Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 47


In fact, Xiao He didn't hear what Qing Yunqing said, he was completely shocked by the coldness and indifference in his eyes.

At that moment, Xiao He thought from the bottom of his heart: Master hates him, hates him very much.

The moment he got this information, the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze, and he was completely frozen.

Xiao He didn't respond, and Yun Qing didn't want him to respond, after he let go of him, he said: "Don't go anywhere."

After Yun Qing left, it took Xiao He a long time to recover.

But even more lost.

If it was said that he was only afraid of his own fantasy before, now it is a kind of belief that is collapsing.

He blindly admired his master, blindly liked him, and even developed such ulterior feelings until now, but he never thought about what he would do if his master hated him.

Yes, who stipulated that he likes him, so he will definitely like him

In reality, it is often troublesome.

If the person you like doesn't know it, obsession can turn into disgust.

Xiao He shuddered suddenly, and flinched suddenly.

He kept saying that he wanted to leave just now, but it was just angry words. If the master really wanted to drive him away and make him disappear in front of him forever, what would he do

The temperature of Qingluan Mountain has always been like spring all the year round, but at this time, Xiao He felt a burst of coolness, and he couldn't help hugging himself into a ball because of the cold.

Xiao He was completely immersed in his own world, but Yun Qing had already gone far away.

He won't let Xiao He leave, but he doesn't want to stay there to watch him lose his mind.

Going all the way, he passed through the Qingluan Hall, and he walked into the bamboo forest behind.

There is a table and chairs there, simple and unsophisticated, covered with fallen leaves but without any dust.

Yun Qing sat down with a flick of his sleeves, a pot of sake had already filled the cup by itself.

He picked it up, drank it all in one gulp, and said in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

After the words fell, a phantom flashed lightly, and the gorgeous red dress appeared out of thin air.

Hongshuang stood there, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Can I leave now?"

Yun Qing didn't make a sound.

Hongshuang sat down on her own, stared at him and said, "You have eaten up that little guy, and you want me to act with you? It's too much trouble."

It's okay not to talk about it, but when Yun Qing is mentioned, he feels panicked.

But he was used to being calm, so his expression remained unchanged, he just picked up the wine glass and drank the spirits again.

Hongshuang has been with him for thousands of years, and she is very familiar with his sullen temper, so she couldn't help frowning: "That little thing doesn't like you?"

Yun Qing slightly exerted force on the hand holding the wine glass.

Hongshuang said in surprise: "How is it possible? When I first came, that little guy wanted to eat me and said he didn't like you, who would believe it?"

Yun Qing stared at the wine glass, and finally said: "But later, it's not that he doesn't hate you anymore."

Hongshuang was startled, but didn't answer the words.

Indeed, Xiao He's attitude towards her has changed a lot these days. It is no longer the initial indifference and resistance. Instead, he can talk to her and praise her cooking skills frequently. It is as if he has completely accepted her.

At that time, Hongshuang only thought that Xiao He was pretending to provoke Yun Qing, but now that she thinks about it...it's not an act at all.

Could it be... Hongshuang was a little unbelievable: "He admired you for so many years, how could he change his heart so quickly?"

"You also said that it is admiration, can admiration and liking be the same?"

Hongshuang frowned slightly, Yun Qing continued: "At his age, how much love can you expect from him?"

Teenage age, impulsive, fickle.

Feelings come and go faster.

At that time, I thought it was a pledge of eternal love, but afterwards it was just a fleeting cloud, fleeting.

Hongshuang frowned, but asked him back: "What are you thinking? He is your lover, if he doesn't love you, you will be free, right? It's a matter of both, why are you suffering? "

Yun Qing's body froze slightly.

Hongshuang stared at him, with sharp words and sharp words: "Yunqing, I'm not talking about you. You have never been attracted to anyone for thousands of years. It's rare that you like it. Why hide? Why should you break off?" The word love is indeed like a wolf and a tiger when it is fierce, but it is as sweet as honey when you follow the trend. If you like it, so what? If you say it will block the road..." Hongshuang looked at him, He asked without blinking, "At your level of cultivation, how is the way of heaven, can't you see through it?"

