End of Century

Chapter 87: Seafood everywhere


Hou Ying and Duan Yin have the same views on the issue of the level of zombie biological abilities.

He nodded and said, "This matter is indeed very necessary."

Hou Ying asked him to arrange this matter according to his own wishes, and then said: "I can see from the photos that these zombie marine creatures and mutant creatures coexist with zombies. Haven't there been any battles between them?"

"Yes, I wonder about that too. If they don't mess with the river, it's not a good thing for us."

Duan Yin was also troubled by this.

Hou Ying thought, it seems that the way they judge the same kind is rooted in the zombie virus. However, this was just his guess and he was not sure, so he didn't say much, and then said: "My sister and Captain Duan know better than me about the situation in the Pearl River base. It is not suitable for me to intervene now. My teammates and I will have a meeting tomorrow. The helicopter will go to these four areas to check, and if possible, we will go to the sea to see what is going on with them, and we must squeeze on land."

Duan Yin looked at Xuanyuanzhen and saw that she had no intention of objecting at all, so he knew that Li Hou's team had the ability. But he still had to explain some things in advance: "This is very dangerous. Although the helicopter can be equipped with a sonic device to expel zombie birds, we have encountered a situation where a helicopter was shot down by a zombie octopus before."

"Captain Duan, don't worry, we won't do anything we're not sure about. I estimate that it will take two days to collect information. In these two days, you can start the plan to clean up Area A. Please take care of my sister, Captain Duan."

Hou Ying smiled.

Duan Yin raised his eyebrows, Hou Ying was much easier to get along with than Li Xuanyuan, a cold, wooden man, and he obviously accepted him more than rejected him.

Seeing this, Duan Yin immediately agreed cheerfully.

After returning to the Xuanyuan family's villa, Xuanyuanzhen was dissatisfied and said: "Why are you talking to him like that? He, a first-level supernatural being, still wants to take care of me? I can take care of him."

Duan Yin's ability is also very special, and he has not encountered anyone with the same ability so far. He named his ability as space truncation ability, which is similar to the tactics of gravity ability users, that is, "fixation technique" . For a certain range of space, he can completely truncate it, so that the target cannot go out of that space, and even supernatural attacks cannot go out of the space limited by him.

But no matter what, Duan Yin, who is still only a first-level ability, can only play an auxiliary attack role in the face of high-level ability zombies.

Li Xuanyuan didn't wait for Hou Ying to answer, he pulled Hou Ying behind him, lowered his head to stare at Xuanyuan Zhen, and said seriously: "Now we can tell what's going on with you and Duan Yin, right?"

Xuanyuan's true arrogance fell in an instant, and he was embarrassed for a long time before he said: "The circle in the imperial capital is only that big, and we have known each other since high school. When we were in college, we felt that we were quite suitable for each other, so we got together and stayed together for two years. It will be divided in junior year."

Li Xuanyuan calculated the time, his sister's third year in junior high coincided with the time when he encountered that incident in his first year of high school, so he knew in his heart that this incident had something to do with him.

"Did you tell him about getting married?"

Xuanyuan really didn't expect him to ask this question, and after struggling for a moment, he said: "At that time, you had already planned to leave home to join the army. I also talked to my parents. Your sexuality is born and you can't force it. You don't want to inherit the Xuanyuan family. Naturally, it's me. This elder sister inherited. I told him that we all know that the female head of the Xuanyuan family needs to find a husband. He is the young master of the Duan family, and his inheritance rights are no less than mine... At that time, I knew that I had nothing to do with him, Rather than procrastinating, it is better to separate when the relationship is not deep."

"You don't have a deep relationship, and you already thought of marrying him?"

"I… "

"Is it because of him that I haven't found a partner for so many years?"

"I'm not… "

"Has he found a partner in the past few years?"

"...Xiao Li, what do you want to do?"

Xuanyuanzhen finally realized the attitude of Xingshi's younger brother on this matter.

Li Xuanyuan said: "He dared to pursue you again. You haven't killed him yet. It seems that he has kept himself clean these past few years. Now that I'm back, no one will stop you from whatever you want to do, and I will fully support it."

Xuanyuan Zhen: "At that time, I was just young and ignorant. We have been separated for so many years, and we will not have the same feeling when we get together again—"


Li Xuanyuan interrupted her.

"You are not young."

Xuanyuan Zhen: "..."

"Xuan! Yuan! Li!!"

Xuanyuan is really whipping.

Hou Ying held back her laughter, and hurriedly dragged away Li Xuanyuan who was about to expose her scars.

Back in the room, Hou Ying listened attentively to the sound of Xuanyuan Zhen walking back to the room with heavy steps, leaned into Li Xuanyuan's ear and said, "Are you going to match the two of them?"

"No plan." Li Xuanyuan tilted his head and kissed his lips, "No one can make decisions about feelings except herself. She has already made her own choice... Hou Ying, I owe her a lot, her happiness is better than mine. It's more important, do you understand?"

Hou Ying was startled, and he laughed.

"Xuanyuan, you are so kind."

Seeing him leaning over to kiss him, Li Xuanyuan raised his hand to cover his mouth, pushed him away and said, "Clean up, I'll go and bring Li Hou back."

"Xuanyuan, I want to—"

"There is business tomorrow."

Li Xuanyuan cruelly rejected him who pretended to be pitiful.

