Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 51


… You know I'll never have him.

With just this sentence, Yun Qing's movements suddenly stopped.

He looked at Xiao He, and there was a surge of heat in his heart, but he didn't dare to touch it.

The meaning in those words was so beautiful, he was afraid that if he touched it, it would disappear like a mirror in water.

"Why..." Yun Qing leaned over and looked straight into his eyes, "Why can't I get him."

Xiao He and him looked at each other, only felt that today's Hongqing was too strange, very much like a master, not just the appearance, but the temperament between the eyebrows and eyes.

But... this can't be Shizun, how could Shizun be with him...be like him...

Just thinking about it for a while, it was like touching a taboo box, making Xiao He shrink back, and at the same time, he was also attacked by a huge heat current, which made his body scald like fire.

In a trance, he looked at the red hair of the man on his body, and calmed down a little.

This is Hongqing, indeed Hongqing.

While he breathed a sigh of relief, a humiliated anger welled up in his heart.

"Enough! Hong Qing, if you do this again, I will never see you again."

He tried to break free, but Yun Qing grabbed his waist, making him immobile, Xiao He glared at him, but in this situation, his face was flushed, his red lips were moist, and his eyes were full of water vapor , Even if you try to stare wide, it doesn't have the slightest deterrent effect, on the contrary, it becomes more and more captivating.

Yun Qing couldn't help moving, and lowered her head in his ear and asked softly, "Tell me, why?"

With such force, Xiao He's brows were furrowed in pain, and when he heard him asking such a question, he couldn't help but a surge of evil fire rushed straight up, and couldn't bear it anymore, he shouted in a low voice: "He is my master! He has a wife! He doesn't like me! Can I get him? How can I get him! You know it all, but you keep asking, is it interesting? You humiliate me like this, after all... "

Before he finished speaking, Yun Qing bowed his head and kissed him forcefully.

Xiao He was angry in his heart, he didn't want to kiss him, and wanted to turn his head to hide, but Yun Qing refused to let go at all, wishing to eat him vigorously.

A little arrogant, a little impatient, a kiss is like a violent storm, one can't wait to blow him into the boundless sea, let him float and agitate, so that he can only hold him tightly, hug him, and beg him constantly .

"Say it again, Xiao He, say it again." The man's voice was hoarse and deep, sexy and gentle, so nice that it made one's heart tremble, and he wished he could grant all his requests.

Xiao He stared in confusion, unable to tell what he wanted him to say.

Yun Qing then guided him: "Say it once, say that you like him, Yun Qing, and your master."

Xiao He refused to tell, so Yun Qing refused to give it to him.

Xiao He couldn't bear it, and after holding on for a while, he said it in a muffled voice.

And then... Excited to the brim.

For a whole day, Xiao He couldn't get out of bed.

He thought Hong Qing was crazy, absolutely crazy.

To be endless, let him say those words, keep leading him, and pour out all the things that can't be said, can't be said, and can't be found to be said.

In fact, Xiao He felt a great relief, but he really couldn't understand Hong Qing.

Does anyone have this hobby

This is absolutely perverted!

Xiao He fell into a coma in the end, thanks to the good physique of the monk, otherwise he felt that he would die on the bed.

But Yun Qing was reluctant to let go of him, kept holding him, carefully put him in his arms, lowered his head and kissed him tenderly, pouring out the affection that was too deep to melt away: "I I love you, Xiao He."

Long-cherished wishes come true, it turns out that it will make people so crazy.

Xiao He slept all night and one day, and he didn't wake up until the evening of the next day.

Then he felt...he needed to have a good talk with Hongqing.

If he continues to indulge like this, half his life will be played!

How can anyone be so crazy? Who can stand it!

Xiao He thought indignantly that he had waited until the evening to reach the top of the tree.

In the past, Hongqing always appeared as soon as the sun went down, why is it so late today

Xiao He frowned, but didn't think too much about it.

Maybe it was delayed by something, maybe he won't come today, it's all possible, no one stipulated that he should come every night.

After waiting until midnight, Xiao He felt that he probably wouldn't come, so he went to the bathroom, washed up and got ready to sleep.

It doesn't matter if you have something to say another day.

It's just that he just soaked in the water, the curtain shook, and the red-haired man appeared.

Xiao He frowned, just when he was about to speak, Hong Qing had already taken off his clothes, strode into the water, and pulled him into his arms.

"Hey..." Xiao He didn't even finish greeting, Hong Qing had already kissed his lips forcefully.

"Well... Hongqing... you..."

"Baby, I miss you, I miss you very much." As he spoke, he broke in with hot water without any foreplay.

Xiao He was in so much pain that he couldn't help cursing: "You're never finished, Hongqing you..."

It's a pity that he couldn't finish his sentence, so Hong Qing blocked him back.

The lunatic had to eat something, Xiao He was so tired that he didn't want to move, Ren Hongqing dried him off, and then hugged him back to the bed.

