Engraved in Bone

Chapter 68: Shen Qingyi's Extra Story (Part 2)


If one were to ask how Shen Qingyi felt about Jiang Ziyu, he might not be able to answer it himself; but he hated the people around him in every possible way.

Until later, the Buddha said that there are eight sufferings, one of which is resentment and hatred. He thought that he was afraid that he was suffering from one of them.

That man Mu Yingsheng really disgusted him, he couldn't take his eyes off Jiang Ziyu, he even wondered if he could shave his face, would he be able to favor him. But in fact, no matter how good he is, he can't keep the other party.

Jealousy occupied all his thoughts, he did not hesitate to compromise his cultivation, changed his fate against the sky, passed Mu Yingsheng's life to Jiang Ziyu, and cut off the unclear red line between the two. He deliberately trapped the person in the fire, and sent someone to invite him, so that the person could see how to choose between life and his lover.

But in the end, it was so painful that he couldn't wish to live.

Obviously, Jiang Ziyu can be pulled out with a wave of his hand, so that he can see Mu Yingsheng buried in the sea of fire with his own eyes, so that he can completely give up; but when the other party doesn't even want to look at him, Shen Qingyi can't tell what it means, and he doesn't know what it means. I was envious, but still harbored the greatest evil thoughts.

It would be nice if both of them were dead, and he wouldn't let them share the same grave.


Then the man was finally willing to turn his head to look at him, and knelt in front of him with all his pride removed, making a piercing voice, as if he wanted to dig out his heart and let him see his sincerity. He was jealous, this time Shen Qingyi finally clearly recognized the original sin of his jealousy; he told the other party the truth, admiring the changing expression on Jiang Ziyu's face.

The desperation that suffocated and made him tremble.

He was right in saying that sentence, longevity is too long and boring, but he wants to live forever with the other party. For this reason, he did not hesitate to change his fate against the sky, and tried his best to keep people by his side, even if he knew that the other party would hate him.

The firelight behind him reflected the man's dazzling eyebrows, and asked him why he was so persistent. Shen Qingyi asked himself over and over again, in fact, he didn't know why he had such an obsession, and even went so far as to pursue it in this life, using all means.

Maybe it's the jealousy born of longing, which urges it to grow into inexplicable joy.

No one taught Shen Qingyi to love, and he never knew what it was like to be in love. All he knew was that when he saw Mo Jingyu or Jiang Ziyu, his heart was full, and he even wanted to bring the best in the world to the other party, even if this person dismissed it.

He locked people on Qinglun Mountain and didn't hear anything; apart from the daily necessities, he also devoted himself to the study of the so-called bone-cutting technique.

That day, after finally letting him touch the way of heaven and understand what is deep-rooted, Qinglun Mountain experienced a thunder disaster, and there was a lot of wind and rain outside, but only a small sound of rain could be heard inside the house. When he wanted to use the forbidden technique on Jiang Ziyu, the other party suddenly called his name.

After a long time, he asked softly, "Is it raining outside?"

Shen Qingyi didn't know why he had to take his steps lightly, as if he was afraid of disturbing this moment, he even answered carefully: "Yes."

The other party covered his eyes and suddenly laughed.

"very nice."

He didn't understand what the other party's "good" meant, but even if he didn't think about it, he could guess that it was probably related to Mu Yingsheng. After all, this person was never happy or sad because of him. The only thing that could move Jiang Ziyu was the resentment born of Yingmu Yingsheng, that's all.

How pitiful, let the other party remember themselves, and also need the help of people they hate.

Jiang Ziyu's lifespan is not over, but his body is gradually weakening, even if he is fed with pills, it can't stop the black hair from turning white. In the laughter of the other party, his heart gradually sank, it was not so beautiful.

He can turn clouds and rain, and even touch the heavens to study forbidden techniques, but he can't keep the person he most wants to keep. Too…

The person he loves the most.

At this moment, Shen Qingyi really realized that maybe he really fell in love with Jiang Ziyu, because he longed for the unreserved love of the other party for no reason, and then accumulated it little by little as time went by.

The other party grabbed him viciously and shook him, but because of his weakness, he didn't feel anything, but the disgust in those eyes hurt his eyes.

"Didn't you say you like me! Didn't you say you like me!"

The weak cry made him feel distressed, and he clenched his fist tightly before reaching out, and he didn't even know how to respond to the other party.

He was so happy with this man.

Shen Qingyi thought for a long time by himself, and finally he made up his mind, held the other's hand, and asked softly, "I'll let you go."

"You are free." Maybe you should be happy.

"If that's the case, Jiang Ziyu, can you stop hating me so much?" Whenever I think of you hating me so much, my heart feels tight and painful.

Hearing the other party say "it's too late", his heart sank. He kissed the other party's hand over and over again, feeling the warm touch gradually turning cold, but he still didn't stop his movements, pious and gentle.

Shen Qingyi buried the person in the small courtyard of the palace, clearly saying that he would let him go, but he still didn't want to place the person elsewhere.

If that person knew, would he come back to him in unrest

But Shen Qingyi knew that it was impossible, there was no other life in this palace except him.

Jiang Ziyu probably couldn't help but look for that person early in the morning after leaving, right

After all, he has his own selfishness. He broke the red line between the other party and that person, cut off their follow-up, and even imprinted blood on Jiang Ziyu's body, begging that when the other party came to the world, he could be ahead of the heavens. , find the other party, and then, with a handful of sincerity, exchange Jiang Ziyu's love for each other.

It's just that he was left alone in the huge palace.

So far, I don't know where it came from, there is an immortal on the peak of Qinglun, named Bone Carving Master;

No one knows, but the rumored bone carver loves standing under the tree in the yard, looking up at the bare branches, and singing softly. If someone listens carefully, they will find that it is somewhat similar to the Mu Yingsheng school of Huadan who was famous in the capital a hundred years ago, and their voice is also clear and clear.

But what does it matter? No matter what that person is, he only loves Hua Dan, and he doesn't see Tsing Yi.

That person's Hua Dan, there was only one person in that life.

One day, the magpie flew on the branch and called again, the people under the tree paused, and then suddenly sang again, with inexplicable joy in the clear and charming tune.

After hundreds of years, he finally waited for that person.

The author has something to say:

Woohoo, my aunt came to break the update yesterday, sorry! ! ! "The reader who threatened to blow me up became my boss" double update at ten o'clock in the evening, bobo.