Hou Ying scratched her hair, really missing the daughter-in-law who was obedient to him before.

The next day, Hou Ying took Li Xuanyuan, Liu Zhan, Qiao Daye, Ji Yao, and Dongfang Baishang Xuanyuanzhen's helicopter to investigate the situation, leaving the others to Xuanyuanzhen.

The helicopter flew farther and farther, until a certain distance, Qiao Daye rubbed his ears and said: "Li Hou, this little thing is getting bigger and clingier, just now he clearly said not to cry, we just went to the sky, and he cried so much What does it look like."

Ji Yao: "The second child is more and more able to put gold on his face. If you leave, he doesn't know what kind of joy he is. But this little guy really... has a good lung capacity when he cries, hehe."

Seeing Hou Ying staring at him, Ji Yao hastily changed his words.

Hou Ying pressed Qiao Dayo, looked down with her head, raised her head and said with a smile after a while: "Xiaohai is becoming more and more good at coaxing people."

Qiao Daye followed and glanced at the group of people who were walking back below. Sure enough, Li Hou was holding Meng Hanghai's bear hat and giggling by the ears.

Several people talked about children for a while, and stopped joking when the helicopter entered Area A. The helicopter flew towards the beach at the fastest speed, Hou Ying took off the goggles, and Qiao Daye concentrated on watching the situation below.

From area a to area b, the scene is completely different.

There are more zombies in area a, and in area b, the number of zombies is basically the same as the number of zombie sea creatures. It's even more amazing when it comes to area C, where there are crawling zombies or mutated marine creatures everywhere.

"Damn it, I'm blind, that fish is really fucking upright!"

"Looks like a dolphin..."

Hou Ying was not much calmer than Qiao Dayo.

The others hurriedly looked down with binoculars. Although they didn't see the standing and walking dolphins that Qiao Daye said, there were a lot of strange marine creatures that had never been seen before. Especially an octopus attached to a high-rise building with a glass room. Its head is bigger than a sea monster in a fantasy movie. Its eight thick tentacles completely enclose the whole building. If you pay attention, you think it is also part of the wonderfully designed building.

Ji Yao: "... Is Mr. Octopus basking in the sun?"

Dongfang Bai: "...it seems quite comfortable."

Qiao Dayo: "Damn it, it hurts my eyes!"

The others also touched their arms. There are many bright and colorful marine creatures that they can't even name the species. If it was before the end of the world, they really doubt that the ornamental value of these things will make people chase after them for a long time. Sky-high prices. But now, it has been verified that the more beautiful things are, the more dangers are hidden behind them.

Taking a quick glance, they saw two jellyfish collide, and the electric current flashed, and the unfortunate creatures nearby were all electrocuted to corpses.

When I arrived at District D, Hou Yingcai said: "I just came from the three districts of ABC, and I didn't feel the zombie crystal nucleus energy body above the third level. But here, the energy of the fourth-level crystal nucleus body is very strong and dense."

Everyone looked dignified, Liu Zhan said: "Brother Monkey, you mean that the further inland these zombie marine creatures are, the lower their power level will be?"

"That's right." Hou Ying said: "And there are a lot of level 4 zombie creatures here—wait, there's even level 5!"


Everyone was shocked, even Li Xuanyuan, who was driving the helicopter, couldn't help but look back.

Hou Ying concentrated and felt it for a moment, then he suddenly untied his gloves, pulled down the skylight and stuck out the helicopter with his bare hands. Li Xuanyuan stretched out his hand to stop him, but he shook his head to indicate that it was all right.

After a full quarter of an hour, he withdrew his hand and stuffed it back into the glove. He frowned and said, "It's not an illusion. There are really level 5 zombie creatures here, and there are more than one. We can't be sure if it's a zombie or something else. Let's speed up. Take a look at the sea."

He was glad that Duan Yin was a prudent decision maker, otherwise, if they rushed to kill the base camp of zombie sea creatures, not even a single person could survive in the Zhujiang base now.

Liu Zhandao: "Brother Monkey, do you all remember what Xiao Hai's father said? At that time, our mission was canceled because most of the meteorites landed in no-man's land and on the high seas. If it was a zombie virus, it would be these The meteorite brought it here, isn't the situation in the sea... more serious than the land."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

This inference is too reasonable!

No place in human habitation was spared, and they speculated that the whole planet suffered from the virus pathogens left by meteorites passing through the atmosphere. Then, the sea area where the meteorite landed directly and the uninhabited land on land could only be more powerful.

Qiao Daye put away his smiling face, and pondered: "The forest law in the sea is implemented more thoroughly, and the survival of the fittest will only be more cruel. After half a year, will it be... that there are no ordinary creatures in the sea, and only mutant creatures will remain?" and zombie creatures?"

Hou Ying: "Azhan, I remember you said before that those marine creatures turned into zombies after they landed. Can you be sure that they didn't turn into zombies in the sea?"

Liu Zhan thought about it, and said in a deep voice: "We also heard from the people at the Pearl River base about these things. The zombie wave hadn't happened at the time of the tsunami, and the Pearl River base was some distance from the coast. After the mutation, the number of sea creatures that came ashore multiplied, and at that time, all we saw were zombie creatures except for the mutated sea creatures.”

Everyone knew it in their hearts.

I'm afraid... the entire sea has fallen into the world of mutated creatures and zombie creatures.