Engraved in Bone

Chapter 50: The Master and the Dark Guard 004


Li Li, who was recuperating recently, was forcibly detained by him in the yard, and he was not allowed to go to the inn with him to meet Naiman Jin.

When he came back late at night, Mo Jingyu's face was tired, and Li Li who was on the bed just looked at him indifferently: "Master is back."

No waves, different from before.

Mo Jingyu, who was already full of grievances, had never been treated like this, especially when such indifference came from Ah Li, who was most loyal to him. He tidied himself up silently, then turned off the light and lay down beside Li Li.

"Now that the master has a new love, he doesn't even bother to talk to me?" Mo Li sneered, "That's right, I'm too useless, and the master should dislike me."

Mo Jingyu was annoyed, grabbed the opponent's hand and bit down, but after a while, he softened a bit, and said in a muffled voice: "No, I will never dislike you."

Turning over, he straddled the other party's body, put his arms around Li Li's neck, and said with a smile, "Is Ah Li jealous? Usually, he clearly abides by his duties and never takes a step further. Ah Li, do you like me?"

After being silent for a while, Mo Jingyu clearly knew the result, but he felt annoyed that he didn't get the answer, so he loosened his hands slightly: "Forget it, I still won't force you."

When he just remembered to open, his waist was oppressed by gravity, and his whole body threw himself on the opponent. There was a faint smell of blood lingering at the tip of his nose. Mo Jingyu was afraid that the wound on Li Li's body would open, so he lay down on it and dared not move.

"Yes, I like you."

"Do you start to feel disgusted by me? Such a lowly person dares to think about the bright moon in the sky." Mo Li smiled and said: "Obviously it is your secret guard, but when he called your master, he was thinking of blaspheming you. I also know that I'm wrong, and I'm not qualified to be jealous, it's your stepping back on me again and again that makes me push forward."

It was the first time to see someone admitting mistakes so righteously, Mo Jingyu didn't know whether to be angry or laugh, but he just softened towards this person. After kissing the other person's face, he murmured, "I acquiesce in what you have."

"After we leave here, let's find a place that no one knows, and settle there. If possible, let's raise a child and give him the things we didn't have." Mo Jingyu thought Thinking about it, he laughed: "Then, we watched him get married and have a lot of children, so that we will have a lot of children and grandchildren."

He couldn't see Li Li's face, he only heard the other party say to him softly: "Okay."

But neither he nor Li Qi waited. Because of Naimanjin's repentance, he told Mo Qi that he didn't like Li Li, and only hoped that Mo Jingyu would go to Sahada alone, or change to a hidden guard.

Mo Qi agreed.

But he was just a hidden guard, after what happened last time, he was not worried about Li Li, this man was too loyal to Mo Jingyu, which is good, but Mo Jingyu has completely escaped from his grasp.

He thought that Mo Jingyu would resist him, and he had already thought about how to deal with him, but he didn't expect that the other party would agree, and the request was to give Mo Li the antidote. After observing for a few days and finding out that he was really surrendering, Mo Qi gave him the antidote and sent new guards to follow.

Naimanjin also thought that Mo Jingyu would yell at him when he saw him, but he didn't, he was more patient than when they first met.

He had found a really interesting little thing.

The night before he stayed in the inn and was about to set off with him, the new dark guard died quietly in the room. Mo Jingyu saw that Mo Li's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and with the package in his hand, he jumped on the other person's body, hugging his neck tightly: "A Li, A Li, I miss you, let's hurry up!" let's go."


Not long after, they crossed the high wall from last time and completely escaped from the city gate; Mo Jingyu and Li Li knew that this was just the beginning of their escape.

Where did the former young master ever suffer from sleeping in the open air? No matter how much Mo Li held Mo Jingyu, the other party's body could not avoid being bitten several times by insects and ants, and there were also some minor scratches.

Although he didn't say anything, he still found that Mo Jingyu couldn't sleep well every night.

But the two of them didn't dare to relax, for fear of being arrested if they were not paying attention. Within two days, they were still tied back.

Mo Qi thought highly of them and sent a dozen people to arrest him and Li Li.

It's no wonder that the other party is so motivating. After all, for the future of the two of them, Li Li is ranked first every month, and no one can surpass it.

He had never seen Li Li kill people up close, and even the hidden guard who was killed made him close his eyes. Now Mo Jingyu, who was holding the other party, stared blankly at his blood-stained side face, trying to press herself tightly, not wanting to make herself a burden to Li Li.

But he knows, he is.

One person is no match for many people, touching Mo Li's bloody back, Mo Jingyu gritted his teeth: "I'll go back with you, you let him go."

But no one listened to him. Even if he didn't say that, he and Li Li were destined to be taken back. They had no right to choose at all, never had.

He has heard a little about the torture of the Mo family, but Mo Jingyu has never seen it with his own eyes, and he never thought that he would be "fortunate" to witness it one day, and the person who was punished was Li Li, who was implicated by him.

Looking at the scars on his face, Mo Qi smiled and pinched his face, his eyes darkened: "Little Yu'er is really not good, I thought you should have figured it out, but still can't figure it out. But it's okay, If you can’t figure it out, then you can’t figure it out.”

"Help you for your father."

The dark dark room was filled with the smell of damp and blood, Li Li was placed on the shelf, and there was not a single piece of good meat on his body. Mo Jingyu was also speechless, the corners of his eyes were red, and his lips were chapped and bleeding.

He didn't beg Mo Qi, no matter how painful Mo Qi was, he just groaned, biting his lip the whole time, refusing to speak.

He was so close, he didn't even have the ability to hug each other.

The two were locked inside for three days. No one came in again, and there was no water to quench their thirst. The smell of blood mixed with rot made people feel dizzy. Mo Jingyu even stretched out his hands to tie Mo Lijie to test his strength. nothing. He called the other party's name, but the other party did not respond at all.

Finally, he saw Mo Qi.

The man ordered someone to loosen Li Li who was tied to the shelf, grabbed his hair and pressed his head firmly, forcing him to look at Li Li's face covered by dried blood, his eyes were still open. Just like the dull young man he saw at the beginning, he had no desires or desires.

"Xiao Yu'er, take a good look at your former hidden guard."

"After all, he died because of you."

The author has something to say:

I'm not angry. The author feels that no one has read it. Did they all go to see Teacher Qi