Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 79


Xiao He looked at Qin Su without blinking.

Qin Su didn't make a sound, so he asked, "I want to know the reason."

The so-called treatment must be the right medicine, and Xiao He's request is not too much.

But Qin Su sighed lightly, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, if I knew the reason, I would have told you sooner."

Xiao He frowned, he was not surprised by the answer, but he was still a little disappointed.

All along, Qin Su has been very cooperative with his healing process. If he really knew, he might have said it himself before Xiao He brought it up.

But if even Qin Su didn't know, how could he understand

When Xiao He asked this question, Qin Su shook his head: "The young master doesn't like to be close to people, and no one has ever understood his thoughts."

When Xiao He heard this, he was really troubled.

How come there is a feeling that Fan Shen in reality may be more difficult than in the spiritual world...

But now is not the time to think about these things. Xiao He collected his thoughts and continued to look for clues: "It stands to reason that the split personality should be caused by some great mental stimulation... So, Qin Su, do you know Fan Shen's family background? Parents Like, childhood or something…”

Qin Su said to Xiao He without any reservations: "The Patriarch and Madam have a very good relationship. There is only one son, the Young Master, and he is also very fond of him. The family is very harmonious."

That's it... Xiao He heaved a sigh of relief as he listened, but then he was a little confused: "Then where are his parents..."

It's been two years now, if you really love your son, then you won't be hiding your face all the time...

Qin Su said slowly: "The head of the family and his wife passed away eight years ago."

Xiao He was startled suddenly, passed away

Could it be...

As if knowing what Xiao He was thinking, Qin Su continued: "The Patriarch and his wife died in a murder, and the young master avenged them six years ago."

Qin Su said it lightly, but Xiao He was a little confused.

murder? revenge

why does it sound so...

Forget it, now is not the time to worry about this, the focus is to think about Fan Shen's 'cause'.

"Hmm..." Xiao He continued to turn his head, "Is it possible that he took revenge and settled his mind, so he felt nothing..."

Having said that, Xiao He himself actually thought it was impossible.

And Qin Su simply said to him: "Do you think the young master is such a fragile person?"

Xiao He smiled wryly, "No."

Qin Su: "..."

Well... Xiao He sighed, and really couldn't think of any other reason.

In order to cooperate with him, Qin Su continued to talk a lot about Fan Shen's past experience.

From what Xiao He heard one by one, it was really impossible to judge any flaws in this perfect life.

Something would split his personality to the point where he doesn't even want to wake up.

Thinking of the last words Fan Shen said to him, Xiao He's heart felt a little prickly.

—Give up, don't go on.

He didn't want to wake up...he didn't want to really meet him...he...

Waves of sourness spread in his chest, but Xiao He couldn't let these emotions continue. He took a deep breath, regained his thoughts, and continued to think hard.

Suddenly, as if a flash of light had burst into his mind, Xiao He opened his mouth and asked a little nervously: "Qin Su, did Fan Shen have a lover before? Did Fan Shen like anyone? Was he... hurt by love? ?”

After asking this question, Xiao He almost held his breath. If Fan Shen really liked someone before, then he...

Immediately after that, like a chain reaction, Xiao He suddenly remembered what Qin Su said to him at that time: Please don't have too much affection for him.

If Fan Shen really had a lover before, then he... then what is he...

Xiao He was fooling around by himself, but Qin Su could only look at him with dead eyes.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you thinking? You are the most suitable person in this world for the young master. If there is another person that he can fall in love with, why should we bother to find you?"

The tone of Qin Su's words was not very polite, but Xiao He's heart was at ease.

What the hell, too much imagination!

"Mr. Xiao, don't worry, as far as I know, before he fell into a coma, the young master never liked anyone, let alone a lover."

Xiao He felt relieved, but then he felt a little embarrassed.

Speaking of it, it's really strange enough.

Fan Shen is such an excellent and outstanding person, why is he so suitable for him? If one insists on saying that the two have compatible personalities, in fact, there should be many people with his personality... Why must it be him

Xiao He himself was puzzled, but he couldn't ask.

I always feel that I will be ridiculed if I ask...

Keke, forget it.

No matter what his reason is, anyway, he will not let go if he is beaten to death now!

The two chatted for a long time without much clue.

In the end, Xiao He didn't ask any questions at all, and said directly: "Wait for me to explore slowly, and continue to the next world!"

Although the process of the last world was a bit tortuous and bumpy, and there were many accidents, the advantage was that the time was short, so it was good to proceed to the second world.

