Entering a Split Personality

Chapter 86


It stands to reason that it is very easy for two alphas to chase one omega.

It's just that Fan Qing is too familiar with this mansion, after all, he hasn't gone out much by himself in more than ten years.

Does Fan Qing hate it? Probably on top of this hatred, there was more shock, shock and fear.

He wanted to escape, to stay away from these two people who were closest to him. Under such a thought, it was really not easy for people to find him when he ran out.

Fan Shen and Xiao He chased him far away, but they didn't see him.

Xiao He was also very worried, even though he knew that everything in front of him was false, but after all he had lived with Fan Qing for a period of time, how could he be ruthless? He regarded him as little Fan Shen, and when he thought of the danger he would encounter if he ran out alone, he felt very anxious.

And as his own elder brother, Fan Shen's eyes were full of annoyance and regret.

If anything happened to Fan Qing, it would be all his fault.

Fan Shen must have thought so, but Xiao He's heart skipped a beat after thinking about it.

He had a bad feeling.

Based on previous experience, he can clearly judge it.

This accident may seem like an accident, but it is definitely not an accident.

It was Fan Shen's will that dominated everything.

He couldn't alienate Xiao He and Fan Shen emotionally, he could only use external restrictions.

If something happened to Fan Qing, then Fan Shen would definitely blame himself and feel guilty. With this mentality, how could he accept Xiao He again

And in order to break them up, Fan Shen, who was hidden at the end, would definitely make something happen to Fan Qing.

After all, this is his world, he can freely control whatever he wants to happen, wants to happen, or can happen!

It was rare for Xiao He to be smart for a while, but he figured everything out, but he still felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

He might be able to prevent what happened this time, but what about next time, next time

As soon as he thought that it was Fan Shen himself who was really blocking him, Xiao He lost all energy in his body.

He couldn't find the root cause, couldn't find the crux of the matter, and he always felt that no matter how much he did, it would be useless.

Dazed along the way, until the communicator sounded, Fan Shen's introverted voice contained an undisguised anxiety: "What? Did you find it?"

It was a contact signal from a subordinate sent out to find someone.

Xiao He's ears were pricked up, and he hurried over to listen.

There was a noise coming from the communicator with the size of a button, followed by a male voice: "It's not good, Marshal, Master Qing will send it. It's time for love!"

In a word, it was like a thunderbolt hitting the apex of the hearts of the two of them.

Fan Shen quickly turned his head and looked at Xiao He.

Xiao He was stunned, his head was full of grass and mud horses roaring past, he was still thinking, how could he find it so easily, there is a trick to feelings!

At that moment, Xiao He really wanted to run away.

But he can't run, if he runs, he's finished!

Fan Shen frowned and asked, his voice was as cold as ice: "Where is he?"

"Alia Square."

Regardless of Fan Shen's mood, Xiao He gasped.

The busiest place in the entire Capital Star, the place with the densest population, and the place where alphas haunt the most!

There, an omega hair. Love, that is almost going to detonate a nuclear bomb!

Oops, too bad!

Although Xiao He has only just understood the setting of this world, he also knows how tense the current situation is.

Fan Qing is going to die, absolutely will!

in hair. It's hard for an omega in estrus to be rational, not to mention there are so many alphas there.

An omega that is marked in public will be ruined in this life.

Even if Fan Qing has a noble elder brother, even if Fan Qing has an extraordinary background, even if there are many.

One sinks into lust. Hope, the life of Omega possessed by countless alphas is also completely ruined.

Compared with death, such a disaster is more terrible.

Not to mention, Fan Qing was raised so purely, so simple, so clean...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, Xiao He couldn't care about Fan Shen's 'will' anymore, he had to stop it, he had to go.

After asking the direction, he ran away, and Fan Shen followed closely behind.

They had a goal, and under the urging of the aircraft, they arrived at the destination very quickly.

The overflowing aroma is wantonly in this wide square.

There were murmurs, noises, and competition among male breaths in the crowd.

Thankfully, so thankfully.

Because there were too many alphas, they fought with each other, which at least showed that Fan Qing was fine.

Xiao He was almost driven crazy by the strong breath, but fortunately, with this smell as a guide, it was easy for him to find Fan Qing.

Fan Shen dispatched troops, and the alphas who already had a partner trembled slightly when they were seduced by the deadly smell, but they had inhibitors in their bodies, so they could easily maintain their sanity.

With the soldiers suppressing him, Xiao He's path to find Fan Qing was much smoother. It didn't take long before he saw the trembling boy.

A heartache rose in his chest, Xiao He couldn't help but whispered: "Xiaoqing..."

Hearing the familiar voice, Fan Qing raised her head, her beautiful face was flushed, and her light blue eyes were even overflowing with water color.

He saw the person coming, his heart trembled slightly, and his voice was extremely soft: "Brother Xiao He."

With soft whispers, Xiao He was in a daze.

He hurried forward and hugged Fan Qing.

