Engraved in Bone

Chapter 54: The Master and the Dark Guard 008


Mo Qi died before Sahada captured Zhou.

Mo Jingyu was a little stunned when he heard the news. He knew that such a day would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. Obviously he had already thought about how he would torture the other party if he captured Zhou, but he died all at once, and he had no way forward.

Mo Jingyu was a little confused, as if he lived for the first half of his life to escape from the Mo family, and the second half of his life for revenge, and he did nothing for himself.

It seems to be another, for example, he chose Li Li because he likes it.

That night, he burned all the papers he had planned on, staring at the flickering flames in a daze. He didn't know whether it was the mother who died without meeting him, Li Li who died because of him, or Mo Qi who was killed by him.

He was like a lone star from the sky, killing everyone around him one by one.

Towards the end of the year, Sahada's army was approaching the capital. Naimanjin is like a hunter teasing the prey in his net, stationed in the nearest town leisurely, slowly admiring the trapped people inside.

The New Year’s Eve dinner in Sahada used to be held by the bonfire, but this year’s Eve, everyone in Sahada has their own houses, except those single men and women who set up a fire outside the city gate, forming a small bonfire meeting.

Naimanjin told Mo Jingyu that he wanted to experience how life in the Zhou Kingdom lived, so the two of them just dressed up and hid in the capital, and went to see the red lanterns on the street together.

Because of the imminent war outside, the country at this time is not as lively as before, but what should be bought is still bought, and the sky and the sky are covered with red lanterns, hung with red satin. There were still many people coming and going, some with sincere smiles on their faces, and some with forced smiles.

There are many snack vendors on both sides of the street, yelling while doing it. Children gather in a pile, holding windmills, little red lanterns, rattles and other small toys in their hands, calling their little friends to follow while running. The leading child didn't pay attention when he turned his head and almost bumped into Mo Jingyu.

Gently holding the opponent's head with his hand, he squatted down and looked at the child at the same level, and said softly: "Remember to be careful, there are too many people and it is easy to fall."

"Thank you brother."

Mo Jingyu watched the backs of the children playing with envy in his eyes. He thought that apart from those boring classes when he was a child, the only fun was that Li Li flew up the tree with him in his arms, and when he was older, he would go to the cliff to enjoy the wind. Shuttle feeling.

In previous New Year's Eve dinners, the two of them sat in the small courtyard and ate the dumplings made by Mo Li. He would always eat copper coins, and he knew that the other party secretly marked them and put them in his bowl specially.

Sitting at a small stall with Naimanjin, he greeted the boss for two bowls of dumplings. Seeing the other party's puzzled look, Mo Jingyu smiled: "This is the custom of the Zhou Kingdom. When you are a big boy, you have to eat dumplings to be considered complete."

Probably because of the feeling of love, he usually has a slight brow and eyes with tenderness in his eyes, and even the smile at the corner of his mouth is like a spring breeze.

Naimanjin put his hand on the back of his hand, saying that he should smile like this more often.

He was in a good mood today, and he didn't touch the other party's face.

After the new year, Naimanjin took the initiative to send someone to negotiate with the emperor of the state of Zhou, in order not to let the blood destroy the anger that had just passed the new year, and finally negotiated with the other party's bow. Lead the troops directly into the city, waiting for the day when Naimanjin ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor.

It was probably the most peaceful battle in history.

The noble emperor and concubines in the past became prisoners. Mo Jingyu saw his eldest sister again. She was still so beautiful, and she was in a mess that was unwilling to be imprisoned by others. It seemed that these soldiers treated her extra favorably, letting her return Maintain the dignity of the imperial concubine.

To be precise, it was the self-esteem of the Mo family.

When she saw him, the eldest sister stayed for a while, scrutinized his face carefully, and suddenly laughed after a while: "I heard that Mo Qi is dead."


"Did you do it?" Seeing that Mo Jingyu didn't speak, the other party laughed wildly, and murmured: "It's good to die, it's good to die."

Afterwards, he never saw the elder sister again. It is said that she sneaked out, and when she was found again, she had already died in her boudoir before entering the palace, and she committed suicide by hanging herself.

Mo Jingyu didn't even think about what this elder sister went through to choose such an ugly death.

Even if they are not beauty-loving, the Mo family would rarely allow themselves, who were so beautiful in life, to be like this after death.

It was very windy on the tall building at night, so Mo Jingyu asked Naimanjin to come here. It was not too early when the other party came. Yuan Yue had been waiting quietly in the night for a long time. He heard the other party's footsteps, and he asked softly: "Naimanjin, when you leaked my whereabouts to Mo Qi What were you thinking when you were there?"

The other party was silent for a while, hugged him, and said softly: "Ayu, I'm sorry, but I don't regret it."

He shook his head: "No problem, it's all over."

"I left here for thousands of miles, and then came back here." Mo Jingyu sent the dagger in his hand into Naiman Jin's heart, and deliberately twisted his wrist in a circle. He felt a little sour in his eyes, and shook his head: "It's okay, those are all in the past."

"So you and I have nothing to do with each other. This knife is my repayment for you and Ah Li."

Naimanjin stared at him firmly: "Ayu, we have been together for so long, have you ever liked me a little bit?"

Trembling, he climbed up the city wall, looked down from the top, and recalled the feeling that Mo Qi used lightness kung fu to take him to fly high at the beginning, which came from the fear of the unknown and the desire for freedom. The wind blew Mo Jingyu's voice into fragments, making it indistinct, but Naimanjin could hear it clearly:

"I only like Ah Li, whether it's the past or the present; whether it's sincere or just acting on the spot."

"From the beginning to the end, he was the only one in my heart."

"Naiman Jin, if you can live, live well. I have nothing else to ask for."

When he fell down, Mo Jingyu felt as if Li Li was still by his side, so he hugged him tightly, and when he thought he was about to fall, he jumped up with him.

"A Li, I'm afraid."

"It's okay, this subordinate will always be with Ah Li."

"A liar will swallow a hundred needles."


This time, no one jumped up with that little dumpling, and no one told him not to worry.

Liar, you promised to protect me forever, but you left first. Am I being too capricious? You don't even want to come and see me in your dreams.

But it doesn't matter, Ah Li, this time I'll come to you instead.

Just like at the beginning, he caught each other's eyes.

The author has something to say:

The little master went to find the dark guard, did you find that many of the plots are familiar hehehe. The episode will explain how this story has anything to do with Master.