End of Century

Chapter 97: Sixth grade creatures


The crystal nucleus of the fourth-level electric eel is also a golden crystal with lightning-type superpowers. Because its high-voltage current can still cling to the target for a second attack after being separated from the body, Hou Ying carefully put away this crystal nucleus and left it for the Li Hou.

As the team moved on, Qiao Daye sneezed loudly.

Although he quickly put on his thermal clothes and got back into the air-conditioned car, even if it was just a momentary contact, the terrible temperature still took away his body temperature, making him shiver from time to time. Hou Ying was worried that he would catch a cold, which is a non-contagious disease, so she simply made him drink hot water and rush to sleep in another compartment—he was afraid that he would infect the young Meng Hanghai first.

Li Xuanyuan who was driving had a stinky face, Hou Ying knew that he was afraid for them.

Although the process was not dangerous, but if he hesitated at that moment, Qiao Daye would definitely die, and he and Meng Hanghai would also be electrocuted to death. So I didn't dare to make jokes like before, and kept silent with a smile on my face.

Encountered mutant sea creatures on the road, the team cleaned up step by step, and rested on the spot after sunset.

Li Xuanyuan served Meng Hanghai a bowl of vegetable soup, which was a luxury in the team's supplies.

"Suppress the shock, don't dream at night after eating."

He rarely explained a word.

Meng Hanghai looked at him in a daze, the child's eyes were as clear as ever, perhaps because a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, today's crisis did not leave a trace in his heart.

Hou Ying salivated with a smile on her face and leaned forward, "Xuanyuan, please calm me down too."

Li Xuanyuan glanced at him, greeted Qiao Daye, and went to feed Li Hou by himself.

"Still angry?"

Hou Ying hugged him from behind, put her head on his shoulder and watched Li Hou who was gurgling and drinking milk, and put a soft kiss on the side of his face.

"No." Li Xuanyuan handed Li Hou to him, and said in a low voice: "I just suddenly realized that I was too blind before."

Blindly trust Hou Ying's ability, blindly think that he will be safe and there will be no danger if he makes a move. Therefore, when he heard Qiao Daye's exaggerated complaints about Hou Ying, his heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The feeling was momentary, and he couldn't tell whether it was fear or something, but at that moment his mouth felt dry and his heart felt weak.

Li Xuanyuan hugged him, and said softly: "I have to watch you closely in the future, there won't be a second time."

Hou Ying laughed.

Wang Hehe stayed in the research institute, Gongsun Jing was at the medical station, Li Hou's team slept in a tent, and had a short meeting.

"According to our current speed of entering the city, it will take two months to clean up Area B. It is too slow, so I think starting tomorrow, we will only deal with mutant and zombie creatures above level 3. The rest will wait for construction. After finishing the protective wall in Area A, we dispatched manpower to clean it up."

Hou Ying said.

The flames of everyone picking up materials are high, and the progress of the protective wall in area a is very fast. It is expected to be completed within half a month, and a large number of manpower will be available by then.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Hou Ying asked someone to notify the Xiongshi team to implement this cleaning strategy.

The members of the Lions team were somewhat dissatisfied, but the end of the world is based on strength. The Duan family is now cooperating with the Xuanyuan family. It is one point that they can't hold back, but the most important reason is that they can't beat them.

The level of zombie creatures is determined by Hou Ying, and the mutant creatures are tested by Li Xuanyuan with vines, as long as the opponent's attack is below level three, they will be ignored. In a few days, their marching efficiency has doubled several times, and it is estimated that the time-consuming will be greatly shortened, which coincides with the construction time of the protective wall.

Two days later, Duan Yin brought people over to check the progress, and Wang Hehe also came with him.

Naturally, they came here for business.

Duan Yin showed everyone a few screenshots of the research institute's zombie detection equipment. There are dense red dots on the satellite image, but if you look closely, you can see that whenever they pass by a place, the red dots within a radius of 300 meters They will recede, and they will gather again after they leave. Hou Ying was thoughtful.

"Captain Hou, I used to think that the high-level zombies hid because they sensed that the opponent's level was too high and avoided the disadvantages. But now among these high-level zombies, there are even four-level zombies..."

The zombie searcher has already relied on a fourth-level zombie crystal nucleus provided by Hou Ying to be able to vaguely define it, and the research institute is very sure that a fourth-level zombie has appeared in the search in recent days. As far as he knew, the highest level of Li Hou's team was level four, so his deduction was overturned.

Hou Ying looked at Li Xuanyuan, said with a low smile, "To be honest, Xuanyuan has broken through the fourth level."

As for the fact that he has reached the sixth level... Well, seeing Duan Yin's dumbfounded expression, it's better not to scare people by saying it.

Compared with Duan Yin's conjecture, Hou Ying was able to confirm that these high-level zombies were just out of the detection range of his own crystal nucleus energy. From this, it can be seen that compared with Li Xuanyuan's five-level supernatural deterrence, these high-level zombies obviously want to hide. Own.