Seeing that this unrestrained guy was coming again, Xiao He hurriedly pulled off the quilt to wrap himself up, and warned: "Hongqing! Listen to me, I will ignore you at night from now on, but you are not allowed to do that during the day! And we can't Qingluan Mountain, let's go back to the demon world, shall we..."

Hongqing raised her eyebrows and asked back, "Daytime?"

Xiao He stared at him confidently: "Yes! From now on, you are not allowed to mess around in the daytime. It's okay for you to stay around day and night, but I can't do it!"

Hong Qing didn't care what he said at all, he thought about it in his heart and understood everything.

He forgot the time that day, and was robbed by Yun Qing in the morning. It seems... what did that rigid guy take the opportunity to do

He thought he didn't like him, but he did...

Hong Qing moved closer to Xiao He, put his ear in his mouth, and asked in a low voice, "Honey, how many times did we do it during the day?"

Xiao He was tickled by his kiss, and wanted to turn his head to avoid it, but Hong Qing refused and continued to question him.

How could Xiao He remember clearly... His face was blushing, and his voice wanted to be strict, but because of being kissed repeatedly, it became soft and messed up: "Who... who remembers clearly!"

Hongqing turned over and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, it must not be too late at night!"

Seeing that he was coming again, Xiao He was really a little scared, he quickly said: "Take a break, let's talk, Hongqing, can you stop..."

"Not tonight." Hong Qing kissed him, and said anxiously, "Xiao He, you must follow me tonight, okay, I may have to leave for a while, and I won't be able to kiss you by then. I want to die!"

Xiao He keenly grasped the key point in his words: "You want to leave?"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Hongqing's beautiful eyes: "No way, your good master is coming back, and he will definitely not let me out... It will be difficult for me to see you at that time, so don't refuse me tonight." , let me love you well, okay? Xiao He, I like you, I really like you, I like you to the bottom of my heart."

He was so good-looking and straight-tempered, he talked a lot about this kind of love, but to be honest, Xiao He couldn't bear it every time.

As long as he saw his eyes and his face, Xiao He couldn't stand it at all.

Hong Qing was well aware of his weakness, so she coaxed him all the time, insisting that Xiao He would not do it before, but she did it tonight.

The next morning, Hongqing fell asleep contentedly holding him.

Xiao He was also tired, so he fell asleep without thinking about driving him away.

The morning sun shone in densely, but it couldn't hide the beauty of the room in the house.

Yun Qing woke up from a deep sleep, and felt the softness and delicateness in her arms in a trance.

He lowered his head and saw the peaceful and obedient sleeping face of the boy.

Yun Qing's heart moved, and his body reacted immediately.

But when he lowered his head again, he frowned slightly when he saw the traces on the young man's body.

Is this a tossing all night? Really no restraint.

Yun Qing restrained her desire, raised her finger, a ray of white light flowed from the finger, landed on the young man, slowly enveloping him completely.

Those red spots and marks faded away one by one, and at the same time relieved his physical fatigue.

Xiao He slept so soundly, it was simply the best sleep in his life.

I didn't think about anything, I didn't dream about anything, I was so relieved, so comfortable that I dare not think about it.

The extremely deep sleep made his whole body relax.

Both physically and mentally, I feel more relaxed than ever.

Sleep well and wake up fast.

Before Xiao He opened his eyes, he felt the warm chest behind him, and was still a little puzzled.

Didn't Hongqing say that she would leave for a while? Didn't leave

He opened his eyes, turned his head, and was startled suddenly when he saw the person behind him.

Under the hazy yellow sunset, the man's black hair seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, scattered randomly, and floated to the naked chest, dyeing the originally ascetic body with an incomparable sense of sexiness.

Xiao He has never seen such a master, but he has no doubt that this is a master.

Seeing that he was awake, Yun Qing smiled slightly, lowered her head very naturally, and kissed him on the lips.

Xiao He... didn't know how to react.

Is this a dream? It must be a dream.

Otherwise, how could such an incredible thing happen.

Xiao He was numb and dazed, his only thought at the moment was to lie down, close his eyes, and continue to sleep.

Let such a beautiful dream last for a while longer.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qing felt cute and distressed. He put his arms around him, pressed his ear, and said in a low and gentle voice: "Xiao He, it's me."

Xiao He still didn't respond at all.

Yun Qing kissed his slender neck and whispered: "I am Yun Qing, Xiao He, I love you."

One sentence made Xiao He completely stiff as if struck by lightning.

"Master... Master."


"What did you... say?"

"I love you." Yun Qing repeated without hesitation, "Xiao He, I love you."

Xiao He was dumbfounded, staring straight ahead, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "This is wrong, Master, you...have a wife."

"I don't. Hongshuang is my junior sister, not my wife. I have never had a wife, nor have I ever had a lover. In this life, I am only tempted by you, and in this life, I only want you."