan, and she can understand exactly what he means without trying to explain anything. "It's not certain yet, but it's a good sign anyway."

Xuanyuan was really busy exchanging feelings with Li Xuanyuan, asking about his parents and the situation of the Yellow River base and ignoring others. Qiao Daye asked Gongsun Jing a few words and felt relieved seeing that she didn't suffer too much here, and then said: "The Pearl River base is always warmer than the north. When we came out, the temperature of the Yellow River base had been below zero for three consecutive days. Thirty-five degrees cold."

Gongsun Jing: "The temperature here has almost never been below zero, and now minus 15 degrees is not normal. And after all, it's autumn now..."

"It's the end of the world, who cares about spring, summer, autumn and winter."

Joe Dayo shrugged.

After Hou Ying and Liu Zhan finished communicating, they turned around and heard Xuanyuan Zhen and Li Xuanyuan complaining: "... that's okay. But why did you bring Li Hou, this kid, here is much more dangerous than the Yellow River base now, be careful that he is killed The zombie bird was taken away."

Li Houzheng was sleeping soundly in Li Xuanyuan's arms, and was touched by Xuanyuan Zhen's little nose, which was left to breathe, and hid but did not wake up.

Hou Ying: "Sister, he is now a second-level thunderbolt user. We are afraid that he will cause trouble to his parents if he loses his temper."

Didn't even mention that Li Hou was going to be taken care of by Xuanyuanhui at that time, but after the boy cried twice, Li Xuanyuan's heart softened, and when everyone got on the plane, he found out that he didn't know when he used vines to give this kid to " Smuggling" came over.

They set off for the Pearl River Base the day after they had dealt with the Level 4 zombies. Due to the navigation problem, it was delayed for some time, and it is only now arriving.

Xuanyuan Zhen said: "That's true, this kid has a bad temper, just like Xiao Li when he was a child."

After a pause, she winked at Hou Ying and asked, "I thought that kid Xuanyuanyu would follow?"

Xuanyuan Yu is a person with laser abilities, who can stimulate a special high-temperature light to shoot and kill zombies, and is also a rare person with special abilities. I have never met a Bole like Hou Ying, he is still a first-level supernatural user, but this kid has a lot of thoughts, relying on his relationship with the Xuanyuan family and his crystal core, he has also recruited a lot of useful supernatural powers. those who can.

Hou Ying: "We sneaked away."

Xuanyuan really understood, and didn't know that Xuanyuanyu had no chance to meet Li Xuanyuan during the period after she left.

A group of people boarded the bus driven by Xuanyuan Zhen, transferred the supplies they brought into another truck, and walked to Xuanyuan's residence in the Pearl River Base.

Qiao Daye said: "I heard you say that the zombie bird is very powerful, why didn't I even see a bird's wing all the way?"

Liu Zhan replied: "There is a sound mutant in the lion team who can create various sound waves. He successfully expelled the zombie bird with a sound wave. It has been successfully mechanically synthesized two days ago. But it consumes a lot of power. , the survivors have been transferred here, only this area is in use, so there are no zombie birds, the survivor base in the south has been occupied by zombie birds."

Gongsun Jing continued: "The group of zombie birds are very weird. They catch humans to hatch their eggs."

"Hatch eggs?!"

Qiao Daye and Dongfang Bai asked in surprise at the same time, and the others also looked at Gongsun Jing.

"That's right, it's hatching eggs. The temperature is too low for the eggs of the zombie birds to survive. After they capture people, they break their stomachs and lay their eggs into the human body. I don't know how they do it, Zombie birds don’t have supernatural powers, but they can keep humans alive with hundreds of eggs implanted in them, until the zombie birds break out of their shells, that person will die.”

She explained by the way that it only takes two days for the eggs of this zombie bird to hatch.

Everyone cheered, and Ji Yao said, "This setting is a bit like zombies. Hey, it's not like these mutated zombie animals are a virtue, right?"

Gongsun Jing: "No, zombie animals will more or less retain some of their own characteristics. These birds migrated south to reproduce. Now that the weather has changed, they can't find a warm place. It's not surprising that they are eyeing the human body."

Qiao Daye had an awkward expression, and asked Gongsun Jing, "You didn't see it with your own eyes, did you?"

