Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 13


Come out, Qin Su, I promise not to beat you to death!

Tune it up a bit... what the hell is this tune up for!

Why did Lao Tzu go back to this point in time!

If he remembered correctly, it was the night he and Al first met, in the bathroom, and stopped just before asking for that or something.

I'm not mentally prepared at all! Waking up so suddenly, his brain is empty, okay

No, it can't be like this.

Although Xiao He's head was still in a mess, he still had a sliver of reason at last.

It was agreed to be more frank, and he shouldn't provoke him at will.

He doesn't understand the matter of falling in love, but he has always seen pigs run away before eating pork. It's absolutely wrong to do that with someone else regardless! Not to mention he also has a hidden bomb - the Corwin pixie.

He didn't know it before, but now he knows it, so he can't let it go.

In any case, he had to stop Al first.

Seeing that the strength in Ai Er's hand increased, Xiao He pushed hard and looked up at him: "Your Majesty, please..."

Before he could finish a sentence, Al had already lowered his head. His long silver hair fell like a stream of clear water. When it landed on someone's neck, it felt cool and soft, refreshing, but in contrast, it was the burning hotness on his lips. .

Xiao He opened his eyes wide and tried to resist, but when Al pinched somewhere on his waist, he immediately loosened his jaw and was forced to drive straight in. When his lips and tongue were completely connected, his brain, which had tasted the sweetness long ago, immediately wanted to surrender .

But... no!

The moment Xiao He got his breath, he immediately said, "Your Majesty, we can't do this."

"Why?" Al didn't look up, and delicate kisses fell on his fair neck, as if he was tasting the sweetest pastry.

Xiao He looked down at him, saw his upturned eyes, slightly squinted eyes, and that erotic kiss... He just felt hot in his head, as if a ball of magma was flowing, making him want to die of heat , but... Hold on!

His finger pierced his palm, and the pain brought him back a little sobriety. Xiao He's voice trembled unimaginably: "I have a lover, Your Majesty, I have a lover!"

The words were like a smart switch, and when pressed, everything fell silent.

The kiss stopped, the enthusiasm receded, and the pool water, which is always at a suitable temperature, actually showed a little bit of coolness at this moment.

Al stood up and looked down at him.

Xiao He raised his head, his heart was beating extremely fast, he felt that he had done something stupid, a huge stupid thing, he should be more gentle, he should be more tactful, he should... In short, he shouldn't be so straightforward in this situation speak out!

Even if it was to stop what was about to happen between them, it shouldn't be said that.

Xiao He's fingers trembled nervously. He looked up at Al. The silver-haired elf in front of him was very quiet. His gorgeous long hair was stained with water droplets, but it was still as beautiful as the petals in the morning. The enthusiasm in his eyes had not receded. The color is even more beautiful...

Xiao He didn't even blink his eyes. At this moment, Al didn't say anything, but he suddenly remembered what he saw before he died.

Scarlet, bloodthirsty, dark and terrifying.

And that desperate feeling of suffocation.

The more beautiful the more terrifying, because he will make you defenseless, irresistible, and even willing.

Xiao He suddenly realized that what he was afraid of might not be death, but... sinking.

The short period of time seemed as long as several springs and autumns. Xiao He thought that he would 'die' this time, and it would be worse than the last time he 'died'.

But... he guessed wrong again.

Just as he couldn't have predicted his own death, this time he didn't predict that he would survive either.

Ai Er's eyes softened suddenly, like a spring breeze blowing, Hu Bing melted, and the soft waves shone, and the heart of the wandering heart couldn't help but warm: "Is there a lover? Did I miss it?"

Xiao He was completely stunned.

Al let go of his waist, but it was still close to his ear, and sighed in a low voice: "Forget about him, okay?"

Xiao He never expected him to react like this. The huge gap made his heart pound again. He thought he was going to die, but Al didn't kill him, but... instead...

"Can you try to like me?" The silver-haired elf looked at him, his eyes almost overflowing with affection and longing, "I like you, I want to have you since the first time I saw you, give me a chance it's OK?"