A few words, like the sound of a mallet, make people wake up.

The authorities were confused by the onlookers, Yun Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, but her eyes were full of starlight.

Hongshuang's voice continued: "Stop saying that he doesn't like you, if you want him to like you, can he refuse?"

Yun Qing got up suddenly, fluttered his robe, rolled up green bamboo leaves on the ground, stared at Hongshuang and said: "He is my love robbery, and I am also his robbery, I agree with him, he will suffer all his life …”

Before he finished speaking, Hongshuang interrupted with a frown: "Since you love him, is it possible that you can't protect him well?"

Yun Qing was shocked suddenly, her heart was completely clear.

The most embarrassing thing for him is the sadness of the calamity of love, but what if he doesn't survive the calamity

At worst, he stopped practicing and never asked about the way of heaven. But you can stay with him forever.

The taste of love, you don't know if you don't taste it, how can you let go after you taste it

If it's a thousand years of heaven in exchange for hugging and staying with him, he is willing.

As for Xiao He's catastrophe, he will bear it for him, even if it is a ten-felony crime, it doesn't matter, he will definitely protect him for eternal life!

Xiao He had nightmares all night, and when he woke up the next day, his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, and his clothes were completely wet with cold sweat.

In the dream, all his thoughts were made public, and everyone knew about his admiration for Master.

Then he was questioned by his wife, asking why he did this to her.

She was so kind to him, why would he repay his kindness with kindness!

Then, he saw Master.

As elegant as before, but those pale eyes are full of disgust and contempt.

What did he hear... Even if Xiao He wakes up from a dream, thinking of those words, he can't help but flinch.

"Xiao He, you are really disgusting."

Yes, he's disgusting, dirty, depraved, and worthless!

He knew it was a nightmare, but Xiao He knew very clearly that this would become a reality, and if his thoughts leaked out, all of this would come true.

Can't... must not!

Xiao He soaked in the spiritual spring, trying to calm down.

He wants to bury all of this deep in his heart, and he wants to make these a secret forever, no one will know, no one will!

He no longer expects, no longer desires, as long as it can maintain the status quo.

Yes, as long as it stays like this.

Coming out of Lingquan, Xiao He had already strengthened his faith.

But soon, he became a little apprehensive again.

His classes resumed, and Yun Qing never mentioned what happened that day again, just as before, he taught the class in person and answered questions in person.

Xiao He was nervous and restrained, and often lost his mind because of his own thoughts, but Yun Qing never blamed him. Instead, he guided him carefully, taught him patiently, and was much more serious than before.

It's not that Xiao He couldn't feel it, but he was very scared.

The better Master treats him, the clearer that dream will be.

Don't expect, don't despair.

If there is no comparison, it will not be lost.

But such a huge contrast can drive people crazy.

Xiao He couldn't think about it, but Yun Qing had extraordinary patience, constantly tolerant him and gave him the best.

Lectures in the morning, practice in the afternoon, and in the evening, Yun Qing prepared a sumptuous dinner for Xiao He.

Although Xiao He was nervous, he was still young after all, and when he saw his favorite food, he couldn't help being moved.

Purple berry is a century-old fairy fruit with thin skin and juicy taste. Xiao He liked the taste very much after eating the first one.

It's just that the growth conditions of this fruit are very harsh, and the yield is extremely low. It only bears one fruit in a hundred years, so it is expensive and is an extremely luxurious fairy fruit.

But now, what was placed in front of Xiao He was a full plate, so many that people who know how to do it would feel distressed when they saw it.

Xiao He only knew that this item was scarce, but he really didn't know how expensive it was. At first glance, such a large plate looked like an ordinary fruit.

He was in a bad mood, and being able to eat some delicious fruit was considered a relief, so he peeled the skin and started to move without thinking too much.

This purple berry is not small in size and has a lot of juice. If it can't be stuffed in one mouthful, it will inevitably spill some juice.

Yun Qing never ate these things, just sitting there at the moment, watching Xiao He's cheeks bulge and bulge.

The young man is fair and has exquisite facial features. Although he has been depressed for a while because of emotional injuries, he is in a good mood because he is late for his favorite fruit. His big eyes are bright and moist, and he is so cute that people want to hug him. arms.