He didn't expect that high-level zombies were already so smart. Could it be that they could sense their own auditory abilities? They also do not have twin banyan trees to bless, is this really possible

Hou Ying couldn't figure it out. Hearing them discuss the research progress of supernatural weapons, she put this question aside for the time being.

Wang Hehe has the right to speak about this matter more than Duan Yin. He said everything in detail, and he is very confident in the future of supernatural weapons.

"Now we only study five-element supernatural weapons, and five-element transparent crystal is the one that can withstand the most troubles. It's just that there are too few manpower available, and one person often has to hold several positions. If you want to speed things up, no one can do it. Especially those complicated experiments. If the timing is not right, the Institute needs to recruit many apprentices to train the next generation."

Now most of the people in the research institute who can bear the heavy burden are some old people who have not awakened abilities. After the end of the world, they have suffered the pain of family ruin and death. If they die one day, many human treasures and cultures will be ruined.

Wang Hehe was very sad about this.

Hou Ying reassured him that supernatural weapons need to be kept confidential, and other research can cultivate apprentices.

Ordinary people in their teens also occupy a certain proportion in the Pearl River base. As long as these people have enough IQ, they can help study in the research institute.

Duan Yin also thought of this.

For the human survivors who are still struggling to survive in the apocalypse, food and clothing have become extravagant hopes. It is not easy for the managers of the base to consider the issue of reproduction when there is not enough food. Considering the issues of education and cultural heritage.

Obviously, if human beings can survive the end times, then the first problem will be the cultural gap.

Most of the literature materials may still be preserved, but the death and absence of experts from all walks of life is a fatal injury to inheritance.

Talking about education, the current strength of the Pearl River base is too weak, but he is still able to use the existing resources to let some young people with sufficient qualifications inherit the mantle in the form of apprentices.

After finishing the business, Wang Hehe said nervously: "Yesterday I had a dream. I dreamed that the tsunami swept everyone away."


Everyone was shocked.

These natural disasters are much more brutal than zombie creatures. Even if they have supernatural powers, they are still vulnerable to it.

Hou Ying and others hurriedly asked for details, Wang Hehe scratched his head and said: "I can't see clearly, but the tide water of the tsunami is densely packed with black spots, I suspect that those are marine creatures. The tsunami has been chasing you... I didn't see it The old uncle and Xuanyuan, but you can see the second uncle very clearly, running all the time, very embarrassed."

Wang Hehe's prophetic dream is accidental, not every night, and cannot be repeated. Even if Hou Ying intends to use the sixth-level foresight ability, unless he holds Wang Hehe's hand all the time, it will all depend on luck.

Ji Yao: "What Xiaohe predicts in his dreams usually happens within three days, but these two days we should be in Area B, which is still far away from the sea. If it can erupt here, then this tsunami will be destroyed." How terrible!"

Duan Yin was startled and said: "I'm afraid that the side of the protective wall can't be kept..."

Hou Ying frowned and thought about countermeasures, Li Xuanyuan said: "I remember there is a weather monitoring tower nearby, we can go there to see if the equipment can still be used."

Without further ado, Li Xuanyuan took Hou Ying, Jiang Tao, Qiao Daye and Dongfang Bai to the weather monitoring tower.

At least the satellite monitoring equipment here can still be used. Li Xuanyuan's equipment conducts electricity and started urgent repairs. Half an hour later, there was feedback from the monitoring station. Li Xuanyuan turned and zoomed in on the situation in the nearby sea area, and unexpectedly found that no matter how many parameters were changed, the satellite weather forecast still showed that the weather was stable and there was no abnormality.

Li Xuanyuan was still persistently changing the parameters, Hou Ying suddenly said: "We have fallen into a misunderstanding. Xiao He said that he saw a tsunami, but what caused the tsunami was not necessarily the movement of the earth's crust or some natural factor, but the conflict of supernatural creatures in the sea. What caused it?"

Several people paused, and Hou Ying felt that this speculation was more reasonable.

"Could it be that a battle between zombie creatures and mutant creatures in the sea caused the tsunami?"

Qiao Daye stared: "Those tortoises have failed?"

Li Xuanyuan: "I just carefully read the geological survey data sent by the satellite. The crust of the sea area near here is stable, and there is no possibility of tsunamis or earthquakes in the short term. But they did happen. It can be seen that the extremes that caused the previous tsunami It may be a battle between sea creatures. The sea creatures can maintain a certain balance, it must be because these creatures have equal levels of abilities, but if—”

"That's right!" Qiao Dayo yelled, "It's impossible for zombie creatures and mutant creatures to break through together! Before, one of them will break through the fourth level first, and break through the fifth level, so there must be a big battle!"

As he spoke, he stopped himself.

Everyone gasped.

Could it be that there will be sixth-level supernatural creatures appearing in the sea in the near future? !