Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 45


Xiao He's mood for the past two days has been terrible, it can't be more transparent.

From that day on, Master never gave him a lesson, or even appeared in front of him.

What to do, Xiao He understands, it must be to accompany his teacher and mother to travel in the mountains and rivers, loving each other.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't be unhappy, after all it is human nature, the master and his wife separated for a while for some reason, and now they finally come back, so naturally they should stay together every day.

However, no matter how much he knew, he couldn't stop him from being in a bad mood.

Xiao He was unhappy, Luo Fei came to accompany him whenever he had nothing to do, and brought him some new gadgets in different ways.

Xiao He was grateful for his kindness, but when he thought that he would still not see his master today, he was still in a bad mood.

Luo Fei thought for a while and said, "Why don't we go down the mountain for a walk."

Xiao He's eyes lit up: "Going down the mountain?"

Xiao He had a very difficult life before, he spent his days practicing and doing tasks, and he really didn't go down the mountain... Hearing what Luo Fei said now, he couldn't help but feel very moved.

Seeing that he had regained his energy, Luo Fei couldn't help but feel soft, thinking of what his second senior brother Rui Xin said yesterday.

"Luo Fei, have you ever been to the demon world? Brother took you to see the world?"

At that time, Luo Fei wanted to accompany Xiao He with all his heart, where was he in the mood to go, so he pushed it without hesitation, but now he regretted it a little.

Going down the mountain is the mortal world, and there is nothing particularly interesting in the mortal world, if he can take Xiao He to the demon world for a while, he should be much happier.

Before Xiao He could speak, Luo Fei said again: "Have you ever been to the demon world? Brother Rui Xin said..."

"I've never been there!" Xiao He was excited, holding Luo Fei's hand and said excitedly, "Brother Luo Fei, take me there, I want to visit the Demon World, I heard it's very interesting!"

Luo Fei couldn't control himself, his eyes rolled down and he replied, "Okay, I'll go back and get ready, and I'll take you there tomorrow."

Xiao He nodded again and again, and his bad mood for several days finally improved.

At night, Master came back, but there was Daoist Hongshuang beside him.

Because Xiao He thought of going on a day trip to the demon world tomorrow, he was in a good mood, and he was not as conflicted as he was a few days ago.

Hongshuang has always been very warm to him: "Xiaohe, my wife will cook for you tonight, and I will cook something delicious for you."

If it was before, Xiao He would have responded in a muffled voice, but today the smile in Xiao He's eyes has not dissipated, and he couldn't help saying: "Okay."

Because of his straightforwardness, Hongshuang was slightly taken aback, but immediately she smiled and only glanced at Yun Qing from the corner of her eyes.

Yun Qing's expression remained unchanged, not even a smidge of emotion leaked out, but Hong Shuang keenly observed that his pure white robe trembled very slightly.

With a smile in Hongshuang's eyes, she led Xiao He into the house.

The monks don't eat ordinary things, but they have all kinds of spiritual food. Hongshuang's craftsmanship is very good, and the few dishes he cooks are not only beautiful but also delicious. Xiao He eats them so comfortably.

It's just that Yun Qing didn't talk much that night, but fortunately he was always quiet, so it wasn't surprising.

But after Xiao He let go of his heart knot, he unexpectedly got along well with Hong Shuang, the two talked and laughed, and had a very happy meal.

The next day Luo Fei came to pick up Xiao He after class, and Xiao He excitedly carried a small bag and was ready to go out to have fun.

Since having a master, Xiao He is no longer an unattended child, and his master is the real person in charge, so money is purely external, and it is completely scattered.

Xiao He has a big wallet now, so he is really not afraid to go out to play.

They were not just two people on this trip, but a group of five people.

There was Luo Fei's second senior brother Rui Xin, and the other two senior brothers, who were acquainted with each other, had a good relationship, and often went out to fool around.

They were all very curious about Xiao He, and couldn't help but look at him a few more times when they met.

Xiao He was not cowardly either, and greeted generously: "Hello, brothers, I am Xiao He."

Rui Xin and the others were all hearty people, and they liked Xiao He's sincerity, so they all greeted him and gave him a gift.

Then it started to descend the mountain and cross the border.

Nowadays, the human world is developing rapidly, and the gap between the two worlds is becoming thinner and thinner, and there is already a peaceful place for intercommunication and trade.

The so-called going to the demon world by Rui Xin and the others was just going to this interconnected place.

Because there is a contract, no matter whether it is a human or a monster, they can live in peace and no killing is allowed, so it is very safe.

