Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 73


"I thought you would never see me again."

A simple sentence made Xiao He's head buzz, and then it was like opening a secret box that had been sealed for a long time, and countless memories flooded out.

Xiao He knew that it was the memory stored in Guang's brain that had found the key, so as soon as it came out, he was shocked to a certain extent and felt a little dizzy, but fortunately he still remembered that Li Liuyun was by his side, for fear that Li Liuyun would take the opportunity to escape, Xiao He A dose of anesthetic was pushed at a critical moment, making him weak and unconscious.

After doing this action, Xiao He's entire brain was completely invaded by those chaotic and complicated memories.

Xiao He... Xiao He, the first marshal of the empire, was not as unbearable as Xiao He imagined.

He had indeed betrayed Fan Shen, but there were countless misunderstandings in it.

Fan Shen has a brother who is only one year older than him and has a very similar name, Fan Chen.

Different from Fan Shen's meticulous training from childhood to adulthood, Fan Chen was weak since he was a child, and he almost never appeared in front of people, and there were only a handful of people who had seen him.

It stands to reason that as princes, there shouldn't be such a differential treatment.

But... the gap between them is so large that it cannot be estimated.

The reason for this was that Fan Chen was weak and not easy to show his face, but in fact there was an unspeakable inside story.

Fan Shen's parents and husband are deeply affectionate and very affectionate.

But Fan Shen's father did something wrong, but maybe it wasn't his fault.

Fan Shen's mother was Xiao He's aunt, named Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing has a twin sister named Xiao Xue.

The two look exactly alike, and they both have a stately appearance, and no one can tell the difference when they urinate.

After growing up, the Xiao family chose the more stable and generous Xiao Qing when they married the royal family, and gave up Xiao Xue.

However, Xiao Xue has never been reconciled. She admires Fan Qing's imperial prestige and loves his heroic spirit. When Fan Qing was intoxicated, she wore Xiao Qing's clothes and slept with Fan Qing. Together.

Afterwards, she came to her senses, afraid of being questioned and accused, she ran away and hid the matter.

But Fan Qing was very drunk at the time, and he just thought it was a spring evening with his beloved wife, so he didn't think about it at all.

Ten months later, when Xiao Qing was eight months pregnant, Xiao Xue gave birth to a child first.

At that time, Xiao Xue was already married, so no one thought much about it, it was just that Xiao Xue and her husband had offspring.

At that time, Xiao Qing also went to visit her sister, looking at the baby in the swaddle, she only felt a little familiar between her eyebrows and eyes, but she didn't think much about it.

Until Xiao Qing gave birth to a child, and as the two children grew up, everyone inevitably found out.

Fan Shen's facial features resembled his father very much, but Xiao Xue's son looked exactly like Fan Shen.

If Fan Shen's appearance followed his mother's, it could be explained, after all, Xiao Qing and Xiao Xue are twin sisters.

But... Fan Shen didn't look like his mother, or it should be said that he didn't even have the slightest resemblance.

When the two children were one year old, they couldn't hide it at all. Xiao Xue cried and explained the whole story clearly, and Xiao Qing almost collapsed.

Xiao Xue's marriage broke down, and she was confined at home. Fan Qing also apologized to his wife in every possible way after learning about it, and was very annoyed.

Xiao Qing was angry at her sister's betrayal, but the deal was done, the child had already been born, she couldn't throw Fan Qing's blood outside.

So... Fan Chen regained his status as a prince, but from a child who was only one year old and two months old to over two years old.

It's just that as time passed, Xiao Qing couldn't let go of seeing the two children so similar.

Her beautiful marriage was ruined by her own sister, and she still couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart.

As a prince who also has the right to inherit, Xiao Qing inevitably thought too much.

Without Xiao Qing doing anything, Fan Qing, who felt guilty, took the initiative to imprison the illegitimate child.

That's why Fan Chen was weak and couldn't go out as an excuse.

Growing up under such circumstances, what kind of thoughts Fan Chen will have is unknown.

Then came a memory belonging to Xiao He himself.

Xiao He, who was raised as the pillar of the family since childhood, was not happy.

He lives to win glory for his family, and he lives to continue to live in glory.

Joining the army, killing enemies, and becoming a general were not what he wanted.

As long as the family needs it, he will do it.

Step by step like this, Xiao He has not had a single friend in his entire 20 years of life, and he regards loneliness as a normal state of life.

Until... he was handpicked by Emperor Fan Qing and became the prince's teacher.

Xiao He was a little jealous when he met Fan Shen just now.

This prince is also the pillar of the whole world, but His Majesty did not force him to learn anything, do what, or win anything.

Different from Xiao He's eccentricity, Fan Shen's enthusiasm is like summer sunshine, making it difficult for people to ignore him.

Xiao He has no friends, but with such a student, he obtains unparalleled satisfaction.

Fan Shen brought him happiness that he had never enjoyed in the past 27 years.

