Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 69


"... at least give him a way out."

Xiao He was taken aback suddenly.

The young man in white continued to say: "You know best what you have done to him. It is already a miracle that he survived! Please don't appear in front of him again, please? Please don't count him again, okay? I don't care if you want to harm someone, but can you change someone, don't catch the same person every time!"

His voice is beautiful, crisp and sweet, like a stream of clear springs. Especially such a low begging, it is even more touching.

But Xiao He only felt a stagnation in his heart.

If he were that Xiao He, he would feel so guilty that he couldn't help himself at this moment.

Unfortunately, he is not.

He can admit that he hurt Fan Shen, but he definitely doesn't think that he will continue to hurt Fan Shen in the future.

The past is irreversible, but now and in the future, he can guarantee that he will not disappoint Fan Shen!

"Please go out." Xiao He lowered his eyebrows coldly, and whispered the order to evict the guest.

The young man in white was a little surprised, his beautiful eyes couldn't help but widen.

Xiao He looked at him calmly, and the temperature in his voice was not high: "That's between me and him, and you don't need to question it."

After all, he is the youngest marshal of the Galactic Empire, and he is an outstanding general who shocked the world.

Xiao He lowered his eyes and lowered his voice, his whole body's momentum was breathtaking.

The young man in white's face turned pale, and he was a little afraid at this moment.

After all... He used to admire him that much.

But soon, the young prince who was full of ashes and was fighting desperately in the swarm of insects broke into his mind.


It was this aloof man who did such a disgusting thing.

It is this role model admired by thousands of people who is so filthy behind the scenes!

He used the young prince for his own benefit.

Seduce, seduce, and finally push him into the abyss mercilessly.

Such a despicable method, such a shameless deception, such a lunatic!

Such a man, what qualifications does he have to stand here? What right does he have to speak like that? He has been reduced to a prisoner, and then...

The young man in white pursed his lips tightly, and said sharply: "He will be my lover soon, and he will marry me soon. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be alive now! You caused him to such a degree, I saved him , I have been by his side through hardships and hardships. What are you? What are you? I can’t question the relationship between you and him? Don’t be ridiculous! Xiao He! You are shameless, you are shameless, he You are about to have a partner, but you are still pestering him on the bed every night, are you dirty! Are you disgusting? Is it possible that as long as you can achieve your goal, your body can be with anyone... "

"Get out!" Xiao He interrupted him in a deep voice.

The young man in white couldn't hold back his anger: "Xiao He, why are you worthy of standing here? Do you really think that the whole world doesn't know about the dirty things you have done? You climbed into this bed and then climbed into that bed... Are you It's not that you can't live without a man, you and Fan Chen..."

"Li Liuyun." The door of the room opened wide suddenly, and a deep male voice came through the air.

The two people in the room looked over at the same time, and locked on the man standing by the door with one glance.

"Brother Shen..." Li Liuyun couldn't help calling out softly when he saw Fan Shen.

When Xiao He heard it, he felt it was extremely harsh!

Fan Shen didn't even look at Xiao He, striding forward, looked down at the young man in white: "I told you not to come here."

Li Liuyun bit her lip and said unwillingly, "But you haven't gone back for a long time."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction and complaints in the youth's voice, which was obviously the voice of someone with a very familiar relationship.

Xiao He looked at it coldly, although he knew it was just a dream, but he still wanted to be irritable.

Then, as if to appease the young man in white, Fan Shen's eyebrows softened slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Didn't we agree a long time ago? I will go back after dealing with the capital star."

Li Liuyun was still not very happy, he glanced at Xiao He out of the corner of his eye, and said completely deliberately: "You must not be fascinated by him, you must remember what kind of scum he is!"

Being scolded so openly, Xiao He really... wanted to give him two punches!

But Fan Shen actually followed his words and said, "Don't worry, I remember everything."

Xiao He couldn't listen anymore, so he simply turned and left.

Fuck show affection, wait for you to break up quickly!

After a good lunch, there was no way to continue. Xiao He was so angry that he wanted to tear down the house.

Alright, Fan Shen, it's all right for you to make up the past that you can't unravel, and you're going to find me a fiancé!

It's just a spiritual world, and you're still trying to empathize with me!

It's okay to empathize and not fall in love, since you like someone else, don't fuck me in bed!

What do you think of me as my young master? A tool for expressing sexual desire? A mistress who was adopted before marriage

Go Nima!

I am in a hurry and quit!

Xiao He's heart twitched in anger, he had never been so angry after experiencing three worlds.

Although in the last world, Yun Qing also tormented him, but at that time Xiao He lost his memory, he only thought that he couldn't get what he wanted, and he only knew sadness and sorrow all day long, how could he dare to be angry

But now Xiao He was so angry that his liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys ached.

Obviously he is the main wife, but now he has become the mistress... ah bah bah!

