Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 74


After being insulted so bluntly, he is still the one he loves with all his heart.

Xiao He was disheartened and completely hopeless.

It was an extremely dark day, and Xiao He suddenly realized that his twenty-seven years were just a joke.

The former ones were all for Xiao Shi, but the latter ones, in just one year, he found the meaning of life and finally wanted to live for himself, but in the end he was crushed so ruthlessly.

No longer able to find the meaning of living, Xiao He thought of death several times.

If you die, you don't care about anything.

There will be no heartache, no despair, let alone look at the bright and clear sky as if under the haze and heavy rain.

Before experiencing warmth, Xiao He would not know what loneliness is.

But after tasting the temperature of two people, returning to one person again, the emptiness and loss are negative emotions that are enough to drive people crazy.

If Fan Chen hadn't appeared, Xiao He would probably have died directly.

But when he was most helpless, this fragile prince who was hidden behind others appeared.

He is also eighteen years old, but he is not as hot and sunny as his brother. He is like a plant growing in a dark corner, surrounded by an inaccessible shadow, indifferent, cold, and looks like Thorn, but in essence it is terrifyingly lonely.

Xiao He saw him, and at that moment he almost thought he saw himself.

The same is abandoned, the same is left behind, the same is ignored.

Fan Chen approached Xiao He, and he told him a lot about everything he had encountered since he could remember.

The masked teenager calmly spoke about his tragic experience in a low voice.

He hated Fan Shen, Fan Qing, and Xiao Qing even more.

He is an individual, he has no right to choose his birth, but they ruthlessly obliterated him because of his birth.

Not seeing the sun, not being popular, eighteen years old should be the age of a flower, but he is living like a withered tree.

Listening to what he said, Xiao He's heart that had sunk into dead silence was ablaze with raging anger.

"Who hurt your face?"

"I look like Fan Shen, so they ruined my face."

Fan Shen... Fan Shen...

Xiao He chewed these two words on his lips, his black eyes were completely lit up by the fire of revenge.

I love you so much... what have you given me

I see you as everything... and what do you see me as

Fan Shen, since you don't want me anymore, then... I will let you remember me, forever and ever!

A coup was born quietly and broke out overnight.

Xiao He supported Fan Chen, overthrew the existing regime, and made Prince Fan Shen, who was originally on the horizon, fall into the quagmire overnight.

Xiao He hated him, hated him to the bone.

He couldn't imagine that after treating him so unfeelingly, Fan Shen, who had lost all support, would come to him, still have the right to question him, and still keep saying that he loves him!

Xiao He loved this person so much before, but now he feels so disgusted.

When he was at the top, he easily discarded his feelings as playthings.

He begged him so humblely, but what about him... He called him wishful thinking, he called him disgusting and dirty, and he even told him that he didn't deserve it!

But now, he has nothing, he is no longer a prince, no one supports him anymore, and he has come up with those sweet words again.

Xiao He looked at him coldly, only feeling that his heart was so painful that it was numb.

Fan Shen, you have been so unfeeling and unyielding to me, why are you pretending to be heartbroken at this time

Fan Shen, you have already ruined everything about me, now I just let you taste one percent of the taste, why do you pretend to be so desperate and collapsed

Are you worthy... Fan Shen... are you worthy!

Xiao He said a lot of words to Fan Shen like this, many heart-wrenching words.

How Fan Shen treated him back then is how he repays it now.

He had already engraved those words on his bones and melted into his flesh and blood. When he lifted them out at this moment, he didn't feel a bit of joy, only a bloody pain.

But it's okay if it hurts, at least he's still alive.

At least... he didn't throw his life away for someone like him!

With Xiao He around, Fan Chen seized power very smoothly.

In a short time, the new emperor succeeded to the throne, Xiao He wanted to leave, but Fan Chen bestowed him with supreme honor.

Xiao He had long lost interest in these things, but now that he saw the position of Marshal, he suddenly stayed again.

It is impossible for him to believe in love again in this life.

He will be alone all his life.

That being the case, why did he go to that deserted place

Since they are all lonely, why doesn't he sit in that supreme position, overlooking everything in the world.

Without you, I can only live better.

This sentence alone allowed Xiao He to ascend to the position of first marshal.