At this moment, Fan Shen appeared behind them. Because he had taken an inhibitor, his black eyes were calm and calm. Looking at the two people embracing each other, there was no disturbance at all, and he just whispered: "Come with me, you have already Engagement, the ceremony can be held."

Xiao He's brain was a little dizzy, and he still didn't understand what he said.

The aircraft had already landed, and he walked in with Fan Qing in his arms. The boy in his arms was already humming softly.

The voice is seductive, the breath is intoxicating, and what rushes to the tip of the heart is a strong desire that is difficult to calm down. see.

Xiao He really wanted to bow his head and kiss him, but the last trace of consciousness in his mind kept stimulating him.

Can't kiss, you can't kiss him, he looks like Fan Shen, but he is not Fan Shen.

You love Fan Shen, so...don't betray him.

Xiao He's body and mind were constantly struggling, and he didn't wake up until they got out of the car and were pushed into a room.

Unable to stop Fan Qing's groping hands at all, he grabbed Fan Shen's sleeve suddenly: "Don't...don't do this."

Because of the excessive stimulation, Xiao He's voice was much hoarse than usual: "Fan Shen, don't leave me."

Fan Shen looked at him calmly, his eyes as black as a bottomless abyss, without emotion, emotion, ups and downs, or light. His voice was rigid, as stiff as a stone: "Xiao He, don't think too much. Get along well with Xiaoqing, after today, you will only belong to each other."

He said so lightly, but Xiao He only felt a strong sense of loss: "But... I like you."

He had no scruples, and his straightforward confession made Fan Shen lower his eyes: "It was just a momentary confusion. When you have your own omega, you will understand what liking is."

"No!" Xiao He's head was a little dizzy, and he couldn't express his thoughts.

And Fan Shen was still comforting him: "Don't worry, it's okay, Xiaoqing will forgive you, and I will never appear in front of you again, you will live happily, have your own children, and have your own children." Each other's family will be loving and loving for a lifetime. Believe me... this will be your future, a beautiful future."

Fan Shen outlined a beautiful blueprint with a hoarse and gentle voice, a beautiful blueprint without him.

Xiao He only felt it was extremely ear-piercing, and he shouted loudly: "No! Fan Shen, you don't understand! Without you... I..."

Before he could say the last sentence, he was kissed by Fan Qing impatiently, completely blocking him back.

Affection. The taste of desire was too provocative, Xiao He's thoughts were confused, and he didn't push it away immediately.

And Fan Qing had already ripped off his clothes, seeing the two people who could no longer hold back, Fan Shen's eyes darkened, her thin lips were tightly pressed, she backed out, closed the door, and leaned her back against the hard wall.

This is destiny.

No one can stop it.

Xiao He, who was in the room, was already in a state of confusion.

He couldn't tell who the person in front of him was, they just touched each other, comforted each other, and demanded impatiently.

Physiological hormones are powerful enough to destroy a person's spirit.

Xiao He couldn't suppress it, and Fan Qing couldn't bear it to the limit.

At the last moment, when Fan Qing was lying on the side of the bed, pleading softly, Xiao He suddenly woke up.

Like a stream of clear water hitting his chest from his mind, Xiao He's whole body became cold and stiff.

What is he doing... what the hell is he doing!

If it goes on like this, it really cannot be undone.

He He…

Xiao He didn't dare to think too much, and covered Fan Qing with a quilt, and he was about to run out the door after getting dressed.

He didn't get what he wanted, and the boy's voice was mixed with tears: "Don't go, brother Xiao He, don't go, please, please give me..."

The picture is moving and the sound is bewitching. This is a picture that no man can resist.

But Xiao He was completely calm.

He turned his head away and said in a low voice: "I can't afford to lose, Xiaoqing, you are a good boy, you should have a better partner, I'm sorry."

After saying this, he opened the door and went out, but for Fan Qing's safety, he still called the medical staff before chasing him out.

He was going to find Fan Shen, and find him before he hid.

Xiao He ran out, searched around like a headless chicken, and flew straight to the previous Alia Square, but he didn't see any trace of Fan Shen.

Originally, he was extremely anxious, but now that the wind blows, he calmed down.

Xiao He looked at the bustling square and suddenly thought about it.

This is Fan Shen's world.

Fan Shen wanted him to be an alpha, so Xiao He was an alpha.

But what if he was an omega!

Fan Shen's will can dominate the world, but Fan Shen's mental fragments can also dominate.

He can induce him, he can deceive him, so that he can change the status quo.

And defeating Fan Shen's will and waking up Fan Shen's mental fragments is what he really wants to do.

In the blink of an eye, an idea formed in the bottom of my heart.

Xiao He took out the communicator without hesitation, and sent a voice message to Fan Shen: "Fan Shen, I am not an alpha, I am a hidden omega, and I am in Alia Square..."

After sending it, Xiao He said the second sentence immediately: "Come and find me, hurry up, otherwise...the people here...anyone can satisfy me."