Engraved in Bone

Chapter 61: The National Teacher and the Son of Heaven 003


The mocking eyes pierced his heart, and the light in Jiang Ziyu's eyes dimmed, but then brightened again: "It doesn't matter, my liking may not be worth much to you, but I am valuable, I am the son of the world , I have many rare treasures, I can give you all of them."

"Really?" Mu Yingsheng said with a smile, "But Xiaomin doesn't love things outside of him."

"My lord, please come back."

"Mu Yingsheng, I will prove it to you, Jiang Ziyu is not just talking."

The door in front of him was closed tightly, and he couldn't look at Mu Yingsheng again. When he returned to Jiang's house, the whole house was brightly lit. Jiang Ziyu saw his father standing at the door with a dark face, and when he saw him, he came and grabbed his ear: "You don't worry, you ran to find that actor again!" Isn't it?"

"Father, if someone is famous, it's not ashamed to earn money from his own skills."

"Shut up." Master Jiang was so angry that he almost threw the lamp in his hand, but he softened his tone a little because he was concerned about the wife next to him: "You don't want to be ashamed. My lord thinks you are a good seedling and wants to take you in as an apprentice, so you pack up quickly and go to the National Teacher's Mansion tomorrow/, and come back when you have achieved something in your studies."

Jiang Ziyu was pressed and locked in the room, and there were more guards. When he arrived at the National Teacher's Mansion the next day, he found that there were more people here. Even the outer walls were heavily guarded. A few of them were familiar to him when he entered the palace.

After seeing the other person's face clearly, Jiang Ziyu realized that this person was the one who had been watching him on the river that night.

The other party just looked at him quietly without saying anything, and finally waved his hands to signal those servants to back down. The national teacher who looked very noble finally said: "My name is Shen Qingyi, and I will be your master from now on."

Jiang Ziyu didn't know what to say, but the person in front of him looked at a loss and was at a loss, he didn't know how to arrange his accommodation, and didn't tell him what to do next. Just when I was about to ask, I heard the other party ask: "I heard you like Huadan from Liyuan class?"

There was vigilance in his eyes, and he even felt that the master national teacher who suddenly appeared in front of him was a bit malicious: "So what? If you think it's shameful for me to like a Huadan and a man, You can talk to my father, or even send me back and not accept me as a disciple."

"I'm just asking." Shen Qingyi was silent for a while, and then led Jiang Ziyu to his residence: "I live next door, if you have any questions, you can come to me, and if necessary, tell the servants in the mansion to come to me." good."

It wasn't until the other party left that Jiang Ziyu took a good look at the layout of the house. He found that the decoration here surprisingly suited his appetite, and it could even be said to please him more than the house he had arranged in the mansion.

Lying on the bed and looking at the roof, thinking of Mu Yingsheng's words last night, Jiang Ziyu couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned for a long time, and when he squinted in a daze, he could seem to see the man's cold eyebrows.

It's really sad.

Originally thought that Shen Qingyi had some kind of conspiracy, or that he was looking for him to pass the time when he was bored, but seeing the other party's appearance, it didn't look like that. He will teach him some basics of martial arts every day, and at the same time, he will not miss the poetry and songs, and occasionally tell him some astronomy and geography, which makes him suspect that this person may just want to find a young apprentice to relieve his boredom when he has nothing to do.

This person likes to take fortune-telling coins and ask him if he believes in past and present lives when he has nothing to do. He didn't want to talk to this nominal master, but after thinking about Mu Yingsheng, he hesitated for a while: "This person will live forever in this life." Is there really a past life?"

"The way of heaven is inherently unfathomable, who knows."

Jiang Ziyu smiled: "If people really have past and present lives, I think Mu Yingsheng and I should be a natural pair in the previous life, maybe it's a pair of fateful mandarin ducks; we didn't have time to be together in the previous life, so I will find him in this life Go through fire and water for him."

Shen Qingyi turned his head to look at this person's side face, clutching the copper coin in his hand, and knocking it painfully, he asked softly: "Then what do you think our master and apprentice were in the previous life?"

"We..." The young man smiled: "I think it should be the enemy, otherwise why did I feel that you have bad intentions when I first met you, and I even became wary of you?"

"Master, I don't really want to admit it. I don't like others to control me." The young man boldly patted the shoulders of the people around him: "But you, my friend, I think it would be good if we get along with each other. Can you Don't tell my father, if he knows that I am so disrespectful to you, he will have to grab my ear and drink."

The young man came riding the wind, and seemed to be leaving on the moon.

Shen Qingyi pulled the other party subconsciously: "Do you think you are living happily in this life?"

"Why don't you talk about being happy or not?" The moonlight shrouded the boy's body, and he looked at Sheng Jie again in a haze: "My mother thinks it's good to be happy with my father, and the concubines on the left and right can't hinder her eyes. These things It doesn’t make any sense to ask if you don’t bring something with you in life or not in death.”

"So, when you become a national teacher, you are / in the courtyard every day, don't go anywhere, and live / under the supervision of others all day long, what about you? Do you feel happy?"

"I... don't know." Shen Qingyi replied dully as the hand holding the boy's sleeve loosened.

Xu was sleepy, Jiang Ziyu squinted his eyes slightly, there was a tired look between his brows, and the corners of his eyes were flushed with water. He approached the other party, carefully scrutinized Shen Qingyi's bewildered face, and his own face had the wanton and coquettish smile unique to teenagers: "You see, you are trying to spy on the secrets of the sky, but you can't even understand it yourself. What's the point of asking me?" Woolen cloth?"

As he talked, Jiang Ziyu was amused, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at the other party or himself.

He finally understood the meaning of Mu Yingsheng's words.

His liking is indeed worthless.

He doesn't even understand himself, he can't tell what he likes about Mu Yingsheng, but with the goodwill born from his heart and the longing of the day/day/day, he easily calls out words like Xinyue, he is used to these things Mu Yingsheng, who loves him, naturally dismisses him.

Just like Shen Qingyi asking himself if he is happy is the same reason.

But Jiang Ziyu was trapped in the National Teacher's Mansion these days, facing the handsome but boring and rigid Master National Teacher every day, he finally understood.

He is indeed happy with wood.

Even if the other party looked at him coldly, or even dismissed him as a poor bastard who was attached to his family, he still liked him. This kind of intentional liking, he just obeyed and gave up resistance.

The young man who figured it out left the master of the national teacher who was alone in the courtyard but still a little dazed.

The breeze can return slowly.

The author has something to say:

The breeze returns slowly, who is the breeze, and who is on the way back.