In the subsequent memory, even looking back like this, Xiao He can feel the other party's frustration and haggard appearance.

Xiao He lost Fan Shen, but there was another Fan Chen by his side.

Although Fan Chen and Fan Shen are brothers, their personalities are very different.

Fan Chen may have a little inferiority complex because of his disfigured appearance, and never gets close to anyone except Xiao He.

He is not as enthusiastic as Fan Shen, not as sunny as Fan Shen, and even less aggressive like Fan Shen.

But Fan Chen is very quiet and composed, he is not like a teenager, he is even more reliable than many adults.

He has always been by Xiao He's side. When he was most helpless, when he was most desperate, when he was in despair, Fan Chen would silently give him a hand, and would accompany him in a silent way, knowing that he Come out by yourself.

Having been with each other for nearly ten years, Xiao He understood Fan Chen's feelings for him, but he really couldn't accept anyone anymore.

But fortunately, Fan Chen never forced him, he used his status as an emperor to accompany him consistently.

Xiao He saw all the human heart and flesh, and in the dead of night, he couldn't help but think, although they are a pair of brothers, why is there such a big difference between Fan Shen and Fan Chen

He and Fan Shen had only been together for one year, and Fan Shen got tired of him.

But he and Fan Chen stayed together for ten years, and he never even accepted him, but Fan Chen did not give up on him.

If... Xiao He couldn't help but think, if he had met Fan Chen first, his life would have been different.

But... It's useless to think about anything.

There is only one heart in Xiao He's chest, but it has withered and died at this moment.

If life goes on like this, there is nothing wrong with it.

But God never seems to let Xiao He go, after a despair, he will push him another disaster.

Fan Shen is back!

The prince of the empire who fell into the quagmire after a narrow escape has made a comeback!

After ten years, seeing Fan Shen again, Xiao He could only feel as if he had passed away.

He knew that Fan Shen hated him, after all, he was the one who pushed him to hell.

And he is not afraid at all, the two of them have already lost their love so far, and the only thing they can do is fight if they meet each other!

It was a dark battle, Xiao He's warship and Fan Shen's aggressive warship fought together, which should have been evenly matched, but because of a failed assassination, it completely collapsed.

The person who came to assassinate Xiao He was an old acquaintance, the attendant who served Fan Shen back then, Xiao He was not caught, so he caught him easily.

But the attendant opened his mouth full of curses: "Xiao He, you scum, you crazy lunatic, you treat Fan Shen like that, you treat a man who is so infatuated with you that he doesn't care about you, you are a complete and utter idiot!" Heartbroken."

Hearing such words, Xiao He only felt extremely absurd, betrayal? Is there anyone in this world who is more ungrateful than Fan Shen

He sneered unceremoniously, but the young man laughed loudly: "Come on! You can still find such an excuse? At that time, I was traveling with Prince Fan Shen and traveled across two galaxies How could he come back and embrace a little girl? Xiao He, if you want to find a reason, you can also find a more reliable one!"

Xiao He was taken aback suddenly, not knowing what he was talking about at all.

After that, the attendant just kept cursing and mocking, and refused to say a good word at all.

Xiao He's bodyguard couldn't bear to listen anymore, so he suppressed him.

Xiao He was in a daze. After so many years, he couldn't recall the details of that time at all.

But he couldn't be wrong, it was Fan Shen, definitely Fan Shen!


Maybe just lying to him.

Xiao He calmed down again in an instant, it was not surprising that he had caused him so much misery, and that he blamed all the crimes on him.

Xiao He took a deep breath, didn't think about it any more, and concentrated on the battle.

But soon, he discovered another secret.

In a war, even on a warship, the impact of the airflow is extremely terrifying.

Xiao He led Marshal No. 1, Fan Chen was worried and insisted on boarding the bridge with him.

Under the appalling impact of an antimatter photon wave, the entire bridge was shaken and alarmed, and the sky was turned upside down.

In desperation, Fan Chen protected Xiao He under his body.

Xiao He felt grateful, but when he raised his head, he was suddenly stunned.

The mask that has been used for ten years has long been familiar, but now it has slipped off.

An extremely handsome face was exposed, Xiao He glanced at it, and his blood flowed backwards.