Gongsun Jing shook her head, "I've seen the photos, what's wrong?"

Qiao Daye sighed and said, "I just think you're too calm, and you thought something more disgusting happened to you."

Liu Zhan smiled and said, "When you see those zombie sea creatures, you will know that zombie birds are quite gentle."

Seeing everyone's surprise, Liu Zhan said: "It should be because the temperature here is higher than that in the north. A large part of the creatures in the northern sea area have fled to the south. Now the sea is also very crowded. Several tsunamis brought up many sea creatures and mutated. Yes, there are more zombies than people. Now, except for this place of survivors, many zombie cities have become octopus cities and shark cities. It is difficult to deal with them. If they attack actively, they don't have the hobby of eating people like zombies."

Xuanyuan Zhen said: "If this continues, the Pearl River base will not be maintained. And if these zombie sea creatures are left alone, they will soon occupy the land. We have to find a way to deal with them instead of moving them."

If it wasn't for the fact that the zombie sea creatures were able to survive on land out of the sea, she and Duan Yin would have persuaded the Pearl River base to relocate, but in the long run, they couldn't hide for a while.

While the current situation is not too bad, driving these zombie sea creatures back into the sea to defend this line of defense is the only way to do it once and for all.

After Hou Ying and others entered the temporary residence of Xuanyuan's family, people from the Lions came to say hello.

The visitor asked about the situation of the Yellow River base, and then said that their captain asked Xuanyuan Zhen to have time to discuss the next battle plan together at night, and if he had time, he would also invite Xuanyuan Zhen to have dinner with him. Xuanyuan really refused, of course she would rather spend time with her younger brother than having dinner with Duan Yin.

After he left, Hou Ying approached gossipingly and said, "Sister, how do I think this Duan Yin has a different meaning for you?"

Xuanyuan really raised his elbow to push him away, and said in disgust: "It's just him who wants to marry our Xuanyuan family, it's just a dream."

Li Xuanyuan glanced at Xuanyuan Zhen, and Liu Zhan said: "Ever since Sister Xuanyuan saved Duan Yin from the zombie shark's mouth last time, he has been entangled with him, and he was whipped a while ago, so he didn't give up. According to me, he may not be…”

"It's not what?" Xuanyuan sneered coldly, "The only women in my Xuanyuan's family are those who are married and unmarried. If he is willing to part with the Duan family, I don't mind giving him a chance."

Obviously, Xuanyuanzhen had used this reason to push Duan Yin back.

Gongsun Jing opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she still closed her mouth.

After everyone had a welcome meal and the members of Li Hou's team reunited in the room, Li Xuanyuan asked, "What's the matter with Duan Yin and my sister?"

Gongsun Jing and Liu Zhan looked at each other, and Gongsun Jing explained the reason.

The tide of zombies subsided the day before yesterday, but many sea creatures lifted up by the tsunami came ashore and crawled towards the Pearl River base. Among them was a huge zombie shark with terrifying lethality, which destroyed half of the buildings in the city and approached. The supernatural beings in the Zhujiang base lack combat power and urgently need to replenish the energy of the crystal nucleus, so this time they are facing Xuanyuan Zhen and Duan Yin.

At that time, Gongsun Jing was beside Xuanyuanzhen. The shark was a zombie shark with a third-level water system ability, and the shark skin was so hard that even Xuanyuanzhen's fourth-level wooden thorns could not penetrate it. As a special space-separating ability user Duan Yin traps the shark to give the others a chance to deal with it.

Enraged, the zombie shark sprayed several water arrows to attack Duan Yin. If Xuanyuanzhen hadn't decisively tied Duan Yin to him with wooden vines, Duan Yin would have been seriously injured that time even if he survived.

"Sister Xuanyuan was afraid that he would be targeted by zombie sharks again, so she asked him to follow behind. That Duan Yin, who didn't know what to think, was really inseparable from Sister Xuanyuan and hid behind her... Uh, after killing that shark, Duan Yin Yin began to pursue Sister Xuanyuan, and he didn't hide it, so that everyone knew about it."

Gongsun Jing was also very puzzled, paused, and continued: "During the battle, ahem, sister Xuanyuan inevitably had some physical contact with him, I don't know if it was because of this."