End of Century

Chapter 96: Level 4 electric eel


It snowed at the Pearl River base at night, and it was inevitable that it would be a little colder during the day when the snow melted. However, the ordinary people who were distributed with cold-proof work clothes were very enthusiastic about their work after eating the breakfast provided by the base.

The protective city wall was built from the safe area drawn by Li Xuanyuan. The entire Pearl River base concentrated manpower and material resources to form a city. The speed of building the protective wall was faster than Xuanyuan Zhen and Duan Yin expected. A medical team was specially set up in the cold protection station. Gongsun Jing is currently the leader of the medical team, and she no longer hides her healing ability.

However, her heart is still on Li Hou's team. After the team cleans up the dangerous and unpredictable area C, she will definitely return to the team.

After listening to Hou Ying's suggestion, Duan Yin simply stopped coddling, and he and Xuanyuan Zhen completely took over the management of the Pearl River base, and implemented the next series of policies with an iron fist.

The first thing he did was to establish a base and organize an army.

During this critical period, Duan Yin did not give too much autonomy to the supernatural beings at the Pearl River base, and forced all registered supernatural beings into the army, which were directly dispatched by Duan Yin and Xuanyuanzhen, and did not allow the team form of existence. Immediately afterwards, they divided the work according to the levels of the supernatural beings. Sure enough, according to Hou Ying's suggestion, the first-level supernatural beings and several third-level supernatural beings were responsible for the base defense and the construction of the protective wall. The second-level and the remaining third-level superpowers formed ten teams of one hundred people, went out to collect the urgently needed supplies at the Pearl River base, and set a series of hard targets.

At present, for the Pearl River base, in addition to the protective wall, cleaning up zombies and collecting materials, the most important thing is the greenhouse crops.

In addition to the five elements who were originally responsible for this part of the work, a large number of voluntary ordinary people were also recruited to participate.

This part of ordinary people is the older elderly and women with stronger physique who are not involved in the construction of the city wall. The work intensity of taking care of the greenhouse crops is not high, and the temperature is low in the greenhouse and they are also responsible for food. Hot place to work.

Hou Ying stood on the sidelines and watched the Pearl River base flourish, so she simply let go.

At present, Xuanyuanzhen controls the allocation of all materials in the Pearl River Base. With the finances in hand, they are not afraid of being bullied, and they can rest assured to concentrate on cleaning up in Area B.

Compared with the previous cleaning work in Area A, this time there is a serious shortage of manpower. Only the third-level superpowers of Team Li Hou and Lions are in charge, and naturally they cannot be as efficient as when cleaning Area A.

After a period of running-in and observation, the Xiongshi team admired and feared Li Hou's team. The third-level zombie creatures were completely vulnerable to Li Hou's team, and the fourth-level creatures that made them fearful were easily dealt with without any reluctance .

Only then did they realize that the entire team of Li Hou's team were all fourth-level supernatural beings!

If Duan Yin hadn't revealed to his confidants his cooperation with the Xuanyuan family and his ambitions for the Pearl River base, they would have been more wary of Li Hou's team and the Xuanyuan family than the marine creatures that came ashore.

"smell good."

The aroma of the boiled fish was mouth-watering, and the surrounding members of Li Hou's team stared at the boiling fish, waiting for Hou Ying's order to start eating.

Compared with them, the food of the Lions team is much worse. They smell the fragrance and gnaw on the dry food, and they feel bad.

But when Hou Ying gave Duan Yin face, it was all on official business, but she was not in the mood to take care of the members of the Lions team. All members of Li Hou's team don't feel guilty at all about eating alone.

Hmph, these guys were trying to guard against them before, so if you ask them to eat, they may even suspect that they have poisoned it!

The atmosphere at the dinner table was very lively, the voices of the eloquent Qiao Daye Jiyao and Dongfang Bai never stopped amidst the steaming heat, they were talking about the majestic record of killing a group of zombie tropical fish today.

Those zombie tropical fish are not as exaggerated in their colorful body shape variation as other creatures. They can't survive dehydration, but they can't stand them because of their water system abilities. A water belt is suspended in mid-air, and tropical fish are swimming in the water, circling one street after another. The scene is so spectacular and pleasing to the eye. It almost feels like you are admiring them in the marine zoo. illusion.

But it's brutal to say the least.

"That's why buck teeth ruin everything. When you look at them, there are three layers of teeth, and they are all protruding. They are so sharp that they can reflect sunlight. It's scary to look at them."

Ji Yao was very dissatisfied with the subversive visual effects.

Dongfang Bai was struggling with one thing: "Their water defense skills are too strong, I hope Ah Zhan can also master this skill."

The suspended current created by these tropical fish not only gives them space to swim, but also serves as their defense. Dongfang Bai was bitter about his fourth-level metal ability that could not pierce the opponent's third-level water curtain, but he felt more at ease when he thought that Liu Zhan could also have this special ability—the crystal nucleus energy of the zombie penguin made Jiang Tao The four-level flame of his body has successfully transformed, and the cold blue flame is more than ten times more powerful than the raging fire with extremely high temperature.