And most of the people who can come here are monks, like Rui Xin and others, are all direct disciples of Huayun Sect. They have a high level of cultivation and a lot of experience, so they are not afraid of ordinary dangers.

Xiao He followed a few senior brothers and looked around, his eyes were going to be dazzled.

He is a young boy who has never been down a mountain, and he doesn't even know much about the human world, let alone the demon world.

Although he has also seen many monsters in the dense forest, monsters are not monsters. Monsters have minds and lusts, so they can take human form.

Most of the demons who can transform into human form are extraordinarily beautiful, or showy, or gorgeous, or charming, or sentimental...

In short, it is enough to make people be dazzled, misled, and intoxicated.

Xiao He is very resistant because his master is so good-looking, he just appreciates it, so as not to be confused.

Rui Xin and the others have all experienced strong winds and waves, so they are all calm, but they want to let the two juniors see the world, so they walk a little crookedly.

"Little brother, don't say that brother doesn't love you, if you come to the demon world, if you don't go to Huaxianglou, then it will be in vain!"

Xiao He didn't understand at all, so he asked curiously: "Huaxianglou? Are they all flower demons?"

After all, Luo Fei grew up in the human world, so when he heard Rui Xin's words, his heart skipped a beat, and he was just about to speak.

Rui Xin laughed and said: "Xiao He, you understand it very well! Indeed, they are all flower demons! They are all beautiful flower demons!"

Luo Fei couldn't stand it anymore: "Second senior brother, Xiaohe is still young, don't go there..."

Rui Xin disagreed: "I'm already fourteen, why are you still young? I think I was taken away by the elder brother when I was twelve years old, it didn't matter much."

Luo Fei frowned: "Brother, this is not good."

Rui Xin smiled at him: "I can't see that you are still an old pedant! Well, don't be afraid, I'm just kidding you, the flower demon in Huaxianglou can't be suppressed at your current level. I'll take you there to taste it." As for the wine, the Flower Demon in Huaxiang Building is famous, and the Monkey Demon is even more famous. Those monkeys are all good winemakers. Their Millennium Monkey Wine is not only delicious but also can improve the body. It is a very good tonic. Drink some You are of great benefit!"

Only then did Luo Fei feel relieved.

Although Xiao He has never been in touch with men and women, he suddenly remembered the dream he had, the dream of being kissed by the master, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious, so he was much quieter.

With Rui Xin and others leading the way, they quickly entered Huaxianglou.

And Rui Xin did not lie to them, he reserved a private room, he did not call anyone else, he just asked people to serve food and wine.

The five sat down, and not long after, a few little monkeys came in bouncing around, carrying pots of fine wine.

Xiao He had never drank alcohol before, so he was very curious at the moment.

The monkey poured wine for them, and the clear wine flowed out. The rich aroma instantly filled the whole space, and the taste was beyond imagination.

Both Xiao He and Luo Fei were a little surprised.

Rui Xin thief said with a smile: "Take it easy, this smells delicious and tastes very strong!"

Xiao He had already picked up the cup, his mouth was so dry from the smell, he raised his head and drank it.

Luo Fei hurriedly said: "Slow...slower."

It's a pity that it was already too late, the strong wine entered his throat, and he had never drunk it, Xiao He was so choked that he coughed repeatedly, and couldn't stop it.

Luo Fei had no choice but to pat him on the back and said, "That's wine, how can you drink like that."

Those senior brothers in Rui Xin had already burst out laughing: "Little junior brother, you are also a fierce temper, hahaha!"

Xiao He couldn't tell because he was suffering, so he just coughed.

How come it smells so good, but tastes so bad! What are these things!

Because he was injured, he didn't even touch Xiao He in the back even if he was beaten to death. Ren Ruixin said Po Tian, and he would never take another sip.

On the contrary, Luo Fei was very used to the taste of wine, because he had drunk it before, so the more he drank it, the more he liked it.

Seeing that the four senior brothers were all drinking together, Xiao He felt a little bored, and couldn't help but want to sneak out to play by himself.

He whispered to his brother that he wanted to relieve himself.

Rui Xin randomly pointed at him and let him out.

Xiao He slipped out and looked around, only to feel that the style of Huaxiang Building is extravagant and gorgeous, everywhere looks good and smells fragrant, it is really a different world from Qingluan Mountain.

As he was walking around, he suddenly heard a low and seductive voice.

Xiao He was stunned, and sneaked over by a strange coincidence, but upon seeing it, his face turned red.

In that large sea of red flowers, a man and a woman were naked, intertwined and constantly moving.

