Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 21


Although Xiao He made an appointment with Lance, in the end it was Lance who chose the place, and Xiao He followed him.

Although Xiao He had stayed in the palace for several months, he was still not as familiar with Lan Si after all.

Especially Xiao He almost never walked out of the bedroom.

Since Lance can arrange all of this, he must have his own connections. It is very easy for the two of them to have a short conversation.

Although they all left their positions, no one noticed because they were so far apart.

But that doesn't include Al.

Al was talking with an elder of the elves, when a young elf came over and whispered a few words.

Al's expression remained unchanged, but at that moment, his azure blue eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, making it completely impossible to see through.

"Go down."

The young elf bowed and left, and after a while, Al also got up and left.

He waved his hand, and a thin silver light shrouded him, hiding his figure from the crowd.

He is still shuttling in the palace, but no one knows, no one can see.

It's very easy to find Lance. His blond hair was bestowed on him by him. Borrowing the brilliance of the scorching sun, it absorbs the color of pure gold and gathers it into the most beautiful light in Yanar.

Lance used to be his favorite child. He is smart, good at fighting, has a very high talent and a quick-witted personality.

He admires him and pampers him. He gave him supreme rights and lofty status.

But now... he wants to betray him.

Oh, it's them.

His favorite child, and his favorite person.

Al smiled lightly, his eyes were a deep blue, like the ocean under a winter night, extremely dark and cold, but with a hint of absoluteness that would shatter if touched lightly.

He followed Lance and saw the elf boy standing in the corner from a distance.

On the elf was the gorgeous robe he put on for him, on his forehead was the most beautiful piece of jewelry in his collection, and the slender blue fluorite on his left ear was also put on for him by himself.

When wearing it, he once dropped several kisses on those pointed ears because they were too attractive.

At that time, the elf boy in his arms would tremble slightly, be cute and attractive, making people's hearts flutter.

But at this moment, everything is painted with the color of night.

His favorite black hair has become the most ironic existence.

Xiao He could only see Lance.

"I'm a little worried." There was a slight tremor in his voice.

Lan Si's eyes were gentle, and his eyes fell on his forehead: "Don't be afraid, he likes you very much, and he is willing to give you this gem."

Xiao He's eyes froze slightly, but he quickly adjusted his expression: "But he is very powerful, can I really do it?"

"It's very simple." Lance took him into his arms very naturally, "He will bathe you in the holy light, and then..." He hooked the corners of his mouth ironically, "He will definitely taste you, and you just need to While he is intoxicated, it is enough to pierce this cloud feather into his body."

Xiao He resisted the stiffness of his body, frowned and said, "Then he will die?"

"Yes, this feather will definitely kill him." Lance chuckled lightly. He had prepared for hundreds of years to get this feather, and he could only succeed no matter what.

Xiao He frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "This Lan Yu...will it hurt me?"

"Don't worry," Lance said in a good mood, "it won't hurt you."

Xiao He was a little worried again: "Could it be that this feather can only hurt His Majesty?"

Lance chuckled lightly and said, "There is an ancient curse on this feather, and it will cause great harm only if it is pierced by someone you truly love."

Hearing this, Xiao He's heart skipped a beat. He and Qin Su's plan was to stab the feather into Lance's body, but how could he guarantee that Lance liked him? If not, what effect does it have

For a while, Xiao He panicked, but soon he calmed down again forcefully, he reached out tremblingly, and actively encircled the blond elf: "Master Lance, after I avenge you, you... will you... take me in?" ?”

It was a rare time for him to let go, and Lance was taken aback suddenly. There was a surge of heat in his heart, which flowed through his whole body in an instant. The feeling was indescribable. Give him all the good things in the world.

Seeing that he was silent, Xiao He could only ask another question: "My lord...do you like me?"

Lance's heart skipped a beat, and he said completely uncontrollably, "I like you!"

Xiao He's body was slightly stiff, he closed his eyes, and asked again: "Why?"

Lance held him in his arms, and his voice was soft as if dripping honey: "I can't explain it, but from the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you."

Xiao He suddenly remembered Qin Su's words - you are the only outsider in this world, and you can't help but make them interested.

Yeah, so Lance likes him.

There was a trace of sourness in Xiao He's heart, but there was no hesitation.

After witnessing all this, Al's eyes completely lost their light.

Bringing shame on oneself were the only four words that flashed through his mind at the moment.

What you have known for a long time, but you have to see it with your own eyes and hear it with your own ears to believe it.

He laughed at the ignorance of the world, but in the end, the most stupid person was himself.

The corner of Al's mouth raised, evoking a perfect smile, but no smile fell into his eyes.

Finally, there is no need to wait any longer.

Finally, there is no need to long for it anymore.

There are no dreams in this world.

He raised his hand, a ball of silver light lingered on his fingertips, and just before he shot, the mutation suddenly rose.

The two people who were originally embracing suddenly burst into a burst of dazzling golden light, which was as dazzling as if the sky was falling tomorrow.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the silver-white feather was deeply pierced into Lance's chest, and Lance was looking at the black-haired elf in front of him in disbelief.

"Why?" The blood overflowed with golden light, instantly dyeing the narrow corner red, and the beautiful little elf was covered in blood all over.

Xiao He looked at him without blinking, without making a sound.

"Why!" Lance stared at him, his eyes were stained red with blood, his handsome face was as pale as paper, but it was crazy and frightening.

Xiao He took a few steps back abruptly, but Lance was extremely fast. He pulled him over and pierced his fingers precisely.

Al finally saw what happened, and the silver light in his hand shot out, aiming at Lance's arm.

Everything happened between lightning and flint.

The silver light was violent, tearing the blond elf's arm into pieces in an instant, but Lance was too close to Xiao He, and the speed was too fast, so... he still saw what he wanted to see.

The small heart is red, beating gently, so cute, so cruel.

The dying blond elf laughed wildly: "You're in love with him, you're in love with him..."

He tore open his chest, dug out his heart without hesitation, and held it in front of Xiao He, his voice was still gorgeous, but his scarlet eyes were full of madness and paranoia: "Look, I love you , so you can kill me, but you..." Before Lance could say the last word, he turned into a golden light.

In Xiao He's last glance with him, they only saw those handsome eyes dripping with blood.

But soon, he couldn't think anymore. There was a sharp pain and suffocation in his chest, and Xiao He's consciousness began to blur.

He felt someone hug him, and he seemed to see Al.

But he couldn't tell if it was his own illusion.

until he heard his voice.

"Xiao He... Xiao He..."

It was Al's voice, but he had never heard such a low voice full of despair and helplessness.

Xiao He opened his eyes, he didn't know why he could hold on.

But he saw him.

Holding his heart, dazed Al.

Lost his heart, but Xiao He felt a piercing pain.

He has to treat him, he can't let him be so desperate.

Xiao He held on, and said the last sentence: "Al, I like you, no... I love you, Al, I love you, Al... Al..."

Finally, he was covered by boundless darkness and completely lost consciousness.