Engraved in Bone

Chapter 74: Master and Apprentice 006


Everyone said that the gods were indifferent and indifferent. Changge didn't think so at first, but now after knowing the truth, it was true.

Ever since his mood was unstable and injured, it was not known whether it was because the spellcaster had dissipated, or whether the heavens should repay him, and the originally intertwined fates gradually changed. Don't say that he always pays attention to his master, even he himself can count that his old star is blurred and fading day by day.

The man's gaze no longer looked at him, but at the person he really loved.

Finally, one day, he couldn't bear it anymore, and when he couldn't help pulling on the other party's sleeve as usual, the casual glance of that person made his world collapse in an instant.

When would the other party ignore him so much

As time went on, the facts broke his luck over and over again, telling him cruelly that the man never had him in his heart. What Shen Qingyi loves is always the boy who really loves the boy in red with a bright smile, not the poor guy like him who is never expected.

Even his favorite word "Long Song" seems to be mocking him.

Long song, long song, I am afraid that it implies those long-lasting past events that the master will engrave in his heart

Oh, it's finally a mirror image, and the fingertips skipped Wuhen.

He also thought about attacking Wang Rui, who could turn a blind eye to him, but now he targets him everywhere, and even sends him to another place, so as not to disturb his sweetheart. Bad intentions.

Changge stubbornly stayed in the palace, guarding a small courtyard, hoping that the other party would pass through the gate one day and say to him: "Changge, go back with me as a teacher."

No, that person followed Wang Rui silently all day long.

When it was time to go back to Qinglun Mountain, Shen Qingyi also asked Wang Rui if he would go with him to search for immortals. After being rejected, he turned to him and said, "Changge, you go back first."

Heh, how important that person is; and he is just a speck of dust in the world, nothing worthy of the other party's pity.

He didn't tell Shen Qingyi that he secretly learned the inheritance in the secret realm - it was the imprint between bloodlines.

Isn't Shen Qingyi my favorite Wang Rui? Then he will reconnect that person's marriage line. If that person falls in love with the same person again, will Master...will he give up a little bit

He didn't know, but Chang Ge didn't want to miss even the slightest possibility.

With Shen Qingyi on his back, Chang Ge secretly browsed through the secret techniques, going back in time through ancient methods over and over again, begging to find some clues in the past. It was tormented over and over again, he looked at his beloved master, how he loved little by little without knowing it.

For a moment, it was as if he saw his own shadow.

He deceived his master, deliberately used Wang Rui as an advantage to lure people to Beihai, and then secretly continued the relationship that the other party had cut off by himself, and even specially created various opportunities for the two of them.

Shen Qingyi was naturally furious when he found out, and once wanted to kill him.

Changge looked at the person he loved so much in front of him, with a smile on his lips, and he didn't dodge: "My fate and Wang Rui's fate have long been entangled. If Master kills me, he won't feel better."

So what about the swap of fate, isn't this person's life tied to him? Suddenly, Changge felt that Master's annoyed appearance was gorgeous and beautiful, and the true face that had been hidden under the warmth gradually emerged, even more distorted and annoying than before.

Master wanted that person's life, so he saved him and let this person take a good look at how his beloved is so obsessed with others.

But Shen Qingyi didn't care, and even ignored the backlash of heaven, and directly erased the soul of the other party, and there was no such person in the world.

Chang Ge, who has seen the past, thinks that this person is really ruthless. He has clearly promised the other party to let him go, but he still wants to hold on tightly.

Ridiculous and sympathetic.

Everyone didn't know why Qingyi Shenjun broke up with his disciple Changge, the original master-student friendship seemed like a joke, but the strange thing was that Shen Qingyi could do it, but never took Changge's life.

Changge, who knew the truth, never cared, just lived next to Qinglun Mountain, and continued to hang around in front of the other party, even if he was beaten all over his body every time.

I don't know where to start, the young man who always had a fake smile gradually became more and more like a demon, and at the same time, he was a bit like Shen Qingyi.

The two had been fighting openly and secretly for decades, and it was just a blink of an eye for those cultivators, but Wang Rui grew old and died alone during this time. And all of this was given to him by the person who claimed to love him the most.

As soon as the other party's soul came out of his body, Changge took advantage of his fate to keep the soul by his side early in the morning, waiting for Shen Qingyi to come to him.

It's been a long time since I saw his master, and the other party is still so good-looking, but this time his expression is cold, as if he can't wait to tear him apart. Changge held the folding fan that the other party gave him at the beginning, saw Shen Qingyi's bloodshot eyes, and hit Wang Rui's soul with the head of the fan: "Master, it's better not to be impulsive. It's not good."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

The tip of her tongue couldn't help moistening her dry lips, Changge said with a smile: "What I think is just the same as what Master thinks, but I know that Master will not agree with you, why don't you make a bet with me?"

The other party was silent, and Chang Ge didn't care about Shen Qingyi's silence. He played with the unconscious soul in his palm, but his eyes were always on the other party: "I let Wang Rui reincarnate normally. If I don’t use the Bone Cutting Technique on him, I’m willing to quit, sever contact with him, and never bother him again; but if the master can’t do it, Shu’er can’t just let it go.”

"Of course, for the sake of fairness, Master please seal up the memory yourself."

He concealed some things from the other party. For example, one of Wang Rui's souls was born with him, and that soul was Wang Rui and him; for example, he had actually made a plan. Soul, want the other party to remember him forever.

Changge would not tell the other party these things, and if the master knew, he would definitely not agree, I am afraid that he does not know how to restrain him, lest he hurt his beloved.

This person is passionate and fickle. He will give all the love he has to others, and even look for the other party in the next life; but he is just living in the shadow of others, and he expects the other party to give him a little attention. Poor thing.

Shen Qingyi was moved, but finally agreed.

When the other party entered the River of Forgetfulness, he smiled slyly, like an innocent child, quietly waiting for the opening of reincarnation, and then he could complete the plan he had planned.