End of Century

Chapter 93: Ambitious


The crystal nucleus of the fourth-level psychic zombie tortoise is also pure white, not too big and small, almost the size of the second-level zombie crystal nucleus.

Hou Ying planned to keep it as bait, so she never touched it.

Everyone returned home with a full load. Since the return journey was estimated to take three hours, they did not delay, and then drove to the place where the Pearl River Base is located. Although they encountered some zombie creatures and mutated creatures along the way, the two sides lived in peace, and arrived at the base smoothly at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Xuanyuan Zhen and Duan Yin were still cleaning up zombies and marine creatures in Area A. In the villa, only Wang Hehe and Meng Hanghai were staying to take care of Li Hou. Seeing them, they jumped up happily.

When they heard that the helicopter that Hou Ying and the others were driving had lost contact, they were all very worried. Seeing that they had returned safely and were not injured, their hearts fell to the ground.


Li Hou, who was left on the cradle in the cold, yelled twice in dissatisfaction.

Hou Ying sent Wang Hehe and Meng Hanghai to accompany him, and the group went to take a hot bath before they came together.

Li Hou is not yet two months old, but he is already able to recognize people—this should be related to his staying in the mother's womb for too long. Feeling that Hou Ying and Li Xuanyuan laughed so hard that their gums were exposed, they babbled and waved their hands. Kick your legs and do everything possible to make noise to attract their attention. Hou Ying teased him for a while, and saw that he was holding his mouth and was about to cry, so she picked him up and kissed him twice. Li Hou instantly forgot the sadness just now and rubbed against Hou Ying, and he did not forget to hold Li Xuanyuan's thumb tightly, kicking his calf and giggling contentedly.

Wang Hehe looked disgusted, "Uncle, you didn't raise me like this before, did you?"

It's too funny!

Hou Ying laughed, "I think, when I can hug you, you will remember things, how can Li Hou be so easy to lie."

Wang Hehe is now happy.

Several people inquired about the whereabouts of the others, and learned that they were all following Xuanyuanzhen and were operating in a small town in District A. After confirming that the small town was very close to the Pearl River base and far away from the zombie bird, they were relieved.

"Old uncle, the experts dispatched by Captain Duan from the Yellow River base have arrived last night. They have built a laboratory in the villa between our house and Duan's villa, and brought a lot of equipment." Wang Hehe took the initiative: "Today I still listen to Aunt Zhen said that when they come back, the laboratory is almost finished, and they will mobilize at the Pearl River Base to recruit specialized technicians and apprentices."

Hou Ying brought Wang Hehe up with one hand, and as soon as his eyes rolled, Hou Ying knew what he had planned. Immediately she raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you interested in their project?"

Wang Hehe laughed and said: "I just want to see it, maybe there is something I can help with."

Hou Ying thought about it, and it was a waste of asking Wang Hehe to kill zombies, and he could only rely on guns to fight very hard. Now Hou Ying is confident that no matter whether he is in the Yellow River Base or the Pearl River Base, he can cover his precious nephew, so he said: "Go by yourself Say hello to your real aunt, but I can tell you, don't make trouble and don't allow people to bully you, understand?"

"Don't worry, uncle!"

Wang Hehe laughed heartily.

Qiao Daye and the others looked at it strangely, so they asked, in their opinion, facing zombies is much cuter than facing research work that they don't understand at all. When they learned that Wang Hehe had been a member of the separate National Academy of Mathematics in Cannes at a young age, they were all in awe, especially Dongfang Bai, who had won the title of best actor but was actually a scumbag.

Meng Hanghai raised his head and said, "In the future, my brother and I will be as smart and promising as Brother Xiao He."

Under Wang Hehe's dedicated teaching, Meng Hanghai admired Wang Hehe's ability as a top student.

Hou Ying patted his head, praised and encouraged him.

Before sunset, Xuanyuan Zhen and his party returned to the villa. When Duan Yin got the news, he postponed his planned itinerary to inspect the establishment of the research institute in person, and came with Xuanyuan Zhen with two confidantes—Shangguan Yi and Leng Qin, the backbone members of the Lions team.

Hou Ying was cooking in the kitchen, when she saw them coming back, she greeted them and went into the kitchen again.

Duan Yin smelled the fragrance, looked at Li Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan Zhen again, and said with a smile: "It seems that I have a good fortune today."

Seeing that he still wanted to come over to see Li Hou in his arms, Li Xuanyuan blocked him with vines, and gave him a disgusted look. Xuanyuan really drove him back to clean and tidy up before coming over to eat and talk about things. Duan Yin excused that he was cold and refused to leave. He borrowed the bathroom and borrowed a suit of clothes from Ji Yao, who was of a similar size. After he cleaned up quickly, Hou Ying also brought the last soup to the table.

"I heard that you brought two big octopuses with you when you came back, so it was right to come here for lunch."

There are octopus stew, stir-fried and spicy fried. The portion is enough to feed more than 20 adults. Only one arm and foot of octopus is used for these, which shows the size of the octopus.

Hou Ying served soup to He He, the king of Menghang Hai, and saw that Duan Yin was serving Xuanyuan Zhen very well, so she brought another bowl to Li Xuanyuan, and said with a smile: "That's right, those two octopus heads will stop by when Captain Duan is leaving." take away."