Qin Su was more worried about him: "You can take a rest."

Xiao He understands his concern, even though it takes a lot of time, the mental stimulation is not small because the process is more intense. If he starts the second world without taking a break, Qin Su is afraid that his mental burden will be greater.

Xiao He hesitated for a moment, went back to see his parents? It's okay to have an empty day.

Just thinking about this, Xiao He suddenly froze.

He had been staring at Fan Shen just now, and unexpectedly saw his fingers move.

Xiao He almost screamed excitedly: "Qin Su Qin Su! He moved! His fingers moved!"

Xiao He yelled like this, Qin Su got up instantly, and walked over.

The two of them stared at Fan Shen together for three or four minutes, but the man lying there didn't move at all.

Xiao He was a little disappointed and unwilling, he was very sure that he saw Fan Shen's finger move just now!

Qin Su's tone fluctuated a little more than usual: "Mr. Xiao, you watch here, I'll check the instrument."

Xiao He nodded and said, "Go!"

Qin Su got up and left, Xiao He continued to look at Fan Shen without blinking.

But... a full half an hour passed like this, and Fan Shen didn't move.

And Qin Su also turned back, he shook his head regretfully and said, "There is no difference."

Xiao He sighed lightly, but he was not discouraged.

He was very sure that he saw it just now, and since it moved, it meant that their healing was effective!

Even though Fan Shen didn't want to wake up, with Xiao He's continuous interference, he still changed greatly.

In this way, Xiao He became motivated again. As long as he can fully integrate his personality, even if Fan Shen doesn't want to wake up, he can only wake up!

Because of this little episode, Xiao He stopped thinking about going home, he just wanted to quickly enter the spiritual world and heal him quickly!

Without further delay, Xiao He said: "Qin Su, let's get started, I'm fine."

Xiao He asked again, and Qin Su nodded in response.

After the device was connected, Xiao He felt the familiar dizziness, and then he began to look forward to it silently.

Looking forward to the new world, and looking forward to seeing Fan Shen soon.

When his heart was surging, Xiao He opened his eyes.

Then... I was stunned!

I made a grass! I got a big grass!

What the hell is this! !

Xiao He looked at the sticky, hideous, and stinky mouth in front of him, and almost vomited.

What are you playing this time! What kind of monster is this!

Lao Tzu's strong heart is going to be scared to pieces, okay

Although the impact force was so great that Xiao He was about to collapse, but fortunately his body reacted spontaneously. Just when the ferocious giant mouth was about to close, Xiao He stepped back suddenly, the weapon in his hand was loaded, and a grain The bullet roared out, piercing through the monster's skull with precision.

Blood exploded out, accompanied by white brains and bursts of fishy smell.

Xiao He couldn't bear it any longer, his face was as white as paper, if it wasn't for the empty stomach in his body, he would have vomited all over the floor...

"More, more! It's a four-clawed tooth bug!"

Accompanied by this scream, a mass of black insect monsters came rumbling and jumping.

Xiao He killed a few bugs in a panic, turned his head, looked around, and took a rough look at the scene in front of him.

They're supposed to be an army, an army that's fighting a bunch of monsters.

It's just that the current situation is extremely bad. Many soldiers fell around, and most of the survivors were injured. Their faces, arms, and bodies were covered with blood. From the exclamations of those people, it could be heard that what they had Ammunition is running out.

But the number of enemies in front of him was so numerous that it was terrifying.

There is no possibility of victory in such a battle!

Xiao He gritted his teeth while shooting at the enemy.

Damn, do you want to kill him that much

Even if he dies, he can still come back, don't you understand, student Fan Shen!

Want to get rid of Young Master? It's not that easy!

Xiao He was very angry, and his morale increased even after killing the enemy.

After fighting like this for nearly an hour, there were fewer and fewer soldiers standing. A man who looked like a general shouted: "Hold on! Brothers! Hold on! Rescue troops are on the way and will be there soon." Arrived, we are about to be rescued, hold on! Brothers! I can win this time, and I will definitely apply to my superiors after I go back, and give you priority to fight for your own omega!"

The enthusiasm he said was intense, and Xiao He's heart was surging after listening to the first half of the sentence! Great, come to the rescue! But then he heard the second half... Omega? What the hell is this? Is it exciting to win one person with one watch? !

Xiao He didn't quite understand, but seeing the high morale of the soldiers around him, he had no choice but to do as the Romans did.

"Brothers, fight for our omega!"

Xiao He was also full of enthusiasm: "Brothers, fight for our watch!"