Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 27


Disliked by his son!

Xiao He's whole body collapsed!

He stood there stupidly, feeling like he didn't even have the strength to wipe his hair.

This is really, how sweet it was before, how sad it is now.

What a wonderful childhood! Adorable, darling, every sound of papa yelling makes people's hearts almost soften into marshmallows.

But now... I've grown up, I'm more thoughtful, not only I'm not cute anymore, I even seldom call my father, what's more, I still despise him now!

Xiao He only felt that there was a fire burning in his chest, and he was about to explode.

After more than ten years of relationship, he really regarded him as his own child, devoted all his emotions, and tried his best to make the role of father the best, the best and the most complete.

But now, Xiao He was so heartbroken.

Is it such a painful thing for a child to grow up

Xiao He changed his clothes weakly, while learning from the pain.

He must go home more often to see his parents when he has time. Being a parent is really not easy!

He was in a bad mood, but Xiao He was originally a very soft-tempered person, so it was a no-brainer to want him to lose his temper with the child he raised in the palm of his hand.

Xiao He prepared the food, puffed up, and went to knock on the door: "Xiao Fan, it's time to eat."

The room was silent and there was no echo.

Xiao He was silent for a while, and it took a long time before he said again: "If you have anything on your mind, you can talk to Dad, and Dad will help you make up your mind."

There was still no reply, but Fan Shen who was leaning against the door slowly opened his eyes.

speak? how to say

The handsome boy hooked his lips and revealed a sarcastic smile.

Tell him that he longs for him every day? Tell him he kissed him to orgasm in his dream? Or tell him that when he touches him, he can't help but want to ask for it, and the thought of his whole heart hurts

And then... His silly father must be stunned.

And then... Will he ever see him again

Thinking of losing him forever, Fan Shen clenched his fists tightly, instantly suppressing everything in his heart.

Doomed not to speak, then bury it deep.

Doomed not to get, then watch it.

Better than being lost forever, better than being gone altogether, much better than... better.

After calming down, Fan Shen turned and opened the door, and met Xiao He's eyes.

Xiao He was taken aback, but finally heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he can come out, it is not good for his health to be hungry, and he is now at the age of growing his body, so don't delay.

Because of this little episode, the dinner was a little too silent.

Xiao He tried to find a topic, but Fan Shen didn't like to talk, so he couldn't continue talking.

Fortunately, although my son was having a temper tantrum, he got up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes as usual after the meal.

This is the rule of the two of them. One cooks and the other cleans up. Fan Shen has been doing this since he was ten years old.

Xiao He sat in front of the computer, scrolling through the comments, but actually he was a little absent-minded.

Sure enough... I still have to talk to Xiaofan.

Puppy love, although it's human nature, it's not good if it happens too early.

For one thing, they are still young and immature, love comes and goes quickly, too much tossing is not conducive to physical and mental growth.

What's more... Although Xiao He knows that this is a spiritual world, his goal is to heal Fan Shen and hope that he can grow up healthy. If there is any accident, it will also be a huge shadow, which may affect his future life .

Xiao He heaved a long sigh, quite distressed.

Puberty is such a grind, isn't it!

It's a pity that there are a lot of parenting books, but there are very few books dealing with teenagers... so that he doesn't even have a reference.

Anyway, let's talk.

Xiao He is still a little confident. Although Fan Shen ignored him during the rebellious period, Xiao He still firmly believes in the relationship between the two of them. The mutual support for so many years cannot be ignored with just a few words.

He sincerely regards him as his son, and I believe he must also respect him.

That being the case, how about talking? Maybe it will untangle him, and they can be like before again!

While thinking about it, Xiao He's heart moved.

I really miss that obedient little guy, return it to him quickly!

Having made up his mind, Xiao He didn't hesitate anymore, got up and left the study.

Just when Fan Shen came out of the kitchen, the two faced each other, both startled.

Xiao He hurriedly said, "Let's have a chat."

Fan Shen's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked softly, "Is there something wrong?"

Xiao He approached him, and held his hand very naturally: "Can't you talk to Dad if you have nothing to do?"

Fan Shen's body was not stiff, and he wanted to pull his hand out, but Xiao He had already pulled him to sit on the sofa.

The two were very close, sitting side by side.

