Engraved in Bone

Chapter 66: Mu Yingsheng's story


Mu Yingsheng, who has seen cold hearts in the troupe since he was a child, can't see those imperial aristocrats who treat ordinary people as ants.

The mother died of depression all her life because of the shocking glimpse she had when she was young; and Aunt Yu, who fell in love with the same person later, also died of love. It's all because of the so-called emperor's passion, using sweet words to coax the girls he likes, while despising their backgrounds and leaving quietly, pretending that nothing happened.

Heh, self-proclaimed sentimentality is nothing but fickleness.

For him, the two most important people in his life are his mother who raised him and the master who taught him after his mother died. Two people who had never met before fell to the same fate because of one person.

So he came to the capital with the Liyuan class.

He originally wanted to take revenge, and bid farewell to this dirty world, so as not to get too involved with others, but the moment he stepped out of the room, the handsome young man he met waved a fan to cover his face at a loss, with a pair of affectionate eyes. The eyes are very much like that emperor, beautiful but disgusting to him.

The eldest son of the Jiang family had heard about Mu Yingsheng long after he entered the capital; he felt uneasy the first time he met him, and even instinctively wanted to stay away from this person. Perhaps it was those similar eyes that made him wary.

Mingming rejected this person coldly, but the other person was like a spoiled son-in-law, who didn't have the slightest insight to lean towards his side, and didn't tire of the trouble, and didn't even care about the rumors spread in the first place.

I don't know whether it's because of being lonely for too long or because of this person's persistence, but Mu Yingsheng acquiesced in his approach.

That night when Jiang Ziyu stood outside his door and told him that he liked him, a subconscious resistance arose in his heart, prompting him to ignore the insignificant panic and hidden joy:

"How much is your favorite worth?"

After he finished speaking, he regretted a little. The light in the other party's eyes gradually dimmed, and those eyes suddenly lit up again. At this moment, Mu Yingsheng somewhat understood the sinking mood and struggle of his mother and Aunt Yu at that time. Maybe they all knew that. How fickle a man is, but he still inevitably indulges in sweet and intertwined dreams.

So did he.

I heard that Jiang Ziyu was sent to the National Teacher's Mansion, and when he came over the next day/day/he was always accompanied by a man. On the stage, he always glanced at him absent-mindedly, but forced himself to calm down.

Jealousy is like an ant biting his heart, and the slight stinging feeling makes him helpless; but the other party's focused appearance makes him feel satisfied and happy in shame.

No matter how good the person next to him is, he is still in his eyes.

After that, he never saw Jiang Ziyu again. He heard that Jiang Ziyu had changed his temper, and he was concentrating on reading sage books and learning skills in the National Teacher's Mansion.

Terrible and harsh thoughts lingered in his mind, he looked at his delicate appearance in the mirror without makeup, and thought about the surprise glimpse that day, he couldn't help but sneer.

What kind of sage book, I'm afraid I'm hanging out with that person.

Finally, taking the opportunity, he followed the Liyuan troupe into the palace to sing. The day before entering the palace, Jiang Ziyu finally came to him. The other party looked up at him from the window, his eyes had a panoramic view of the Milky Way behind him - that was the best scenery Mu Yingsheng had seen in so many years of travelling.

The other party's rambling was a bit noisy, but when the other party asked him if he missed him, he finally obeyed himself and replied him.


Forgive him for this indulgence, and obey his heart for the first time.

Mu Yingsheng, after all, you are still stepping on your footsteps and sinking into this man's sweet talk.

At the palace banquet, he saw Jiang Ziyu, the other party was drinking wine, his face was flushed with alcohol, he looked very good-looking. Look at this person's heartless appearance, anger mixed with hatred made him stretch out his blade without any preparation, but the crisp voice pulled back his reason.

Following the sound of the glass breaking, he saw that the corners of the man's eyes were red, and the eyes were blurred with water mist, as if they were in a hazy drunkenness, and the beauty was captivating. He raised his glass to signal to himself, and drank it down in one gulp, chic and crisp.

He left quietly while other people's attention was on the other party. I don't know if it was a tacit understanding or fate, but he saw each other not long after. As if his mind had been taken over by a demon, he put the knife on the opponent's neck and listened to Jiang Ziyu say:

"Shengsheng, can you move the knife away? I'm a little scared."

Mu Yingsheng had to admit that the person in front of him became his weakness. When the other person put a kiss on his lips, he was in a daze for a while, and then a terrifying thought arose: He should have killed this person just now.

In the dream net woven for him by the other party, he sighed long, turned and left.

But he still didn't give up, and even succeeded.

Being imprisoned in the prison, he thought wickedly in the dark environment, if Jiang Ziyu found out, would he come to rescue him desperately.

The result was both unexpected and unexpected.

Jiang Ziyu rested his head on his shoulder. This was one of the few times they were intimate. There had never been anything good in such a close distance before. The other party said softly: "I begged you for your name repeatedly. You tell me, I don't know where you came from, what happened to you, and I don't even know that you have ever been attracted to me, or even a little Instantly felt like I liked it."

He was silent for a while, and when he was about to speak, the other party shook his head again, stopping what he wanted to say.

Mu Yingsheng was thinking, do he like Jiang Ziyu

He thought he liked it.

Maybe it was that day when the romantic boy who was shaking his fan in the warm sunshine outside the door blushed helplessly when he saw him; or maybe it was the boy on the flower boat who panickedly took his hand and told him that he was a beautiful woman in the world amidst the lights.

Or maybe it was the embarrassed young man who was clutching the window frame that day, his bright eyes filled with the stars of a whole summer night, and then he smiled at him showing his white teeth, and called him "Sheng Sheng" tenderly.

That day/in the light of the fire, this man desperately wanted to protect him and take him out. He tried his best to protect the people under him well. Jiang Ziyu's face was dirty, and he couldn't see the old style, but his watery eyes were reflected by the flames very beautifully.

His throat had long been destroyed by the thick smoke, and the burning pain behind him made his eyelids droop heavily. Even without the bronze mirror, he knew that he was extremely ugly at the moment.

"Don't look..."

Don't look at me at the moment, do you still remember when you said I was a beauty in the world? Then you just remember that moment.

Before losing consciousness, Mu Yingsheng dreamed in a trance that when he was a child, when his mother was still there, he met a child with delicate features, who treated him very well and gave him sweets. He held the other's hand and asked in a low voice: "You are so pretty, can you be my wife in the future?"


Then, that child turned into a handsome boy, his eyes reflected his figure, and he said to him: "Mu Yingsheng, I am happy with you."

This time, he was finally able to face up to his own heart, embraced the other person in his arms generously, and replied with a light smile:

"Master, the same is true for Xiaomin."

The author has something to say:

Going back to that night in a daze, the young man anxiously waited outside the door for his answer; but this time, the actor was finally able to face up to his own heart.

(This wave of candy is so sweet! Give me all of you!)