Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 64


He wants to kill you.

Xiao He didn't understand even more: "Is he referring to Fan Shen?"

Qin Su nodded.

Xiao He said in disbelief: "How is it possible..."

Although he met many Fan Shens, it was no surprise that every Fan Shen liked him very much. If he liked him, why would he want to kill him? It's not realistic.

Xiao He couldn't figure it out, and Qin Su didn't hold back anymore, he spoke slowly and explained to him one by one.

"Let's analyze the world you just experienced. When you first entered, you had identity and experience. You were the third son of the Zongyang Xiao family who was exterminated. Then you met the young master and your memory was erased. After that, there will be nine blank years, and then you and the young master will meet... "

Qin Su narrated it from beginning to end. Xiao He listened, but couldn't feel the crux of the problem.

Until Qin Su said: "The young master did not destroy the Zongyang Xiao family, but 'Xiao He' himself, but have you ever thought that this is the young master's world, and the young master's wishes represent everything. I think you ruined the Zongyang Xiao family, so you have the ability to destroy them..."

Xiao He was taken aback, a thread of thought drifted through his mind.

Qin Su continued: "Look at what you experienced in that world, the hardships you experienced when you were young, the ups and downs when you grew up, even if you are with the young master, there are countless misunderstandings, big and small, is this a coincidence? "

Xiao He suddenly remembered what Yun Qing said at the last moment: "Since this is my world...then I just want to be with you, but why can't I get what I want?"

That's right, since this is Fan Shen's world, and Fan Shen likes him, why do they have to go through so many hardships

Seeing that Xiao He began to understand, Qin Su continued to explain: "The young master has a lot of split personalities, but there is no doubt that all the personalities who met you fell in love with you, but at the same time, those personalities also fell in love with you. The rupture of the sub-world, they all merged into the main personality, but it does not mean that all personalities want such an ending."

Xiao He frowned: "But I did it twice in a row..."

"Yes, you have confessed the truth to the young master of the second world and the young master of the third world. They all chose to trust you, but... that is the basis for them to fall in love with you, like you, and want to get you above."

Xiao He finally understood: "You mean, Fan Shen's other personalities, those who have not been in contact with me, are actively rejecting them?"

"Yes." Qin Su pushed his glasses, closed his notebook, looked at Xiao He and said, "They know that if they meet you, they will fall in love with you, and the price of falling in love with you is to destroy the world they are in So they began to resist instinctively, setting up countless impossibles at the beginning, making you painful, making you unable to fall in love with him, or making them unable to trust you, even if they fell in love, they would only want to To get rid of."

These words were too convoluted, and Xiao He still couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"But...he's not going to kill me either."

"Why not?" Qin Su said calmly: "They don't want to destroy their own world. If they kill you from the beginning, then there will be no collapse of existence; or they are reluctant to kill you, but they don't want to destroy you." If you can't bear to part with your own world, then if they just trap you in that world, wouldn't you have both? And you will never wake up, and what awaits you in reality... is still death."

Xiao He understood completely, and he couldn't help but gasp.

To be honest, this sounds a little ridiculous.

But based on Xiao He's current understanding of Fan Shen, he felt... This is very likely to happen.

Seeing that Xiao He understood, Qin Su lowered his eyes, and after knocking on the notebook for a while, returned the revised contract to him.

Xiao He looked at the doubled commission, but didn't feel much.

Qin Su said: "After all, this is a life-threatening matter. If you refuse, we will not force it, but the young master..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Xiao He sighed and looked at him, "It's all for this sake, why are you pretending, I've fallen into this trap a long time ago, can I still get out?"

Qin Su didn't make a sound.

Xiao He turned his head to look at Fan Shen, his eyes were soft, and his voice was low: "Now you tell me not to wake him up, I can't even do it."

He was in love with him, no doubt about it.

How could Xiao He let his lover be unconscious

Not to mention that his life was in danger, even if he was asked to exchange his life for his life, he would not hesitate at all.

The only thing he regrets is probably not being able to be filial in front of his parents, and he doesn't care about anything else.

Xiao He chose to continue the treatment without a doubt.

Although Qin Su was calm on the surface, he was secretly relieved.

Although Xiao He's deep sleep this time was shorter than last time, only half a year or so, but he woke up halfway last time, but this time he slept until now, so he needs to go home and meet his parents friend.

Qin Su was extremely efficient and had already made arrangements, and Xiao He arrived at the house in the afternoon.

It has been half a year since the son left, and Xiao's father and Xiao's mother couldn't help but think about it when they saw it.

Although Qin Su arranged for someone to simulate the voice to call Xiao's father and Xiao's mother regularly to greet him, but he still thought about not seeing each other.

Xiao He also misses his parents. It was only half a year for them when he left, but it was a full ten years for Xiao He.

