Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 56


This is not Master, definitely not...

But... Could Hongqing have black hair? Would Hongqing have such an indifferent and alienated demeanor

Is it necessary for Hongqing to become a master again to confuse him

It can't be Hongqing.

So... this is Master.

This sentence kept flashing and wandering in Xiao He's mind like a spell, almost bringing him to the brink of collapse.

He didn't know how long he could hide this matter, but he was still eager to hide it for a while, because it was something he couldn't explain.

Betrayal is betrayal, no matter what the reason is, there is no room for tolerance.

But... He really didn't want to, really didn't want to lose him.

If today is destined, why let him have it

If you can't get it, it won't be so painful, right

Standing there, Xiao He only felt as if he was naked. Standing in front of the crowd, there was nothing to hide, nothing to hide, and he could only wait with a heart full of despair for his contemptuous and scornful sight.

I don't know how long the stalemate lasted, Xiao He thought it was as long as a century, and thought it was as fast as the blink of an eye.

In short, his brain can't think, so he can't tell the passage of time.

Yun Qing came over and stared at him with downcast eyes.

Xiao He's body trembled slightly, and he flinched a bit.

Yun Qing raised her hand, and her fair fingers brushed across his rosy lips, then his neck, and finally his fair body.

Those red spots, those bruises, those fingerprints, he touched them one by one, stroked them lightly, and finally even touched there.

Xiao He's heart skipped a beat, and he said anxiously: "Master... Master."

Yun Qing didn't make a sound, but separated some with her fingers.

Xiao He was taken aback, and felt awkwardly what was flowing down his legs.

That's... He didn't have time to clean it up, something that belonged to Hongqing.

Xiao He didn't dare to think about what mood Master was in right now.

The next moment, Yun Qing picked him up by the waist and walked into the bathroom without any explanation.

He didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and Xiao He was even more afraid to speak.

He patiently cleaned him as usual, carefully applied the medicine to him, and there was nothing unusual about him other than a cold look on his face.

But the more this happened, the more afraid Xiao He became, the more panicked he was, and the more at a loss what to do.

After cleaning, Yun Qing stepped forward without any preconditions, and followed by a rhythm so fast that one's heart would be knocked out.

Xiao He was silent and just passively endured.

After it was over, Yun Qing hugged him, turned him around, and saw his pale face, biting his bloodshot lip, and the unstoppable tears that flowed down his face.

A twinge of pain spread from the heart, Yun Qing sighed, placed a soft kiss on his forehead, and whispered: "Come on, tell me what's going on."

Xiao He looked up at him, unable to say a word.

He didn't know what to say at all, saying that he didn't love Hongqing, but because of Hongqing's threats, did he have sex with him

Will Master believe it

So what if you believe it

Would Master want to kill Hong Qing

When the time comes, Hong Qing will be furious...

This is a dead end at all, a dead end where Xiao He has no hope no matter what.

He couldn't untie it, so he just wanted to escape, but now... there was no escape.

"Master..." Xiao He opened his mouth, but he could only call out his name.

Yun Qing looked at him calmly: "Don't you want to say it?"

Xiao He frowned, bit his lip, and tensed up to the extreme.

Yun Qing's eyes darkened slightly, and he changed the question: "Then tell me, who did it?"

Xiao He remained motionless.

Yun Qing continued to ask: "Is Hong Qing?"

A simple name and two simple words made Xiao He's eyes widen suddenly, full of astonishment and fear.

"It really is him." Yun Qing affirmed.

He knew it all, Master already knew it...

There was a ringing in Xiao He's head, and a mess of emotions surged up, and he couldn't understand it at all.

"Xiao He, don't be afraid." Yun Qing's voice was very gentle, as if he was afraid of alarming him, "Tell me, why did you do these things with him?"

Yun Qing raised her eyebrows: "Is it because you like him?"

"No! No!" Xiao He said hastily, his voice trembling, "I like Shizun, and I only like Shizun."

"Like me..." Yun Qing looked at him calmly, "But can you hang out with him every night?"

Xiao He was at a loss for words again.

"Xiao He." Yun Qing moved closer to his ear and asked in a low voice, "Is it because I failed to satisfy you?"

"No, Master..." Xiao He couldn't help but grabbed his shirt and said anxiously, "No, really not."

"I'm afraid of hurting you every time, and I endure it every time. I'm always worried that you're too tired and that you won't be able to bear it, but in fact...you can't be satisfied at all, can you?" Yun Qing's voice was still low, But deep in that clear voice, there was a hint of darkness as thick as the night.

Xiao He shook his head desperately, constantly denying it.

Yun Qing kissed him, and said softly: "If you want it, tell me, I can give it to you as many times as you want."