Although Xiao He ate carefully, the fruit juice was too much, and occasionally it would flow out.

The rosy lips were stained with lavender juice, and under the light halo of the luminous pearl, they looked even more exciting.

Yun Qing's heart moved, she couldn't help getting up slightly, and stretched out her fingers to touch his chin.

He really wanted to kiss her, but suddenly saw the panic in Xiao He's eyes, and he woke up immediately. Don't rush it, it will scare him.

Yun Qing smiled slightly, moved a little away, and wiped the juice from his lips with his fingers: "Be careful, it will get on your clothes."

Xiao He suddenly returned to his senses, lowered his head and wiped it carelessly, and said in a deep voice, "Thank you, Master."

This little episode passed by in a flash, as if it never happened.

But Xiao He suffered from insomnia all night.

He felt that he was going crazy. When he closed his eyes, it was the image of the master bowing his head and kissing him. When he opened his eyes again, there was another pair of cold eyes full of disgust and contempt...

With such alternation of heaven and hell, Xiao He was completely afraid of the night.

Because, he couldn't sleep at all, couldn't sleep at all.

However... this is just the beginning.

Xiao He felt that he was living in a fantasy all day long.

He always felt that the master was looking at him very passionately, always felt that the master was touching him vaguely, and he was even fantasizing that the master wanted to kiss him.

But... how is it possible!

For seven consecutive days, Xiao He only slept for two or three hours, and Xiao He couldn't stand it anymore.

It just so happened that Yun Qing didn't come to look for him that day, so Xiao He wanted to go out for a walk.

Although Luo Fei went on a mission, Senior Brother Rui Xin was still on the mountain.

Xiao He originally wanted to find Rui Xin, but the cleaning boy told him: "Senior Brother Rui Xin is out to play, and he probably won't be back until evening."

Xiao He was slightly disappointed.

He originally wanted to wander back to Qingluan Palace, but suddenly his mind changed again.

Simply because the master is not here, he can go out to play on his own.

He dare not touch the monkey wine in Huaxianglou, but the demon world is still very fun, and it is not bad to go to relax.

After figuring it out, Xiao He packed up and went down the mountain by himself.

Although no one took it with him, because it was the land of the contract, Xiao He was not too worried. He prepared a few magic weapons for protection, and he crossed the boundary.

The demon world was still flourishing, Xiao He wandered around, and walked in after seeing this lively shop.

Going in was a little eye-opening.

The lobby is very lively, there are many monks in fairy clothes, and many monsters in sexy clothes. They get along casually and capriciously, and even have cute cat ears and cat tails exposed.

Xiao He was dazzled by seeing it, and felt that the vast world was full of wonders.

Sitting alone is more attractive, and a waiter came over to say hello: "Guest officer, what do you want?"

Xiao He picked up the menu and looked at it, he couldn't laugh or cry, the names of the dishes were so weird that he couldn't understand what they were at all.

The waiter in the shop was very enthusiastic, and after explaining to him one by one, Xiao He finally understood that these were all wine!

Xiao He was really afraid of drinking, so he resolutely refused to drink.

The shop waiter didn't feel embarrassed, but said: "It doesn't matter if the guest is not good at drinking, we have raccoon fruit wine here, which tastes sweet and fragrant, not intoxicating at all, and it also has the effect of helping sleep."

The last sentence moved Xiao He, he thought for a while and said, "Let's have a pot."

The waiter smiled and said, "Okay!"

After dismissing the waiter, Xiao He sat alone, looking around curiously. At this moment, a deep and sexy voice came from behind him.

"Little guy, alone?"

Xiao He turned his head, and when he saw the person coming, he was startled suddenly.

With long and narrow eyes, exquisite facial features, and a world-class elegance, she can't wait to turn everything around her into a dark night.


Why is Master here

Xiao He's eyes were full of shock, but this person suddenly leaned forward, bowed his head and kissed his lips.

"I think you're waiting for me, right?"

The frivolous tone, the ambiguous words, and the wanton look at the end of the eyes...

Xiao He blinked, staring fixedly at his fiery long red hair.

This is not Master...

But, they look too much alike!