The company Fan Shen gave him was something he hadn't even dared to think about in the past 27 years.

Liberated from the burden and no longer chasing fame and fortune, Xiao He experienced the real life by Fan Shen's side.

Long-term love, Xiao He is a person who is extremely lacking in love. He regards Fan Shen as his student, his friend...but slowly he regards him as his only one.

So when his old illness relapsed and he was very fragile, Fan Shen treated him very well, and he magnified it to 100%.

The night is hazy, and the feelings begin.

In fact, I can't tell who took the initiative first, it can only be said that the love is deep, and it is natural.

They had a relationship, and it got out of hand.

Fan loves Xiao He deeply, but Xiao He is not like this.

The deeper the love, the stronger the love, not only will make people feel joy and satisfaction, but also anxiety and apprehension.

Xiao He was ten years older than Fan Shen. Fan Shen was only seventeen years old. He was still his student, but he... seduced him.

Will there be a stable relationship between a man and a man

Not to mention, Fan Shen will ascend to the throne of God in the future.

Between them... is there a future

These things might not even be thought about at Fan Shen's age, but Xiao He was tortured by them day and night.

Then Xiao He got scared.

He had the idea of running away, but he only showed it a little bit, and Fan Shen would chase him back, and capture him with a passion so hot that he wanted to burn everything.

Xiao He was afraid, but in the end he wasn't afraid anymore.

Since Fan Shen treated him like this, what else could he think about

He loves Fan Shen for the rest of his life.

If Fan Shen betrayed him... then he... then he...

Xiao He in the back didn't dare to think about it subconsciously, because even he himself couldn't estimate what he could do if that day came.

He only hoped that there would never be such a day.

But things went against his wishes, the more he was afraid, the more he wanted to avoid, the more hurriedly it rushed to his eyes.

Fan Shen finally got bored.

Fan Shen betrayed their feelings.

Fan Shen doesn't want him anymore...

I watched helplessly as the person I loved hugged another person, talked sweetly, swore to each other, and promised each other for life.

Xiao He only felt the blackness in front of his eyes, he couldn't see the way ahead, he couldn't tell the direction, and the feeling of heart-wrenching pain was the pain that he had never tasted under the hands of the most ferocious monsters after many battles.

Since it is destined not to go to the end, why promise so much to him.

Since she was doomed not to be with him, why didn't she let him go...

Xiao He stood there in a daze, looking at that handsome young man, at that sweet girl, seeing them embracing each other like a painting, seeing their sweetness as if it could dye the whole world.

He should leave, he should wake up, he should realize it.

But... not reconciled.

Xiao He is not reconciled!

He didn't have a single friend, he didn't feel a trace of warmth, he already regarded him as the most important person in his life.

But he... why did you treat him like this!

Xiao He's heart, how hot it was before, is now so cold, he couldn't believe it, couldn't accept it, strode out and broke into their world.

Then... Xiao He saw the uneasiness in Fan Shen's eyes.

disturbed? Why be uneasy.

Xiao He looked at him quietly, and what he said was as cold and quiet as usual: "Come with me, okay?"

"I didn't see anything, nothing happened, come back to me, okay?"

"Fan Shen, I know you're joking with me, but it's not funny at all. Let's go back, shall we?"

Xiao He has never been so humble in his life.

But if Fan Shen is willing to come back, he can really ignore all of this, don't care about what's going on in front of him, and don't even ask a little bit about it.

After all, Fan Shen is still young and easily impulsive at this age, he will tolerate him and forgive him, as long as he can come back to him.

As long as they can be like before, as long as he still loves him, then... He is willing to say such words that are close to giving up his dignity.

But... what Xiao He waited for was only the indifference of a young man.

"Xiao He, I'm tired of it. No matter what happens between men, it can't compare with that between men and women. You are very beautiful and good-looking, but you are a man after all. How can you compare with this girl who is as fresh and tender as a flower?"

"Xiao He... It's okay, I've been with you for so long, it's enough."

"There was no future between us. Don't you know it all? I want to understand now. I am indeed obsessed with you, but I just like your body. When I grow up, you will also grow old." Now, what else do you have then?"

Every word, every word is heartbreaking.

Xiao He stood there looking at him, familiar face, familiar voice, familiar breath, but absolutely unfamiliar words.

Tired... Enough... Old...

Is it just like this between them

Xiao He's heart almost stopped beating, but even so, he still didn't want to believe that he had been stepped into the mud.

"Fan Shen... are you angry with me? Can you tell me what I did wrong? I can change... I can..."

"... I love you, Fan Shen... I love you..."

"Love?" The boy's icy words were as cold as icicles, "Stop joking, you are not worthy of even a single strand of her hair!"

"I'm tired, tired of hugging a man, you know, sleeping with you now, I just feel extremely disgusted and disgusted!"

"Xiao He, stop wishful thinking, stay with me, do you deserve it?"