Although it is amnesia, those experiences are actually printed in my mind.

Xiao He couldn't do without having fun with his parents and friends.

It's just that he misses his sister a little bit, he didn't see her last time when he came back, and he missed it again this time.

Xiao He couldn't help asking: "Dad, what are you busy with, my little sister? The phone is blocked again."

As soon as Father Xiao mentioned this daughter, one head was bigger than the two, and he sighed: "She came back a month ago, but she came and left in a hurry, and didn't even have time to eat a meal."

Xiao's mother also said: "A girl from every family, who doesn't know how to dress up beautifully, squats in that research room all day long, tell me...how can this be done!"

Xiao's father was also worried: "That's right, our girl is so beautiful, why does she seem to be unable to get married..."

After Xiao He listened to the first sentence, and then the last sentence, he was also very worried.

Xiao Rong is indeed very capable, but no matter how capable she is, she is still a little girl. If this delay continues, her youth will be exhausted.

If it was before, Xiao He could still stay with his sister and watch her.

But now Xiao He is too busy to take care of himself, and he really can't catch this younger sister who can't see the end of the dragon.

The whole family sighed and struggled for a while, and finally Xiao He was afraid of hurting his parents, so he changed the topic and said something else.

But he was thinking about it in his heart, always thinking of leaving a message for his sister later, telling her to pay attention, don't try too hard.

Although what she does is state secrets, she still has to take care of her family a little bit!

Xiao He stayed at home for more than a week, and went out with his parents to have a good time (the benefit of not bad money).

When he was about to leave, Father Xiao secretly called him again, and gave him the money that Xiao He had brought back: "Your mother and I both have pensions, and we don't need to spend money on food, so you can take the money. Useful, when you are old enough to marry a daughter-in-law, you should be more generous and leave your family alone..."

Xiao He didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Dad, you can keep it. I'm working very well now and earning a lot of money. You don't have to worry about me."

Father Xiao was dissatisfied: "If you earn a lot, save it for yourself, it's useless to give it to us."

Xiao He said: "Why is it useless? I can feel at ease if I put the money in yours, and I will treat it as if you saved it for me!"

Xiao's father was afraid that his son would be wronged outside, so he wanted to say more, but Xiao He had already rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and slipped away very fast.

He is really not short of money now.

There are still several million in the account. If he was not afraid of scaring his parents, he would have given them all.

After walking a little further, the people arranged by Qin Su picked up Xiao He and returned to the suburban manor.

Xiao He walked away for a week, and it seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. When he saw Qin Su again, he greeted him in a good mood.

Qin Su has become more and more gentle because of getting along for such a long time. Although he acts rigidly, after getting along with such a person for a long time, people will feel an inexplicable sense of reliability.

"Mr. Xiao, you are back."

Xiao He complied, stepped forward, and returned to the treatment room familiarly.

Seeing Fan Shen, Xiao He felt at ease, but also a little anxious.

He really wanted to wake him up quickly, really wanted to be able to say even a word to him in reality.

When he started to connect the devices, Xiao He suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help asking: "Qin Su, there is a question that I have never understood."

Qin Su looked at him: "Please tell me, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao He paused for a moment before organizing his words and said, "Since what I have entered is Fan Shen's spiritual world, why would there be someone like Su Chenzhi?"

Xiao He was very impressed with this young man, he was almost full of malice towards him, and he had a mean personality, he was a downright negative character.

Qin Su's eyes flickered slightly, but he quickly adjusted his emotions and said softly: "Although it is a spiritual world, the spiritual fragments that appear in it come from all directions. Just like us, we come into contact with different people every day, and these people All will form projections in our brains, and the projections will evolve into mental fragments, naturally constructing a nearly complete 'world'."

"So that's how it is." Xiao He understood.

But then, Xiao He was a little puzzled... In Fan Shen's world, there are really enough projections. Has Fan Shen come into contact with so many people

It's incredible to think about it.

But Xiao He didn't think about it deeply, after all he was a nerd and didn't like to socialize, but with Fan Shen's status, it was normal for him to meet many people.

After solving his doubts, Xiao He lay down and prepared to connect.

Although he had experienced it three times, this time he was much more nervous than before.

After all... this time is dangerous.

Before starting the instrument, Qin Su told him: "Please be careful."

Xiao He nodded and said, "Okay."

The instrument started, and Xiao He's consciousness began to blur.

He made a lot of mental preparations, but when he woke up, he was still stunned.

A bone-piercing numbness surged from the bottom of his heart, Xiao He was already familiar with this feeling, he opened his eyes tremblingly, and before he could see anything clearly, he already felt a violent impact behind him.

Small voices leaked out of his mouth uncontrollably, and Xiao He heard the familiar gorgeous voice.

"What? You started to enjoy it so soon?"