"Master... Master..." Xiao He felt something strange under him, and he couldn't help but let out a low voice, his voice was rapid, like a fish short of water, hovering on the verge of death.

"Xiao He, tell me, okay..." Yun Qing moved extremely quickly, with a rude and arrogant voice that was completely opposite to his tone, "Tell me what's going on between you two."

Xiao He grabbed his back tightly, constantly experiencing the alternation of great pain and great joy, and his head was also dizzy.

And Yun Qing's voice, like a seducer from ancient times, tempted him to speak out everything in his heart without reservation.

Xiao He raised his head, and under the cover of blankness in his mind, he suddenly felt that everything didn't matter.

Master already knows everything, what else does he need to hide

If it was destined to die, he would rather die by his side, in his arms.

It is also a kind of satisfaction.

"Master... Hongqing and I lived together long before you and I..."

Accompanied by Xiao He's raving voice, it was Yun Qing who kept asking and giving.

On this day when day and night could not be distinguished, on this day that was thought to be hopeless and death, Xiao He spoke out everything.

At the beginning, what can be said, what cannot be said, what I thought would be hidden in my heart for a lifetime, I said it all.

Yun Qing lost the tenderness of the past, kept wanting him and attracting him, making Xiao He constantly ups and downs in an almost illusory world.

This feeling is indescribable. After obtaining the supreme happiness, I can forget all the pain and sorrow.

Even if the next moment is the devil's cave hell, he has also enjoyed the dreamy beauty of the fairyland.

It makes people feel extremely satisfied, which may be a little morbid, but I have to say, it is very relaxing and enjoyable, and I really don't want to wake up.

After the lingering and chaotic days and nights.

Xiao He fell into a coma completely, let go of all his defenses, let go of all his knots, and leaned against Yun Qing's arms like an obedient child, sleeping soundly and peacefully.

Yun Qing looked down at him, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He could actually tell him from the very beginning that Hongqing is him and he is Hongqing.

But he couldn't say it.

As long as he thinks of Xiao He hugging someone behind his back, even if that person is him, he still has the urge to destroy everything.

He loves him to the bottom of his heart, loves him to the top of his heart, so there is no room for infidelity.

Hong Qing is also him, but Xiao He doesn't know.

In Xiao He's heart, they are two people.

Can he hold two people in his heart? How can two people be accommodated

As long as he thinks that his beautiful heart is not all about him, Yun Qing can't stand it with jealousy, his heart seems to be eaten by wild beasts, the pain is unbearable, and the pain is so painful that everyone wants to feel it.

His Xiao He said he loved him, so how could he lie to him

His Xiao He can only be his, how can he pretend to be other people

But luckily... he heard what he wanted to hear.

Xiao He loves him, Xiao He belongs to him

Xiao He's feelings for him are the same as he has for him.

Yun Qing slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, an extremely beautiful smile bloomed on his lips, he lowered his head and kissed the young man's rosy lips.

All affection was no longer concealed, and there was a little bright red in those pale eyes.

With one heart and one soul, it is not surprising to fall in love with the same person.


Xiao He really hoped that he wouldn't wake up, then his memories would only be happy and not painful.

But... when the sun pierced his eyes, he opened his eyes and returned to reality.

At that moment, his heart was icy cold, and he really had the urge to close his eyes forever.

But soon, he felt the blazing warmth behind him.

Xiao He turned his head and saw Master, his eyes were full of surprise and incredulity: "Master..."

"Yeah." Yun Qing hugged him, "Are you awake? I don't have anything to do today, let's sleep for a while."

Xiao He was numb, and shrank back honestly, leaning against Yun Qing's arms, but he couldn't sleep because he was beaten to death.

Master is very calm... very calm... but... last night clearly...

Feeling his body trembling slightly, Yun Qing asked: "Can't sleep?"

Xiao He nodded sullenly.

Yun Qing pulled him away from his arms, looked into his eyes and said, "So, let's talk?"

Xiao He didn't know what he was going to say, but he was so nervous that he died.

"Xiao He, I was wrong last night, and I won't do it again in the future." Yun Qing kissed him on the forehead.

Master is apologizing? But... why!

Xiao He looked at him with wide eyes.

Then Yun Qing said something that shocked Xiao He so much that he couldn't hold it back.

"Hongqing is me, and I am Hongqing, so you don't have to worry so much."

After a while... Xiao He couldn't recover, he murmured: "Master, I don't understand."

"The mind method I practice needs to cut off emotion and desire before the ninth level, but as long as I am a human being, how can I be completely ruthless and desireless, but this mental method requires this. For the second thought, it became Yunqing and Hongqing."

Xiao He listened in a daze.

"Yunqing is me, and Hongqing is also me, but he carries most of the hidden and abandoned things, and only appears by chance."