Duan Yin didn't expect them to be so generous and was about to thank them, so Hou Ying continued: "Captain Duan has to be careful about those who are going to be sent to the laboratory as specimens."

Duan Yin, who pretends to be affectionate: "..."

Xuanyuan really laughed, seeing Hou Ying hugging Li Hou who was drinking milk in one hand, and sloppily picking up vegetables for Li Xuanyuan and Wang Hehe Meng Hanghai beside him with the other hand, but neglected himself, so he told Hou Ying to leave them alone and just take care of them. Just do it yourself.

Hou Ying smiled and said: "It's okay, sister, you eat more vegetables, this is cooked by Xuanyuan himself."

The herbaceous plants in the base did not escape the fate of being frozen to death after the weather change. Fortunately, the seeds were still tenacious, otherwise they would not even be able to eat vegetables.

They came back early today, Hou Ying took care of Li Xuanyuan while cooking, and cooked a very sumptuous dinner.

After a full meal, everyone tidied up a bit and then got down to business.

Duan Yin couldn't wait to ask: "This trip, Captain Hou, what can you gain?"

Hou Ying changed Li Hou's position, patted him on the back to lull him to sleep, and replied, "I took some pictures, but the camera and the helicopter blew up together, so—"


Except for the person involved, everyone else was shocked.

Li Hou was also frightened, and was shocked by the loud voices of the adults, hummed twice and kicked his calf twice, and fell asleep gently again under the comfort of Hou Ying and Li Xuanyuan. Li Xuanyuan glared at them angrily. Meng Hanghai wanted to take Li Hou to sleep, but Hou Ying refused. What they want to say next is that everyone in the team needs to understand.

Hou Ying said: "It was damaged by a dolphin with supersound abilities, and it was not in danger. Let's talk about what we saw during our trip."

Hou Yingzai carefully stated the approximate number of zombies, zombie creatures, and mutant creatures they saw in the fourth district of abcd, as well as the level distribution of zombie creatures, including that the zombie dolphin absorbed unknown objects in the head of the mutant dolphin to enhance its ability wait for this.

The three members of the Xiongshi team, Xuanyuanzhen and her assistant—the original teleporter Li Guangming, who is also a metal ability user—all looked dignified, and the rest of Li Hou's team also found it a little tricky. And after Hou Ying told the situation in the sea, even the calm expressions of the members of Li Hou's team cracked.

"You heard me right." Seeing the disbelief of the crowd, although Hou Ying did not rashly tell Duan Yin, Xuanyuanzhen and others about their guesses about the truth of the end of the world and Meng Hanghai's father's last words, she said very firmly: "The The situation is more cruel than on land, and it seems that they have completed the initial differentiation. Mutant creatures and zombie creatures have reached a certain level of balance and saturation in the sea, whether it is their abilities or the load capacity of the sea, they have reached To a certain extent. According to my guess, the land is likely to be their new battlefield."

Duan Yin: "There are really level five zombie creatures? How do you judge—"

"Sorry, Captain Duan, it's inconvenient to tell us about the privacy of our team at this time, please forgive me."

Hou Ying didn't let him ask further, Duan Yin kept silent but it didn't mean that others had no opinion.

Leng Qin, one of Duan Yin's confidantes, a person with supernatural powers of the wind department, couldn't hold back and said at this time: "Captain Hou, this question is very important. If you have mastered a certain method or technique, implementing it can benefit many people. At such a juncture, there's no need to hide it."

Duan Yin gave her a disapproving look, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, my team—"

"I'm really sorry that you won't give her a chance to speak, since you have found a spokesperson, don't pretend!"

Xuanyuan really sneered.

Duan Yin felt annoyed, touched his nose and stopped talking.

He and Xuanyuan really have very different personalities. At the beginning, it was because of her frankness and directness that she didn't have to go through a few detours in her head, habitually weigh the pros and cons, and be utilitarian and selfish. Fascinated. After so many years, he never returned on this road of no return. It has been a long, long time since the person who accused him face to face has appeared again, and now he is happy to be scolded by Xuanyuan Zhen.

Hou Ying saw it, so she didn't think too much about it, and said with a smile, "It's because there is no way to promote it, and it is impossible to copy me. If you insist on entangled in this issue, my team members and I will go back first. Rest, and we will talk about other issues when you reach an agreement with us."

Leng Qin has a bad temper, and she almost didn't curse when she heard the words, but was stopped by Shangguan Yi who was beside her.

Duan Yin smiled and said: "Captain Hou still likes to joke so much, please continue to talk, our Lions team is of course standing on the united front with everyone."

The smile on Hou Ying's face deepened by two points, and she glanced at Leng Qin meaningfully and cast a sympathetic look at Duan Yin, and met the latter's unclear look without resolving his confusion, and continued to talk about business.

"The reason why they came ashore is just my personal guess. However, the trend of them going ashore one after another is beyond doubt. It is still in the early stages. If things go on like this, this front will expand to the entire coastline. This is not good news." Hou said. Ying paused, and said to Duan Yin: "I heard that Captain Duan intends to stay at the Pearl River Base, is this true?"