The woman seemed to be enjoying it very much, her white legs tightly hooked the man's waist, and she cried softly, wishing to hook the man's heart and soul away.

Xiao He didn't dare to look any more, and ran away in a hurry, but his heart was still pounding.

It turns out that the relationship between men and women is like that...

He was thinking uncontrollably, but suddenly his mind changed.

I thought of my master and my wife.

Will Master and Master's wife do the same


Just thinking about it, Xiao He's face turned white into a sheet of paper, and his heart seemed to be filled with lead, so heavy that it was impossible to breathe.

Surely they would, they were husband and wife, and it was only natural for them to do that.

In particular, Master loves Master's wife so much.

But... why is he so lost.

All the good mood disappeared at this moment, Xiao He suddenly wanted to go back, wanted to return to Master's side.

But when he thought of his wife, he didn't want to go back at all, and was even afraid of going back.

No longer in the mood to wander around, Xiao He returned to their private room.

Rui Xin and the others drank happily, seeing Xiao He coming in, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Junior Brother, drink some, don't be afraid of the bitterness at the beginning, wine, the more you taste it, the more delicious it is, the more you drink it, the more you like it. In the future, you will forget about being unhappy, and only be happy."

The last sentence moved Xiao He: "Really?"

Rui Xin patted her chest and promised: "That must be done, senior brother will not lie to you."

Xiao He gritted his teeth, took a glass of wine, and dried up.

I thought it would be a burning throat, but miraculously, this time he didn't suffer so much.

The strong wine entered his stomach and rushed to his whole body in an instant, making his whole body float.

Luo Fei came over and frowned at him: "Don't drink in such a hurry, I'll teach you."

Xiao He, however, knew everything by himself. After drinking three glasses in a row, he smiled and said, "Brother Luo Fei, this wine is indeed delicious!"

Drinking it is hot, drinking it is warm, and drinking it makes people feel that all troubles have been turned into thin air, which is dispensable!

No matter what his master and his wife are doing!

Whether they are affectionate or not!

Whether he doesn't want him or not!

never mind! It's okay!

Drink some wine, wake up, and all your troubles will become empty!

Xiao He raised his cup with his eyes bent, and said boldly: "Senior brother! We did it!"

Rui Xin likes to drink but can't handle it, and now she is already dizzy: "Do it! Do it! Junior brother, senior brother is optimistic about you!"

What the drunkards said, they don't need to listen to it at all. Anyway, after they sober up, they forget it all.

It wasn't until the middle of the moon that Rui Xin and the others returned to Qingluan Mountain.

Luo Fei was surprisingly good at drinking, Rui Xin and the others were so drunk that they couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, or he sent them all back one by one.

In the end Luo Fei sent Xiao He to Qingluan Palace.

Seeing that Xiao He had returned to the mountain, when he thought of his master and his wife, he started to feel bad again, and went crazy with alcohol: "Brother Luo Fei, brother Luo Fei, I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back! Let's go drink some more, drink some more OK?"

The young man's body was soft, his voice was soft, his big moist eyes became more and more hazy because of the smell of alcohol, Luo Fei looked at him, and his heart could not help itching.

"Xiao He, I'll take you there next time, okay? It's getting late, you should go back."

Xiao He really didn't want to go back, so he simply hugged Luo Fei and murmured: "I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back."

Luo Fei was a little helpless, but his hands wrapped around his waist uncontrollably, making the two of them get closer.

The night was hazy, the moon was intoxicating, and the person in his arms was softer like a soft feather, constantly sweeping the tip of his heart.

If it was usual, Luo Fei would definitely not do it, but now he drank too much, couldn't take it anymore, and lowered his head slightly, almost wanting to touch his pink lips.

At this moment, a cold and indifferent voice sounded: "Give him to me."

Luo Fei snapped back to his senses, and saw a white figure not far away. After realizing who it was, he let go of Xiao He abruptly, and respectfully said, "I've seen the Master Master."

Yun Qing walked slowly, but hugged Xiao He very precisely.

"Let's go back."

Luo Fei responded, bowed and retreated.

Xiao He didn't realize that he had changed, he was still muttering in a low voice: "I don't want to go back, don't go back, keep drinking, brother Luo Fei..."

A soft whisper completely caused great fluctuations in Yun Qing's eternally calm eyes.

He couldn't help but squeeze the boy's hand, but the scene just now flashed in his mind.

Xiao He went out, he had been waiting for him, until the moonlight came up, he finally came back.

But what was waiting was the two teenagers embracing each other and his unwillingness to come back.

It is said that the love of young people is as deep as water.

At this moment, he really felt it.