Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 70


Xiao He sensed that there was someone behind him, and hurriedly took the hot dishes out of the pot. After putting them on a plate, he took off his apron, turned around and said, "It will be ready soon, wait a minute."

The voice was crisp and clear, as usual.

In fact, Xiao He spent a lot of effort to suppress his anger.

But Fan Shen had no way of knowing, he could only see what he saw, and it didn't matter what he saw, and then his heart sank to an unimaginable level.

The sourness spread in his chest, and the paper castle that he worked so hard to build on the ruins began to collapse again.

Don't think about it, really shouldn't think about it, it's a fact.

But after all, there is hope in my heart.

Unreconciled, unwilling, and unwilling, all turned into anger, hovering in the blood, condensing in the body, and finally gathered in the chest, completely filling the dead heart.

Xiao He didn't know anything. He pressed the button to let the food enter the restaurant first, and then looked up at Fan Shen: "Let's go, let's go to the restaurant."

His raised smile was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely making Fan Shen forget about it.

Brutally pushing him down on the kitchen counter, Fan Shen bit his fair neck with deep hatred.

Teeth, flesh, blood.

Xiao He suddenly opened his eyes wide, and accompanied by the severe pain was a strong smell of blood.

This... what's going on here

Xiao He struggled: "Fan... Fan Shen..."

But his whispering didn't have any effect at all, it would only keep annoying the man on him.

The kitchen counter was cold, Xiao He's clothes were directly torn, without any foreplay, without any comfort, he opened his legs, barged in at the most shameful, embarrassing and unbearable angle.

Such a posture will hurt anyone.

Xiao He groaned in pain. Moan out loud.

Fan Shen frowned in pain.

"Stop... stop..." Xiao He whispered with a trembling voice, "Don't be in such a hurry, don't..."

Although he didn't know why Fan Shen behaved like this, Xiao He knew that disobedience to him would only make things worse. Rather than both of them suffering, it's better to make some adjustments to alleviate the disaster.

But his tolerance, his acceptance, and his consideration for him all changed under this particular situation.

Fan Shen kept bumping, feeling as if he had hidden a piece of ice in his heart.

Xiao He, this is Xiao He.

This man who grew up in rich clothes and fine food, this man who was cared for by thousands of people, this man who stood at the top of the Galactic Empire and was admired by thousands of people.

When had he ever been treated like this? Why should he endure such humiliation? Why should he lay down his dignity like this...

He didn't have to, not at all.

But... He didn't resist.

why not

Fan Shen couldn't think of any other reason.

All I can think of is the most heart-wrenching.

Xiao He was going crazy.

The pain was going crazy, and the tossed was going crazy.

He was obedient to him, and he was trying his best to endure, but why did Fan Shen become more and more violent!

Rampage, not for joy, only for pain.

But love between men is difficult to enjoy, and pain has always been very easy.

Even though Xiao He was very used to accepting it, he still felt the pain of being torn apart by such arbitrariness.

Why is this happening!

Why do you want to do this!

It's obvious that he is being wronged, okay? It's obvious that he should be angry, but why is he so angry!

Xiao He couldn't figure it out, but he began to feel reconciled with the pain.

Why should you bully him like this!

Why do you want to torment him like this!

He loves him, but if he loves him, he deserves to suffer

Cure... Cure!

You don't have to be sick to mess around like this!

Xiao He has a good temper, but the rabbit will jump over the wall when he is anxious.

Xiao Rabbit said: The young master is angry!

He doesn't like to use force but it doesn't mean he can't use it!

Xiao He took a deep breath, and violently broke free from his arms.

"Fan Shen! You are enough!"

He stared at him, his eyes full of undisguised anger, burning brightly.

Fan Shen stood there, looking at him coldly.

He thought he would bear it to the end, but he would also be angry: "Can't bear it anymore? Can't pretend anymore?"

Hearing his cold voice, Xiao He frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Fan Shen sneered, his eyes were cold, and the corners of his lips slightly raised: "You know best, don't you? Xiao He, you really worked hard to please me. You can bear being abused, and it doesn't matter if you are insulted at home , even if I have a partner, even if I'm about to get married, you don't care, do you? That's right, why should you care? Anyway, you are confident, as long as you coax me like this, follow me, I will forgive you sooner or later, Sooner or later, I will walk into the net you set up. At that time, you only need to push me one more time, and I will fall into the bottomless abyss. And you, you can stand on it and laugh at my stupidity and my stupidity , Laugh at my self-indulgence!"

"Enough!" Xiao He broke out completely, "Fan Shen, you are enough! What happened before is my fault, I admit, I am sorry for you, and I will never forgive myself in my life, but this should not completely deny me. The present and the future! Being abused and insulted, I don’t care? I’m about to explode, I’m about to go crazy! But I don’t dare to be angry! You hate me so much, hate me so much, I managed to get you to be with me I get along peacefully, if I get angry, will you coax me? Will you forgive me? You will take the opportunity to drive me away, you will treat me more coldly! Why do I endure? Why do I Suppress your anger? I want to get along with you peacefully, I want to be with you, Fan Shen, I'm scared!"

As we talked, although I was full of anger, when I thought that Fan Shen really had a partner, when I thought that he was really going to get married, even though I knew that all this was a false world, I still couldn't help but despair, couldn't help being wronged , couldn't help but want to cry.

Crying is shameful, crying is useless, and crying to someone who only wants to hurt you will only lead to more humiliation.

But Xiao He couldn't stop, couldn't stop the tears, couldn't stop the suppressed emotions in his chest, and couldn't stop the words he wanted to confide.

"Fan Shen... I was the one who was sorry for you before, but I really like you and really want to be with you. I don't know what to say or do to make you believe me, but I... really love you."

Full of crying voices, full of tired and lost voices, the fragile young man leaning against the silver-white wall seemed to be about to collapse at any time.

Is this also fake

Is this also fake

If he can act like this...

Fan Shen's heart was twisted into a ball, he wanted to believe, he wanted to accept, but... if even this is just a play...

Just as he was hesitating, the tearful young man suddenly raised his head, his black eyes were full of determination and persistence.

"Fan Shen, if you have any scruples, then I'll throw everything away, okay?"

Fan Shen was taken aback suddenly.

However, Xiao He seemed to have found the key to unlock this deadlock.

He was a little excited and nervous, but what he said was categorical: "I don't want the status of Marshal, I give up the military command, I give up the family, I give up the entire empire!"

"Fan Shen... I don't want them all, but please trust me, okay?"

"Believe me," the young man's voice melted with warmth, "I really love you."