Engraved in Bone

Chapter 64: The National Teacher and the Son of Heaven 006


In the dark dungeon, the vision in front of him was a little blurry, resisting the discomfort, Jiang Ziyu walked into the deepest part of the dungeon.

Mu Yingsheng's body was already dirty and torn, and the other party also had a long and ugly scar on his face. He forced the prison guard next to him to open the wooden door. When he was sitting next to the other party, he heard Mu Yingsheng whisper: "You coming."


He didn't care whether the other party's hands were clean or not, and clenched the hand next to him, Jiang Ziyu gently leaned his head on Mu Yingsheng's shoulder: "I begged you for your name repeatedly." Come and tell me, I don't know where you came from, what happened to you, I don't even know that you have ever been attracted to me, or that you like me even for a moment."

"I'll get you out."

Just when Mu Yingsheng was about to speak, Jiang Ziyu shook his head and said softly, "Don't tell me, I'm afraid I'll regret it."

Fear will keep you by my side forever, in danger.

"I don't care if I like it or not, as long as I like you and remember you, that's enough."

In the dark prison, he held the opponent's hand tightly, feeling the only warmth of the opponent, as if he would not let go even if he died. But Jiang Ziyu knew that this wasn't the person he would hold on to for the rest of his life.

After that, Jiang Ziyu went to the palace to meet the dying emperor. He sat on the bedside and wanted to talk to his beloved grandfather, but he didn't know where to start. He also knew that he didn't have the face to ask the other party to forgive him. . Before leaving, he said "sorry" to the emperor.

On the day Mu Yingsheng beheaded, Jiang Ziyu had already secretly exchanged a death row prisoner with the other party. In case he was found out of the city gate, he also placed the other party in a small courtyard, intending to wait until the limelight passed before sending him away. .

The guilt towards Grandpa Huang made him feel restless. He thought to wait a little longer, and when Mu Yingsheng was sent away and the other party was safe and sound, he would go to the Grandpa Huang to make amends. But before that day, the servants of the yard came to him and told him that the yard was on fire and Mu Yingsheng was still trapped inside.

He didn't care that his clothes hadn't been put on yet, and the heavy soldiers outside didn't seem to see him, and didn't stop him like before. He ran over, saw the flames all over the sky at the door, and rushed in without thinking. Jiang Ziyu didn't care whether the thick smoke would choke him to death, so he could only shout loudly in an attempt to get Mu Yingsheng's response.

By the time they found someone inside, the fire had already become uncontrollable, and Mu Yingsheng had already collapsed on the bed, struggling to breathe. Jiang Ziyu carried the weak Mu Yingsheng on his shoulders: "Shengsheng, don't sleep, let's go out first."

On the way out, the burnt wooden beams from the eaves hit Jiang Ziyu in the face. The heart-piercing pain made him kneel down and almost fainted. But considering Mu Yingsheng on his body, he resisted the pain, put him on his back, and crawled out bit by bit.

Shizi, who was not in the sun on weekdays, had his ten fingers rubbed on the ground and bled quickly. The excruciating pain seemed to be encroaching on Jiang Ziyu's mind. He could only keep shouting "Sheng Sheng" in an attempt to wake himself up.

When approaching the door, the precarious door frame was about to fall down. Jiang Ziyu subconsciously wanted to protect the people on his body, but before he could do so, Mu Yingsheng turned him over in his arms. The burning wooden frame fell down, and he heard a heavy sound, igniting the opponent's clothes, and a strong smell of burning lingered on the tip of his nose.

Mu Yingsheng's sweat mixed with sweat dripped on Jiang Ziyu's face, and the other party smiled at him in a daze. For the first time, he sincerely did not show any other emotions, just smiled at him simply. The opponent exhausted his last strength and escorted him outside with his back full of fire.

The person on his body isolated all the flames, and finally even isolated himself from him. He opened his mouth with difficulty, and his voice was so hoarse that he couldn't hear the old melody. He said:

"Don't look..."

Then, that person became a real fire in his eyes.

Just as he was about to pounce on him, Jiang Ziyu felt himself being pulled. The blood in front of him blurred his vision, but when he turned his head, he still saw Shen Qingyi who was holding him. He knelt in front of the other party and kept kowtow: "I beg you to save him."

"Aren't you a god? I beg you to save your life. I will give you whatever you want."

He could only repeat the movements numbly, repeating the same words, the other party lifted his chin skillfully, and gently wiped the blood on his face with a handkerchief. Jiang Ziyu didn't know if he was paralyzed or if he really couldn't feel the pain anymore, so he let the other party touch his wound.

"I set the fire on fire, and I deliberately asked the servant to call you."

Shen Qingyi's mouth opened and closed, Jiang Ziyu felt as if he didn't understand what the other person said, and just looked at him stupidly.

"I'm thinking, a person who can hurt your relatives with your own hands, how can you forgive him so easily, and are willing to die for him."

"Why can't you look at me with such pure love? Obviously we were together in the last life. You said you forgave me when you jumped down. Why can't you try to like me?"

"After being with me, you will never grow old or die. I just want to live forever with you. Why do you ask me to save a person I hate so much?"

There were tears in Jiang Ziyu's eyes, the heat behind him kept hitting him, he didn't even dare to look at Mu Yingsheng's body. Holding Shen Qingyi's sleeve tightly, he gritted his teeth and said: "Shen Qingyi, you are a lunatic, you have the ability to make me die too."

"What exactly do you want? I have no grievances or enmities with you, and the same is true for life and death. Why are you so attached to me?"

"If you only want my love, go ahead and dream." Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Jiang Ziyu will only love Mu Yingsheng for the rest of his life."

He didn't remember what happened after that, and when he woke up again, he was locked in the room. No matter what happened, Shen Qingyi did it himself, and Jiang Ziyu had never seen anyone else except him.

There were only beds and quilts in the room, and Jiang Ziyu tried to kill himself, but the other party would always appear in time and rescue him from dying.

He could only lie on the bed, yearning for Mu Yingsheng endlessly, but there was nothing he could do.

It was raining outside the house tonight, and Jiang Ziyu unconsciously fell asleep amidst the pattering rain. He dreamed of that day again, and Mu Yingsheng told him not to look back with a hoarse voice. This time he reached out and touched the other person, and the flames spread across his body, but he didn't feel anything.

He thought, he might be able to accompany Mu Yingsheng.

But when I woke up from the dream, there was only an empty room and the darkness without fingers. He covered his eyes and laughed, his palms moist.

He thought, he could only think about it.

The author has something to say:

I just danced, woo woo woo, let’s go three times in a row, thank you my babies [bow]