Hou Ying was teasing Li Hou, the little guy's nose moved several times like a puppy, his big eyes stared at the rising mist, and he asked Hou Ying to eat boiled fish with the adults. Hou Ying dipped some vinegar with her chopsticks, and Li Hou happily put it in his mouth, his whole face wrinkled from the soreness, and slapped his face angrily while crying amidst Hou Ying's loud laughter .

Li Xuanyuan couldn't see it, so he hugged Li Hou into his arms, and had a father-son conversation with Li Hou who was extremely wronged.

Hou Yingguang stared at them, even the boiled fish was only eaten by Meng Hanghai, who was eccentric, kept scooping it into his bowl.

Liu Zhan said with a smile: "With this skill, the next time you encounter an octopus or other sea creature hitting the water curtain with its tail, it won't be so bombastic."

He remembered the matter of the octopus hitting the water curtain last time, and now it is finally solved.

Qiao Daye: "But let's not say it, their defense index is very high. If their mutated species also have the same ability, I suggest that we get a little more back."

"That's a good suggestion." Hou Ying agreed, "There will be level four zombie creatures in the places we pass tomorrow, so don't let your guard down. Although they are at the same level as ours, if you encounter special abilities, like octopus' poison abilities We can't please the tortoise's psychic powers."

The atmosphere was too relaxed, and he was really worried that the recent success would make them underestimate the enemy, so he seized the opportunity to give them a word of advice.

Under his teaching, everyone was naturally not so short-sighted, and they all responded obediently and kept it in their hearts.

Sure enough, they encountered a fourth-level creature the next day. Hou Ying and Qiao Daye saw it clearly and stopped the team immediately! —It turned out to be an electric eel that was bigger than a boa constrictor!

Qiao Daye patted his chest with lingering fear, "Oh my god, this is much better than Li Hou. It's still a level four electric eel. If we haven't moved in the past, we will be electrocuted to death!"

Before the end of the world, this is a ruthless character, high voltage current is enough to knock down human beings, not to mention that now he is so big and only has a fourth-level ability! And water, metal, and wood are all conductors, and their main attack power has become a boost in front of the electric eel. The car is driving like this, and it's not over yet!

Hou Ying was thinking of countermeasures when she heard the words and gave him the back of the head angrily—it has to be said that Gongsun Jing's favor for the back of Qiao Daye's head has already spread to the whole team.

"Don't compare Li Hou with it."

The others gathered around, knowing that what they were going to deal with was a level 4 electric eel, and even a relatively aggressive Leng Qin didn't dare to push it too hard this time. This is a creature known as the killer of the sea. Who knows what it will look like after possessing supernatural powers, but the geometric increase in lethality is beyond doubt.

But Hou Ying didn't finish her sentence: "There are no zombies within a hundred meters of it."

This not only shows the attack range of the electric eel, but also shows its terrifying threat.

Several people looked at Hou Ying, and Hou Ying lived up to everyone's expectations and said: "To deal with him, only Xiao Hai's ability is suitable in our team. I will take the second child and Xiao Hai over there, and we will destroy it first."

After removing the conductive metal and other utensils from his body, Hou Ying gave Li Xuanyuan who was holding the child a look of no worries, and led Meng Hanghai and Qiao Daye quickly approached the sphere of influence of the electric eel. The attack radius of Hou Ying's sixth-level space attack ability has also reached 95 meters. Although it is a bit risky, as long as the speed is fast enough, there will be no major problems.

The moment she entered the attack range, Hou Ying immediately let go of Qiao Daye and used Meng Hanghai's space attack ability to attack the location where the fourth-level crystal nucleus was sensed.

The high-voltage electric current of the electric eel attacked them in an instant, and Qiao Daye led them to flee quickly. After dodging a few times, the electric eel was enraged, and instantly opened its entire power grid to generate the maximum current within its attack range.


The electric current from the sparks came at a speed faster than they could be captured by the naked eye, even if they touched a little, they would be directly turned into coke!


Hou Ying shouted.

Seeing that he hadn't given up his attack on the electric eel, Qiao Dayo immediately pulled him and Meng Hanghai back. The distance of five meters is also nothing to him, but at the moment when he exited the attack range, Qiao Daye failed to pull out the shoes that left the attack range in time. As soon as he arrived, he jumped up to Qiao Daye!

Afterwards, Qiao Daye only felt a chill all over his body for a moment——

Hou Ying cut Qiao Daye's shoes and clothes, which were entangled by the electric current, into sizes invisible to the naked eye in an instant. The effect was that in an instant, all of Qiao Daye's foreign objects became the emperor's invisible new clothes!


In the low temperature of minus 15 degrees, Qiao Daye screamed and covered his lower body, "Brother Monkey! At least give me some fat!"