Engraved in Bone

Chapter 62: The National Teacher and the Son of Heaven 004


Although Jiang Ziyu was much more free in the National Teacher's Mansion than in the Jiang Mansion, but he was more strict when going out, and he needed to be checked when entering and leaving the National Teacher's Mansion. He also thought about climbing over the wall to get in and out, but there are heavy guards outside, if he is caught, he will inevitably be scolded.

In desperation, he could only pester Shen Qingyi to take him out of the house.

"Let me tell you, Ying Sheng's opera is very good. If you listen to it, you should like it." Jiang Ziyu was rambling on, completely oblivious to the class leader's hesitation to speak to Shen Qingyi, but only focused on pulling him away. own exclusive position.

The people in the audience were singing, Jiang Ziyu was watching fascinated, Shen Qingyi next to him suddenly asked: "Do you like him that much?"

Seeing the other party looking at him puzzledly, Shen Qingyi pursed her lips: "Obviously the other party didn't do anything for you, but you said you liked him, and you were even willing to go against your father's wishes, and even begged the person you didn't like to take you out There are thousands of good people in the world, why are you just this one?"

"What reason do you need to please someone?"

"Or maybe it's just the past and present life as you said."

Jiang Ziyu didn't know why Shen Qingyi was angry, but after hearing what he said, although his expression didn't change, it made people feel that the other party was just angry, and he couldn't even beg him to take him out.

"Why don't you let me out."

"Whenever you can beat me, I will tell those people to let you out."

It is simply impossible to defeat Shen Qingyi. Even Jiang Ziyu, who does not want to call the other party master, has to admit that the other party is indeed superb in martial arts. What's more, he didn't know where he heard that Shen Qingyi was a good immortal, although he felt that Shen Qingyi was more like a magic stick.

Although this magic stick is not like a real magic stick.

Jiang Ziyu thought of various ways, but the small tricks in Jiang's mansion were useless in Guoshi's mansion. In desperation, he could only stay in the National Teacher's Mansion to practice honestly, and sneak out while waiting for the banquet.

Last time he failed to apologize to the other party.

When Jiang Ziyu returned to Jiangfu the night before the palace banquet, he should have stayed there honestly, but this time he secretly went to the Liyuan class to meet Mu Yingsheng, but the class leader found an excuse to push him away. Looking up, while no one was paying attention, he quietly touched the window from memory.

Just as he was about to open the window, the window was pushed away from the inside. Jiang Ziyu slipped in panic and almost fell down. Fortunately, he quickly grabbed the edge of the window frame. Looking up and seeing Mu Yingsheng looking at him, he smiled at him: "Ah, Shengsheng, what a coincidence."

He thought that the other party would look at him coldly, or turn around and leave, but he didn't expect that Mu Yingsheng would extend his hand to him. Seeing him staring blankly, he frowned: "Are you planning to hang here all night?"

Jiang Ziyu suppressed his joy, and when he was stepping on the window to go in, he deliberately sprained his foot, and then directly threw the other party to the ground. The clothes on Mu Yingsheng's chest fell apart by a mistake, and saw the other party staring at him calmly. Looking at himself, he swallowed: "Shengsheng, I didn't mean to..."

He kind of didn't want to leave.

The other party didn't push him away, but just raised his eyebrows, signaling him to get up.

Standing up at a loss, Jiang Ziyu rubbed Mu Yingsheng's hand with his fingertips while pulling Mu Yingsheng up. Speechless for a while, he just looked at the other party stupidly, not knowing what to say.

As his eyes met, Jiang Ziyu felt his heart beating faster. He clenched his hands unconsciously, feeling the sweat in his palms, and couldn't help wiping his clothes.

"What are you doing outside the window so late?"

"I..." He opened his mouth, closed his mouth and said again: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to see you. I only have the chance to come to see how you are doing when I go back home today. By the way, I want to ask You haven't seen me for so long, do you miss me, even just for a while."

After being silent for a while, the light in Jiang Ziyu's eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head without looking at the other person's expression.


"I know, you don't like me all the time, and you find it annoying that I keep pestering you..."

Jiang Ziyu, who suddenly reacted, raised his head suddenly. The other party's expression was still neither cold nor indifferent, and the light in his eyes lit up again. He took the other party's hand without authorization, and when he saw that the other party did not push him away, he tightened it cautiously: "Really?" Yes, can you say it again?"

"It's getting late, my son, you should go back early."

"Shengsheng, say it again, and I'll leave after listening."

I don't know if it was to perfuse him or if it was sincere, but after the other party said it, even if it was a lie, Jiang Ziyu felt very happy.

Hearing the other party repeat it contentedly, Jiang Ziyu had a good night's dream after returning to Jiangfu.

On the second day/evening, I went to the palace banquet with my father, watched the performance in front of me with little interest, propped my chin and smiled at the female family member opposite, raised my glass and drank my own wine, and thought absently of the current situation. What is Yingsheng doing

Just as he was thinking, when a familiar tone sounded, Jiang Ziyu suddenly looked up. The person who was thinking about it was standing in front of him at the moment, the eyes of that person were watery, and he was not just acting, but really wanted to look at him like this.

After thinking about it, Huang Zu's grandma loved to listen to operas and everyone in the palace knew that maybe it was to please her that they called the people from the Liyuan class over. Thinking that he could look for the other party later, Jiang Ziyu felt that there was nothing wrong with the palace banquet this time.

Just as he was thinking, his eyes caught a glimpse of the sharp edge between the opponent's sleeves. During the silence, the crisp sound disturbed everyone who was still immersed in the atmosphere just now. I saw the corners of Jiang Ziyu's eyes were red and drunk, and there were still broken pieces at his feet: "You all look at what this son is doing, Just accidentally broke a glass."

Lafayette on the stage laughed and said that he was a little alcoholic, and he became drunk not long after the banquet started. Jiang Ziyu held the newly filled glass, raised it to Mu Yingsheng, and drank it all in one gulp.

After the other party stepped down, his father's nagging was still in his ears. He waved his hands at his buddies who wanted to get close to him, and tried to sober himself up by himself. The evening wind was a bit chilly, and he didn't know whether he was awake or dizzy, and he didn't know what he was doing or what he wanted to do in his groggy state.

He was shuttling on the small road, and when he passed a rockery, he was suddenly pulled by a force. In the dimness, he vaguely looked at the other person's silhouette, and couldn't help but smile: "Shengsheng?"

After a long while, the other party just replied "um" lightly.

Jiang Ziyu hid the tears in his eyes, half joking and half serious: "Shengsheng, can you move the knife away? I'm a little scared."

The blade that was tightly against him was slightly loose, and when the wind came in, he felt that his neck was a little wet, and there was also a tingling coolness.