The gentle words of love are like the most intoxicating wine in the world, floating into the ears, and knocking heavily on the petals of the heart, Xiao He opened his mouth, under the longing gaze of the other party, his voice broke away from his thinking, and he was about to compromise .

But suddenly... two beating bright red hearts appeared in his mind, Xiao He's face turned pale, and he suddenly woke up from the sweet fragrance: "Yes... I'm sorry."

Al's eyes dimmed slightly, but he didn't feel lost because of it, he just lightly and very politely placed a kiss on his forehead... and a promise: "No matter how long, I will wait for you."

After that, he left the bathroom, got up and left.

Xiao He was drained of all his strength, almost limp in the pool water.

Although he thought he had done something stupid, it seemed that he had done the right thing by mistake

Telling about having a lover won't offend Al, but it's a kind of honesty

Xiao He left the bath and returned to the bedroom, because he had lived here for a month, so he knew the way, even if he walked all the way and thought about it, it would not hinder him in the slightest.

Finally climbed into bed, nestled in the soft quilt, he slowly passed the whole incident through his mind, feeling a little relieved.

It seems that Al is not as perverted as he imagined. The reason why he broke out so abruptly last time is probably because he felt that he concealed him, deceived him, and then betrayed him...

Xiao He took a deep breath, this time he just needs to be more honest and don't hide it, probably he won't GAME OVER again, right

But in fact, Xiao He smiled wryly in his heart, he didn't want to hide it last time, he didn't even know that he was having an affair with Ke Wen, okay

It's useless to think about it, anyway, this time he has experience, as long as he plans well, he can definitely avoid death.

Wait... Although I can't die, I still have no idea how to treat Al!

After all, the Elf King he saw now really didn't have any signs of insanity!

Thinking here and there, Xiao He fell asleep in a daze.

Then, he had a rose-colored dream.

In the dream, he seemed to return to that month. Al watched him, kissed him, touched him, and easily gave him the joy of extinction in the warm and smooth water.

Early the next morning, Xiao He woke up suddenly, feeling the stickiness under his body, and panicked in his heart.

What was he thinking, why did he have such a dream, he...he...

The next moment, he heard Qin Su's words: "You have never met someone you like, how do you know that you are not gay?"

Xiaohe is Spartan: Damn it! Is Lao Tzu really gay?! ! !

In the following days, Xiao He's little heart fluttered non-stop.

Al didn't do anything to him that crossed the line, but he treated him several times better than last time. He started to accompany him from the early morning, made fun of him in different ways, and listened to him tirelessly. Will chat with him and give him all the best things in this world.

He wished he could spoil him to heaven, it seemed that as long as Xiao He opened his mouth, he would never refuse.

Except for one thing, and that is to leave the Palace of Ayr.

Xiao He lived a very comfortable life, but he still maintained his rationality, knowing that he still had tasks to do.

He wanted to see Corwin, but he couldn't leave the palace, so he couldn't see him.

Do we have to wait for Corwin to come to him

Hey, Xiao He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, how did Kewen get into the palace last time

This is the dormitory of the Elf King, and there must be layers of guards. How did an elf like Ke Wen come here

At that time, there were too many accidents happening too fast, Xiao He didn't have time to worry, but thinking about it now, it was too strange.

Based on Kewen's own words alone, he couldn't find himself no matter what, right

But he found him, and just in time for Al to see him.

Xiao He was catching a clue, but at this moment, the door opened.

Al? Xiao He glanced over, and when he saw the person coming, he narrowed his eyes suddenly.

Under the silver moon at night, the visitor's dazzling blond hair was no less than that of the day. He strode in, bringing the cold wind outside the house.

Xiao He quickly got up from the bed and looked at him without blinking: "Lance... my lord."

Lance stared at him, his eyes were as deep as the deep sea, bottomless in the dark night: "How are you doing?"

Xiao He didn't make a sound.

Lance approached him, raised the corner of his mouth, full of sarcasm and ridicule: "When you were having fun under him, did you ever think about what he did behind his back?"

Xiao He's heart suddenly turned cold.

"Korwen is dead, and he will not die with peace."