Xiao He couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, he has always maintained his twenty-six appearance, but he is more than ten years older than Fan Shen, but this guy is already a little taller than himself, and if he grows longer, he will definitely be taller than him It's a big part, it's really embarrassing to think about it, the son is so much taller than the father...

He was entangled in these things here, but Fan Shen beside him was tense all over, as stiff as an ice sculpture.

They were too close, he only needed to turn his head slightly, and he could see his fair neck, and if he lowered his eyes slightly, he could catch a glimpse of the slender collarbone under his open collar, and he could even see...

A sudden burst of heat hit his body, Fan Shen suddenly closed his eyes, and forced himself to calm down.

But it's useless... His breath, his smell, and the heat of his body are all like seductive poisons, they keep approaching him, constantly corroding him, with a sweet taste and bone-scratching pain, making him... Want to resist, but can't do anything.

Xiao He pondered for a while, and finally spoke: "I saw it in the afternoon."

Fan Shen was slightly taken aback: "Huh?"

Xiao He said, "I saw you and that girl."

Like a thunderbolt, it suddenly rang in Fan Shen's mind, he suddenly came back to his senses, a trace of panic flashed in his blue eyes: "No, she and I..."

"I know." Seeing him so nervous, Xiao He couldn't help feeling soft.

After all, he was still a child, so he would still be nervous if his father saw such a thing.

But Xiao He is determined to be an enlightened father, so why would he blame him for this? He said softly, "It's normal for you to have these thoughts at your age. I'm not that old-fashioned, but I still want to remind you that you like each other. It is possible, but you have to be careful, after all, you are still young, and you have a long way to go, so don't be impulsive... "

Xiao He kept talking, but Fan Shen couldn't hear a word clearly.

He stared fixedly at the man in front of him, but the light in his eyes was like an extinguished lamp, gradually being swallowed up by the night, and then disappeared without a trace.

It's ridiculous.

What was he panicking just now

What right does he have to panic

He was afraid that he would misunderstand, but in fact, why would he care

"As long as you don't pass the line, is it okay to fall in love early?" Fan Shen asked softly, lowering his eyes.

Xiao He was taken aback, and couldn't help blinking: "This..."

"Dad." Fan Shen raised his head and looked into his eyes, "What do you want me to do in the future?"

Xiao He looked at him, and at that moment, his brain was a bit blank, but he quickly realized, and said: "Of course I hope you will grow up and become a responsible, ambitious, and..."

"Does anyone have a family?" Fan Shen suddenly hooked the corners of his mouth, revealing a captivating smile, "Marry a woman, get married, and have children?"

Xiao He frowned, he instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find it after careful study.

But Fan Shen was waiting for his answer.

Xiao He thought about it for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Growing up, getting married and having children, these are the expectations all parents have for their children.

It's simple, straightforward, and stress-free.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved, so he nodded.

Fan Shen smiled, and replied in a voice that was almost inaudible: "Okay, I understand."

After speaking, get up and leave.

Xiao He was still sitting on the sofa, inexplicably feeling empty in his heart.

Why is it so strange... Is the child so elusive when he grows up

Xiao He sighed heavily.

Fan Shen went to the bathroom, took off his clothes, turned on the shower, and let the cold water pour down.

It's something that's been confirmed for a long time, but hearing him say it himself still has a feeling of turning the world upside down.

He didn't know why he was like this, and he didn't understand what a normal father-son relationship should be like.

As long as he can remember, there is only him.

In the eyes, in the heart, in the whole world, there is only him.

He didn't understand when he was a child, until he was twelve years old, his heart beat because of a kiss that was so shallow that it had no other meaning.

Then he had a dream.

The man in the dream was groaning softly, calling his name in a low voice, and was fascinated under his body.

And he can kiss him, touch him without any scruples, bring him happiness, give him all the tenderness and affection that is overflowing to the point of gushing out.

But after waking up from the dream, it was like falling into an abyss.

From then on, Fan Shen refused his favorite good morning and good night kisses.

From then on, Fan Shen never slept with Xiao He again.

It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not.

The author has something to say: Keke, I would like to defend Xiao He a little bit. Although he likes Ai Er, his feeling for Fan Shen this time is very pure. A child from seven months old wants to It's hard to have other feelings. After all, our little feelings are not changes, but attitudes.