Go fuck the main room and fuck the mistress, I'm not one of them!

Xiao He coaxed in the kitchen for a long time before there was no sound from outside.

Fan Shen sent Li Liuyun away, and before leaving the house, Li Liuyun added again and again unwillingly: "Brother Shen, don't be soft-hearted, you should know, he is the best at acting! Now that the new emperor is missing and the empire has no leader, he did this! Everything is to appease you, he is afraid that you will directly seize power!"

Fan Shen's expression remained unchanged, he just nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

Li Liuyun couldn't understand him, but he really knew this man's devotion to the point that he envied him and hated him to death.

But after so many years, Li Liuyun has long since looked away, but he still can't help but care about him: "Brother Shen, I provoked him just now, I said I am your fiance, and that we are getting married."

Fan Shen frowned slightly.

Afraid that he would get angry, Li Liuyun hurriedly added: "I just want to expose his true colors! Let me tell you, Brother Shen, if he really has you in his heart, he will definitely be jealous when he finds out that you are getting married. will be angry."

Fan Shen frowned and said, "You don't have to be like this, it's impossible for him to have me in his heart."

Tasting the astringency of the man's calm words, Li Liuyun's heart seemed to be filled with bitter melon juice, and he could not follow the astringency, but he continued: "If what he has done in the past two months is really just to numb you, then he must I will pretend not to hear, and obey you as always... "

"Okay." Fan Shen didn't want to hear any more, "Go back, I know what to do."

Li Liuyun looked back three times worriedly, but he really couldn't help it. Some things can only be truly understood by himself.

In ten years, this man's life was worse than death several times, but even so, he never let go of this relationship.

Rather than procrastinating for a lifetime like this, it would be a good thing to take the opportunity to completely end it.

Li Liuyun sighed and finally left.

But Xiao He lost his temper, and after hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, he calmed down miraculously.

There is a feather for being angry!

This is Fan Shen's spiritual world, he can come to whatever he wants, it can't be taken seriously at all.

Then Li Liuyun is not a real person, it is useless for him to be jealous to the point of embarrassment!

After all, he came to heal Fan Shen.

Don't be cured if you fail to do it, it will make you even more depressed!

Calm down... calm down... Comrade Xiao He, please calm down!

The revolution has been largely successful, and seeing that the two months of getting along has become much more stable, if he loses his temper right now, if he loses his temper, most of his previous efforts will be in vain!

At that time, wouldn't it be nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket

The more Xiao He thought about it, the more he was right, and the more he pondered, the more reasonable he became.

Li Liuyun is a ball of wool! It's just an illusory mental fragment!

He is the one who wants to stay with Fan Shen forever, he is Fan Shen's lover!

As long as Fan Shen can be cured, it's nothing to be wronged a little bit!

Xiao He felt more and more that he understood righteousness, and couldn't help but want to give himself a thumbs up.

After thinking about it, Xiao He calmed down, looked at the half-done dishes on the kitchen surface, and simply rolled up his sleeves and continued to cook.

But when Fan Shen sent Li Liuyun away, he hesitated the moment he opened the door and entered the room.

Li Liuyun's expression was calm and unmoved when he heard Li Liuyun's words.

But in fact, it's all in my heart.

For two whole months, he was like drinking poisonous water mixed with honey. He knew that his internal organs would rot, but he was unwilling to lose the sweetness on the surface.

He is so gentle and well-behaved.

With him by his side, the empty and boundless nights became less lonely.

With him by his side, he even lived in this temporary residence with another warm feeling.

Fan Shen knew very well that Xiao He was acting.

But... he has been obsessed with his heart for ten years, and he has long been unable to tell whether he hates this person more or loves him more.

In short, no matter what it is, he can't let him go.

So while reminding himself to see the reality clearly, he was... quietly looking forward to it.

Maybe he will feel guilty, because of what happened back then.

Maybe he is making up for it, for what he did wrong, make up for it.

more maybe...

There are always countless reasons, and Fan Shen is always tempted by them, and seems to believe them all inadvertently.

Fan Shen entered the room, and what flashed in his mind was the scene of Xiao He turning around and leaving just now.

He is angry, very angry.

Did he misunderstand the relationship between him and Li Liuyun

Are you angry about this

Thinking of Li Liuyun's last two sentences in his mind, Fan Shen's eyes, as deep as ancient pools and deep springs, rippled slightly.

No matter how much I refuse, I still look forward to it...

Fan Shen walked into the room, took big strides, and entered the kitchen after a while.

Seeing the busy young people and the fragrant hot food, Fan Shen's beating heart fell to death.

— If he is angry and angry, it means he has you in his heart, which means he is jealous.

— But if he continues to obey and please you as if nothing happened, then...he is just acting.

from beginning to end.

It's all another scam.